A Blind Date for the Holidays


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The song was only half over when Billie reached out and took hold of my hand. She pulled it out from between my legs, locking eyes with me and slowly brought my sticky fingers to her mouth. I knew what she was going to do, but still, as soon as my fingers entered Billie's mouth and her lips closed on them, I felt something tighten in the pit of my stomach.

Billie sucked on my fingers until they were clean, sending what felt like small, continuous electrical jolts through my body. She pulled me into bed once she was done. I went willingly enough and she pressed her body on top of mine, finally kissing me once more. Billie's hands were all over me, claiming me as hers.

I loved the feel of her touch. I wanted to caress her in the same way, but I'd never done that with a girl before. She must have sensed my hesitation. Clearly, Billie's need was strong because her normal patience with me was slipping. She took my hand and placed it on one of her breasts.

They were warm and soft. I thought about how I liked my breasts massaged and tried to do the same to Billie. She obviously enjoyed what I was doing because she moaned into my mouth. That helped my confidence and made me more comfortable. The fact that Billie's long fingers were stroking the inside of my thighs didn't hurt.

We kissed and caressed for as long as we could both stand holding off doing anything more. I have no idea how long that was, but what I do know is that when Billie finally slipped two fingers inside of me, I was more than ready for whatever came next. At least, I'd thought so, but then Billie kissed her way down my body and replaced her fingers with her mouth.

I came instantly, flooding her mouth with my release. My orgasm was so strong that my vision blurred, but this time I refused to pass out. Still, I was a spent afterward and needed time to recovery. Billie could obviously tell. She was no longer using her mouth, but she remained where she was using her hands to massage my butt and thighs.

It felt incredible. I recovered far faster than I expected. Billie could tell that too because she went back to licking me at exactly the right moment. I ran my fingers lovingly through her straight, dark locks.

Billie looked up at me and smiled sexily. I'd never forget that picture. She then proceeded to tease me, watching my reaction each time she did something different, obviously figuring what I liked and what I didn't. She continued until I felt another orgasm growing close. I was tempted to wait it out, but that would have been selfish.

I'd started dancing for Billie to show her how I felt about her. Billie had side tracked me in the best way possible, but that didn't mean I was done. I tried to pull away from Billie, but she refused to stop what she was doing. That made me more than a little curious.

I was nervous about tasting Billie for the first time, but I needed her to enjoy what was going on as much as I did. I shifted us both and pulled Billie's on top of me by her hips. I wasn't a big girl. In fact, Billie was a little taller, but I was curvier and preferred that Billie be on top.

She didn't fight me on it. Instead, Billie's mouth fell back to my center as soon as we were done moving. She was now straddling my head. The dark patch of hair between her legs that I'd admired earlier was now only inches from my face.

This was my first sight of another woman's most private part up close and I was relieved by how enamored I was by what I saw. I'd never given much thought about what being with a woman would be like until I met Billie, possibly because of the way I'd blocked out any thoughts in that area due to what happened to my cousin.

Even after Billie came into my life, I was more focused on the changes having her there would bring than that aspect. I'm not saying I didn't think about being with Billie. I did, especially when she was kissing me or when I was up late by myself some nights. I just didn't know how what to expect or how I'd react.

I wasn't prepared for the almost guttural desire that flooded through me. The pink crease peeking out of Billie's dark, thin thatch was extremely enticing and my growing passion demanded I delve into it, but some part of me wasn't quite ready for that yet. Instead, I focused elsewhere.

Billie's massage had helped me recovery surprisingly quickly so I figured why not? Besides, her thighs were taunt and her butt was well defined. It's not like I didn't want to touch them anyway. I caressed the latter while tilting my head and leaning up slightly to kiss the former. Billie gasped as I ran my teeth along her inner thighs. First one and then the other.

I was suddenly struck with a scent that was overpoweringly euphoric. I shifted my kisses inward, running my lips along her pelvis without actually reaching her center before moving back to one of her thighs. I did this a few times, each time drawing a moan from Billie.

