
Stories by SthrnBelle

The lord wants his bath.

3.68 19.6k 4 1 11

Tonight is no ordinary night.

4 19.7k 2

While you are in the shower...

4 8.5k

A couple making love for the first time.

4.26 18.5k 1 2

Couple is finally able to let loose.

4.71 13.3k 4 4

21.7k 1 4 1


Internet lovers meet for the first time.

4.47 14.8k 1 4 1


They hadn't a chance to meet, until now.

4.57 6.8k

A trip to the video store turns into a night of passion.

4.32 22.7k 1 4

An afternoon sunbathing in the back yard gives you much delight.

4.49 25.9k 3 3 4