A Challenge Ch. 02


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But it wasn't over yet. When the long work day ended, Dylan's slavery resumed.

As Anton drove them back to his apartment, he ordered Dylan to reach over and free his cock from his pants and give him a handjob on the way home. A short section of the commute was on a busy section of highway. From his high perch, a passing trucker could easily see what Dylan was doing through the side window and sun roof of the car; he gave a couple of toots of his horn and a thumbs up to Anton. This gave Anton a good laugh, but Dylan tried to disappear under the car seats, almost dying of sheer embarrassment.

"Too bad I can't get him to pull over," Anton said to Dylan. "He looks like a big fellow who'd like some company. If he stopped, I'd whore you out to him for an hour or two. Truckers are always horny. He'd take you in every hole until the cum was running out of your nose."

Dylan, still mortified by having been caught in a gay sex act even by a complete stranger, shuddered at Anton's suggestion, but even he didn't know if it was from fear or pleasure.

When they got home, the rules went back into full effect. Dylan stripped down and Anton remarked on the fact that Dylan's underwear was sopping with pre-cum.

"You were really looking forward to coming home, weren't you, Slave?"

"Yes, Master."

"I had a stressful Monday. Blow me."

Dylan was lucky he wasn't looking for romance. He fell to his knees and gave his master a wet, sloppy blowjob. His own cock continued to drool pre-seminal fluid and there was a long thread of the silver substance connecting his dick to the floor. With every drop of cum that followed, Dylan felt his old hetero identity receding.

After making supper and serving it, Dylan was given other assignments. He dusted the whole apartment and cleaned the bathroom. He drew the Master a bath and washed him by candlelight.

"That's much better," Anton said as he emerged from the tub. "I'm feeling some of the stress fall away. Now I just need a massage."

Dylan had given old girlfriends massages, and on rare occasions they reciprocated, so he had some idea of what went into a good massage. When Anton lay down on his belly, Dylan tried to please his master, applying oil and rubbing and kneading from the shoulders down to the toes. When Anton turned over, he had an erection. Dylan's instinct was to reach for it right away, but Anton told him to rub his chest and the inside of his thighs. By the time Dylan finished with that, Anton was very ready for another kind of stress reliever.

Dylan was about to lean in and take him in his mouth when Anton stopped him. He reached over and pulled the chain on the bedside lamp.

Dylan was immediately conscious of being nude in a well-lit room with a glass wall at night. Anybody looking in from the high-rise apartments across the street would easily be able to see them and what they were doing.

Dylan was nervous about this, but Anton would not be put off. Dylan had to admit he found the idea of being seen by complete strangers at a distance strangely as arousing as it was distressing. To someone outside, looking through the rectangular wall of glass, it would be like watching gay porn on a big-screen TV.

With his own boner painfully obvious, Dylan dropped to his knees and gave the master a blowjob. That was only the beginning of the festivities; before they were done, anyone watching from the high-rise across the road would have seen two figures joined to each other and writhing in a rhythm as old as time.


The day started the same as the day before: morning wood, dressing, breakfasting and driving to work.

As Dylan went about his day, his work suffered as his mind was, somehow, still on sex. He could hardly understand it. It was normal to get a bit fixated on sex when you weren't getting any, but frankly, he'd never had so much sex in his life. And he had to admit that even though he was having gay sex, it was pretty good. Apparently very good the way his cock remembered it. It was making a tent in the front of his pants just to think of it. He could think of hardly anything but Anton's cock.

Once his erection subsided, Dylan, a member of several committees, made the rounds of the office with a health and safety questionnaire. Marie, seated at her desk and making small talk with him, leaned forward to give him a good look down her shirt. He was amazed when he realized he was taking no interest in that bosom he'd long coveted. He finished the conversation with Marie and continued to make his way through the office, answering questions about the survey.

Anton couldn't resist giving Dylan a suggestive pinch as they passed each other in the office. Once, with no one looking, he gave Dylan a slap on the bottom. And that was it, the steel was back in his drooling cock.

