A Bumpy Car Ride on My Son's Lap

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The journey to the camp wasn't too bad after all.
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We should have brought our car.

This thought continued running through my mind all the way. We wouldn't have been walking for so long if we had brought our car.

My son, Liam and I were going camping near a lake. Liam was so excited about this trip. And I didn't want to disappoint him. This trip would be our last before he went off to college. Liam always went camping with his father. But two years ago, we lost Liam's father to an accident. We had no one else we could fall upon. So when Liam asked for this trip, I couldn't say no.

This lake was in the next town. I had booked a bus that would drop us near the lake. But we'd have to walk a little to get to the bus. We are a fit mother-son pair so walking a little wasn't a big deal for either of us. When the day came, we packed everything required and left our house to go to the bus stand.

Halfway to the bus stand, Liam realized he had left the snacks on the kitchen counter. I had given him the packets to keep in his bag. I had kept the tent and other items, so I didn't have much space in my bag. But we couldn't go on a 3-day camping trip without any snacks on us. So we had no other option but to walk back to our home.

We jogged back to our house, took the packets off the counter, and ran back to the stand. But unfortunately, the bus had left. Sun was already over our heads. If we didn't leave for the lake just then, we wouldn't make it before the dark. It was a rocky-mountainous region, and walking through the night wouldn't be a safe choice. We had to leave right then.

Liam suggested we could take the local bus from the next stand. It would be a bit crowded, but we didn't have many options. So we started walking towards the next bus stand. After walking for 15--20 minutes, we learned it was pretty far away, and we hadn't reached half the way there. The roads were laid with stones, and it wasn't easy walking.

I had worn my sneakers, and Liam had his shoes on. I had a knee-length flared dress. It was knee length, so it didn't move too much with the wind. But it wasn't suitable for a windy day - like today. But in my defense, I had thought we were to ride on a bus and reach the camp comfortably. None of this was in my plan.

Liam had worn his t-shirt and pajamas. Both were thin and light. But Liam always prioritized comfort over style, so it was quite his way.

We somehow kept on. Liam had started dragging a bit too, and we were both tired even before we had officially started the journey. This part was supposed to be easy.

The stand was still nowhere in sight. We thought we could book a cab to get there. A cab to the next town would be crazy expensive, but one to the next stand could be affordable. Liam had brought his phone with him. He checked the cab options but couldn't find any near the area. So, we had to drop the idea of a cab. We then chatted about asking for a lift. I was a little unsure of it. But then went with the idea thinking the stand would be near.

A few cars passed, and we tried to stop them and ask for a lift, but none stopped. We had almost given up this idea, too, but finally, a car stopped.

It was a small car, and a man and woman were sitting in the front. The man sitting in the driver's seat stopped in front of us and asked what we wanted. Liam explained that we needed to reach the nearby bus stand. The man asked what our final destination was. Before I could stop Liam from revealing our locations, he ratted off about the camping and the lake. The two looked at each other and told us they were going near the lake too and could drop us there. They then pointed to us that they were a couple and were headed to the cabin to spend a few months in the woods.

Even though I was suspicious at the start, the couple looked genuine. My feet were happy we didn't have to walk anymore.

The couple was equally excited to drop us off. Liam and I were thankful for the lift, but the only problem was the lack of space in the car.

The car wasn't massive, and there wasn't a lot of space for anyone. And the backseat of the vehicle was filled with too many boxes. In no way could the seat hold two people. I realized we would have to pass on this offer.

I expressed my concern to the couple, and they felt helpless too. But the woman told us that that was our only chance if we wanted to reach the lake. She then explained that the local bus must have left an hour before, and in no way could we catch it.

Liam and I looked at each other, mentally cursing. We didn't know what to do about the whole situation now. As we were thinking and trying to make a decision, the couple got out of the car.

Both of them opened the back doors and started rearranging the boxes. We tried objecting, but they continued trying to make space for us. They shoved a few boxes behind the seat and under them. A large box was occupying the maximum area in the center. They hoisted it together and held it against the back of their front seats, but it fell over the back seat. Then the woman opened another box and took out two little pieces of rope, and they tied the large box to a handle near the front seat and hoisted it up.

