All Comments on 'I am NOT a fairy'

by Willow Rain

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KOLKOREKOLKOREover 16 years ago
NOT your standard muse!

This muse should be publicly denounced and privatly adored, explicitly condemned but between the lines admired.

As far as influence I was reminded of Dr. Seuss, a big honor in my book.

LeBrozLeBrozover 16 years ago

I was having fun with this one till your muse violated my M&M's! Don't nobody mess with my M&M's, the second best thing to melt in my mouth.

vrosej10vrosej10over 15 years ago
The muse from hell!

I think this muse has been haunting me. I wish it would leave...Seriously though, I am not usually a fan of long poems, but I like this one.

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