The drive home was as humiliating and erotic as the day before. This time as Dylan massaged Anton's dick, a whole bus passed them. Once more, Dylan's sexual ministrations were on display to a driver with a high seat, but this time there were also passengers who could see what Dylan and Anton were up to. Dylan pulled his hand away from his master's cock, but Anton corrected him and ordered him to continue to jerk him off. Dylan was miserable and aroused at the same time.

Once more, Dylan shucked his clothes when he got back to Anton's. Anton had not commanded it. Anton was interested to see that Dylan was adapting to his life as a slave. There followed the customary blowjob and chores.

At bedtime, Anton beckoned Dylan over to the window. The naked man was again reluctant to stand directly in front of the glass sliding doors. It had been one thing on Sunday to wash the windows naked in daylight when the glare and reflection on the glass probably prevented anyone from viewing him—and that was bad enough. By dark of night, every window in these apartment buildings was like a television screen to anyone in the buildings across the street.

"We will leave the light on," Anton stated. "Don't worry. Nobody will see us."

The slave had no choice but to agree. They had sex on the floor in front of the floor to ceiling window. Dylan couldn't believe himself capable of such exhibitionism, but he was deeply aroused, not only by the sex act, but by the chance that they might be observed. It was almost as if some part of him actually wanted to expose his hitherto-unknown gay inner self to the world. He went to bed both troubled and well-fucked.


Once more, there was a certain ordered routine about the morning. As usual now, Dylan swallowed Anton's cum before they dressed, breakfasted and left for work.

Dylan went to the stationery room to make some photocopies in the afternoon. When he turned around, Anton was right behind him. Without a word of warning, the master embraced the slave and engaged him in a long, deep and wet kiss.

The risk was high that the office staff or manager might enter this room or glance in as they passed it by. People were always coming and going for pens and printer paper.

Dylan turned crimson, flushed from the kiss. Despite the danger of discovery, and possibly partly because of it, Dylan was rock hard. This fact did not escape Anton, who grinned at the conflict in his supposedly straight friend.

The ride home ritual was maintained. Dylan was giving his master a handjob when a vehicle started to pass them. The driver was a woman. Anton noticed her but Dylan was too involved in his task. Her jaw dropped when she realized that the driver beside her was being masturbated by another man. Anton smiled and gave a friendly wave before the woman drove off.

It was Marie. Anton didn't tell Dylan. There was nothing to be done about it and he was enjoying his cock massage.

That night, the usual routines prevailed until bedtime. Strip, blow, serve. When it was time for their nightly fuck, Anton commanded his naked slave's presence at the sliding door in the bedroom. To Dylan's surprise, the master in his housecoat led the naked younger man through the door and out onto the balcony. Then he bent Dylan over the rail and packed lube up his ass. A moment later, anyone across the street looking their way would have been treated to the sight of two beautiful men making love. If the sausage packing his ass hadn't already worked Dylan into a sexual frenzy, the thought of being seen fucking on a balcony twelve floors up would have made his hard cock drool. He wondered again how he had gone from being a straight, private boy to being an exhibitionist gay sex slave.

When he came, his load flew to the four winds.


The day started out like the others, in a routine that Dylan found anything but dull. Once again, he gave Anton his morning blowjob. Once more they readied themselves and drove to work.

There was a slightly different vibe at work. Marie wouldn't look at Dylan, but he barely noticed. He found his gaze continually searching out Anton, sometimes for eye contact and sometimes just for a glimpse of his tight ass or ample package. He daydreamed about all of their memorable fucks over the past several days.

Over the course of the day, Anton and Dylan had numerous occasions to pass each other as they went about their business. Anton made a point of covertly pinching Dylan's cock or ass each time he could get away with it. He whispered words into Anton's ear on several of these occasions.

"Cocksucking slave."

"You're beautiful, sissy."

