A Big Shiny Blue Marble Ch. 15


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Selena shrugged, "Most have two," she said, "Some have three. I've seen one or two with only one. I don't know if there are any without horns, I mean, other than me, since It's been made clear to me that I'm half-demon myself."

"Permit me," he said apologetically as he reached to begin to feel her scalp under her hair. He smiled after a moment and he took her hand to guide it. "Do you feel the smallest of hard bumps in your hair?"

She knew what he was trying to get her to feel, "Those? Arrax, they've always, ..."

He nodded, "We have not even known each other for very long at all, but I can say that I know that they have always been there. You hide them in your hair, thinking them unsightly. To you, they must appear to anyone else as though you banged your head into a door and the goose egg remained."

She nodded, "So?"

"So," he smiled, "we are back to my question. How many horns do demons wear on their heads?"

"I told you," she said, I've seen one or two with three horns. Ny'Zeille showed me the signs to look for in a human who has demon in them. She said nothing - "

"Ny'Zeille was not looking for a crown," he grinned, "I do not even know if she knows of this."

He was looking away across the garden, "I have only felt one on you, but I can tell you exactly where the rest are. One in the middle of the forehead, high up where I touched. A slightly smaller one to either side of that. One just over each temple pointing outward, and one behind each ear. The last two would grow around past the ear to point to the front a little downward.

You have seven, Selena. Seven horns, though they do not show yet."

"Seven?" she gasped.

He nodded as he turned his head to look at her, "In the long history of Mer, there have been many crowned ones. In recent ages, they appear singly and change that world whenever they do. It is as though the universe knows that the Merren will always grow fat and corrupt if they are allowed to have their way. Some scholars believe -- as do I -- that the true purpose of a crowned one is to tear down their corruption, to force them to be more correct for a time. Whenever a crowned one has emerged, it marks the beginning of a time of flux for them. They do not wish to see another one, and so they would rather seek the one out and kill him or her first. They have always done this. It has never saved them. Another always comes.

To answer your question, each crowned one, whenever they have appeared, whether male or female have always carried the same number of horns on their heads. Seven. No other demon has that many."

She stared at him in horror, but he smiled, "I know what is in your mind. Do not fear. For one thing, what we have spoken of remains between us, so that you can now go on living your life with the hope that I am wrong. It is more important to you that no one learns of this for the Merren would kill you if they could. While you are like this, you have no defence. Tell no one, not even a lover

For another thing, though I do not know it for certain, everything that I have learned about the crowned ones is that in their true form, every one was beautiful beyond knowing."

He smiled with a soft chuckle, "And you are very nearly there anyway. I must go. We will speak again. In the meantime, guard what I have told you. I will seek ways that it may be brought out, though I do not think that there is any way other than time."

"Wait, "Selena said, "You've told me things in the last ten minutes that confuse me more than what I learned from Ny'Zeille. You just told me -- "

She reached for his arm, "I need to know something. What you have with Ny'Zeille -- "

"That is spoken of by her as some great love," he said, "with just the same voice as she used to tell you of what you are. That message was true, though you now know how deep her interest went. I know what I have, a female who makes much of loving with me and does it seldom. A headache, how much her duties strain her, now it is how upset she is over how her life is ruined once more. What began as a channel for our needs now causes me to want to sleep in my office, but that is my problem for the moment. I grow a little tired of being shown as a trophy as though she tamed me somehow and gains in the eyes of others. I am not her servant, I was only her friend but that wears thin too. I grow to enjoy my own company more.

As to what I said, ...

Xer have always been attracted to demons," he shrugged, "sometimes, it happens the other way as well and rarely. It is said that we have eyes to see what most cannot, and I can see even better." Arrax turned with a broad smile, "for all the good that it would do me."

"What does that mean?" Selena asked and she watched as Arrax smiled a little sadly.

"I cannot say much as yet, but it could easily happen that I am nowhere near you when this comes to you. If you have the chance of it, seek a Xer for yourself. The past four like you have taken Xer as mates, as though they wish nothing of the Merren. If you have that choice, choose that one wisely. We tend to like to bargain for power."

Selena nodded ,"It that what you would wish?"

"Me?" He laughed softly, shaking his head, "I have had years of commanding others. I am long tired of ordering everyone around. Why? Do you have thoughts of wanting me for your own? I am too old, Selena. I would think that you would want a younger male than I. But it is a nice thought and I thank you for it."

She watched as he walked away. She knew that her thoughts wouldn't do her any good either, but she found that she liked the way that he looked like this so much better. She wondered why they didn't always show this side of themselves. Maybe not all of them could, she thought as her aimless wandering took her to the kitchen.

Shaevre sat in the corner, a formidable bodyguard for Nahl'een. Selena liked Shaevre. She nodded and smiled as she said hello and was rewarded by the hellhound's nod and interested gaze. As Selena made herself a cup of tea, she wondered if Shaevre had this ability; to walk on two legs and speak to her. She doubted it and felt a little sad.

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skippersdadskippersdadover 2 years ago

holy crap,Selina will be the naxt Queen.

