2015 - Kiss Me, You Fool


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'Can you tell what they're doing?'

'Should we get Tia?'

'They're making love.'

Tears were falling freely down Carole's cheeks as she smiled beatifically.

'But they're not moving.'

'They're making love. It's so beautiful. Hold me.'

From one instant to the next, they both knew she had gone in her creative trance, drawn irresistibly to the powerful emotional display. Jean and Kayla looked at each other, relieved they had been there to catch her in time. She had never gone that quickly.

'I can barely feel her.'

'I know. It's like she's drawn to them. All her attention is on them.'

'Should we call on Tia? Is this dangerous for Carole?'

'I get the feeling that she's already here. Open yourself completely.'

Kayla moaned softly as they let go of their surprise and realized that they were already in the meld.

Sometime later, the unit turned and held Tia in its arms.

'It is nice to meet you.'

'Hi. I have been aware of you.'

'Do I know you?'

'Part of you does. I am Tia.'

'I am happy. Where is this place?'

'It is a special place where I visit with my friend Mia. Would you like to meet her?'

'I would.'


'Hi, Mia.'

'Hi. What is your name?'

'What is a name?'

'It is the concept by which one identifies one's self to one and to others.'

'I am Tia. Mia gave me my name and hers was given to her by another.'

'You should give me a name then.'

'From the moment I became aware of you I perceived you as a unit of selves. You will be Una.'

'Una. I find pleasure in this concept. I am indeed Unity.'

'So you are. Would your parts like to visit with ours in their construct?'

'Parts? I am Unity. Are you not?'

'In this universe, we are, but we are also the convergence, the intersection of our parts.'

'I do not understand. How can that be?'


'That is strange. May I see this construct? Will I meet your parts?'

'This is the way.'

The seven women sat on chairs set in a circle on the enlarged deck overlooking a calm lake. Their guest stood. It gave the feeling that it was looking at them, but it was hard to tell since it didn't have a permanent form. Most of the time, it was an amorphous luminous being, then it shifted in a random sequence between the bodies of its units.

"Hello, Una." Carole said gently.

'Hello, part of Tia.'

"My name is Carole. You can talk to us. This is a replica of the physical world. This is our appearance there."

'What is 'talking'? I perceive the concepts you convey, but some of them are foreign to me. Will you explain?'

"Talking is the use of a body's physical attributes to produce soundwaves in a communally accepted code called language. It is how we communicate."

'This is most inefficient.'

"This is how your parts communicate between themselves... well, with us."

'I do not have parts. I am Unity.'

"I can see that. I meant the bodies you manifest."

'I do?'

"Yes. I think you have not fully manifested in our construct. May I touch one of your bodies as it manifests?"

'I do not understand, but I am curious. You may.'

Carole approached Una as she cycled through her bodies. She reached for Abigail's hand, but by the time she made contact, it was Leila's. Una stabilized and Leila smiled at her then looked around.

"Hi Carole. What is this place? I really like it. It's so peaceful."

"Hi Leila. Do you know how you came to be here?"

"No. We were in your pool and now we are here. Where are Dani, Steph and Abi? I know they are here, but I can't see them."

"Yes they are. You will see them soon." Carole took Leila in her arms when she felt her become agitated. When it didn't seem to work, she had an inspiration and let go of her. Instantly, Una's diffuse form took her place.

'I do not understand. What did you do? It was... I will have to think on this.' And she was gone from their perceptions.

"Let's go after her." Anne-Marie urged. "I think we spooked her. It felt like she has no concept of physicality."

They all agreed and relaxed.

'Una? Are you still here?'

'Una, please, talk to us.'

'I am here.'

'We are sorry. We thought your parts would enjoy the construct. Ours do.'

'I could perceive that, but I do not have parts. And then the Carole part reached inside me and... I do not understand.'

'It was hard for me too at first. Maybe because I came into being differently. One physical explained concepts to me, my parts others, then I was whole. The Patricia physical called the process 'growing up'.'

'It was easier for me. Her parts explained the basic concepts to mine and Mia showed me the way so I didn't have to grow up like her.'