"I can't wait to use your holes again, faggot."

"I have a load for you tonight, little bitch."

These whispers stoked Dylan's lusts. His mouth watered for Anton's dick. His ass was hungry for cock. He was gripped in a powerful erotic spell and his body was responding to it. His mind wasn't on his work at all; he was thinking with his dick. His heart rate was high and his breathing shallow and he felt his balls boiling.

Dylan found himself mindlessly crossing the office toward Anton's desk. The gay man looked up from his work and smiled as he saw his slave looking back at him with an obvious erection. Dylan looked utterly baffled with himself and helpless in the grip of this sexual obsession. He was almost unnaturally aroused.

There was a peal of laughter from one of the other desks. It was Marie. She gestured to the tent extending from the front of Dylan's pants. Dylan was horrified as he looked down at his boner: it pointed straight at Anton. There was a large wet spot on the fabric of his pants. Others, both men and women, joined in the mocking laughter. Somehow, despite the terror of this ostracism, there was something oddly liberating in it. Even humiliation elevated his sexual excitement. Dylan knew that if Anton so much as blew him a kiss while he was in this state, he would come in his pants.

And Anton did blow him a kiss.

And Dylan did come in his pants.

The newly-minted, now-genuinely gay young man groaned loudly and helplessly as his cock spasmed in his pants, pulsing burst after burst of cum through the thin layer of his underwear and through the thicker material of his pants. Whitish droplets began to form on the surface of the fabric and ran down his pantleg.

Anton sat at his desk grinning at him while the rest of the office averted their eyes, as if to say, 'at first this was funny, but now...' They shuffled around the room ignoring the work-unfriendly scene. Dylan stood, half-sobbing, a cum-drenched disgrace until Anton took some pity on him and took him home. He told the boss he was driving Anton home because he was sick; the oblivious manager, not yet aware of the scene Dylan had made, made no fuss about losing two of his staff this close to quitting time.

In the car, on the way back to Anton's, Dylan sat back in his seat in shock. He seemed unable to form words. Anton was prepared to declare his plan to turn Dylan a fait accompli, but he had to push it to the limits.

"Slave, you're still under contract," he said sternly. "My cock is not tugging itself."

Dylan sighed with resignation, reached across the seat and deftly unfastened Anton's pants and pulled aside his underwear to expose the master's erect cock. Dylan's mouth watered but he could not fit his head between Anton and the steering wheel. A handjob was the best he could manage. Dylan threw himself into his work until Anton was nearly ready to nut. By that time, they were home.

As by now was usual, the slave shed his clothes and gave his master a blowjob.

He tried to forget the horrible day, burying it beneath his chores. His heart froze in his chest even to think of his highly-embarrassing and work-inappropriate display. That same heart skipped a beat when his cellphone rang. It was the human resources manager from work calling to tell him his services were no longer required after his "lewd" performance. His things would be sent to the home address they had on file. When Dylan ended the call, he looked small and broken to his master, who did feel some remorse for his slave when he broke the news. Anton opened his arms wide to receive his naked slave in a sympathetic hug.

Anton patted Dylan's back while the young man cried. Anton knew this cry was not just for losing his job. He had lost a part of the very identity he clung to, his pure heterosexual orientation. Dylan would be growing through more changes in the days and months to come. All of this was really Anton's fault, though to his credit, Dylan took the responsibility on himself. Suddenly, Anton felt guilty about ever challenging Dylan in their little bet.

But when he thought of the joy afforded him by the work of that talented tongue or the feel of the younger man's asshole squeezing his cock, Anton knew he'd do it all again. Tonight was the last night to seal the deal.

Anton took his slave to bed but he did not undress. He held the naked young man tenderly and made him a promise that no matter what happened, Anton would look after him and see him through. Dylan was touched even as he continued to think on the day's events.

"I can't believe that just one little week ago, I was a straight guy with an eye for the girls. Now I've had gay sex and enjoyed it. And I'm out in public!"