I'm not sure how long I might have taken to finally taste Billie, but that didn't matter in the end. She could only take so much teasing and when I ran my lips along her pelvis one last time, her hips jerked, seemingly of their own accord. The end result was that her mound passed under my mouth and nose.

In retrospect, I don't know what I was expecting, but the moment my lips brushed her opening and I received my first taste of Billie I was completely lost. It was an ambrosia I would never tire of. I held her thighs on either side of my head and drove my tongue deep inside.

I guess I'd teased her to the breaking point because Billie cried out in release. That didn't stop me. A moment later her opening spasmed around my tongue. That didn't stop me either. Nor did the amount of fluid that sprayed into my mouth and on my face. I did my best to drink as much of it down as I could as she shuddered atop me.

I didn't even stop then, although I did slow down. I decided that the taste of Billie was going to quickly become an addiction for me. I teased as much of it from her as I could and then moved back to her inner thighs. I also returned to massaging her butt cheeks.

"That was amazing," Billie sighed once she recovered enough to speak.

"I'm glad you think so because I fully plan on making you do it again." Billie actually laughed gently at my comment.

"I'm spent," she replied, but I didn't bother replying. "And it's your turn."

I'd forgotten my own need in the thrill of the moment, but it was still there, simmering not far from the surface. Billie started working on reminding me of it despite having barely recovered. I wasn't surprise. That was just the type of person Billie was, the kind of lover.

"I still owe you from the last time!" I gasped out as her mouth found just the right place.

My tongue shifted back to her mound almost of its own accord. This time I was slower, truly enjoying every aspect of what I was doing. I ran my mouth along the length of her opening and back again, focusing first on the outside and then on the edge of the inside. I used my mouth the way I would have wanted someone to use theirs on me. It obviously worked based on Billie's reaction.

I loved everything about the moment. I even loved the feel of Billie's small hairs against my chin and cheeks as I shifted to the apex of her opening. I knew the small nub there would be extra sensitive and I wanted Billie to cum again.

The only problem with that was that she seemed just as intent on making me lose it. It's not that I didn't want that, but I was afraid I'd be too spent to finish Billie if I orgasmed first and it was important to me.

"Not fair!" I gasped when she slipped two fingers inside of me once more. I returned the favor, although I was much more tentative. Mostly because I didn't want to hurt Billie. Her reaction made it obvious that I needn't have worried. It was her turn to gasp. I could feel her opening throbbing around my fingers.

It wasn't long before I found the spot I was looking for. The one that turned Billie inside out. The timing was perfect because her fingers reached a similar place inside of me at the same moment. Her tongue danced across my most sensitive nub while I sucked on hers.

I'm not sure who starting cumming first, but in moments we were both holding on tightly as our bodies thrashed against each other in release. I loved the feel of Billie on top of me, holding me in place as my mouth was once again flooded with her savory nectar.

I may have actually blacked out for a few moments toward the end because I didn't remember Billie shifting off of me. One second, I was in the last throes of my release and the next I was laying contently next to Billie. She had her arm resting across me and was snoring gently.

At least this time I wasn't the only one to pass out afterward. I snuggled closer and let myself drift off, truly content for the first time in my life.

Chapter Eleven

"You two just remember! I was the one who introduced you." Janet was drunk. Okay, wasted fit better. I hadn't really seen her this bad since college. "That means I get to be the maid of honor!" Okay, so that was a little embarrassing, but Billie didn't seem bothered by it so I left it alone. "Because there's no way I'm going to be the best man."

Billie snorted in suppressed laughter as my mouth fell open. A moment later our eyes met and we exchanged a grin at Janet's antics. We had our friend between us as we directed her into my apartment. I hadn't been here for any significant amount of time all week.

Billie and I had spent every night since Monday together at her place. It was Friday and my birthday was tomorrow. Janet had joined us for dinner and was so happy that we were together that she ended up drinking way too much. We'd decided that she was in no shape to go home to her parents' place so we took her to my place since it was closer.

"Samantha's more of the best man type," Janet continued, not quite slurring. "Besides, it's pretty obvious that Billie is the 'boy' in your relationship." I'm not sure if Billie or I would have been offended if it were anyone else, but it wasn't, so instead we gave up holding back our laughter, which only confused poor drunk Janet. "What?"