'But I do not have parts.' Una whined as much as an incorporeal entity could. 'Would you show me?'

'It will be our pleasure, sister.'



'We are indeed sisters though we each came into being differently. I will try to manifest in your construct.'

'Though you may only perceive our parts, we will be there with you.'

'Trust our parts to guide you. They will help. Especially our sensitive parts. I became aware of you through the Carole part you interacted with before.'

'I found her pleasing. She has a nice mind.'

'That she does.'

Una did try to manifest as a physical entity, but could only manage a featureless form. She 'looked' at the other manifestations and tried to copy their attributes with mixed results.

"Una?" Carole asked, seeing her struggle.

'Yes...' "Carole?" She managed to say.

"Don't worry, it will get easier with practice. I see that you are trying to copy our forms. Why not use one of your parts'?"

'...' That 'sounded' very much like a sigh. "I have no parts."

"All right then." Anne-Marie joined the conversation. "Do you know of another form you could use?"

"I... No. I... Mia and Tia have forms. They showed them to me."

Then Mia and Tia were indeed with Una in their own forms.

"The Carole part gave us these forms. She is Creative." Mia said.

"What is creative?" Una asked.

"It means she perceives patterns with her body and mind and expresses them into pleasing forms." Tia explained. "Do you find our forms pleasing?"

"I perceive them to be so, though in a strange way. This construct is restrictive to full perception."

"That is because you have not manifested fully with the physical apparatus necessary to interact with it." Tia told her.

"Could the Carole part create a form for me?"

"It will be my pleasure." Carole said. "Give me a minute to look at you."

"What is a minute?"

"It is a unit of time." Anne-Marie said softly so she wouldn't startle Una. "Mia and Tia had difficulty grasping the concept of time too. They would be better equipped than we are to explain it to you since it doesn't really relate to your universe."

Una waited patiently though she had no idea how she would give a minute, whatever it was, to the Carole part. These forms were so confusing. She understood when her friends explained the needs of their parts, but... She almost discorporated when the Carole part touched her and again when the undefined matter of her limb took on texture and vibrated at a different surface frequency. There were even fine excrescences on its surface. The process went on as the Carole part passed her hands over Una's manifestation, from one end to the other. To Una's absolute surprise, she created orifices by pushing through her matter with one of her appendages, in some cases, and by forcing air molecules with an orifice of her own through its surface, in others. All in all, a disconcerting experience, but the strangest phase happened when she somehow extruded matter around the air pushing orifice she also used to... talk, and squished it twice against the upper part of her form.

When the Carole part fell back against the other part -- logic extrapolated from her friends' comment that this must be the Anne-Marie part -- and both partially merged, she took stock of her new form. She found it strangely pleasing, but the process had not improved her interaction with this strange environment.

"Look in the minds of all these parts to understand the workings of your body." Carole told her when she saw her puzzled look. "We each have a unique perspective."

"NO! MIA!" Anne-Marie screamed, suddenly seeing the danger.

Between one word and the next, Una collapsed, overcome by convulsions as she tried to scream but couldn't as her mind refused to make that last connection with her body.

Before the sound died, Mia and Tia 'held' Una in their familiar environment.

'Stabilize your energy flux, Una. You are safe now.'

'What happened? What did you do to me?'

'She is gone, Mia. Una left.'

'In our happiness at having found a new sister, we insisted in treating her as if she were like us, though she repeatedly told us she was not.'

'Do you think we will see her again?'

''We can only hope, sister.'

Carole came to with a heavy heart. She took solace in the presence of her mates. They were snuggled in their bed. Their bed? She opened her eyes and saw that they were indeed in their bed, and they weren't alone.

'I know, Baby Girl. I recognize Stéphanie's body spooning me.'

'And I think Abigail is behind me.'

'How did we get here? I thought we were in the pool.'

'Why don't we ask them? They're awake.'

Jean turned carefully and faced her new friend. They smiled at each other. She reached to caress Danielle's cheek as she looked over Steph's shoulder.

"Did you move us here?" She asked softly.

