
Thank you very much to take some of your precious time to take a look on my profile and try to get to know me better. I believe my info here might help you decide if you want to contact me or not. Life could always be easier on Lit if more people had profiles and read other’s profiles.
If that is your first time visiting my profile page or talking to me, please skip the disclaimers and go to the fun part.
If we chatted/played before and by whatever reasons you do not want to talk/play with me again, just be upfront and say it. We are not kids and they can't chat/play here, we are all grown-ups here, I can take the truth much better than being stalled as in "wait... I have a phone call from: work/daughter/son/mon/whomever or promise me to talk to me later if you know you will never do it. Thanks and yes I'm not bitter nor am I taking "bitchy pills", I'm just a seasoned lesbian here.

Please mark my words “I’m NOT here for instant gratification”. I’m looking for intimacy rather than that. I can’t say I never had it before, but specially with people I know and trust, but never with someone else who never talked to me before and is just interested in having it once and discard me after that. If that is your idea, please save your time and mine and do not private me, I guarantee you nothing will happen.
I'm Delainy, but I don't know what happened and I could not come back and had to create another name, but I'm the same old Delainy from a long time ago here!
I'm lesbian, single, working with marketing. I'm romantic, with a good sense of humor, I'm creative and very passionate, so I've been told here many times about my creativity and my passion.
If you want to chat, please by all means, let’s do it, but let’s really chat, if you're busy elsewhere and can't keep up with a conversation online let’s do it some other time.
It will really not be OK if I write three lines and after 3 minutes you write back just OK, not just once but as a pattern of chatting. I'm really not into "free loaders" in chat.

being a lesbian I think it would not be necessary to stress that I'm not interested to chat with men.

Please get in touch and let's get to know each other better if till now you got interested in what you learned about me.

I'm a romantic lesbian and usually I'm looking for mutual seduction roleplay scenes but open enough to be persuaded to try other scenes.
My sex life these days entails regular threesomes with me, myself, and I. (reprinted by permission of annie_k ).

PS: do you need to create/update your profile? Here is the link.

Please do it! It helps us understand you better.


The nature of the site is that people come and go through their temporary lives in Lit. Some are like Asteroids, they show up one time, sometimes they get so close to you that they scorch your soul but Asteroids keep their pace and never return. Some people are like Comets they have intricated orbits that not even the best mathematician in the world could calculate them, but they do return and they orbit around you and when they are around you if you look at the sky you see the beauty of their presence. Others are more like Satellites. They really orbit around you and you around them. Those are the ones I call friends. Some are in Lagrangian Points (do google it if you don’t know what it is, this fable is already too long for such kind of explanation here). My #1 and closer orbiter is my girlfriend, she orbits around me and I around her in synchrony always facing to the other #1 orbits L1 the closest point of static orbit around me. My special friend #2 orbits a bit farther away in L2, but still facing me also in static orbit. I’m fortunate to have Satellites orbiting me. That 3 points celestial mechanics dance we perform keep me in balance. Each of the 2 Satellites have gravitational pull on me in so many different ways but the total attraction equals zero and we will keep happily dancing till a cataclysmic event expels one or both of the Satellites off their Lagrangian orbits and they will follow their way through the Universe alone for some time till they find another celestial body to orbit. I will remain static and subjected to the laws of celestial mechanics interacting with, Asteroids, Comets and if I’m happy enough again another Satellite could show up and orbit around me and I around her.



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Travelling, Reading, Riding My Bicycle, Going To The Movies



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