A Date with Amy Pt. 05

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Blackmailers seek revenge and punishment.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/17/2019
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The smell of fresh coffee brewing and the sunlight streaming through the window provided the alarm an time to rise. Amy had already gotten out of bed and started the day. Wearing a white bathrobe, she looked great standing in the kitchen waiting patiently for the coffee to brew. Walking behind her I embraced her and hugged her. Then my hand slipped inside her bathrobe. Her warm, soft breasts provided my morning reward.

"I enjoy fresh coffee and you in the morning. I slept like a baby."

Amy smiled, "So did I. For the first time in months I felt safe." With that she slipped off her robe and gave me a kiss.

I was about ready to take her back to bed and arouse her passions and mine when a ding, indicating I was receiving a text arrived. Puzzled, who would be sending me a text on a weekend? Nothing that important at work to warrant this type of text.

The text read, "You and your whore are to meet with me at 11:00 AM at the Back Bar in St Petersburg. This is not a request but an order unless you want the attached pictures of your whore sent out on many websites and to her company. Do not call the police. I expect both of you to be there."

Attached with the text were two pictures of Amy laying naked on a bed being sexually abused by two women. Amy appeared helpless as one of the attackers wore a strap-on and penetrated her.

The expression on my face told me that we were facing another blackmail attempt. Sensing that the text had something bad in it, Amy asked to see it. At first, I tried to hide my phone but she insisted. Upon reading the text Amy started to sob uncontrollably. She screamed, "I am destroying you. I don't want that to happen. Forget me. I will quit my job and move to another state. I don't want you hurt."

I responded, "You are not destroying me, and I am not going to let them destroy you. I want you with me so we will face this together. I am ready to call in a favor from a college friend of mine. He has friends that will deal with this."

Trying to com Amy was difficult. As she hung onto me tightly, I said, "Honey, these bastards are going to regret the day they started blackmailing you. I am not going to leave you to those S.O.B.s."

After a few minutes I returned the text message. "We will not meet at 11:00 as you demand. 12:00 at the Back Bar will work. I assure you we want to meet."

Within two minutes I received a reply. "We are not negotiating with you unless you want your whore's pictures all over the internet and greeting her boss on Monday, be at the Back Bar at 11:00."

I replied, "How will I recognize you?"

The response was almost immediate, "Amy will know just show up."

Turning to Amy, "Get ready we are going to meet these assholes. I they will regret ever drugging you."

Still sobbing Amy went into her bedroom and started to dress. I placed a call to a friend of mine in Youngstown.

After three rings a familiar voice answered, "Hello, who am I speaking with?"

"John, this is Jim I hope all is going well with you and your family."

"Hey, it's great to hear from you. I hope you are doing well. I miss busting your chops over a couple of beers."

I responded, "I miss those times, but I remember busting yours more that you busted mine."

"You always had a bad memory."

"John, I need a favor. Remember that night in the bar when two goons attacked you?"

"I sure do, and you broke that beer bottle and forced them to retreat before they could do anything else. You saved my life that night and I am eternally grateful. Do you need some help?"

I told him I did and explained the situation how my girlfriend had been drugged and is being blackmailed but some group. I told him the only names I have are Vicky, Paul, and Sir Arthur. They are trying to blackmail me as well.

After listening John said, "Let me call my uncle. He has associates that might be able to help permanently resolve this problem. I will call you back in 45 minutes or an hour."

"Thanks John, I am afraid they will harm Amy and who knows what they might do to me."

With that John said good-bye.

Amy was almost dressed, and I redressed in my black attire from the night before. "I guess it will take 45 minutes to get to this place. We should leave a little after 10:00."

Her red eyes and sad look indicated she was so sorry I was involved. "I don't understand why you are staying with me. Most men would have run. Beside I have become a whore, doing whatever I was told to do."

"Amy, you are not a whore you are a victim of blackmail. You are an amazing person. When I saw you get off the elevator on our first date, you looked like a goddess. I still think of you that way. No further regrets or being ashamed. I am with you for the long run."

A revived smile told me she had confidence in me.

