A Bad Bet


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"He's leaking already." Annie giggled, giving the plastic of his cage a little flick and making his cock bounce.

"You weren't kidding about that cock of yours," Sammy growled.

"I told you, Peggy and I are the certified bitch breakers." Nelson could make out a pale fist and a dark fist bumping above Sammy's head.

"Peggy seems a little bigger, I'm surprised she sticks to the throat."

"Mine's got the perfect angle to milk the boys for all they're worth," Annie grunted, giving a particularly intense set of thrusts. She changed her position, hitting him at a new angle that made him whimper. "She loves ass as much as anybody, but if you need a boy to squirt from it, I'm your girl."

"Besides, I wouldn't trust myself not to claim him." Peggy groaned. "And if I decide I want to, none of you are going to be able to stop me."

"As long as I get mine in first, we can all mark him," Sammy muttered.

Annie's cock was making an unnatural pressure form in his stomach like his body was twisting in anxious knots. The pressure moved slowly downward, coming to rest at the base of his cock. His cock tingled like it was going numb. He could feel his balls aching for release. The pressure built, intensely pleasurable but also desperate. He felt like if he were to touch his cock, he would pop instantly, spraying himself and the girls in a particularly heavy load. Even if he could have moved his arms, the cage would have kept it from happening. Instead, he was helpless to do anything but let both of his holes be used by powerful girlcocks and feel the pressure build and build in his cage.

His head was going all fuzzy. Despite the desperation to cum and the rational part of his brain telling him what losing to Sammy meant, he felt like he was floating in a warm pool. His whole body seemed to fade away, leaving the electrical circuit of the musky cock in his throat, his own caged member, and the relentless pumping and sensitive-spot hitting in his ass. He was turning into a puddle, an extremely horny puddle that was losing the ability to care if he wound up collared anymore.

"He's really leaking now, shouldn't be too long," Annie growled from between his legs.

He could feel the steady stream of precum flowing out between his legs, each inward thrust of Annie's cock seeming to hit the sponge full of it inside him and wring a desperate little squirt out. He could feel it dribbling out through his cage and dripping down his balls. The pressure was getting too intense to handle, his cock shifting from numbness to an overwhelming weightless tingling. It was like all of the nerve endings inside of it were being forced to go off at the same time. His balls had started to go numb, then started to feel the same as his cock. It was too much. He was ready to beg for somebody to touch his cock, let him go over the edge, consequences be damned. His legs quivered like jelly, he was ready to beg to be claimed if it meant cumming, but Peggy's cock remained stuffed in his throat. His heart pounded in his chest, he could feel an intense electricity shooting up from his crotch to his head.

Without warning, the pressure overcame him, making him squeal into Peggy's cock. He melted completely, an overwhelming wave of bliss taking hold of him as his cock strained against his cage and pumped his seed with an intensity and volume that he would have thought impossible if his brain was still working. All he could see and feel was burning white fire. Somewhere, in the distance, he could hear Annie start to laugh, followed by Sammy and Peggy. It didn't bother him, the massive built-up pressure came spraying out of him downward onto Annie and the bench. Each burst seeming to empty from deep within his core, making his ass and cock twitch in numb bliss. He squeezed around the massive intruder in his ass, the feeling of fullness keeping him spread, forcing him to ride the wave of continued thrusting even as his body pumped submissively in his cage.

He came back down whimperingly, after a few seconds that seemed like an hour of being submerged in bliss. He realized that his mouth was empty again, that he'd been moaning and whimpering for the girls to hear. The feeling of embarrassment was overcome by the realization that they'd risen off of him, leaving him in a puddle of his own cum on the bench. When he raised his head, he saw Annie bringing Sammy the set of keys.

"Are you sure you're willing to just let me take over before you finish?" Sammy asked, somewhat guiltily.

