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cyarika76's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Well-endowed victim seeks revenge.

H 4.8 444.9k 1.2k 95 1.4k

Doris loses control from under 12 years of repression.

H 4.67 17.2k 2 4 5

A trip to the mall for some shopping of a different kind.

H 4.69 23.8k 4 2 9

The suspension of disbelief.

H 4.7 22.7k 11 6 17

Prologue: an involuntary intervention.

4.38 27.4k 24 4 33

Lindsey brings booze.

H 4.83 125.7k 215 197 235

Dawn gets a job.

H 4.85 152.9k 97 26 108

George comes home to a difficult situation.

H 4.79 104.5k 77 18 87

Dawn's first adventure into the big unknown.

H 4.79 112.4k 88 17 99

Dawn helps George love himself.

H 4.76 111.2k 85 13 99

George gives Dawn a gift; she returns the favor.

H 4.79 134.2k 98 14 114

Dawn is real - now what?

H 4.79 137.1k 113 24 126

George has an amazing dream, or does he?

H 4.78 176k 200 21 241

A young man finds a mysterious object.

H 4.61 281.7k 527 23 680