He had a lot of the usual questions someone had when they were outed. What would Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles think? It would take time to find the answers.


When the alarm went off, the naked young man, no longer a slave, woke up beside his former master.

Dylan immediately saw that Anton had his usual morning wood and offered to relieve him of that discomfort.

"Have you forgotten what day it is? You're free!"

Dylan frowned with consternation and then shrugged. He repositioned himself on the bed with his head over Anton's stiff cock.

"Then... I choose this."

He bent to his work and opened his mouth to take in the familiar cock, but Anton stopped him.

"Wait a minute," Anton said. "We need to have an understanding. Our agreement has expired. If you give me a blowjob, you're sending me the message that you want to remain my slave."

The question was fraught with perils but Dylan was not slow to agree. "I am your slave." He tried again to put his lips on Anton's dick, but Anton stopped him.

"Listen, if you want to be my slave, there will be no turning back. You will obey my every order, performing for me anywhere and anytime I demand it. Are you sure, you don't want to reconsider?"


"I will require you to come fully out of the closet and publicly admit to it, even to your family. You will live here permanently. You will clean, do laundry and make meals as well as any other chores I devise for you. I will fuck your mouth and ass according to my desires. You will remain naked whenever we're at home, including if we have company. If you're good I may let you wear an apron; it's a pink, frilly thing. You will let me style your hair and dress you like a gay man. I may shave your body hair. You will certainly lose your personal freedom."

Dylan nodded, but the moment was too solemn for nodding. "I understand. I accept the terms, but I don't lose my freedom if I choose this of my own free will."

Anton nodded, well pleased to have a willing slave slobbering over his cock.

He wanted to push their compact a little farther, just to see if his new slave was as submissive as he now seemed. "One more thing. You no longer have a job and as long as you stay with me, you don't need one. You can be my June Cleaver, my own little housewife. I can keep us in food, clothing and shelter on my salary. But a slave like you can't be trusted with money of his own. You will sign over all your savings and trusts to me and we'll close your accounts. If you want to stay with me, you have to learn to be completely dependent on me."

"Anything! Please, Master, let me have your cock!"

Anton felt triumphant. Not just submissive, but a total cum whore. He had turned out another supposedly straight boy and this one had the potential to go far. Anton would have deeply regretted losing Dylan's ass, but that wasn't going to happen now, or at least not for a very long time. Dylan's hunger for cock was proving to be nearly insatiable; he begged permission to suck his master's dick. Anton graciously allowed it. He lay back with his head on the pillows and enjoyed his morning blowjob while thinking of all the new things they would try together in bed in time to come.

Dylan let his head bob up and down over Anton's cock. It was an activity that he had secretly enjoyed to varying degrees all week, but as his seven-night contract expired and a new open-term commenced, he found himself grateful for the renewed opportunity to suck this dick every morning. Dylan realized that, far from dreading them as in the beginning, he looked forward to more nights of passion with his master and his perfect cock. To suck and be fucked by Anton felt like a privilege.

With his master's permission and assistance, Dylan would go about closing down his old life. Anton would drive him over to his old apartment to pick up his things on Saturday and Dylan would introduce Anton to his roommates as his master. Chuck and Said would be shocked to see the change in him in only one week. His evangelical father would be disappointed and his mother would likely cry, but those were the cares for another day.

As long as Dylan had Anton, he knew everything would be alright.

As he sucked Anton off, sealing their new deal in saliva and sperm, Dylan realized that he had found his destiny.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Why even write in any parts where Anton feels guilty when he clearly doesn't care at all. I thought the guilt would lead to a different ending, but apparently not.

Its my fault for reading it, and people should write what they want, but I wish it was easier to avoid the darker stuff on this site.

Sorry for venting, its been a rough week. You're a good writer.