"Of course, Sammy," Annie reassured. "My heat ended a week ago after you got me and my girlfriend those toys. Plus, you only claim your first boytoy once. "

Peggy nodded stoically, but she and Annie were still hard as rocks despite what they might claim. They wanted Sammy to get it over with so they could get their turn and were likely only so amicable because of how pent up they knew she was.

Sammy unfastened her cage with trembling hands, sliding it off and letting her cock breathe. Immediately, it sprang to full mast, an impressive length even compared to the other girls. She whimpered slightly, running her hand over it. She threw the cage onto the ground angrily, snapping her teeth in anticipation as she stepped back over to Nelson.

"Hope that brain isn't too numb to realize what's about to happen, roomie." She growled, almost accusingly.

Nelson's brain was plenty numb, but some part of him remembered to squirm. As if he could pull himself away.

Sammy grabbed his ankles and hiked them back above his head. Pressing her weight and heat down over him. Eyes past hungry. "Don't even think about protesting, you already lost, now I'm gonna claim my fucking reward. And you had best believe there'll be more of it later."

It was scary to see her this intense, but the pressing of her leaking cockhead against his ass perished those thoughts. She thrust in quickly, finding his hole pre-slickened and pre-spread. He was able to take her without much resistance but could feel himself spread almost skintight around her. Sammy didn't speak, merely throwing her head back and grunting as she pushed more and more into him. He whimpered underneath her, lorded down on by her weight as she pressed onto him, round breasts hanging down against his chest. When she was satisfied with how far in she was, when he felt like her cock was in his esophagus, she started to pump quickly. Working on all built-up energy, chasing a long-delayed release with little other concern.

"Shit roomie! If I'd known this was how good you were, I would have cheated way sooner!" She cackled between little gasps.

Nelson's brain went what felt like completely numb. The unnamable fire started to fill his lower body again, pumping with waves of pressure out from his ravaged ass into the base of his cock, building a flood of pressure inside of him that made his balls tingle and ache. He looked up at Sammy in a dreamlike state. How beautiful everything about her was starting to seem. From her piercings to her dyed hair, especially to the cock buried inside of him. One last fleeting piece of his brain recognized the submission setting in, the complete ownership Sammy would soon be exerting over him. It went out not with a bang, but with a whimper, thinking about how, if he had to be owned, it would be nice it would be to be owned by somebody like her. She was leaning her face down to taunt him again, noses only atoms apart. He craned his neck up and planted a kiss on her lips.

Her eyes went wide for a second in shock, before rolling back into her head. She let out a whine that started low in her stomach and rolled up through her throat until it became high pitched howl of victory. The cock inside of him throbbed powerfully as it blasted the first shot of barely-restrained cum into him, the liquid hitting his insides with unbearable heat. Her howl continued with each pump, balls pumping bottomed out against his ass. As she started to fill him, the heat of her load overrode every other feeling below his waist, pushing the tingling numbness out forcefully as it pushed him more intensely than before over the edge. He felt his cock shaking as it dribbled out what felt like the full contents of his balls a few times over with an unbearably intense relief of pressure. It was like his body was trying to force every drop of cum that was his out to make way for the more dominant load pooling in his stomach. Even as Sammy started to wind down from her high and panted his name, he was left happily mumbling and dribbling in his cage.

"God! What a fountain!" Annie's voice came from somewhere far away.

"Even for the first time, he must have never even played with his ass."

He felt Sammy pull out of him and heard her stagger over to the other two. Even without her in him, he still dribbled uncontrollably, the hot load in his stomach erasing any thought he had as he had them. His legs fell limply to the bench as his arms dropped to either side. He could feel cum leaking out of his ass, and tried as hard as he could to keep it from doing so. He numbly flopped one of his hands between his legs, jamming his fingers into his ass in an attempt to stop the leaking. The feeling was almost nonexistent compared to being fucked.

"Look, blissed out and trying to keep your cum inside of him!" One of them laughed.