As we were getting ready to head to the location my cell rang. "Jim, this is John. Let me ask you a question?"

"Sure, what would you like to know?"

"You mentioned a woman named Vicky is that right?"

"Yes, she is the one who drugged Amy and appears to be the boss of a sex trafficking group. I don't know much more than that."

"When I started to share your story with my uncle he became very interested after I mentioned Vicky. Could she also go by Victoria?"

"Yes, that in fact is the name she used when she met Amy. Why?"

"About 7 years ago my uncle's niece who lives in Cleveland was drugged and had pictures taken of her. She was then threatened exposure as a prostitute unless she cooperated. Cindi went to my uncle for help. Apparent the bastards got wind that they were on his hit list and fled the state. He still would like to have a "conversation" with them. The only real clue he had were the names of Victoria and Paul, a photographer. If this turns out to be the same couple, they are in real trouble."

"John, I don't know if these are the same folks but the M.O. sounds similar. Either way we need some help."

"Tuesday two of my cousins will be arriving on Southwest in Tampa. Their flight gets in at about 10:30 from Cleveland. Please pick them up and give them all the information you have on this couple. Lucas will be the polite, polished one who can talk the pants off anyone. Bruno doesn't talk much. His looks do all the talking necessary. If this is the couple my uncle is looking for, they will make a trip to Youngstown and a "conversation".

"Thank you, John, I appreciate your help. I owe you."

"If this couple turns out to be who my uncle has been looking for, we owe you. Take care and don't anything until Lucas and Bruno get there."

"Thanks John. You need to come down and let's go fishing. Have a great day."

Turning to Amy, "Honey, some friends from Youngstown will be arriving on Tuesday. They will be having a serious meeting with Vicky and Paul and whomever else maybe involved. If Vicky turns out to be someone my friend's uncle is looking for, Vicky and Paul may make a trip to Youngstown."

"All we have to do is buy some time until John's cousins get here."

As I drove to the St Petersburg address, I said, "There is something that bothers me. How did Vicky get my cell number? All of the previous texts were to your phone. Vicky must have accomplices that we don't know about. Someone who must have access to our information. The fact that at least two of our coworkers, Marie and Diane are involved with this group is suspicious. There is a common link that interacted with all three of you. Who knows there maybe others."

Arriving at the Back Bar just before 11:00 I gave Amy a kiss and told her everything would work out just stay com.

Sitting at the back of the bar was Vicky and her buddy Paul. My only words were, "What do you, assholes want and what will it take to make you go away?"

Vicky's response, "That's not very friendly. All we want is to have a chat about the future. Sit down and have a drink."

Standing behind me, "Thanks we'll pass on the drinks. What do you want?"

At that moment through the bar's back door two big guys approached the table and told us that they were Vice Cops and we were under arrest for soliciting prostitution. No weapons were shown but we were hustled out the back. Hand cuffed and put into a black van. This didn't look like a police operation. Within 10 minutes the van pulled into a warehouse in an industrial park.

"Get out and don't give us any trouble." With that we were led to a small conference room. Two women and three men were waiting. Vicky stepped in and told me that I made a big mistake getting involved with Amy and now I would pay the price.

Vicky then commanded the two women, "Take the handcuffs off and strip her. I want her boyfriend to see what a whore she is."

Within a minute the handcuffs were removed and while one woman pinned Amy to the wall, the other unceremoniously stripped off her clothes. In another minute Amy was naked. She pleaded, "Please don't hurt him. I will do whatever you want."

With a wicked response Vicky said, "Don't worry you both will do what I want, and I will have pictures of you to prove it."

With that Vicky said to the taller woman, "Go ahead and fuck her. Teach her that disobeying is not an option."

With that Amy was forced to turn around and bend over. A large strap-on worn by the woman forced it into Amy as she screamed."

I yelled, "Stop it" but no one listened. The device was clearly very big and had to cause pain. That was Vicky's intention.

After a few minutes. Amy collapsed in pain on the floor. The response from Vicky and the women was a laugh. "That will teach a whore to disobey her master."

