3 Times with a Geeky Rollerblader Ch. 01


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Until, "Oh god Mister! Brent! Frick! That feels so frickin good to me! Rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing me! Rubbing me right where anybodys can see!"

She was wet! Slick. I held her to me, enjoying the feel of her slender body. Trying not to thrust into her ass because I knew it was bare, but I wanted to! I was so turned on. While I sucked on her neck I looked down at her tits, the dark nipples poking out. Those 'titties' were so small. She was so slender. Her earnest expressions on her nerdy face appealed to me greatly. I wondered what kind of fun I'd left behind all these years, by seeking, chasing, toiling, and hustling for the hottest women around. Stupid! As I kissed the neck of this woman, my dick throbbing at the feeling of going from inside her sweet little pussy to rubbing at her clit (so easily) all saturated with her wetness that screamed how turned on she was by me.

"Rubbing, rubbing, rubbing me off! Rubbing... Me off right where anybody's can see!" She was wetter and louder yet.

"You gonna come for me? When you do I'm gonna put you on your damn knees and make you suck my dick." That made her scream and cry out, so nicely. While she was tall the heaviest thing about her was those damn rollerblades. I was holding her upright the entire time, the only time I even felt anything but what I would with a pillow of her size, was when she kicked her feet. If I didn't know better I would have sworn it was fake. The way she cried out, moaning and thrashing, saying my name, calling me Mister, and telling the world what I was doing to her. "Come! Come you sexy fucking thing! Come! COME!"

"I AM! Coming, coming, coming, coming so nice! Coming, coming so nice!" And then she sucked in a breath like she was about to start sobbing, her hands went from bracing herself to trying to throttle my wrists like they controlled my fingers. I stopped, just wrapped both arms around her and held as she dangled limply in my arms. Her gasping dead weight really only registered when maybe a full minute had gone by, and she started stirring. "Oh Brent! Oh Mister... That was... Mister! I never knew it could... Ohhh frick! We just did that right out in the open!"

"You know what else you're gonna do in the open?" I asked her, not expecting an answer even though I knew she would do it.

"I'm gonna suck that big hard bar in your pants?" Voice high and as excited as she was panicked.

"Fuck yes you are." Letting my grip on her loose enough that she slowly and sexily, but limply, slipped down to her knees.

"Right in the paths?" She asked, snapping her head around.

"Right on the path." Also checking that it was all clear, before starting around her, getting there behind her before... on a delay my brain registered the human shaped object I'd seen.

It was a woman. I really couldn't see many details of her because she was behind a screen of trees and shrubs, just off the path. Her face, well most of her was in shadows but not her mouth. It was open and turned into this thing that would stay with me forever, I knew. Putting me instantly at ease of her calling the police, because that mouth said she was turned the fuck on. Maybe even touching herself already. As I let her do her secret thing I noticed a rope (No a leash!) leading out to the open where a big black lab was laying like a pool of even deeper shadow on the asphalt path.

"Oh frick! Oh frickity frick Mister, this is so bad of me. My titties! My booty!" Looking from the aroused lady with the lazy dog to Kassiah. About to warn her that we should move on but... Fuck! The way Kassiah was looking at me! The way she was kneeling with her pants at her knees, rollerblades laying flat in a gymnast like (No! Anime girl like!) pose as she kneeled. Her tongue kept working its way out before she mastered it. Nope! Cops would have to be running at me for me to stop myself now. "Oh frick! And now you're gonna put your big dick in my mouth! Your... Big white dick." That made me know I wouldn't stop this, cops would have to tackle me. The needy-nerdy black woman had fucking said WHITE dick in a way that told me she never believed she'd get dick at all, but I guess white dick had seemed as likely as winning the lotto. "Mister?"

"Take it the fuck out already!" As she just knelt there looking, pleading, waiting.