I tried talking them out of it as I was embarrassed to be of such great inconvenience to strangers. But the couple was very persistent. They tied it up, and this time it stayed. They had put the box in such a way that it had created a wall, and it would be impossible for the people in the front and back seats to see each other.

They adjusted a few more boxes on the seat. When we saw it wasn't possible to move the boxes anymore, we scanned the center. It still didn't have enough space for Liam and me. It could hold only one person, and we couldn't leave without the other. I felt terrible for the couple as they had tried too hard for this, but it wasn't helpful.

We were going to pass on the offer, but the woman beat us to it. She suggested one of us could sit on the other's lap, and that way, both could fit on the seat.

Now that was a good idea. I could sit on the seat and have Liam on my lap. Liam was only 20, and he couldn't be too heavy for me. We could reach the lake early enough to camp there tonight.

I sat on the tiny space in the back seat and then asked Liam to come to sit on my lap. I asked Liam if he was okay with sitting on my lap, and he didn't look much at ease but still agreed. I had to take off my bag to adjust to the seat, and Liam had to do the same.

As soon as Liam sat on my lap, I realized he was too heavy for my legs. In a few seconds, my legs had started aching, so I asked him to get down, and he did.

"Mom, maybe I could be under you. It would be easier to ride that way", Liam suggested.

Okay, that sounded a bit weird coming from my son's mouth. But I didn't react. I simply got down and let Liam climb into the car first. Then, I went into and sat on his lap. As I sat, my dress rose a little at the back with my bare thighs rubbing against his pajamas. I was worried I was too heavy for him, but Liam said this position was much better. I asked if I was too much for him, but he declined and said he could bear it for the rest of the journey.

The couple was pleased that everything had worked out for the better. They gave us our bags and took their seats in the front.

I took our bags, kept one near my leg, and kept the one with snacks on my lap. I didn't want it to get stepped on by Liam or me. Also, I had noticed that my dress had ridden a little at the front, so keeping the bag there felt like a good decision.

The man asked us if we were comfortable and told us that it would take almost two hours to reach the lake and they wouldn't stop for any breaks. But if we wanted something, we could tell them. They also informed us that due to the box between the seats and the noisy wind, they wouldn't be able to see or hear us. If we needed something, we'd have to shout it to them. We said we would.

He then started the car, and we finally started our journey.

Liam had gone entirely still under me. I knew it must be weird having his mum sit on his lap. But I didn't want to make it more awkward between us, so I asked him if he was okay. He said he was, but his voice was shallow. I attributed it to the fact that he must have been drained due to all the walking. His legs must be aching too. And now he had to bear his mother's weight on his legs too.

I tried to lift myself a little to ease his legs. But the road was so bumpy that as soon as I tried lifting myself off his lap, I came back down to his lap with more force. I heard Liam's loud exhale, and I understood my weight was getting too much for his thighs to balance. So I tried to get up from his lap again, but the fucking road was making my task more difficult. I returned to Liam's lap again-- my bum crashing his thighs.

This time, Liam held my hips and whispered in my ear to stop moving. I must have hurt him. I wanted to apologize, so I twisted myself to face him and say sorry. In the process, my whole upper body turned towards him with my hips twisting a bit too. Liam's grip on my hips tightened.

As I faced him and said sorry, he looked into my eyes and said, "Mom, stop moving, for fucks sake."

I had never seen Liam angry. But as I looked at his face, he looked pissed. What was up with him? Maybe he was exhausted, but I still couldn't have him talk to me that way. So I asked him to watch his tone, which was no way to speak to his mother.

Liam realized he had spoken rudely. He closed his eyes for half a second, breathed heavily, and then opened them again. He then apologized to me for his tone and said that the day had gotten to him.

I assured him that it would be over soon and asked him if he was okay. He said he was, so I looked forward again.

I couldn't sit straight for too long as I didn't have any back support to hold myself. My body was tired and wanted some relief, so I collapsed my upper body to Liam's chest. He had his back on the seat, so I guessed it wouldn't inconvenience him too much. He didn't say anything either, so I assumed it was okay.

