A Chance Affair


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Amber refuses to believe her aunt may be dead so she runs up to get as close as she can to the house. She watches the firemen begin spraying the house. Closing her eyes and concentrating as hard as she can, she tries to feel any sign of Jordan.

Jordan slowly sits up. Putting a hand to her throbbing head, she pulls it back when she feels a sticky substance. "Fucking great." She comments out loud to no one, and then tries to adjust the wet towel to keep the blood out of her eyes. Getting up, she stumbles through the kitchen and into the laundry room. At the other side, she removes the sliding doors from the hall closet, and takes them with her into the hot tub. Closing the door behind her, she enters the cold water of the tub, and uses the two doors as a cover. Lying on her back in the water, she has about three inches of breathing space between the water's surface and the doors. Suddenly her head begins to throb, and she becomes very dizzy. Not being able to shake it off, her eyes close of their own accord and the blackness surrounds her.

Amber turns around to face one of the fire fighters. "She's in the back of the house. My aunt, she needs your help."

Three fire fighters look at one another before running off towards that direction.

"Amber, what's going on?" Delmar asks when she saw her daughter talking to them.

"I can feel her mother. She's alive, but is hurt real bad."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, come on." Amber waves for them to follow her. The three women run to where the fire fighters are now trying to work their way into the kitchen. The teenager closes her eyes again to concentrate as Delmar and Rhiannon stand next to her. "I'm trying to find exactly where she is, but I'm having trouble." Her mind scans the rooms as she searches for Jordan's heartbeat.

The fire fighters have broken through the door and are ready to enter the kitchen area when Amber screams out.

"She's in the hot tub! Go through the kitchen, and past the laundry room."

The men look at each other once again wondering how this young kid happens to know these things.

"Don't just stand there! Go in and get her!" yells Delmar vehemently.

The fire fighter with the water hose continues to keep the flames at bay while the others work their way through hoping to find Jordan. Minutes later, they come out, one of them has Jordan draped over his shoulder. Laying the unconscious body on the grass, Rhiannon and the paramedics run up to them. She cradles her lover's head in her lap as one of the paramedics notices the gash on the upper part of Jordan's forehead. Rhiannon gasps at the sight of it. "Don't you leave me Jordan. Don't you dare." Rhi cries out.

Delmar approaches, and asks the attendant who is checking her pulse and putting an oxygen mask over her face, "Will she be okay?"

The attendant looks up, and with a smile, says, "She'll be fine. But we do need to get her to the hospital quickly.

Rhiannon hugs her Jordan tightly before they put her on the stretcher.

The paramedics get both women in the back of the ambulance, and announce to Delmar which hospital they'll be going to. As they ride there, Rhiannon squeezes the hand of the woman she loves in hopes that Jordan can feel her.


Rhiannon closes the door behind her and hangs her keys on the hook next to the doorframe. Shucking off her backpack, she pulls a small box out of one of the side pockets. Inside are revealed two moonstone crystals in the shape of large teardrops. She places the crystals on her small oak spell table, and takes a seat on the floor in front of it. Lighting a couple of white and red candles she had prepared earlier that day for this intended purpose, she pulls out her tarot deck from the small drawer under the table. She searches through the deck for the Princess of Cups to represent herself and The Prince of Swords to represent Jordan. Laying both cards down, she begins a chant. After a couple of minutes, she picks up the stones in her right hand and holding it up to her chest she infuses it with a white light of protection and the pure love that she has for Jordan. After spending some time of meditating on the cards and their relation to the crystals, she kisses the stones and then lays them on each card. Standing up, she bows and thanks the goddess of the moon for hearing her. Leaving the candles to burn down completely, she walks to the kitchen for a drink. As she pours a glass of lemonade, the phone rings.


"Hi Baby."

Rhiannon smiles like a teenager in love upon hearing Jordan's voice. "Hi Sweetie."

"The doctor finally came by to discharge me. I'll be ready in an hour hopefully."

"Great. I'll be right there."

"Okay, see you later."


"Ugh, it's so nice to be out of the hospital. I was starting to go batty in there." Jordan comments as she puts her feet up on the coffee table and leans back against the soft brown couch. "Thanks for letting me stay with you. It kinda sucks not having my house anymore."

"This is your home too...for as long as you need it."

Azure eyes look into emerald green. "You're my home."

