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basherk139's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Annabelle is swept into bed by a sexy vampire.

4.24 14.4k 10 2 11

A girl offers herself to the Vampire King.

by Ygraine
NonHuman 07/03/2003
H 4.5 77.6k 72 8 84

Working woman helps a stranger.

by hotclady
NonHuman 04/28/2002
4.18 28.4k 7 7

The life and times of a vampire college student.

2.79 26.7k 3 3 7

Santa meets his match in the form of a sexy vampire hunter.

H 4.66 27k 42 6 52

Santa brings girl Christmas Cheer.

4.12 33.1k 12 1 15