A Blind Date for the Holidays


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Billie laughed and led the way out. She did pause to give my brother a quick hug as she passed, which made me feel good in a completely different way. I stopped and gave him a hug as well, along with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Trish, I love you. Be happy."

"You too, little brother." I replied, wiping a sudden tear that slipped down my cheek. "I'm glad you came. Having you accept Billie and me has helped a lot."

"Just remember, you promised to put in a good word for me with Janet when she's sober!" Sean was grinning, obviously trying to hide his embarrassment.

"I did no such thing!" I countered with a laugh. "But then again, I won't stand in the way if you and her hit it off."

"Gee, thanks." His voice dripped sarcasm, but he was still smiling. "I'll see you bright and early in the morning. Breakfast with mom and possibly dad at O dark early should be fun."

"Yeah, happy birthday to me," I grumbled, making him smile sadly.

"Give them time," he offered, but then quickly added, changing the subject, "Now get out of here so I can set the stage for Janet when she wakes up. Eggs or pancakes?"

"You've got it bad!" Billie teased. Sean surprised me by simply shrugging without comment.

"French toast," I answered, taking pity on him. "With cinnamon, and she prefers apple juice over orange, but the rest is up to you."

"Thanks! The rest I can handle." Sean's comment was followed by my apartment door shutting in my face. Billie and I quickly made our way to her car.

"Think those two will work out?" Billie asked as we got in. I knew she was just making conversation.

"Weirder things have happened," I offered, but then snorted and added, "Take us for instance." I was lost in thought for a moment. Billie's next question brought me back to the present full force.

"Do you regret it?"

"Never!" I took her hands in mine and squeezed, looking deep into her eyes to try and make her understand. "Loving you has turned my life upside down, and I'll never be able to show you just how thankful I am because of it."

Chapter Twelve

"Um, surprise?" Janet sounded hung over. I smirked briefly because I'd forgotten that this was supposed to be a surprise party before my parents' arrival changed everything.

My best friend was also embarrassed. I didn't know what she remembered from the night before, but I'm sure Sean filled her in on anything she'd forgotten. I didn't blame her for what she'd said or done because she was so obviously drunk, but she certainly hadn't helped.

Breakfast with dad and mom had been even tougher than last night in some ways. I hated how uncomfortable it felt and how sad it left me once it was over. I'd gone alone by choice. Sean had planned on joining us, but I convinced him not to because he wasn't the type to keep his opinion to himself and I didn't want my father to get angry and storm out. In retrospect, that was probably a mistake.

Billie had offered to come as well, but just this once I decided I needed to face them by myself. I thought if it was just the three of us it might let my father, and yes, even my mother say what they needed to say. I'd hoped afterward we might get past my coming out and truly celebrate my birthday.

In retrospect, I'd been way too naïve. I guess part of it was how well my brothers took the news. It surprised me and I'd half convinced myself that even my parents would be okay now that they'd had some time to absorb the truth.

Mom did her best to keep the conversation going, but clearly didn't want to talk about what they'd discovered the night before. Dad barely said a word the entire meal. Worse, the two were obviously fighting and I hated that I was the cause of it.

"Happy Birthday to me." I didn't quite grimace at the memory of my parents' reaction both last night and this morning, but it wasn't easy.

This was my second meal at a restaurant today and it was only lunch time. Hopefully, this one would go better than the last. I figured there was a good chance since we were at the same Italian restaurant where Billie and I had our blind date. Well, if I could get past how difficult it had been to face my parents again.

"Happy Birthday." Janet hugged me tight. "And I'm sorry. I love you, Trish."

"Better not let Billie hear you say that." I groaned at my little brother's comment, but then couldn't stop myself from smiling when I saw his grin as he also pulled me into a hug.

"Happy Birthday, lesbo," he joked.

"Call me that again and I'll start telling Janet stories of your past girlfriends," I said pointedly. He lifted his hands in defeat. My best friend and brother's hugs helped, but only a little.

"And just remember, there more of us here tonight than you." Samantha had clearly met my brother already. I guess I should be happy that there was no bloodshed...at least, not yet.

"Happy Birthday," Samantha said, smiling at me. She wasn't really a hugger. That didn't stop her from asking, "Are you okay?"

