
Hello out there :)

Primarily looking to role play but I do still love to chat when a role play is not taking up most of my attention. Also have had some fun in one of the rooms captioning pics or gifs so that can be fun and sometimes can even lead to a fun role play :)

I would hope everyone feels free to message me if they are wanting to role play as its always fun and refreshing to find new partners.

Very rarely do I enjoy a quick like jump straight to sex scene as the arousal of the buildup is what really gets me going and can lead to quite a bit of excitement as we build the story.

Anyways, I have made this maybe too long at this point but I am very open to discussing different themes/ideas and maybe something will work for both of us.

Always open to ideas so please don't think I will only play

Anyways if you are bored and likely aroused ... feel free to shoot me a msg :)



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