"Yes! Mister! Sorry Brent! Ooooohhh, nnnnhhhhuhhhh!" Frantic to get my fucking khaki shorts off, it was fucking amazing. Powerful! The worried way those brown eyes stared up at me, like if she took to long I'd call this off. The fucking nerdy rollerblader got even better when she yanked my shorts down in such a rush that my underwear went with it. My dick jumping into the open, catching her full attention. Her mouth fell right open, shocked. Looking dorkier cute than ever as she marveled at seeing her first dick. "Oooooh Mister! You got that... Got that good dick. That good white dick. What a dick! What a... So..."

But she didn't have words, what she had was her two hands with long thin fingers (like the rest of her) and short red nails. They reached out as if she was about to touch some priceless antique. They traced over it, just... Just touching me. If it wasn't for her expression and the all around deliciousness of this fucking arousing erotic event I would have scoffed and told her to get to fucking work (again) but I just let her. She traced veins and whatever else struck her fancy down my length. Not with a single finger but with the pads of all of them. Once more breathing like it was pleasuring her to do it.

"Kassiah! God you're killing," I eventually said, unable to hold back. "Take it by the base, yes. Yes, like that." She was thrumming with nervousness, dark eyes flicking from my face to my cock over and over. "Now bend... Aim it so the tip is pointed at your mouth."

"It's so hard! I barely can."

"You're fucking making it that hard," I informed her, which made her smile for about half a second. Anxiety at doing something wrong rushing back. "Just... yes, there. Now..."

"It looks huge! Huge dick aimed at my mouth! I'm gonna put all of that in me?" She motioned with one of those red tipped fingers, at her lips and down along the front of her throat.

"You don't have too beautiful. It's a bonus but you don't have too." Laughing and she looked buoyed by deepthroating not being required. "You've got me so fucking turned on that... Yeah you won't need to do too much work." Plus, it had been a while.

"And then you'll cum in my mouth?" Intimidated but interested.

"In your mouth, yeah. But also on your face, I want to see my cum all over your beautiful face." I thought she would scrape her knees and shins up to hell as she thrust hard enough to slide forward a little. It was sexy and scary, I don't know how she didn't hurt herself. I stepped in to stop her, making her lean back with my cock hovering over her head. "Put it in. Stop torturing me, you already seduced me and I'm gonna do so many damn things to you... But please... Put it in your damn mouth already or... Arrgh god damn it yes!"

The light hold was a dainty thing that seemed to make the moment of her lips and mouth wrapping around me all the better. Those eyes stayed up on me as she seemed to know what to do but had clearly never done it. I didn't mind at all. Her mouth felt so good and it was even better to look down and see the geeky dark skinned delight kneeling there and enveloping me, ME!

I liked it so much that my eyes flicked over to the audience member (members?) who I had not forgotten. Finding the bored dog, following the leash to the human hiding in the foliage. Those lips were still there, still looking like something out of an eighties movie poster. Even better... Good god! She was moving them like my dick was in her mouth! I angled ever so slightly, thrilled at giving her a better view of what Kassiah was doing, almost hoping she'd come over and join our strangers exhibition thing we had going. Kassiah didn't even waste a brain cell wondering why I moved, she just followed, staring up at me while she sucked lovingly at the tip of my penis.

"Fuck that's good Kassiah! You're not just a tease are you? No, you fucking rollerbladed up and down that path tempting me out. Not just to tantalize me with you sexy lithe body, but to fucking please this cock. Oh shit I know you've been pleasing dicks for a long long time." She couldn't keep me in her mouth after all that, sort of pushing me out with her wide thick tongue in way that had my temple and penis throbbing at the same time.

"Mister I'm really pleasing your good white dick? My mouth makes your good white dick feel good?" Most of the last sentence coming out mumbly as she spoke while holding her mouth open, that tongue pushed out slightly, for inspection.

