All Comments on 'A Creative Challenge Ch. 31'

by Pvidal

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TittyBear69TittyBear69about 9 years ago
Greetings Pvidal: not sure if you are still working on this story. My thoughts if ya are...

I noticed your "Author Note" in Chapter 26 mentioned that you were working on this story in 2006, so I'm not sure if you will even see this. In case you want to:

What an interesting conundrum you have created for Amy and "Paint Boy", Pvidal!

Poor Sam is so terrified his "hot tail" turning tail if she gets a whiff of his growing desire to "make their relationship more permanent". Is Amy burying her growing attachment to Sam in her exhibitionism, afraid to stop her "shocking" behavior let Sam realizes that he's drawn to her wild side instead of the deep down Amy?

As far as I can tell from my own experience, their relationship is going to implode from Sam's insecurities/hangups or from Amy's fear of commitment. If they progress as a couple; it will be because both of them find the balance they need in their own heads and hearts and manage to come up with some boundaries for whatever relationship they decide on. I see things developing into a part-time open relationship, but that may be personal bias.

The one thing that I wanted to mention about the exhibitionism itself is a personal bias. I know some folks really get off in 'rubbing faces into something' that they don't want to deal with and that kind of 'showing off' becomes a desire to find more "victims". I personally have a hangup about that since I am so 'fluffy bunny', I go out of my way not to hurt or offend others. The folks who want to see a spontaneous show, I'm fine with. But reality is that ya can't control who sees ya in a mall. The risk of 'scarring a child for life' is enough to have me want some control of who I'm showing off to. And offending someone is a major turn off for me since I consider it a form of harm.

Perhaps Sam and Amy can find a more acceptable way to get an audience that shouldn't impact anyone who doesn't want to or shouldn't watch. There are some adult only clubs that would adore their 'appreciation for each other'.

I think I've blathered on long enough. Thanks for reading,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I can't Believe it!

I can't believe that there are no comments on this story!

It has beenso skillfully written, and forshadowing of both obvious options, and more subtle possibilities so well placed!


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