2015 - Kiss Me, You Fool


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"Unless there's something else, allow me to invite you to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. Ryanna and Julia are off for a bike ride with Ann and Anne-Marie and some friends from the town. They should be back toward the end of the afternoon. Sylvie is in her office so she might as well be on another planet. So it's only Patricia, Jade and I with the munchkins. If you want to take a 'nap' at some point, there are some guest rooms."

"We wouldn't want to impose..." Abigail began only to be interrupted by Karlie.

"Trust me, it's no imposition. We like to have friends visit. Most of the time, this place is packed with people and kids running around. You're actually lucky to be here on a quiet day. So, stay and enjoy the peace. It won't last, I assure you."

Later, Karlie sat with Stéphanie as they watched the other women play a fierce game of tag with the children. She had managed to find bikinis that fit everyone except Stéphanie's powerful torso, so she was wearing a t-shirt which Danielle had enthusiastically cropped just below her breasts and made sleeveless.

"Did you talk to Addison and your sister this week?" She asked. "Ann met with them before they left and she said they mentioned you being AWOL."

"That's Addy for you." Steph laughed. "While Dani and Lei were at work, we were rounding up clients for the warehouse. We have a lot of work ahead of us. In a way, I'm glad Addy and Joce aren't ready to start operations just yet. That will give us more time to get set up so we're operating at full speed when they are. We have three clients already signed to occupy the space the company won't need for a couple of years. In fact, that's why Leila mentioned a trucking company. We met some people who expressed interest in a logistics business which could also offer warehousing."

Karlie was listening carefully, already looking ahead, so she was ready for Stéphanie's next words.

"As you know, when we started this venture, Ann and Jean had us separate the retail/wholesale company from the warehousing company. Originally, we meant only to work for them while managing the extra space in the warehouses to maximize their value, but, now that we have some people sending feelers our way, we're thinking we might as well make our own place in that market."

"And you would be looking for a partner with the capital to back you up for the infrastructure."

Steph nodded to the USB key Karlie was rolling between her fingers. "There's an outline of our business plan on this too. If you could take a look and discuss it with your wives, we'd appreciate it. Don't get me wrong, we're going to do it anyway just because we can and we feel like it. This way would simply be faster for us."

"I don't doubt it for a moment." Karlie smiled. "In fact, Ann predicted it from the moment she met you. You should talk to her about it later and visit Jean at her place tomorrow. You won't need a bathing suit, by the way. Her backyard is completely private."

"We're still working on our girls." Stéphanie laughed, her eyes on Danielle as she tussled on the ground with Jaylie. "They're not exhibitionists like we are, but they're not adverse to some adventures."

Karlie put her hand on her arm. "I'm so happy for the four of you. I wish you all a long and happy life."

Jean was greeting the four women at the front door when she smiled happily and stepped to the side, just in time for Kayla to rush to hug Danielle and Leila.

"Ooooh! I'm so glad to see you." She squealed between kisses. "When I heard that Steph and Abi were bringing guests, I never imagined... This is great!"

Without a thought for the others, she slipped her arms around their waists and guided them to the bedroom so they could undress.

"Kayla says you are very lucky. It seems they are great friends from the Prism." Jean told her friends as they watched them walk away, giggling at some comment from Leila. "That's Montreal's hottest alternative lifestyle club. I met Kayla there a couple of years ago."

"We know we are lucky." Abigail grinned. "Things could have gone very differently. The first time we met them, Stéphanie threw a tantrum and we almost left."

"That's not what happened and you know it." Steph pouted before turning to Jean. "What she doesn't say is that we really dragged our feet hoping for exactly what happened. These wonderful women showed us their mettle and made it impossible for us to leave, then... something happened."

"What was it?" Jean asked.

"We don't know." Abi sighed. "That's the point, and neither do they."

"It doesn't matter really." Steph beamed as they shared a gaze. "Things worked out for the best and now we're together."

Jean watched them reach for each other and hold hands. She had seen this before. She wondered what form it had taken for them.