"We did. You were doing your family thing. We were afraid to leave you in the pool, so we brought you here. We only had to guide you and you followed. When it got dark, we brought the others inside. I saw that yours is a sofa-bed so we opened it and put them on it."

"Thank you. That was nice of you."

Steph's words sank in and she realized that it was indeed dark. She looked at the alarm-clock and groaned.

"A gorgeous woman in your arms and your brain shuts down." Carole chuckled.

"You betcha." She answered softly, caught by the emotions she saw in the two women's eyes. She leaned in and kissed Steph's inviting lips. When they were both panting with desire, she lifted herself on her elbow and pulled Danielle in and kissed her over Stéphanie's shoulder. She purred when the women nibbled on her neck.

Jean didn't resist when she was pushed on her back and Danielle crawled over her to get to Carole, wiggling sensuously as she kissed her on the way. Looking at her side, she saw that Leila had joined Carole too. She was holding them in her arms as both were kissing her tenderly. Her voyeurism was interrupted when Stéphanie cupped her cheek to bring their lips together again.

Their kiss went on for a long time as their hands caressed all the skin they could reach. Jeanine soon realized that though Stéphanie was fondling her breasts expertly, fingers fluttering lightly on the sides and bottom, grazing the nipples occasionally, the pleasure she was giving her wasn't sexual as much as sensual. Where she should have been writhing in anticipation of a crescendo of pleasure leading to orgasm, she was enjoying each stimulation to its fullest, in its most minute details.

Following her lover's rhythm, she slowed her own pace to match hers and was rewarded with a loving smile she could feel herself sharing.

When Stéphanie rolled on top of her and pushed a thigh against her wet mound, she reciprocated, copying the light pressure. She moaned when Steph pressed her smallish breasts against her larger, softer ones, moving her torso from side to side so their erect nipples brushed. Jean scratched her lover's back from lower back to scalp and back to grab her muscular cheeks.

She was concentrated on the peacefulness of the moment when her first orgasm surprized her in its intensity. When she felt herself suddenly on the edge, she tried to thrust hard against Steph's thigh, who held her to the slower tempo by holding her hips in place and kissing her tenderly.

The orgasm built from the center of her belly instead of its usual source.

"Open your eyes. Share this moment with me." Stéphanie whispered softly, hardly breaking contact with her lips.

Jean felt herself fall and drown in the most perfect hazel eyes as pleasure engulfed her whole being, her heart bursting in a paroxysm of emotions as her body convulsed in place with her physical orgasm.

She regained her senses in a mass of sweat-covered bodies smiling from ear to ear.

"Thank you for sharing this with me, with us." She said softly to Stéphanie.

"You're welcome." Leila replied as she lightly kissed Carole's neck. "It was our pleasure."

As much as the three women would have wanted to explore with their new friends, sleep soon claimed their exhausted bodies and minds.

Chapter 4

Most of the women stayed in bed when Ryanna, Julia and Stéphanie got up for their early morning training, which didn't mean that Abigail, Danielle and Leila didn't join Ann and Anne-Marie in the sofa-bed under the excuse of ogling their wife.

If there were kisses and wandering hands, well, Annabelle and Anne Marie were beautiful lusty women, after all.

Ryanna and Julia were in deep meditation as they went through the advanced series of forms when their chi were... touched. It was the only word for it. Knowing they were in a perfectly secure place, they examined the unprecedented occurrence. Try as they might, they couldn't find the source of the phenomenon within, so they sent their senses outward and came across a source of energy they couldn't identify, only observe.

There was a fount of energy nearby. It fluctuated gently as flames were wont to do. They sensed a point -- or was it multiple points -- of origin. They felt that the high power was under control, as intense as it was.

The biggest surprise was when they realized that their chi was somehow linked to it. Before they could react to disengage, they were enveloped by a sense of ineffable peace.

In time, they became aware that their physical beings also reacted to its proximity and influence. As they gradually disengaged from their meditative state, they became conscious of being highly aroused. Already past the point where they should have been actively participating in the activity, they were going on with their solo forms with perfect precision instead.

