xgdrhb's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Daddy lets the neighbours have some fun.

4.36 475k 349 37 449

Daddy and daughter, poolside.

4.37 510.2k 351 18 425

Daddy takes his little girl to see Santa.

4.37 603.5k 373 26 465

Daddy and daughter ride the subway.

4.32 680.4k 408 16 514

Daddy and daughter in a close call.

4.44 808.1k 535 26 665

Daddy takes his girl to the mall.

4.38 1.06M 601 18 728

Horny daddy realizes his little girl is now a woman.

4.06 3.49M 2.2k 152 2.8k

Susan turns to her brother after parents' deaths.

4.28 151.7k 161 9 196