"Fuck yes you are." I couldn't help myself taking her cheeks (Skin so soft!) bending over and kissing her, sucking that tongue that she'd left dangling even as she saw me moving in for the kiss. It came alive in my mouth and she rocked back and forth between her rollerblades and knees, the most eager kiss I'd ever had. I pulled away but had to return as she didn't just kiss at the air, but frenched it as well. My lips and heart wanted to stay kissing her but my fucking dick (And my brain alerting how fucking long we'd been messing around here.) screamed that that was enough. "Suck it! Really fucking suck it because I fucking need to cum!"

"Yes Brent! I'll suck your good dick so good!" Taking hold of it again, struggling only a moment to get me (gently) aimed back at her mouth and then getting it in. I groaned as if it was the first time, burden of aching cock coming off me. She sucked the tip, knew that more was better, but didn't even get an inch below the rim of my penis-head before she jerked back with a "Guh!" I could see the embarrassment rush through her and she instantly tried again, got no more and not even for a heartbeat before it happened again. "Guh! Frick Brent! Guh. Sorry! Guh!" Her mouth was reacting, I could see spit filling it as she honestly was trying. I would have thought it an act in any other woman, to make me feel like I had a huge dick or something. But Kassiah was embarrassed with herself. She tried, over and pleasurably over again. "Guh. Dang. Guh. It's so good I want to take it but... Guh. Guh. Guh!"

"Fuck Kassiah, you're fucking killing me with how hot you are!" My dick nearly throbbing right out her light grip as she gasped for breath and drops of her (not so) deepthroat drool came flying out.

"No! I'm a fail..." I stuck my dick in her mouth, thrusting to the point where she gagged and then pulling out. She gagged, panted, looking up at me expectedly, with even more hunger for me. So I did it again, this time going in and giving her seven or eight thrusts. I meant to just do a couple but it felt too damn good. After wet gasps she spat on my cock (mostly), said. "Oh Mister! You're face fucking me with that good dick!"

I agreed that I was and went back to it. Filling her mouth so easily, working that sweet, dainty, and so very arousing gag out of her. A contest between that and the spit, it coated my dick quickly. Started running out over her bottom lip and chin, impossibly turning me on all the more. I gave her breaths, which she was glad for, spitting out or letting it run out of her before nodding and opening her mouth for another go. While she didn't get it any deeper without gagging, she quickly learned to take more of the gags before being overwhelmed, mostly by going with the flow of her own saliva out of her mouth.

"Fuck! Fuck here we go! Fuck, fuck, fuck Kassiah you sexy fucking... YES!" Giving her the longest go yet just to make sure I was over the edge. Taking my dick from her dainty grip, using her spit to lubricate my fist flying up and down my shaft while I let my dripping balls rubbed over her lips and chin. "Fucking... YES! OH GOD YES! RIGHT ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE!"

And god did I fucking cum on her beautiful, nerdy, desperate, lovely, needy, and unsullied face! Just a massive amount, I thought I'd have to orgasm outside a lot more often, the fresh air super charged me. I groaned and fought my urge to curl up or roll my eyes back. Instead just keeping my aim. Seeding her from forehead to chin, making sure she had several mouthfuls, dropping from my toe tips that I had not been aware I'd gone up on. The bounce moving my hand enough that I shot one last load onto her little left breast, the dark nipple getting the most of it.

"That. That is what I'm talking about!" Feeling triumphant, reaching down, somehow finding spots where I could touch without touching my semen. Keeping her face tilted up to me. "You look so hot."

"I... I feel so sexy," Her smile was bashful, disbelieving that she'd said it but even more that she meant it.

"You should! You..." My phone went off, the chime I'd set up for my sister messaging me. Not just one but several back to back. Suddenly I remembered I'd left Bluetooth out on the back porch and she had those damn streaming security doorbell cameras. I reached down and pulled my pants and shorts up, most of the way, so I could pull my phone from the back pocket. Holding them in place with my spread legs. I parked my dick in Kassiah's mouth, she happily started sucking on it, having swallowed everything in her mouth like it was candy, now working the last vestiges from inside me. "It's my sister, damn I gotta go, she saw I left her dog on the back porch chasing after you."