Turning to me, "Did you enjoy watching Amy please my girls? I hope you see what a whore she really is."

Turning to the women who had just assaulted Amy, Vicky said, "Now strip her boyfriend. Amy needs to see what a pathetic man he really is."

I tried to resist but the as the two women pulled my clothes off the two men held me. Within a minute I was standing there restrained and naked.

Amy pleaded, "Please don't hurt him. I will suck their cocks, eat pussy, you can fuck me as long as you want but don't hurt him."

Vicky's response, "Bitch, watch this pathetic excuse get fucked. His mistake is getting involved with you."

With that I was pulled to a table and bent over. My legs were forced apart and one of the men pulled down his pant. His cock probed my ass. He said, "Mistress his ass is too tight."

Vicky smiled, "That will only make it better. Bring his whore over here. She can lick his ass until it is lubricated enough for you to fuck him."

Dragging Amy over to me, her face forced into my ass. She was ordered, "Make him wet. You had better do a good job of rimming him bitch."

The humiliation for both of us went on until both of Vicky's men and the big woman with the strap-on had fucked me.

In the final act of humiliation Amy and I had to engage in a 69 as we gave each other oral sex. During the entire time neither of us experienced any sexual relief.

Finally, after several hours of assault and humiliation Amy and I sat naked on the cold concrete floor while Vicky lectured us.

"You are both whores of mine now and I will use you whenever and where ever I please. The past two hours are on video and stills. I have the power to ruin you both. Don't mess with me. Now get your clothes on and get in the van."

Our torn clothes were a mess. Amy's blouse just barely covered her breasts. Once in the van were driven back to my car and told to get out.

Once in my car Amy and I had an emotional break down. Amy cried and apologized for getting me into this mess and she wanted to just quit and leave the state.

Mine was total and complete rage. "Those bastards don't know what is about to happen to them, but it will settle this humiliation."

"Amy, I can't let you go. None of what happened this afternoon changes how I feel about you. You need to know that I have friends coming to Tampa on Tuesday. They are here to stop this nonsense that is hurting you and perhaps settle an old score that Vicky and her friends created in Cleveland."

Upon getting to Amy's house we both wanted a shower and time to decompress. Amy was an emotional wreck but gradually started to regain her composure.

"Amy, I want you to phone in sick tomorrow. I will personally talk with Jason. My story will be that we had dinner and you got food poisoning. I took you to the emergency room. You were ordered to take three days off work to recover from the severe vomiting."

She asked, "Why do you want me to stay home for the next three days?"

"First, you need time to recover from this weekend. You to rest and recover. Secondly, I am going to find out who in the company is working with Vicky. That is the only way someone could have gotten my cell number. You see the call came in on my company phone not my personal one. There is a rat someplace. Finally, I want you to meet the two men who are coming to Tampa. They will probably want to talk to you. I can assure you if Vicky and Paul are who these gentlemen think they are, they will be making a trip to Youngstown."

Amy said, "Why are you doing this. You can just forget me and walk away. With all that I have done I am not worth the trouble you are going through."

"That is bullshit. You are a very good person and you are worth all the effort it will take to get you free of this blackmail mess. You see, I have been waiting for you all my life. I just didn't know it would be so exciting to get you."

The rest of the weekend was spent resting and staying close to home. I went to my place to pickup clean clothes and a suit for Monday. The rest of the weekend was spent at Amy's while we recovered from the ordeal in the warehouse.

To be continued

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jamtbyjamtbyalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Your comments

Thanks for your comments. You made a great point. I should consider that if any future writing. I appreciate it.


LenardSpencerLenardSpenceralmost 5 years ago
Things don't "add up"

If Jim was asking John for help and John phoned back to say how his uncle would help by sending two men and not to do anything until they got there... then WHY oh why wouldn't Jim mention he was about to meet the blackmailers? Of course the baddies would take advantage of the situation. Is Jim retarded? It certainly seems so if he thought he was in control of the meeting.

Good writing but I hate it when the main character is written as a complete idiot. Why wasn't he armed when he went to the meeting?

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