"And you're mine too." Rhiannon says with her hand over Jordan's heart. They exchange a chaste kiss before the young blonde asks, "What do you want for dinner?"

Jordan slides her arms around a small waist, and leaning over, she whispers in an ear. "How about you?"

Rhi's body quivers at the words and Jordan's warm breath caressing her ear. She gulps, and says, "Um...maybe we should eat some food first. Don't want to jump into any physical...activity right away since you just got out of the hospital."

Jordan slides her right hand down the front of her lover's jeans to gently cup her sex. "Okay then, how about pizza."

"Uh...sounds...good." She moans as Jordan presses up into her. Suddenly Rhiannon pulls away and shakes her head out of the reverie.

Jordan sports an evil smirk across her face.

"I'll get you back." Rhi playfully says as she fetches the phone.

Jordan lies back against the cushions again, and notices the small oak table in the corner.

"Okay, it'll be here in an hour." She comments as returns to her spot next to the dark woman.

"What were you working on over there?" Jordan points to the table.

"I was working on a spell for us." Rhiannon retrieves the two crystals that she recently threaded with a black string, and ties one around Jordan's neck and the other on her own. "These are for us."

"Moonstone, right?" Jordan comments, as she holds the white crystal up in the light and gazes at the reflection of shades of white bouncing off of it.

"Yep. This is a symbol of our love and the protection over it."

"Thank you. I'll never take it off." The tall woman says as she embraces her lover.

Leaning against each other in complete comfort, they hold one another as they wait for their food.


As the weeks pass, the two women enjoy the remainder of the summer working at the fair.

For the past couple of weekends, Rhiannon has been in the front row to watch her Champion fight and after the show; Rhi would help remove the armor. With Jordan's battle lust at full throttle at the end of each tournament, they would make wild and passionate love in the tent before returning to work. At first Rhiannon was embarrassed because she knew people could hear their screams, but after that first time of realizing the primal tendencies Jordan is capable of, she didn't care and only wanted her lover more.

On this particular Saturday the afternoon sun in the clear blue sky shines down brightly on the fairgrounds.

The benches are completely packed with spectators awaiting the final show of the season, and as a result, the energy in the air is electrifying.

Jordan sits atop the black horse and watches for the signal of the Queen's handkerchief. She catches sight of her love on the first bench watching her, and she can't help but smile behind the tin visor.

The handkerchief touches the ground and the horses take off towards each other. Not expecting it, Jordan gets thrown from her horse with a force that her opponent has not used before. The crowd gasps as they watch the silver knight approach the fallen one on foot with his sword ready.

As Jordan works her way into standing up again, she suddenly sees the blade of a sword coming towards her head, so she ducks and quickly kicks out to trip the silver knight. Flipping her visor up, she declares, "What the hell is wrong with you Dubois? You're not following protocol."

A Page runs up handing her a sword and before the other two Pages are given a chance to take the horses off the field, the silver knight rushes at Jordan.

She gracefully turns blocking his move. The sounds of swords clashing fill the arena as the crowd watches in anticipated silence. Jordan still wonders what has gotten into her friend. She notices his blows are administered with brute force instead of playing the game and showing off like they usually do for the crowd. She manages to knock him down a second time and out of the corner of her eye she sees Veronica by the opposite tent holding onto Dubois who is clutching his bloodied head.

Rhiannon notices something is amiss with the moves between the knights. She follows Jordan's line of vision to see Dubois with Veronica, and realizes something is very wrong.

In shock at seeing her friend over there, Jordan looks back at her opponent but it's too late as his blade cuts through the left side of her armor and becomes embedded. Wincing from the pain, she is now pissed. She quickly uses the hilt of her sword to strike the knight in the forehead, with all of her strength and weight behind the blow.

Rhiannon screams at seeing the sword cut through the black knight's armor, and runs into the arena towards her lover.

The silver knight falls back and his sword dislodges from Jordan.

She grabs her side, hissing in pain through clenched teeth.

The crowd goes wild, unaware that what just happened was not part of the show. They begin to disperse in order to attend the next event of the day.

Veronica, Dubois, Rhiannon and the Pages reach the two knights.

Rhi helps remove Jordan's helmet, and embraces her.

Jordan whispers in her ear, "Baby, we need to take this stuff off so I can see how bad the cut is." She then looks over at Dubois and asks, "What happened?"