"Don't worry, you'll be the maid of honor," I offered, figuring giving her what she wanted might quiet her down. It's not like there was anyone else I would choose.

"Samantha will be the matron of honor," Billie added. "There will be no best man." Janet frowned for a moment before smiling widely and nodding in drunken satisfaction.

The fact that we were talking marriage was a little silly since we'd only known each other a few weeks. A part of me knew we were just humoring our drunk friend, but the odd part was that it didn't really bother me. The truth was that I fully planned on marrying Billie when the time came. She obviously didn't seem particularly bothered by the thought either.

I had a sudden urge to kiss Billie, but it would have to wait. We had to deal with Janet first. That didn't stop me from giving my girlfriend a loving glance over our friend's head. Billie noticed and returned it. I was no longer surprised by the warmth that spread at her attention, but that didn't mean I was used to it. I'm not sure I ever would be. I couldn't wait to get her alone.

There was only one problem. My apartment was a one bedroom. We clearly hadn't taken that into consideration when we chose it instead of Billie's house. First things first, we had to settle Janet in for the night. We'd figure the rest out afterward.

Have you ever tried to put a drunk to bed? Let's just say it wasn't easy. First, Janet didn't particularly want to go to sleep so she kept slipping free. The problem was that she was very drunk and couldn't stand up on her own. We had to catch her each time she pulled away.

Janet also seemed to have a lot to say. Unfortunately, she wasn't making much sense anymore. Some of that probably had to do with the fact that she started crying and taking turns hugging us. They were clearly happy tears, but that didn't make it any easier getting her to calm down.

Eventually we succeeded and got Janet undressed and into my bed. We put a garbage pail with a plastic liner next to her just in case. We left the bedroom door open as we left. This way we could hear if she woke up and needed help.

"Your friend is a lush," I teased as I went into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of white wine.

"My friend?" Billie asked with a raised eyebrow as she followed me. I held up the bottle and she nodded so I poured us both a glass.

"You've known her longer." My logic was a bit iffy, but I was just having some fun anyway. I should have known better than to think I'd gotten the last word.

"Yes, but she's going to be your maid of honor." Billie was too quick. I loved that about her. Who was I kidding? I loved everything about her.

"Touché, touché." I figured it was best to give in gracefully. We went out into the living room and sat on the couch with our wine glasses.

"Are we going to have to spend the night here?" I knew what Billie was really asking. She clearly wanted me as much as I did her. She was hoping I'd agree to leave Janet here and go to her place with her.

"Let's put on a movie," I answered reluctantly. It's not like I didn't want what Billie was offering. "We'll check on her after it's over. If she's still sleeping soundly then maybe we can slip out." Janet was my best friend and I needed to make sure she was okay.

"That's fine." Billie gave in far too quickly for her to be mad. I was betting she wasn't ready to leave Janet quite yet either. "The truth is that I'm okay wherever we sleep as long I wake up in the morning with you next to me. I want to be the first to wish you a happy birthday."

"I'd like that too," I admitted with a warm smile as we settled onto the couch. I picked up the tv remote and put it on.

"Feel like watching anything particular?" I was scrolling through the guide.

"Something short," Billie joked, but her eyes seemed far more serious than her tone. "Not that I plan on watching much of whatever you put on." She pulled me into her arms.

The remote slipped from my hands a few moments later as Billie's kisses grew more heated. I returned them with equal passion. Her hands roamed my body, but she didn't remove any of my clothing. It made sense since we weren't alone. The weird part was there was a part of me that wanted to chance it.

We remained in each other's arms kissing for so long that my lips started to ache. My own hands were intermeshed in Billie's hair when there was a knock on the door. I glanced at the time and frowned. It wasn't really that late, but still, I didn't typically have visitors.

"You get the door. I need to fix my hair, just in case. Someone made a mess of it." Billie was grinning as stood and moved toward the bathroom.

"And my dress got this way all by itself!" I whispered tersely so whoever was at the door wouldn't hear. Billie only reaction was to laugh she disappeared. I waited until she was out of sight and smiled. I also straightened my dress as quickly as possible. It was wrinkled, but it could have been from just normal wear. At least, that what I told myself as I fixed my bra too.