The women looked at Jean and Carole when they started laughing for no apparent reason. They figured Kayla must have 'said' something funny. When they asked, their laughter redoubled.

When they managed to get it under some control, they explained that Kayla had taken off the bottom of her bathing suit since she knew her friends wouldn't freak out. This was the first time they had seen a penis up close in real life, so Dani and Lei were curious. Of course, Kayla told them to examine it closely and even to touch it. Which they did with the predictable result that she had gotten hard. At first, they were fascinated, but when Kayla wanted to come out, they refused, ashamed of being the cause of her arousal. Nothing she says will make them change their minds.

"There's only one solution." Jean said. "We'll all go in and you two reassure your wives while we take care of Kay's situation."

"We don't mind, but I don't know if they'll want to watch you make love. They are very reserved with most people." Abigail said.

"Kay says that part of the problem is that they're very turned on too." Carole told her. "That's why they're ashamed. So she suggested they take care of things together. That's what set them off crying."

Steph and Abi looked at each other and nodded. "So that's what it was." Steph said. "We need to go to them." Without waiting, they got up and walked to the house.

"You don't think they 'talk' like us?" Carole asked Jean as they followed.

"No true words and concepts, I'm sure, but it's obvious they are communicating in some way. This could be the opportunity for Tia to observe them."

"I know, but I don't want to scare them off."

"I'm sure Steph and Abi can calm them and we usually manage to disengage relatively quickly when we have to if Mia is not here."

"Oh! It's you!" Carole exclaimed when she saw the women in their friends' arms. There were tears in her eyes as she stood before them with open arms.

After their wives gave them a last squeeze and an encouraging nod, Danielle and Leila timidly went to Carole. Soon, they were all laughing and crying together. As one, they turned and walked out of the room, Carole between the taller women, a hand on their asses.

"That was strange." Steph said as she watched the usually shy women let a stranger grope them.

"How long have you been together?" Steph asked.

"Depending how you look at it, either one week or two and a half." Abi told her.

"That can't be it then..." Jean trailed off.

"What?" Abi wanted to know.

"Right after the holidays, I was at the office, in a meeting with the CEO and Barbara, when my assistant barged in. You have to understand that nobody does that and I still don't know how she got past Julian, her assistant and guard dog. She said Carole needed me to get Kayla and come back home. I ran out of there without another thought. She already had the executive express lift waiting. Another thing I don't know how she managed."

"And I was setting up for a neo-natal class. It was lucky I had someone to take over or I would have cancelled." Kayla went on. "She drove like a maniac. She's lucky to still have a driver's licence. When we arrived here, Carole was pacing on the porch, nearly naked. As soon as we were in the house, she ripped my clothes off and pushed our strap-on in Jean's hands. She almost threw me on the floor right in the living room and got on top of me. In a sixty-nine, her ass in the air, she ordered me to suck her clit and Jean to fuck her as hard as she could."

"You have to understand that it's something we do often." Jean explained. "That or she will lower herself on Kay while I take her in the ass. It's the way we feel closest when we make love. But that time, she was in a frenzy, as if she had been at a peak of excitement, just at the edge of orgasms even before she called Nancy. She deep-throated Kay and nearly broke her nose as she humped her mouth and against me. I don't how long or how often she climaxed before she even slowed down."

"After I came in her mouth, she fingered me and kept me hard." Kayla remembered dreamily. "I had the best double-orgasm ever... When she came down a little. She pulled us to her studio and had us meld with her so Tia could paint. We don't really know how long she was at it because when we emerged, we were all exhausted and just managed to stumble to bed."

"She never showed us the painting, but it's not the first time, so we didn't think it particular." Jean said. "She couldn't tell us what that was all about, though, and that was new. She blacked out at some point. It must have been around 9:00am. She came to in the studio, looking at the painting, knowing it wasn't ready to be shown if that means anything."

Stéphanie and Abigail looked at each other and smiled.

"You remember we told you something happened the first time we met them?" Steph asked. "Well, that was Monday after Canada Day at 9:00am. I remember thinking they were very prompt and that it was a good sign, then things went sideways for a while before the situation righted itself. Last week, we learned that we all..." She trailed off and reached for Abi's hand, both glassy eyed.