My body was all over Liam's body. My back was against his chest, and my head was on his shoulders. My bum was against his hips, with my thighs against his. We sat in this relaxed state for a long time.

Every few seconds, the car bumped, and I went up and down with it. I wanted to hold on to something, but there was nothing nearby. Liam's hands gripped my hips tightly to stop me from bouncing with the car. But even that couldn't control the movements.

I asked Liam if I should move forward a little. When he didn't say anything, I shifted forward a bit. That's when I heard a sharp intake from Liam. He slid his hand away from my hips and towards my lower belly. He had his hand on my lower abdomen and the other on my hip, and he not-so-gently slid me back.

"Didn't I tell you not to move?"

I explained to him that it must be uncomfortable for him to hold me for so long.

"Don't do anything. Sit still"

Liam was talking weirdly. He wasn't a man of few words, and I couldn't understand what had got into him today.

Liam hadn't removed his hand from my belly, and it was almost on my pelvic region. I thought he must be holding it for more support. Because he held me so tightly, even when the car jumped, I didn't move much. My body had changed from jumping and crashing on Liam's lap to now grinding his thighs. Liam had it all under control, so I stopped thinking about it.

I was feeling a bit sleepy, as the exhaustion of the day was finally catching up on me.

That's when I heard the couple shouting, asking us something. I couldn't listen to what they were saying, so I got up from Liam's lap and moved toward the front seat to hear them better. They asked us if we were okay and wanted something, and I told them we didn't want anything.

After saying that, I sat back on Liam's lap, but as I sat back down, something felt different. This was not the proper position. So I tried adjusting myself on his lap. I tried scooting forward, but that wasn't right. So I pushed my hips backward on his lap, but it didn't feel right either. So I held Liam's thighs, got up a little, and then dropped my hips back on his lap.

I was utterly uncomfortable, but Liam wasn't helping me out here. Maybe he was too upset with me. I got up again and, with my hands, held his thighs, spread them a little, planted my bum on his hips, and placed my thighs over his. Yeah, that felt good. I had finally found a comfortable position.

I was enjoying my comfort. Just then, Liam decided to ruin it for me. He spread his thighs from under mine, which led to my thighs outstretching a little before falling from his. I thought I would fall from his lap. But then he held my hips tightly with both his hands and pulled me back to the seat, crashing into his lap.

This time my breath hitched a little.

In this new position, my ass was directly over his pelvic. My dress at the back had ridden entirely up. I could feel something near my thighs, and I didn't want to believe it or even think about it. So I tried to get up again, but Liam was holding me tightly against his body.

I wanted to tell him what was happening here. He wasn't aware, but his cock from the thin pajamas was touching my bare thighs. It wasn't suitable for a mother and son to be like this, and I needed to tell Liam about it.

But before I could, the car bumped up again, and my body jumped a little and landed back on Liam's lap. The exact position but worse. Due to the movement, my legs had spread a little wider, so now Liam's cock wasn't touching my thighs. Instead, his cock was right between my thighs - very close to my pussy. The base of his cock was splitting my ass crack.

My dress had all bunched up near my hips, and I felt naked from my hips down.

Now I feared moving even an inch. I didn't know what to do. Did Liam understand what was happening here? I mean, he had to. At least some part of him had to. His cock felt hard under me, and not very hard but enough to make an impression. My mind was entirely focused now.

The car -unknown to the situation - continued bumping.

Now Liam didn't have to remind me to stop moving. I had ground myself heavily on his lap as I couldn't afford to move. His cock was so near to my pussy I couldn't. So with every bump, my ass ground against his cock in the slowest possible way. It was making the condition worse. I could feel Liam growing under me.

His entire body was still under me, and I couldn't breathe either. Both of us now knew what was happening.

Liam is my son. I was screaming in my mind. This shouldn't be happening. But I don't think my pussy had got this memo--of how inappropriate all of this was. I could feel it getting moist. Liam's hands on my hips were making it all worse. With every grind over his lap, his cock was getting harder in his pajamas, and my pussy was getting wetter in my panties.