"H-help!" He mumbled, the voice sounded foreign in his throat. There was no other impulse, he needed to keep the feeling from stopping.

"Guess one of us should give him some more." Annie cackled.

"I will," Peggy responded flatly, her loud footsteps approaching.

"O-oh, guess I'll wait." Annie stammered.

Peggy stepped between his legs, cock at furious attention. She grabbed Nelson by the waist, turning him over onto his stomach. She lifted his hips, pressing his head down with her other hand so that his ass swung in the air for her. She didn't wait much longer before ramming it in, grinding his face into the bench soaked with his cum and sweat with her thrusts.

Her heat was intense and different. It mingled with Sammy's, intertwining and dancing in time to create a new, far more intense sensation. Nelson cried out in pleasure before Peggy's hand pressed his head into the bench harder, thrusting a little more harshly and getting loud slaps from his rear. She took her hand off of his head for a moment to slap his ass harshly, making him jerk his head up and yelp, only to have her trash-bin lid sized palm press his head back into the mat harshly.

"Geez, she's really going at him." Annie panted.

"He can take it," Sammy growled. "He's earned it."

Nelson was quickly finding out that not only could he take it, but he was also very much enjoying taking it. Before, the thought of somebody as big and strong as Peggy treating him this roughly would have terrified him to his core. Now, it was making the dribble coming out of his cage flow back up in intensity into a stream that dripped down in long languid strands onto the bench. Peggy's grunts were growing desperate, the sound only heightened his excitement. The thought of her hosing his insides was making him ready to beg.

"God! What a fucking hole!" Her words sent another shock of excitement through him and he whimpered in approval.

Peggy suddenly wrapped both arms back under his knees and rocked him back, pulling him into the air supported only by her cock and arms wrapped behind the legs she had pulled up past his head. She thrust up into him almost angrily, pumping his body like a glorified fleshlight. Nelson yelped and whined, but the intensity of it reduced him to panting before long. Peggy's breath was short in his ear, intensely hot and making his heart flutter with each labored exhale. If he looked down, he could see the outline of her cock making his stomach ripple right next to his little cage, bouncing and leaking uncontrollably.

"Now she's really going at him!"

"I need to start lifting more, I can't wait to try that on him."

Peggy groaned, a guttural noise of a growl suppressing a howl. Nelson moaned weakly as he felt her cum shooting up into him with unchecked force. The heat of it mixed with Sammy's blowing out his senses as they both rolled through his body and dominated all thought. The dominant female loads filled his stomach and controlled his mind and body, leaving his cock twitching and endlessly pumping. He could feel the unique presence of both seeming to enter his mind, thinking for him. Sammy's was a constant nagging, soft but unavoidable. It was whispers of silk sheets and toying with each other lazily for hours. Peggy's, in contrast, was the pure and unadulterated rutting urge, being taken in public and hoping that somebody catches them. Put together, there was nothing in Nelson's mind but keeping the bliss going as long as possible.

Peggy let Nelson slump back onto the bench, head resting on the padding while his limbs draped onto the ground. She took a minute to compose herself, then gave Nelson's ass a parting whack that made him jerk back somewhat to reality.

"Just me then." He heard Annie's excited voice.

She approached, then shockingly soft and gentle touches guided him back up onto the bench on his back. He barely registered the key in her hands, but when she unlocked the cage, the surge of intensity into his cock was enough to make his eyes widen. Even after emptying what seemed like an impossible amount, it was still needily hard like he'd been edging for hours. Annie looked at it curiously, then took it in her large hand. The sudden presence of stimulus made him wobble back over the edge and spray another full load, this time up and onto himself. Somehow it even reached his face, despite the feeling in his balls starting to shift to exhaustion.

"It's almost over now hun, at least this round is." Annie giggled.

A second later, her cock slid back into his ass. She rubbed the underside of his cockhead relentlessly with her large thumb, making him squeal as stimulation passed into overstimulation.