ShortyMacShortyMacover 1 year ago

That was a hot story. I’m not into master/slave but it was still well written and the flow was just right. I loved the challenge in part one that Anton could make Dylan cum 7 times in one night. And Dylan was so positive that no gay man could make him cum once let alone 7 times. My personal best number of times I orgasmed in one night was a lowly Six times 🤤

daveflydaveflyover 1 year ago

god i want to be Dylan, a slave to a real man,something i’m not

pornguy25pornguy25almost 2 years ago

great story, made me so hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love this story. I can share bits of mine. Up till I turned 25 I was totally in the closet and the most macho competitive jock around. Going to other cities to fuck dudes. Dating for the facade and breaking girls hearts lol. Then that summer I decided to fuck my 6 best friends who were all straight. That was to be my coming-out process. In fact one I wasn't interested in. So 5. Amazingly over the summer I managed to fuck 3 of them. One resisted because he was in the process if becoming a hockey pro and feared... whatever. I would have liked it a lot because he's got an amzing body and I suspect an infinite stamina. Surprisingly the 6th who I thought would be the one to punch me in the face, was up to it but only to fuck me and only to make a comletitive point (it was amazing). Among the ones who submitted was the best looking of the 6 and a freak. The one I wanted most. We had a great session but he was devastated that I discovered he was a premature ejaculator and he had come twice while bottoming and once more while fucking face to face, him fucking between my thighs and making out like crazy. When he acted all shameful the day after I thought he was ashamed of our gay sex session but it happened he was ashamed of being inadequate, also because of his small, most times flacid, 5 inch cock compared to my "Big Dick" (his words). Lol. He wanted to be appreciated as a gay fuck! I massaged his ego and we did it again. And again. Then twice a day. So well we became kind of a couple for the next 4 years. He soon got mindblowing anal orgasms. In fact to be able to make him come as many times I wanted by fucking his ass was hilarious and kept him 100% sexually satisfied and totally submissive. He didn't have a real job so it wasn't a big deal to keep him 24/7. He became naturaly a domestic servant if only "to make up for the free rent, food etc". He became a natural bodybuilder. On the sex/BDSM part I trained him thoroughly deeper and deeper and we got a great time. I was able to restrain myself from fisting him. I wanted to keep his cunt a reasonable tightness. I married him to the strapon he responds the most to: a 12"×2 1/2" studded beast that turns him stupid. He came-out all around as a bi slave. But he remained and is a 80% straight boy at heart though. In my book he is almost perfect as a guy and I love him dearly as a friend. So last year I "sold" him along with most his toys to a carefuly selected domme. I retain some rights of use though and he'll keep my 2"×2" barcode on his right asscheek, hey!. She is in awe/love with him and he is a happy slave. I hope he becomes a father so we see a few more beautiful boys like him. For the anecdote the one I didn't want was very upset one night we got drunk and asked me why I didn't come after his ass. He was offended when I told him I didn't find him attractive. Fuck he would have done it too! So this is my experience with 6 straight friends. I was a very lucky bastard though my guess is guys just like sex for sex, experimenting crazy weird stuff, get wild. Many are turned on by the act of submitting and almost all are intrigued by the idea of sucking dick, getting fucked, at least once. Many straight dudes I talk with say they experimented among themselves. So the field is wide open. Open bar!

nawty2nawty2over 3 years ago
Fucked up

This story is vengeful and typical of a gay guy outing another before thwy want. How fucking disgusting to treat someone like dirt and to destroy them all for an ego trip

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

okay, so I like the mindfuck aspect of a turning-out, but I dont like the exposure part of stories like these. Otherwise excellent

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Next step

I can see Anton getting bored, since clearly what he enjoys is turning straight guys. Could be a whole series of him moving from one straight guy to the next.

FitGuy47FitGuy47almost 4 years ago

Great ending...........Or is it? Anton certainly has taken Dave to the heights of conversion. No its time for Dave to show Master Anton what he has learned and how to serve, at Masters commands and for Masters enjoyment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good story

Would love to hear about Antont doing this to other men.

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