A Day in the Life Ch. 01


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"I've got some more on it." Cindy said. "We had the entire K-9 Corps go through the entire property. Long day for the pups, but no drugs found, no explosives found, no guns found. One truck scheduled to go out had ammonium nitrate from Ward Harvester. The paperwork on it looks to be legit and in order, but you know we're going to dig deep checking that out."

"Yep." I said. "What else?"

"The guy in our holding cell now is definitely Carlos Domingo." said Cindy. "He's an American citizen, and his passport and fingerprints are on file. He was arrested while in college for disorderly conduct and misdemeanor drug possession, but nothing more serious. His father, Manuel Domingo, owns Domingo Shipping. He's not an American citizen; he's either Venezuelan or Bolivian, and the State Department is surprisingly unhelpful about clarifying that at the moment. At any rate, Carlos won't speak, and he demanded a lawyer from the minute he was arrested."

"Did he call a lawyer yet?" I asked.

"Nope." Cindy said. "He called his father. I'd imagine the father will get him a lawyer and will also come here himself. By the way, Domingo, the super, the guard, and the women are here at Headquarters. Everyone else is being held at Precinct Two."

"Good." I said. "Captain, tell Precinct Captain Thompson that Commander Troy looks forward with great anticipation to reading every officer's report as well as his own reports of the raid and the interviews of suspects. I also look forward to reading Detective Parker and Torres's expedited reports." That was a cluuuuuuue to Cindy that I expected my police officers to bust their asses to get their information to me in record time.

"Wilco." said Cindy, understanding most very fully. "If you'll excuse me..." With that, she exited the office.

"So what are we charging these guys with?" Paulina asked.

"The Illegals?" I said. "Evading police, improper documentation, the standard stuff so ICE can get them out of my jurisdiction. The other runners, evading police. The super, the guard, and Domingo? Suspicion of involvement in the murder of a Jane Doe victim last night. 72-hour hold."

"And the two office women?" asked Paulina.

"Let's get Torres and Perlman to interview them." I said. "Get them lawyers. If they clam up, hold them on suspicion of involvement in the Jane Doe case. Conspiracy, whatever works for 72 hours. If they talk, get their statements and let them go home."

I called Tanya Perlman on the phone. "Perlman," I said, "I want you to come get my young journalists and let them watch the interrogation you're about to make..."

Part 6 - Homefront

"Calling them over and over is not going to make the lab results come any sooner."

The voice was Cindy Ross's. If looks could kill, my cousin would be dead. But she met my dagger of a stare with ice-cold clarity of vision and purpose.

We were in my office at 7:30pm. I'd just hung up the phone after calling the Crime Lab for the third time in three hours about the body found in the River, having harangued and badgered the hell out of J.R. Barnes. That prompted Cindy's remark. She was right, so I relented.

"Yeah," I said with a sigh. "You're right. Those lab results are critical, though. So, what happened with the interrogations?"

"Nothing." said Cindy. "The women clammed up. They started bitching about racial treatment of Hispanics, so I had them put in holding cells. They'll see their lawyers in the morning, as will Domingo and the other two guys."

"Okay." I said.

"I sent Alison and Chris home." Cindy said. "Nothing else is going to happen tonight; I'm shutting it all down until the morning. And that includes you, Commander Troy. The Chief is gone. Get out of here. Go home."

"As long as you walk out of here with me." I said, realizing that I was tired.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Daddy!" Carole happily cried out as I came into the Mountain Nest. Bowser barked happily as I picked Carole up and gave her a big hug. I reached down and petted Bowser, as well.

"Daddy, Jim is sick." Carole said as we went into the den, where Laura was holding little Jim, who was fussing and fidgety. "Mommy's taking care of him."

"Yes, I am." said Laura. "Why don't you and Carole have some supper."

"I'll take Bowser out first." I said, seeing my favorite dog looking up at me with hope and expectation in his eyes. "Carole, want to come with me and Bowser?"

"Yeah." Carole said. Going outside, I watched as Bowser sniffed around the property then went to do his business. As Carole watched her dog, I looked out over the Town as the sun was beginning to set. Two more crimes to solve so that we could continue to move towards keeping our Town safe from the monstrous Evil that was residing here, needing extermination...

Once back inside, I made supper for Carole and myself. As usual, Carole tried to feed the items she did not like to Bowser, who was happy to collude with her on this matter. Once I stopped that 'conspiracy' and got Carole properly fed, I was able to talk with Laura about Jim.

"He's got a bit of a cold, and the beginnings of an inner ear infection." Laura had said earlier. "We put him on some antibiotics. But it's hard for him to get comfortable."

Now she was saying that his temperature was down, but he was still feeling the effects of his illness.

"Poor guy." I said. "Why don't I hold him while you get Carole and Bowser ready for bed?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2:00am, Wednesday, September 9th. I was in the reclining chair in the den, little Jim sleeping on his belly on top of mine. He couldn't be put down in his crib because his nose would stuff up and he couldn't breathe well, leading to him waking up, feeling pain, and crying. He also just couldn't get right with his mother holding him, but seemed to settle down with me. So father and son dozed together in the chair.

As I drifted in and out of a light sleep, I let my subconscious mind explore the myriad avenues of clues leading to the Consultant of Crime. I knew that something important was out there, but was eluding me. I thought of the past several months, of the things that had happened, the things I'd found...

"Oh, Commannderrrr..."

Uh oh. "Why are you in my head again, Angela?" I asked the voice.