"Once all three of us have marked you, we're gonna go take a shower. Then Sammy's gonna take you home and tuck you in and you're gonna sleep like a rock, even if she doesn't stop fucking you."

"Mercy!" He slurred.

Annie grinned, speeding her hand and thrusts up. Nelson pressed his hands over his mouth to stop further cries.

"After that, I guess you're just our little bitch, aren't you?"

Nelson didn't respond, but after a few seconds, his eyes rolled back as he squirted pathetically again. Annie cheered it on, then brought her slick hand to her mouth to taste his cum. In just a moment, it was back again.

"I don't know how Sammy wants to have fun with you, but knowing her, it's gonna involve lots of toys from her work. Then if Peggy decides to crash and get some stress relief... well, Sammy should hopefully own enough lube."

Nelson could feel her starting to swell, thrusts getting more desperate.

"As for me," She whimpered, "I think I might start taking girl's nights a bit more often. Maybe I'll bring one of mine over and you can play together. Or maybe Sammy will let me take you to work."

She was quickly losing composure as she described her fantasies, before long she let out a long high-pitched howl and sprayed Nelson's insides with a third kind of uncontrollable heat. Casual, controlling. Even just the inkling inside of him made him picture himself under her desk, wrapping his lips around her and pleasing her as she worked, occasionally rewarding him with a ball-churning load, or letting him up to have his ass rewarded if he performed well. He didn't even process it when she slid out of him and the trio walked off to the showers, laughing and exchanging high fives. He laid on the bench weakly, helpless to do anything but watch as people walked past the glass windows of the gym. Some pityingly, some trying the door at the site of a newly broken slut.


Nelson hummed happily as he set the tray into the oven. There was a little gunk on his hands that he instinctively went to wipe on his pants, but remembered they weren't there and wiped them on his apron instead. As he moved, three sets of collars jingled around his neck. The sound was a constant happy reminder of how his life had changed. He heard the door open and looked at the clock, it was about that time.

"Guess who's back?" Sammy's voice came from the entryway. He scurried over to greet her, he was supposed to be there before she stepped in, but the oven would be a good excuse.

As soon as he was in front of her he slid to his knees instinctively and nuzzled against her thigh. "Welcome back!"

She grimaced as he nuzzled her cock through her jeans. "Off."

He pulled back obediently but looked at her confused.

"Sorry, hon, it's not that I don't want to, but we have to wait."

"Why is that Sammy?" He purred, getting back to his feet.

"We're having guests over, remember? I invited my book club, they're very excited to meet you."

He felt butterflies in his stomach, "Right, sorry."

She pinched his cheeks, "I can't stay mad at you roomie."

He turned to go back to work in the kitchen, Sammy disappeared into her room for a moment before returning in an evening dress. It was doing a very bad job hiding the tent she was pitching.

"Is that the chicken casserole I smell?" She asked with a sniff.

Nelson nodded.

She grinned, "You may want to start another one... or another few, a couple of the girls just asked if they could bring a plus one."

Nelson yipped excitedly and returned to work in the kitchen, collars jingling away. A pang of concern filled him. Not about the number of them, or what their seed would do, but that he would run out of space on his neck to hold collars from each of them. The little tingling of the bells that showed who owned you was what he lived for.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Another day, another story that desperately needs better tags. Why isn't this at least tagged with nonconsent/rape? It's really not ambiguous at all that it is rape.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow, such a hot story. Would love to read more. Part 2??

Client8Client8over 2 years ago

Dang! What red blood American Futaphile wouldn't want to be in Nellie's shoes. I would parade around their apartment with nothing but an apron that didn't cover my ass. It would be a constant invitation for Sammy to lick it, lube it and let her cock take it. Oh the possibilties. Thanks Krevmh, made my night, got hard again reading this even just after I came watching a vid of a TGirl fucking a guy's ass for 20 minutes!

PoneiPoneiover 2 years ago

Incredible. Would like to see more stories like this one

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