All Comments on 'Seven Meals'

by quietpoet

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My Erotic TaleMy Erotic Taleabout 19 years ago
interesting write

I think our community just dropped from 8 dollar blow jobs to five dollar BJ and the working girls go, ooo ooo oooooo

dove sounds like she slurpin <grin> I laughed and yes a few serious lines touched home <grin> nice write QP

cymrycymryabout 19 years ago
I liked it

Thank you.

sweet GA peachessweet GA peachesalmost 19 years ago
I see YOU ...

bound and determined

to run the well dry

of all ink,

with passion and furry

to an utter bliss,

of mind searching


from closed doors, shut.

WRITE.. until the well DRIES,


nice job QP!


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