Jean and Kayla smiled widely, both having gotten the same message in their own way. They went to their friends and took them in their arms. Kissing them gently, they guided them on how to bridge their inner selves, sharing their wives' pleasure, and the real world where they could have their own.

Still holding hands, Steph and Abi returned the kisses, deepening them. This was the first time they were intimate with their friends away from their cabin and it had been the furthest thing from their mind when they came over. The shock at the discovery of the depth of the connection they had with Danielle and Leila was still too new for them to think of others, even in fantasy. They were still adjusting to their intense love.

They could feel Carole's nipples in their mouths as they twirled their tongues in their lover's mouths. They moaned deeply when fingers entered them at both sides of their minds. Their knees buckled when their four clits were strummed simultaneously and they were gently guided to lay down by strong arms.

Steph and Abi were kissing passionately, kneading each other's breasts, the way they had done in their mother's houses for so many years before they even dared touch each other's pussy. The mouths sucking at their clits and the fingers invading their vaginas so deliciously in a four-time rhythm had them riding a giant wave of pleasure with no end in sight as if they were in the middle of a sea of intense sensations.

As they now knew to, they reached for that last element they needed so desperately. When they couldn't make contact as usual, they reached.

Jean and Kayla knew they had their friends on the edge, but they weren't prepared for the wave of feelings which engulfed them and they were helpless to control their bodies as a massive orgasm surprised them. As they shook and cried out, they felt Carole take them in her psychic arms and hold them through the paroxysm to reassure them that everything was fine and that she loved them.

By the time, they came back to their senses, they were in Carole's flesh and bone arms and she was crying her heart out to them, desperate for their reassurance that they were all right.

'We're fine, Baby Girl, but what was that?'

'Yes, dear, we're okay.'

'Ooooh! I was so worried. Dani and Lei told me not to, but your thoughts were so jumbled for a while and I swear I heard Tia laughing. I didn't know what was happening.'

'You heard Tia? But we weren't touching.'

'In a way, I think we were, love.'

'Do you mean through them? Is that even possible?'

'The proof is in the pudding, as they say. Remember what happened before when they got turned on. Steph and Abi felt something and they had to go to them. What if they link when they make love?'

'From a distance?'

'What other explanation is there?'

Just then, the phone rang. Jean reached for it. It was Anne-Marie and she was screaming at her.

"Don't you answer your phone anymore? What happened? Is everything okay? Well, tell me!"

"We didn't hear the damn thing. We were a little busy earlier." Jean grinned as she looked at the four women holding each other, cooing soft words of love, gazes locked.

"You crazy oversexed wild women! The instruments at the laboratory linked to those in your house slammed in the red. When they called Ryanna they told her the one in your bedroom. Then we couldn't reach you, so we jumped in the car and we're on our way. We had to threaten Ann to tie her up in the trunk so she'd slow down at least to 115. Now I understand how she beat everybody in the office at Grand Theft Auto. If you say you're fine, maybe we'll get there in one piece."

"Calm down, honey. Everyone is okay. Well... Yeah, we're fine. We'll explain as well as we can when you get here. Can you stop somewhere on the way? We stocked up for seven, not eleven."

"They're are all listening with me. Ryanna's the one telling Ann to step on it now. She says she'll order pizza if she has to. I have to go or she's going to jump out of the car and outrace us there."

"Tell them all to take it easy. We'll wait for you by the pool."

"If the water doesn't turn to steam." Anne-Marie laughed.

Surprisingly to Tia's parts, the four women took the experience in stride. Once they had communed in their unique way after they made love, they opened their arms to their new lovers and made them welcome in their life.

Once everyone was settled, Carole brought them to her studio.

"Jean already told you I made this painting the day you met and under which circumstances." She told them as she brought it out. "At the time, I didn't understand where the idea came from."