My late-night visitor knocked on the door again, this time with more strength. Whoever it was clearly wasn't going anywhere. I sighed as I reached for the door.

"Happy birthday!" The chorus wasn't really that loud, but it felt like it echoed because of who was at the door. My parents were standing there with my brother Sean.

"Mom? Dad?" Can you say full blown panic attack? I was moments away from having one. It was my worst nightmare come to life. I knew I needed to tell my family about Billie, but not yet! I thought I'd have more time to get ready. "What are you doing here?"

Well, that certainly wasn't the best reaction I could have shown. My mother frowned, but it was more in concern than surprise. Sean seemed surprised and my father, God bless him, didn't seem to notice anything was out of the ordinary.

"Did you really think we'd let you spent your birthday alone on the other side of the country?" My mother pushing past me into my apartment.

"I'm not alone." The pounding in my head was so strong that I was certain I was going to pop a blood vessel any moment. Mom smiled knowingly, obviously thinking she was going to meet the mystery 'man' on my life. If only her joy would last after she found out about Billie.

"Who's there?" The slurred words from my bedroom door drew everyone attention. Janet was standing there squinting as she tried to make out everyone in the room. I knew the moment she did when she added, "Holy shit!"

That was bad enough, but she also happened to be in nothing but a bra and panties. My father looked properly embarrassed as he turned away. Sean not so much.

"Stop staring!" I snapped at my younger brother as I quickly made my way over to Janet. He just grinned until mom gave him the look. That caused Sean to look away, but only briefly. I ignored them and focused on Janet. "Let's get you back to bed." My mother took Janet's state in immediately and came over to help.

"Where's Billie?" Janet asked, loud enough for everyone to hear. I sighed. It not like I could hide the fact that Billie was here anyway.

"In the bathroom."

"Who is Billy?" my mom asked. I swallowed hard, fighting to find the words. I should have answered quicker because Janet filled the silence.

"I introduced them. I'm going to be the maid of honor." Janet announced proudly. "Trish loves Billie!"

"That's nice dear," mom said, but I could see her smile grow. Oh boy, this was going to be bad, very bad. I knew my father and brother had heard my best friend's announcement so I rushed to get Janet back in bed as quickly as possible. I didn't want Billie to have to face them alone.

My mother and I were in my bedroom less than a minute and thankfully, mom didn't ask any more questions. I guess she figured she get her answers once she met Billie. It's not like she was wrong.

The moment we walked out of the bedroom I spotted my father and brother Sean standing silently staring at Billie. Dad was as white as a ghost. Sean looked stunned, but dare I say, more surprised than bothered by the fact that Billie was a girl. Hopefully, that meant I'd still have at least one family member who would be willing to claim me by the time this night was over.

Poor Billie was trying to fill the silence, but it was a waste of time. Dad looked ready to erupt. I'd only seen that look on his face a few times in my life. It never boded well. I moved toward them and stepped between dad and Billie. My new girlfriend let me take the lead since it was my family, but she moved next to me in support.

The look of disappointment and disgust on my father's face as he looked at us hurt even worse than I expected. Yet, now that the moment had arrived, I found myself more prepared than I hoped. My heart still pounded, but I felt my head clear.

"Tell me it's not true." My father's words hit hard. Not because his demand was unreasonable. Of course, it was unreasonable. No, the reason why it hit hard was that a part of me wanted to give him exactly what he wanted. I loved my father and didn't take any pleasure in hurting it.

"Daddy, this is Belinda. Billie to her friends." I was speaking slowly, trying to keep the moment from exploding into something ugly. That didn't mean I would lie. "I won't apologize for loving her, but I am sorry that it upsets you."

"Oh dear," mom interjected before dad could reply. "I was afraid that something like this would happen."

"What?" I asked, almost stunned beyond words. "You mean you knew?"

"Knew?" mom asked rhetorically. "No, but I was concerned." She paused briefly before clarifying. "Or maybe I did know, but didn't want to face the truth."