Her question reminded me that out of everyone here, she probably understood best how hard it was for me to face my parents earlier. My eyes misted up almost without me realizing it.

"I get what you meant when you said that it hurt that your mother didn't love the real you," I said with a shake of my head as I forced the emotions causing the threatening tears down. "I was always my daddy's little girl. The fact that he refuses to accept me for who I really am hurts."

"Give him time, dear," Arlene said, stepping forward and pulling me close. "And happy birthday. We still have hope that Samantha's mom will come around."

"And if she can, then your father will be a pushover." Samantha was trying to make me feel better, but she didn't know my father.

"Wanna bet?" Sean snorted. He knew daddy as well as me.

"Happy birthday!" Lynn interjected with a smile, changing the subject and introducing me to a tall, dark-skinned man as I settled into the chair at the end of the oversized table. "This is my husband, Terry."

I'd met up with Arlene, Lynn and Susan again on Wednesday at the bookstore. I went out to dinner with them and their kids afterward before heading to Billie's. I really enjoyed getting to know the ladies and their kids better.

I particularly enjoyed the fact that Cassie and Tim insisted on calling me Aunt Trish despite Arlene's halfhearted efforts to get them to stop. I couldn't wait to see them do it in front of Samantha, but that wasn't going to be today. This lunch was adults only.

"Nice to meet you," I said, smiling at Terry as I forced thoughts of my parents from my mind. I hoped we'd got along because I really liked his wife, Lynn. I had a feeling that she and I might grow close with time.

"Happy birthday," he said with an easy smile that gave me hope.

"Happy birthday," Susan added. "And this handsome devil is my husband, Mark." She kissing the man sitting next to her.

"Only in your dreams," her husband replied with a laugh before turning to me. "Nice to meet you, and happy birthday." He wasn't a particularly attractive guy, but then again, it clearly didn't matter to Susan.

"You too, and thanks." I was smiling, glad to see them all. That didn't stop me from glancing around the restaurant. Everyone else had settled into their chairs. I noticed that there were still three chairs empty.

"Billie is running late," Janet smiled, guessing correctly where my thoughts were. "Apparently, she special ordered a gift for someone and needed to pick it up."

"She paid an arm and a leg for it, and that's not even counting the rushed delivery, so that someone had better appreciate it," Samantha added pointedly, earning a frown from Arlene. I chose to ignore the comment and instead picked up the prefilled glass of wine in front of me.

I was guessing that the remaining two chairs had been put aside for my parents in case they decided to join us. Talk about wishful thinking. I was pretty sure they were already on their way back to the airport to head home.

I loved the fact that they'd decided to surprise me with a visit on my birthday despite the cost and time of traveling across the country the week before I was due home anyway. It was crazy in a way, but that was my family for you. Always there when you needed them. I hated how it ended up.

"Thank you all for coming," I said, meaning it as I tried to keep my spirits up. "To friends, both old and new." I lifted my glass, glancing at Janet, my brother and then the rest trying to let them see just how much I appreciated their presence after having to deal with my parents earlier.

"Happy Birthday, sis," Sean replied, giving me one of his rare serious looks. "I glad you found people who you feel comfortable being yourself around."

"Thanks, but remind me to tell you what Paul said when I told him," I said with a sudden grin after we all drank. "He and Mike took the news better than I feared. Daddy might be being difficulty, but mom is trying." I paused before smiling slowly. "I'm glad I found new friends who accept me for me too, but you have no idea how glad I am that I haven't lost my family, at least, not the ones that matter."

My emotions threatened to overwhelm me again, but I was distracted by Billie's arrival. It took me a moment to realize she wasn't alone. It took me even longer to recognize the older couple with her.

"Uncle Teddy? Aunt Ellen?" My shock and disbelief were impossible to hide.

"Happy birthday dear. I see that you're still more beautiful than any of those silly cartoon princesses." Aunt Ellen response was so her. I was crazy about the Disney princesses as a kid and used to make her watch the movies with me all the time when I visited. She always insisted I was prettier than any of them. She was always one of my biggest cheer leaders. It was silly really, but it mattered to the little girl I was at the time.