Four naked women sat on a bench, holding hands. On the outside, Stéphanie and Abigail faced forward, their faces clearly showing their Joy. Between them, two women were facing the glorious rising sun in the background. Everyone could recognize Danielle and Leila from their skin tones, hair colors and trim bodies, but the determining touches were the colorful birds-of-paradise tattooed on their shoulder blades, heads turned to each other.

The four women were teary-eyed as they held hands before the painting.

Danielle and Leila went to Carole and took her in their arms.

"When she showed this to us earlier, she was radiating such... Love, I guess, but it was so much more, and we were irresistibly drawn to her." Danielle said as both blushed. "We hope you aren't angry with us."

Stéphanie and Abigail were beaming when they joined them. "Of course we aren't, love. We could never fault you for trusting your emotions."

They held Carole within the blanket of their love for a long moment, then turned back to the painting.

"How is this possible?" Abigail asked, awed anew. "We didn't know you. We barely knew each other, in fact."

"I don't know." Carole told them honestly. "I get feelings, images. Most often, they are based on situations I've seen or been involved with or on people I know or have met. Sometimes, though, they come out of the blue. I usually find out their origin at a later date, but there are still a few I have no idea where they came from."

Kayla squeezed her shoulder. "She's a Sensitive, you see. It's her Talent. That's something we'll have to talk about over time. Many of the people we associate with have parapsychic talents."

"Like your 'family thing' where you become Tia?" Abigail asked.

"That's one example." Kayla said. "Ryanna and Julia are powerful empaths, Anne-Marie is a catalyst and she has a symbiotic relationship with Ann. She amplifies her incredible intellect. Ryanna is a scientist who has made it her life's work to study us all."

"Does this have anything to do with the small instruments around this house?" Steph asked.

"Yes." Kayla answered. "We hope you don't mind. If you do, we'll turn them off."

The four women looked at each other for a moment.

"They're only to measure parapsychic emanations?" Abi asked. At Kayla's nod, she went on. "We don't mind at all. It doesn't concern us, after all."

'Should we tell them?'

'It can't hurt, but let's leave it to Ryanna and Ann to explain things to them.'

Carole and Kayla went to them and held their hands.

"It does, dear ones." Carole told them. "We'll let those who understand these things explain them to you. For the moment, all we can tell you is that the four of you have unique Talents. As far as we know, they manifest when you're together."

"Don't fret too much about it." Kayla said softly as she felt them tense. "It's nothing negative. Quite the opposite. You make a better team for it. It's different for each of our families. In Ann's family, they are two teams who came together in the genesis a unique entity. We center on Carole and are better for it. You four are close in a whole different way. You could say we are all part of things greater than the sum of their parts."

"We know we don't make much sense. That's why we ask that you wait for Ryanna and Ann to explain it to you." Carole said.

Her gift to them of the painting went a long way toward alleviating their unease at her revelations.

"There's no other way to describe it." Jean told Ann and Ryanna later as they lay in the lounge chairs, watching the others play in the pool. "Wait until you see the painting Tia made a month ago. You won't believe your eyes. It's no wonder we blew your instruments."

"I knew I was right to leave them here." Ryanna said with the satisfaction of a scientist vindicated.

"Do they know they link like that?" Ann asked.

"I doubt it. We guided them somewhat when they made love and later talked about talents in general." Jean told her. "They talked about some things happening, but they didn't go into details. I get the feeling that much of what they do is unconscious and they only notice the results. It's as if it's so natural to them they don't think about it."

"You said Carole heard Tia laugh when you all climaxed." Ryanna said. "That can't be."

"Can too!" Carole shouted at her as she and Anne-Marie teamed up to dunk Ann. When she got her footing and lifted the two small women out of the water, the rest ganged up on her and she was no match for the onslaught of laughing women until Stéphanie came to her rescue. The ensuing mêlée was a free for all where team mate turned on team mate, then joined their efforts again. Things slowed down eventually when Abigail and her wives spent an inordinate amount of time underwater only to surface away from the friendly fight as a unit, they were so entangled.

The others watched them discreetly from various points of view. Some with a scientist's approach, others simply with friendly curiosity. The only one not discreet at all was Carole. She stood near them, threading water until her other parts joined her and held her above water.