"That Jack Burke was such a hot stud, wasn't he?" Angela's voice asked. Then I seemed to see her, on the sofa across from the reclining chair I was in. In my dream state, it was as if she was surrounded by flames, and she was riding Jack Burke's huge cock, taking his enormous size into her fur-fringed cunt.

"Ohhh, sooooo gooood," Angela intoned, her firm breasts bouncing, the hard nipples standing out. "Ohhhh, I wish I'd had this cock while we were alive... by the way, Commanderrrrrr... who else was Jack Burke fucking?" With that, Angela gave me an evil grin...

"Mmf, waaa-aahh" I heard as the vision went away. Baby Jim was waking up and becoming fidgety again. No, the house was not on fire, thank God. The flames in the image must've been the warmth from having Jim lying on me... or I had been watching Angela fuck the stud Jack Burke somewhere in the fires of Hell, where they both surely were spending their eternities...

"Okay, little man," I whispered, patting his back under the thin blanket I'd covered him with, "just relax, it's all good." Jim went back to sleep... his dad didn't.

Indeed, who could Angela have been talking about? And seeing her ride Jack Burke's big cock... it had seemed so real. Was she taunting me over Jack fucking Melina in our college days? That was a past life for me; I was long over it. Or maybe... yeah... someone else... Jack was fucking other women... and getting it on tape...

Part 7 - Lab Results

At 5:05am, I got into my Police SUV and began my drive to the Station. Laura had gotten some good sleep and was tending to a much improved little Jim.

I drove through the Town in the pre-dawn darkness, enjoying as always the sights of the Town by the streetlights in the quiet stillness before the new day instilled itself and the activity of a community began.

Pulling into the employees parking lot to the left of the Station as one viewed it from the street, I parked and entered the building by the side entrance.

"Good morning, Commander." said the young patrol officer stationed at the desk there. "The Crime Lab asked me to give you this." He handed me a folder with a copy of the results of the tests from the body in the River the previous day.

"Thanks, Patrolman Goodwright." I said. "Any other news?"

"Just that Captain Ross is already here." Goodwright said.

I went down the hall and found Cindy in MCD, making coffee. "Don't tell me you had a sick kid, too." I asked.

"No," she said, "just got in an early workout. Who's sick?" I told her about little Jim.

"Aww, that's too bad." Cindy said. "Well, now that you're here: have you looked at the Crime Lab results yet? They sent us emails."

"Not yet." I said. "Let me go look at them now." I went into my office and sat down behind my desk. As I perused the information in the file, Cindy came in with mugs of coffee.

Cindy said "By the way, we got an ID on the body in the River. He was a 'Raoul Martinez', and a student at the University. The Campus Police got a call from his roommate yesterday evening when he didn't come home night before last, then never answered his cellphone all yesterday. They notified the 1st Precinct Duty Desk, who took their time getting the information to Headquarters, here."

"Hmmm, lack of efficiency. I'll have the Chief look into that, like he did with Precinct 3." I said, more interested in the lab results I was reading.

"So, anything good in the lab results?" Cindy asked.

"Take a look." I said, sliding the file across the desk. "Traces of bismuth oxychloride, beeswax, cyclomethacone. Also iron oxide and titanium dioxide."

"And these led to his death?" Cindy asked.

"Not directly." I replied. "But I think it proves my theory of what happened..."

To be continued.

Dear readers, you have the cluuuues. Have you joined the Iron Crowbar in solving these crimes? Solutions in the next episode!

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chytownchytownabout 1 year ago

*****Good read will wait for the commander to solve the case. Thanks for sharing.

MaonaighMaonaighalmost 2 years ago
Just a thought

I'm enjoying the story and mean to go straight on to the next part. However, there was one point which struck me as being a little implausible. Would the Commander really have taken would-be journalists Alison and Chris onto the crime scene to view the body? They are 18-year old students who may never have seen a peaceful death, let alone a violent one where the body has been mutilated. Wouldn't there be a danger that one or both might throw up or pass out or otherwise pollute and contaminate the crime scene? Just a thought.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

One and the same case I think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
annony can't ever write his her it...IT's name so we know the asshole

of LIt can't write a story,. Gave it a 5

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 8 years ago
Thanks for the Holiday Season gift!

But I have to agree, a bit obvious....the victim was a transvestite, mix in some latin machismo, and there's the case....

Happy Holidays to all!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
great intro to next storyline.

pipeline for chemicals, from California, for superior bloodlines, to use in race wars, is what it sounds like to me. the victim was a mole, for the CIA, or FBI, and exposed, so he got terminated,. by the gang. and of course, the shadow man, is involved too..along with Thomas P. Cook. by; eg34904@gmail.com

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Come on. ...Usually you are more devious

A transvestite who makes out with a Latino gang banger in front of his crew...

A list filled with a litany of cosmetic bases, outraged testosterone laden Macho fury on cam...removal of the offending organs....and no, I'm not claiming any more intelligence than the average shmoe who reads these tidbits

That's why I'm so surprised that it is so obvious

Still a good story

I know, free site notwithstanding, you must be battling the holiday rush trying to let one this obvious slip past...lol

Honest, we're willing to wait for the suspense to build because we enjoy your stories and truly appreciate your efforts

Happy Holidays

PairadoxPairadoxover 8 years ago
Great Story, as usual

Although this one is almost too blatant, esp. with those chemicals - which makes me wonder if that's not intentional. Hmmmmm.... :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Thanks for an early Xmas present....

Than you again for another excellent beginning of the case. Hope you and all have a GREAT and HAPPY Holidays..


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