"Hey all I know is that this guy hit me over the head, then I come out here and he's fighting you in my suit." Dubois answers.

Veronica pulls off the silver knight's helmet to reveal the unconscious man who now sports a large bump in the middle of his forehead.

Jordan looks at the black hair and the equally black goatee on his face, and then notices something familiar about the sword lying next to him. "It's Sinclair's brother."

Rhiannon gasps. "What?? Are you sure?"

The tall woman points at the sword with the three skulls, and says, "There is no other sword like the one he requested I make for his sister."

"What was he trying to do?" Dubois asks with concern. "Kill you?"

"I can only guess at that one my friend." Jordan answers as she walks towards the tent with Rhiannon under her arm.

Inside the tent, Rhi says, "Don't sit down yet. Let me get as much of this armor off as I can first."

After a couple of minutes Jordan stands there in her shorts while the bloody tank top is slowly peeled off of her. She looks down at the wound and is grateful it isn't deep.

"That's a few inches long. Should we go to the hospital?" Rhi asks with worry.

"No." Jordan responds. "It's not that bad. A few butterfly strips will take care of it. There should be some in the first aid kit on the shelf over there."

Rhiannon applies the strips after cleaning the wound as best as she can. "Do you think Linda and her brother are responsible for the fire?" She asks hesitantly while trying to fight back her emotions.

The dark woman uses an index finger to lift her love's face. Looking into green eyes specked with hazel, she says, "I don't know. I guess it's possible."

Large teardrops begin to fall down Rhi's cheeks.

"Don't cry Love. We'll be okay." Jordan responds as she embraces the young woman tenderly.


The hammer comes down on the red-hot blade.




Jordan dips the metal into a bucket of cold water. The white-gray steam spits forth, adding to the heat in the room. She inspects the level of the weapon before moving onto the next stage of the finish. Sitting down at the worktable, she turns on the etching tool, and taking the pen in her hand, she starts engraving the design.

The door of the shed opens, and in steps Rhiannon. She watches her lover at the table in complete concentration of what her hands are doing. She leans back against the door taking in the scene.

The tall woman is hunched over. A single lamp shines brightly exactly where she works. Her torn jeans are spotted with dirt and smudge from the coals and the ashes of the fire. The black tank top she has is wet with perspiration. The muscles in her arms flex as she moves. Her golden skin glistens with a sheen of sweat. Raven hair is pulled back in a ponytail. She wipes her forehead with the back of her arm and absentmindedly smears some black soot onto her face. Feeling a pair of eyes on her, she pauses the etching tool and returns it to the holder. Looking up, cerulean eyes look directly into emerald green.

"Hi Baby," Jordan greets with a smile.

"Hi." Rhiannon saunters over to the worktable. "You ready to go?" She kisses her lover on the lips.

"Sure." Jordan turns off all of the equipment, and then heads over to the fire to put it out. Grabbing her jacket, she points to the sword and asks, "How do like it?"

Rhiannon picks up the blade, turning it over in her hands. "It's beautiful. I think Veronica and Lance will love it. It's a wonderful idea to give this to them as a wedding gift." Her mind wanders a moment, wondering if someday, Jordan and her will marry.It's never come up. I wonder if that sort of thing scares her. Maybe we can talk about it sometime soon.

"Thanks." Jordan checks around one more time to make sure everything is off, before she says, "Okay, let's go."

As they head outside, Rhiannon looks across the way at how far the construction crew has gotten with rebuilding the house, while Jordan locks the shed.

Jordan steps up behind her, and wraps an arm around her waist. "They mentioned that it might very well be done in the next month."

Rhi leans into her lover. "Wow, that's great. I'm surprised at how much they've got up already, especially since you've altered the blueprints to make the place bigger."

"Well, I just figured it would be better that way. More space for us." Jordan leans forward brushing the tip of her nose softly against the edge of Rhiannon's ear, causing the young woman to shiver. "You still want to move in with me?" She hesitantly whispers.

Rhiannon turns her head so that green eyes look up into blue. "Of course." She entwines her fingers within Jordan's before continuing. "We just found each other, and I plan to keep you. I want to grow old with you."

The dark woman moves down to capture soft lips. "Together always." She states softly.


"So where did you say we're going tonight?" Jordan yells out from the shower.

