
Stories by Prospector

Magical tickets allow Internet lovers to meet.

2.89 10.4k 1 1

Another visit to the Nursing Home.

by Prospector
Mature 08/29/2003
H 4.53 147.7k 30 32

Man meets lonely widow in nursing home.

by Prospector
Mature 05/09/2003
H 4.53 276.8k 49 65

I thought she was gay.

H 4.55 36.8k 3 4

You and a cyber-friend attend a seminar.

4 10.5k

Client and Vendor meet at a conference

4.38 22.8k 1 2

Secretary gets pointers from the Tech Guy.

4.38 27.1k 2 4

Vacationing man finds friend on tour bus.

H 4.56 30.5k 5 9