Before they could completely disengage, they were engulfed in the energy and felt it cleanse their whole being.

They came to in Stéphanie's arms as she supported their shuddering bodies. Even had they wanted to, they were in no state to resist as she guided them to the sofa-bed where they joined their wives and Steph's as they too recuperated from what must have been a tremendous love-making session judging by the sheen of sweat covering their bodies and their well-satisfied smiles.

As she was laying down, Ryanna saw her friends sitting on the stairs to the first floor. Jean and Kayla's hands were on Carole's shoulders. Tia smiled and nodded at her.

Ann and Kayla shooed everyone else from the kitchen after plying them with coffee so they could prepare a substantial breakfast to replace the supper they had all missed the day before.

When Jean and the others started to ask questions about the events of the morning, Carole suggested to them that they should call in to let their respective employers know they wouldn't come in that day. In Ryanna's case, she distracted her from her inquiries by sitting on her lap and keeping her mouth busy until she could whisper in her ear to let it go for the moment.

While the cooks sounded like they were having fun on their own, Ryanna suggested they split in smaller groups to use the shower. "One of these days, Jean, you'll have to do the expansion you've been talking about." She told her friend.

"We've been thinking about it for a while." Jeanine said. "The consensus is now that we should move across the bridge. It's just too much of a pain in the ass with all the renovations. They're a yearly inconvenience and there's no end in sight. We were thinking about St-Lazare to have the advantages of the country with the convenience of the amenities in nearby Vaudreuil, but the Iles-aux-Tourtres Bridge is sometimes as bad as Mercier Bridge."

"Why don't you ask Karlie to look into it for you?" Ann suggested. "She helped you find this place. I'm sure she can help you find another just as fine."

""We'll have to find a place of our own too." Abigail said. "Danielle and Leila's apartment is barely large enough for the two of them and we only have a room in Jocelyne and Addison's condo."

"We could always put bunk beds in our apartment." Dani's grin was echoed by her wives.

"I have an idea." Carole chimed in. "As long as we're moving to the outback, as civilized as it is, why don't we build a compound where we can all build our homes?"

"Our home will always be in St-Jovite." Julia said after looking for and getting nods from her wives. "But we've outgrown the house in Pointe-Claire and we like the idea of a compound."

"With lots and lots of private space." Ann said as she and Kayla brought the first load of plates to the table. "If we opt for Senneville, at the end of the island, it's only fifteen to twenty minutes extra commute for us. St-Lazare or the area around Rigaud only means five minutes or so more."

"One or the other doesn't make much difference. The worst of the traffic thins out after Des Sources Boulevard." Anne-Marie pointed out. "I'd drive the extra distance for peace, quiet and privacy."

"Isn't it going to be expensive to buy all that land and built three fairly large houses?" Danielle asked though she was grinning at the idea of a larger place after living in their small apartment since moving from St-Jovite. "We can contribute to a certain extent. We've been saving and investing for ten years or so."

"Not really, love." Abigail told her. "Unless I'm mistaken, Jean, we can save a lot of money by incorporating the compound."

"You're right." Jean explained. "There are many advantages in creating a corporative entity and it wouldn't so farfetched since we're all in business together, one way or another. Plus, by being out in the country, relatively speaking, we'll also save a fortune on property taxes and other costs."

"You haven't said a word, Leila." Carole said. "What do you think about this?"

""I would live in a truck, as long as I can be with Dani, Steph and Abi." Leila beamed.

"Good then." Stéphanie said. "The first step should be to find a good architect..."

Her new friends all guffawed.

"Don't worry about that, dear." Anne-Marie told her. "You have all the resources you need right here. Ann virtually became an architect when Ryanna needed one to build her laboratory. I'm an engineer and can contribute with the materials aspect of the project. Jean tore this old house down to the walls and rebuilt it from the basement to the joists and Carole did most of the interior design."

"That's right." Ann said. "Let's get together next Saturday at our place. I have a computer set-up perfect for this kind of work. Until then, talk about what you need and want too. Don't let material considerations hold you back from dreaming big. We'll get to that soon enough."