"The Italian restaurant on Fullerton. It's called Via Carducci Trattoria." Rhi responds as she searches the closet for a blouse.

The tall woman steps out of the shower and begins to towel dry herself off as she walks into the bedroom. She stops suddenly watching the purple cotton panties her lover is wearing sway from side to side. The matching bra accentuates Rhi's creamy flesh.

Rhiannon moves to the beat of the song 'Come to My Window' by Melissa Etheridge that's playing on the stereo.

Jordan licks her bottom lip, entranced at watching the backside of Rhiannon's sensually tempting body.

Without turning around from her task in front of the closet, Rhi says lightheartedly, "I can feel you staring at me."

"You're so beautiful. I can't help it." She steps up behind the young woman and softly kisses her shoulder. "What time do we need to leave?" Jordan softly asks.

Rhiannon smiles knowing what her lover has in mind. "In an hour. Why?" She inquires innocently.

Snaking long arms around, Jordan unclasps the hook on the front of the bra, freeing the full breasts that she now cups as she nips along Rhi's neck. "How about a quickie?" She questions as she lightly tugs on pink nipples that are quickly growing hard. "You look..." she inhales her love's fresh scent, "and smell so fucking good, I've got to have you." Her warm breath caresses the small ear before moving down where the tip of her tongue flicks Rhiannon's pulse point.

With eyes closed, the young woman shudders at the ministrations. She takes one of the large hands manipulating her breasts, and slides it down under the band of her panties.

Jordan gingerly sucks on her neck as two fingers play with dampening golden curls. Her other hand continues its sweet torture on pebbled nipples.

"Oh...Jordan," comes the passionate whisper from small pink lips. She turns her head breaking the contact on her neck to capture full lips in a searing kiss. A moan erupts from deep within her chest.

The tall woman turns them around to face the bed, and pushes her lover down. She quickly removes the panties. "Get on your hands and knees," she declares.

The small blonde obeys.

"Spread your legs." She watches Rhiannon's glistening sex open to her along with the newly revealed small opening just above. "Wider."

Rhiannon feels very vulnerable and yet excited by the direct instructions given.

Jordan runs the flat of her fingers from a hard clit to the dark puckered hole. Upon hearing Rhi's moans, she spreads the firm cheeks and the wet lips and dips her tongue into the ambrosia.

"Uhhngh..." Rhi pushes back onto her love's tongue.

Jordan first teases the clit with a few strokes before diving her tongue as deeply as possible into Rhi's creamy hole. Swirling her thick muscle around a couple of times, she then licks her way up to the tight puckered opening. Using circular motions, she feels the constricted ring relax. She plunges two fingers into Rhi's pussy, causing the young woman to cry out, and feeling the opening relax further, she stops a moment to coat her thumb with saliva, then gently wiggles it into Rhi's ass.

A fresh flood of juices coats Jordan's fingers. "Oh...gods." Rhi exclaims. A large hand plants itself on Rhi's chest to pull her up and back.

"Use my thighs to brace yourself baby." Jordan softly instructs as she slides the hand down so that her middle finger strokes Rhi's clit.

The young blonde throws her head back onto the strong shoulder behind her. "Oh...fuck...ahhh." She grabs onto Jordan's lap to prevent from falling. The sensations of Jordan's fingers in both openings, and stroking her nub are quickly driving Rhiannon insane. Her hips begin to buck at each stroke.

Jordan clamps down on the succulent flesh of a shoulder as her fingers incessantly drive into Rhiannon.

Her orgasm crashes over her when the walls of her sex grip Jordan in a stranglehold. "AAAHHH." She screams and collapses forward onto the mattress.

Jordan gently pulls out and wraps long arms around her. She presses into Rhi's back to hold her tightly.

"Goddamn...that was awesome." Rhi manages to say between breaths.

With a sinister look, Jordan smiles into her neck. "Ready for more?"

Green eyes widen, and before she has a chance to say anything, she finds herself looking into wet black curls hovering above her. She feels Jordan spread her lips and begins licking what is left of her juices. Rhi raises her hips to meet more of Jordan's mouth, and then grabs onto her lover's hips above her to pull her down to her hungry mouth. She sucks on Jordan's engorged nub noticing that the tall woman begins to mimic her actions. They work each other's bundle of nerves until they both fall over the precipice of euphoria.