"Happy birthday!" my Uncle Teddy said before adding somewhat flippantly, "And you might lose contact with some of my more close-minded siblings, but then again, you'll have your aunt and me back in your life. I'd say that more than a fair swap."

My uncle hadn't changed either and it made me grin. He was still as confident and downright cocky as he ever was despite his getting on in years. No one made me laugh more when I was a kid. I'd missed him. I'd missed them both!

"It's so good to see you!" I cried, standing and hugging them both at the same time. I admit, a few tears did slip down my cheeks as I did so.

I felt everyone at our table watching our reunion, but it was Billie's gaze that drew my eyes. I knew this was her doing. Well, hers and Sean's, but she been the one to go pick my uncle and aunt up and bring them to my birthday party.

'Thank you,' I mouthed, letting her see how much I appreciated the effort. Billie smiled and nodded, happy to see me shedding tears of joy on my birthday.

"Your cousin sends his love," Aunt Ellen said once I finally let them go. "He said to tell you than he, Freddie and the kids can't wait to meet you."

"I'd like that too." I smiled as I sat back in my chair, now in a much better mood. I'd have to deal with my parents eventually, but not right now. Today was my twenty-firth birthday and it was time to celebrate.

Billie settled into the chair next to me and took my hand. We were connected in so many ways, but I hoped the joy I received from just holding her hand never faded.

I was oddly content as I looked around the table and saw my friends and family, but I knew that much of my good mood had to do with the women sitting beside me. I found myself wondering what the next twenty-five years of my life would bring, but instead of worry, I smiled because whatever it was, I wouldn't have to face it by myself.

Chapter Thirteen

I woke up slowly from an amazing dream as I took in the fact that it was early morning with the sun just starting to rise. Only, it quickly became apparent that the dream wasn't one at all. My mind was barely awake and seemed even more sluggish than usual, but my body was sending it signals that were impossible to misinterpret.

I glanced down and saw Billie's dark head of hair between my legs. She was waking me in the best way imaginable. The initial tingling her mouth teased from my body was already morphing into something more and I'd barely opened my eyes.

"A very merry Un-birthday to me!" I moaned, making her smile briefly and look up at me. We'd come home late last night after dropping my uncle and aunt back off at their house. We were both tired and too exhausted to do much more than give each other a good night kiss before passing out in bed together. Apparently, Billie regretted that decision this morning.

Her dark eyes were difficult to see as the sun was just starting to creep over the horizon, but I could feel their intensity as she went back to focusing on bringing me relief. Her expert tongue quickly woke all the important parts of me.

It wasn't long before I lifted my knees and spread my legs wide to give her better access. Billie took full advantage and lifted my knees until they were nearly beside my head. She also drove her tongue deep inside my cleft, burying her nose in my sensitive mound. I gasped, fighting off my pending orgasm as best I could.

That only lasted a few moments more because that's when the sun finally rose enough for its light to pass through the bedroom window. It was impossible to ignore the hunger in Billie's dark orbs once I could see them clearly. My body responded in the only way possible and I thrashed in release.

I was spent afterward as I fought to regain my breath. Billie slowly slid up my body, straddling one of my thighs. Her mouth found mine and I opened myself to her, allowing her tongue inside. I could taste myself on her lips, but I'd gotten past that over the last week. Frankly, I sort of liked it. Of course, Billie tasted far better. I smiled to myself, knowing that would come in time because she was clearly in need.

Billie ground herself against my thigh, dampening it almost immediately. I lifted my knee slightly to make it easier on her and my lover's kisses grew even more demanding. I reached around Billie with both hands. One rubbed her back while the other fell to her small and shapely ass. I squeezed it gently at first and then with more pressure as she grew nearer to her own release.

I was so focused on bringing Billie relief that I nearly jumped when her fingers slipped between my legs. I was soaked and in need, but tried to push her hand away.

"It's your turn!" I insisted, afraid that if I came again so soon after the last time that I'd pass out before she finished.

Billie didn't argue. Instead, she surprised me again by shifting on top of me. A moment later I felt the most amazing thing in my life. I knew what scissoring was, but this was the first time we'd ever done it. Billie's lust burned bright in her dark orbs as she pressed her weeping opening against my own.