"Oh... Ooops." But she sounded delighted, not even questioning how my sister would know, licking at the top and tip of my dick playfully before darting her eyes up to me. "He's alright, right? Bluetooth?"

"Yeah, just... He's old and her best friend." My sister's messages were annoyed, not panicked, if something was wrong she would have called. I knew I was busted but didn't read the messages. Instead I'd just took several pictures of the rollerblader covered in my cum and still enthusiastically attending to my no longer so hard dick. "I gotta go."

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah." She nodded, understanding, started to move then reached out and grabbed me. I knew it wasn't all coincidence that she grabbed my shorts, pulling them back down so my dick stayed in sight. "Mister?" I blinked at her, already aware that we were alone out here. The lady with the eighties poster lips was gone. Nobody else had come along to take her voyeuristic place. "Brent? I... I... I want to see you again and... Do stuff." Panting shaking, certain she was going to hear a no. Or me laugh in her face and tell her I'd gotten all I'd wanted and that it was more than she deserved. "Sex stuff. With you. And me. Anywhere. Anything. Anything you want from me, I'll do it."

"I... I gotta go back home tonight but..." No! Shut up! Some shitty part of me said to do what she feared, I'd gotten as much out of her as she deserved. Given her a damn orgasm! The modest looking geeky virgin was coming out of this ahead already. But... I wasn't an ass and... Fuck if I didn't want more. Didn't want the 'anything' and 'anywhere' she was offering. "I'll be back tomorrow and bring a bag, I'll stay the night at my sisters and we can meet up for more. Lots more."

"Everything more?" Asked with such fucking excitement, literally clawing her way up to look me in the eyes. Nodding in a way that I couldn't help but do it too, even if I hadn't wanted too. She was so hopeful!

"Everything more." I agreed. Grabbing her as she started to do a spinning happy rollerblade enhanced dance but had forgot about shorts and panties being at her ankles. We ended up with her back to my chest again. My dick had started to flag but it didn't stop me from thrusting it at her ass when I found it wedged between her cheeks. "Careful." I told her, wrapping my arms around her in a much more sexual way. "I've got a lot that I want to do to your sexy lithe body and having a broken leg or arm would hinder that."

"Sss... Sorry Mister." My hand found her breast, the right one so it wasn't covered in cum, she moaned and settled against me.

"Where is your phone?" It was in the pocket of her flannel shirt, she plucked it out and held it up. With both watched as the facial recognition kicked in after I tapped it awake, it unlocked without hesitation. "Hmm, your phone didn't seem to have a problem recognizing your face with so much cum all over it, did it?" She just squeaked. "Must be used to it." Another squeak, she really thought I thought she was a seductress. I hadn't planned on it but I took a selfie of us, I swear Kassiah was about to orgasm again just seeing herself coated in white stuff. Even more at the picture I gave her as a permanent reminder. I did what I told her next. "That's my number, I want you to rollerblade your pretty little ass home." Thrusting against said ass. "Without cleaning off your face. When you get in front of your aunt's house, you take a selfie and send it to me. If you do, I'll hack my sister's cameras and we can spend most of the day together tomorrow, if not the night."

"Yes! Everyone will... YES!" She got off on the idea even more than me.

"Good, go." Helping her by pulling her tube top bra thing down into place while she got her shorts, then swatting her ass, she literally squealed in delight until she was out of sight.

I stood there a second, not just watching her go, thinking about her, but thinking about tomorrow. I let out a sigh, smiled down at the droplets of cum on the ground. Then started back to Bluetooth who had moved his head but otherwise hadn't shifted an inch. He took a couple sniffs at the air as I approached, then I swear he gave me a nod of approval. Knowing with his keen doggy nose what I'd gotten up too.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When is the next one out? I hate cliff haggers!!!!

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