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_ealmost 10 years ago

You give in take. You take the possible relationship between Dahl and Selena away (though it may still come about), but then give her something else..

Nicely played :)

JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorabout 10 years ago
Wow, just Wow.

The 'racial memory' ritual bonding was very cool!

The sex has gotten much steamier, thanks, but also much more interesting couplings in general (as opposed to sex for sex's sake). I sit corrected.

"It prevented them all from seeing the hot red glow of her eyes."

...oh shit! Civilized or not, Grandma's schemes are falling apart and she's PISSED!

Faith and Dahlgren are such a joy to read :)

... and then the Big Reveal. What an eye opener that was! For all the rabid Dahl/Selena fans it comes out that she has already moved on. Oh, and she's going to be a Queen - if she can stay alive!

Realllllly enjoying your story!


Melo995Melo995over 10 years ago

I too wanted Selena and Dahl to get together. But the greatest if stories surprise you and take you somewhere surprising with each chapter. If I wanted a story I knew what was to happen in, I could just picture, it and and tell it to myself. I am so intreaged with your story, I'm never sure what is to come. Which is a rarity for me, I can usually tell where the story is going quite quickly( which is were I think most if the upset is coming from). I would buy this book. Sure I get annoyed when the story doesn't go how i wish(because they always seem too) but I cannot remember a time when I have been more surprised, and eventually move on from my upset, than your story. I am intreaged. It is a novelty and I thank you. You truly have a story tellers gift!

ELLIMISTELLIMISTalmost 11 years ago
Not what i hoped for

Selena and dahl were my favourite characters. Now i just skip everything about dahl and faith as i had expected more from dahl but has changed a lot from the beginning. He chose a mate and 4got someone he cared about just for some nookie. Lol well selena is still 1 of my favourite characters and as im not in the story for the sex i dnt bother with dahl from now i dont see the point if he's character changes so much so fast? Yeah

TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor
Agree with a couple of other readers..

I think that the scope of this is getting in the way of some readers. This isn't so much a single story, it's a few of them. As hard or difficult as it now - and my apologies if it confuses some - this will all eventually "get there". I don't know about the life experiences of others, obviously, but sometimes it happens that things don't work out - or maybe they do. I once knew of a couple of people who had high school sweethearts, back in their day long ago. They were both women well into their late fifties or maybe their sixties. Both had lives, husbands (plural in one case) and children. Decades later, they both met up with their loves of long ago and restarted their relationships - one even finally marrying her guy. What I took from that is that one can never tell. I can only ask that you read on to see how this goes, and I obviously would rather that you can enjoy the tales that I weave. In any event, thank you for your comment. I don't get all that many compared to other writers here and I do enjoy them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I agree with a couple of other readers...

What was the whole point of the Dhal/Selena story/chemistry if it was going to come to nothing? It was hard reading about Faith, I skim read her part in the whole thing because it seemed like a betrayal. It's hard to read when you set a character up for the reader to like, just to see them fall, as you've done with the Dhal/Selena storyline and also with the Billy/Hank/Connie storyline. I just don't get it. Also, Selena didn't care that Dhal found someone else? C'mon, how could she just think "Oh well, that's life for ya"? I like your writing and your stories but some things I'm finding hard to swallow. Maybe that's what you are aiming for? Who knows, but I'll keep reading anyway.

TaLtos6TaLtos6almost 12 years agoAuthor
Hurting inside?

I don't like to say that much about my stories as they're going up. If they were like books, you could just go on and not have to wait - so I am aware that it can be a little tough to want to see something happen - and it doesn't seem to.

This will be even worse, because the focus changes often. If you've read this far, then soon Dahlgren and Selena and / or Faith will be out of the spotlight for a little while. But don't give up, I will come back to the Book of the Merren. Also, I usually feel a little annoyed when people make assumptions about where things seem to be going. In this case, I'm not if you like Selena this much. I will warn you - if it hasn't become clear yet, it will later that Selena is on a journey of discovery and there are many parts to it. I can say that because it won't take anything away from the story.

Like a lot of things in life, where you seem to be going isn't always where it looks like the road is leading. So if you're a fan of Selena, don't fret too much. There are more surprises waiting for her. She's one of my favorites in this as well. 0_o

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

After the intensity and the emotions of Selena and Dahl's story form the previous chapter that the feeling seems so real, I got mad when Faith enters the scene. What's the used of Selena and Dahl's chemistry? when there was never a value in it in the end. Too sad, this two are my FAVORITE characters.

More story for Selena please, please, please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I have enjoyed all of your chapters but I must say that Dahl and Selena have been my favorite characters so far. The chapter had a lot of emotion for me, I was down right furious and sad with Dahl and Faith. Like another reader I almost skipped over faith's part in this chapter... but I just could not I had to read it all. I'm still not enthusiastic about the new developments between Dahl and Faith but I must say, excellent writing. I know it's a good story when so many range of emotions are stirred within me. Can't wait to read what you still have in store for everyone. :)

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