"Oh wow!" I gasped as her apex found mine. Our two nubs brushed against each other briefly and I felt it deep in the pit of my stomach. Billie starting grinding her hips back and forth, pressing our bodies together in a way that I knew would be one of my favorites.

I was memorized by more than just the feeling. My lover's breasts, though small, were impossible to ignore as they swayed with her movement. Her nipples were stiff pebbles and I couldn't resist reaching up and caressing first one and then the other. The fire in Billie's eyes grew and something deep inside of me responded.

"Kiss me!" I demanded. Billie damn near bent me into a pretzel to reach my lips with her own, but in that moment, I could care less.

There was a wildness in my lover's eyes that I'd never seen before. Her desire for me had been obvious from our first meeting, but this was something deeper. I felt myself responding, wanting to bring her the best release of her life.

I was Billie's, body and soul and she knew it. She'd claimed every time we ended up in bed together and if I was being honest, I loved it. I loved giving myself to her. I even loved claiming her as mine in my own way.

I was seldom the aggressor, but seldom wasn't never. I pushed Billie off of me when I felt my own orgasm threatening. It was too early for that. She landed on the bed face down. I think Billie was a little surprised by my action, but I didn't give her time to shift.

I quickly spun position until I was between her legs. I lifted her hips slightly and thrust my tongue into her, earning a guttural gasp from my lover. I'd learned a lot about how to give pleasure to another woman from our week together, or maybe it was just Billie. It was the same difference in the end for me.

Her taste fanned the flames of my need to bring her pleasure. I thrust two fingers inside of Billie and twisted them until I found the spot that always brought her relief. My lover cried out, but still fought against her release. Her refusal to let go frustrated me. So did the fact that my hand was getting in the way of my mouth.

I pulled my fingers free of her and rolled onto my back. I think I surprised us both when I pulled Billie down by her hips until her thighs were straddling my head. I attacked the apex of her opening with my mouth and tongue. Billie sat up straight, resting one hand on the headboard as she looked down at me. I continued to use my lips on her, but that wasn't all I did.

I stared up at my lover and let her see my need. I watched as it dawned on her that what I wanted most in the world at that moment, wasn't my own release, but hers. I smiled in satisfaction when I saw her expression turn into one of happy acceptance.

Billie started slowly riding my face, but the pace quickly picked up when she saw how much I liked what she was doing. Her orgasm was already close so I knew it was just a matter of moments before she lost control.

I wanted it to be the best of her life, so I attacked my lover's opening with both my mouth and fingers doing what instinctually felt right. My nose was buried in Billie's soft thatch of dark hair as I used my tongue to force her over the edge. I once more thrust my fingers deep and quickly found that spot that driver her crazy. Only this time, it was too much for her. Billie's orgasm burst free.

I don't know if it was the best in her life, but it was certainly the most intense release I'd ever given her. Her juices flooded my mouth. No, they did more than that. They sprayed free of her opening, drenching me as Billie cried out multiple times. Her body thrashed long after she was done.

I can't describe the sense of satisfaction I felt when Billie fell off of me and dropped down on the bed, panting almost uncontrollably. I sat up and wiped the remainder of her orgasm from my face before leaning down and kissing her. Billie returned it, but was clearly half out of it.

I watched her and played with her damp hair as she caught her breath. A moment later I heard Billie's breathing deepen. I was content in a way I'd never felt before as I watched my lover pass out. A smile formed as I remembered out first time together, when Billie brought me to an intense orgasm before I fell into a deep sleep.

"Turnabout is fair play," I said softly, not wanting to wake her.

Part of me wanted to fall asleep next to Billie, but I was no longer tired. Besides, the sheets were soaked and probably cold by now.

I got out of bed and moved to the master bathroom. I took a long, hot shower and thought about how much my life had changed in the last week. That was nothing new, but this time I was in too good of a mood to do anything but enjoy it.

I took the time to shave my legs and wash my hair before I finished. I walked out of the bathroom to find that Billie was still passed out on the bed despite how long I spent in the shower. I didn't want to wake her so I didn't bother getting dressed. Instead, I slipped out bedroom as quietly as possible still wearing one of Billie's oversized robes.