I needed to control my thoughts before they got out of hand. I closed my eyes to calm myself down, but that had the opposite effect. As I shut my eyes, I could feel the sensations even more strongly.

Liam's hard cock. My drenched pussy. His hands on my hips. His breath on my back.

I was aroused, all right. There was no denying it. Liam's father had died two years ago. But our sex life had died a few years, even before that. I didn't fancy sleeping with anyone. So my hands and the pink machine in my drawer were my only companions to the bliss.

It had been so long since I had been with a man. And the length I could feel in Liam's pajamas was enough for me to make out how much of a man Liam was. He was bigger than his father, and he must be better too.

Was Liam a virgin? He was 20, so he must have been with a few girls. The girls must love his cock. What would it be like to have Liam's cock in me? He would make me feel so full. Would he even fit?

Oh my god! What was I doing?

This couldn't be happening. I was daydreaming about my son's cock in my pussy while sitting on his lap.

"Mom, why did you stop? You can keep moving"

My eyes snapped open. What was Liam talking about? He had asked me to stop moving so many times, and now he was asking me to keep moving. Also, why did he say 'keep' moving? I wasn't moving anyway.

Oh, God! Was I?

I looked down on our joined laps to see Liam's cock touching my pussy from under his pajamas. My dress had ridden so up that I could see my red panties, and they looked dark red now due to all the wetness. Liam's hands were on my pelvic just above my pussy.

As I imagined scenes with Liam's cock in my mind, my hips started moving. I had been grinding my ass to Liam's cock. What had I done! I needed to put an end to this right then.


I lay back a little to whisper to Liam better. I told him this was all wrong and that I understood the situation and was sorry for my role. But I explained to him that we couldn't go any further than this, and we needed to stop immediately.

I shouted to the couple, asking how much more time it would take to reach the cabin. They replied, saying it would take 45 minutes more.

"Mom, I can't. I can't stop. I am so hard I can't take it anymore. I can't sit here like this; I'd burst. I need to do something, Mom."

Saying this, Liam lifted me off him.

I was relieved at least one of us was in the right senses. It would be challenging to squat for the next 45 minutes. But I would do it as the alternative was just unacceptable.

I kept the bag in my hand over one of the boxes. I mentally prepared myself for the torturous journey forward. But just then, Liam pulled me back down. He must have been worried about how difficult it would be for me to squat and be that for so long.

I thought of assuring him that I was okay continuing the journey like that.

And that's when I realized.

OH, GOD!! No! No! This couldn't be real.

Liam hadn't lifted me off to let me squat and continue the journey. He had lifted me off to slide down his pajamas and trunks, which were now bundled near his ankles, and my son was entirely naked waist down.

He had pulled me over him, and unknowingly, I had landed right on his naked cock.

I tried reasoning with Liam. I tried explaining to him that this was all wrong. He was my son, and we shouldn't do anything like that. But all of my pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Mom, we are doing this. No matter what you say to me. I didn't want to. But this journey has tortured me and my cock, and we can't take it anymore. I have no other choice. And please, Mom, don't act like you don't want it. I can feel your pussy drenched with cum. You are aroused as much as I am. I've also felt your hips grinding into me, no matter what you say. I know you want it too. So work here with me so we can get what we want."

"And yeah, Mom, please try to be quieter unless you want an audience."

I wanted to argue with Liam. Even though he was right - I liked this - I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let my son fuck me.

But the argument died on my tongue when Liam pushed my panties to one side and raked his finger over my pussy. I moaned but clapped my hands over my mouth, so it came muffled. Liam chuckled. I wanted to reprimand him, but I laid back on his chest.

Liam rubbed up and down my slit, stopping only to circle my clit. I was so aroused that I was practically writhing against Liam's hands. Liam very slowly pushed his finger inside my pussy. He started moving his fingers in and out very slowly, and I could come right then. Liam was right; I was aroused too much. I wanted him to make me come. But just then, he pulled his finger out, and I had to keep myself from protesting at the emptiness I felt.

But Liam didn't waste any time. He lifted me again. He bent my hips forward so that my ass was in the air, directed towards him. I had nothing waist down except my panties, and Liam rectified it by pulling my panties down to the knees.