A Dickgirl Fairytale


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The Chancellor brought her to another tower that stood separate from the castle and looked to be more of a prison than a dwelling. There were iron bars on these small windows and vultures in the courtyard who circled for scraps of rotten meat. "Come, my dear," the Chancellor was handed a torch by one of the guards as they entered and the fire lit the stone corridors and showed them the way.

They walked down some winding steps and then through a narrow passageway. There was a narrow, wooden door with a slot at the bottom. That must be how they would feed him, if they kept him in the room anyway. Ella didn't care one bit what happened to him after this moment. The Chancellor paused outside the door and knocked with a fist, "Open up, sir. The princess is here for your charge."

A man opened the door slowly and Ella felt a chill as she looked at him. He was tall, taller than her prince, tall enough that Ella had to look up to see his face and he was stocky, perhaps even wider than the door frame. He wore no shirt and his thick muscled bulged and made ripples down his back. The torch made light and shadows dance on his skin. He never addressed either her or the Chancellor but stood in the corner which his tree trunk arms crossed over his wide chest and watched.

The man was chained to the wall by his wrists and ankles and even like this, secured and guarded, Ella felt the fear rise up. Friar Charles saw it was Ella and his eyes shone even brighter than the torch. He was on fire with his hatred. "Whore," the priest spat at her, "I should have known it would be you."

The Chancellor shook his head and handed Ella the torch, "I'll wait for my lady at the bottom of the stairs." He took his leave and closed the wooden door behind him. Ella imagined that the Chancellor was a gentleman and had a weak stomach for torture. Either that or he didn't want to have to confess to Prince Jonathan that his future wife was not the beautiful, kind-hearted girl that he was about to promise forever to.

"Priest," she spat back at him, "I'm sure that there are a great many women who would be satisfied to know that someone taught you a lesson."

The man stuck his chin out defiantly and Ella saw the trickle of blood from a wound on his forehead. There was no legal reason to have taken the priest. He hadn't technically done anything wrong and for all intents and purposes, he was a law abiding citizen. Of all of her customers from her recent past, the rest were just consumers of the services made available to them. If it hadn't been Ella, it would have been anyone else and she wondered for a moment if there weren't another girl who had already taken her place. This one though, this one was a monster and needed to be eliminated. The bastard added in a wicked voice, "But you're not really a woman, pet, are you?"

Ella could still feel him inside her, especially now when she looked him in the eye. She could feel him and smell him and taste him and she felt sticky under her clothes. "Be that as it may," she whispered before beckoning to the large man with her small index finger. "This man is yours to do with as you choose," Ella told his enormous guard. "Take your satisfaction from him in any way you desire," her eyes couldn't help but wander down to the man's pants. Whatever he had tucked away there twitched, like a coiled serpent ready to strike. "Keep him as long as he pleases you," Ella continued, "and when you're finished with him, anything that's left, if he's not food for the buzzards, can be taken to the monastery on the hill."

Ella nodded her goodbyes and hadn't even reached the staircase again when a blood-curdling scream cut through the silence in the dungeon. Friar Charles cried out once more and begged, "Please, don't," and Ella knew that he was too weak to survive the kind of torment that he had given, she imagined, countless times.

The Chancellor caught up with her and gave a little bow, "Princess Ella, the royal dressmaker is ready for one last fitting before tomorrow. Please follow me."

Ella was more than ready for the dress and for the wedding and to be married. The last few days had been wonderful but the separation from her love had been excruciating. In order to keep up with appearances, they hadn't spent any time alone and not only did Ella's heart long for him but every inch of her body ached to be his.


It seemed that Ella had finally fallen to sleep when the sky in the east had begun to warm and the stars had just started to fade. When she felt the warm lips pressed to her forehead, she thought it was a dream of her love and Ella sighed.

The warm breath couldn't have been a dream though. When she heard him whisper, "Ella, my love," she was wide awake and giggled but then gasped. She immediately placed her hand over her mouth to stay silent. There seemed to be as many ears that listened to them as there were eyes that watched them.

"Is it really you?" she reached out for her love. He had crept into her bedroom, all the way to her bed. Now her prince lay next to her in the massive bed which had been assigned to her and her alone during the waiting period while their wedding preparations were finalized.

Prince Jonathan held her close and as Ella pressed her head to his chest and realized it was bare. Her love was half naked and the hunger for him ran down her spine as she shuddered under her cover. Any moment when she wasn't busy with some demand of her new official royal duties, her mind went back to that night. Immediately she remembered the garden, once more she was bare under him, exposed and then ravished with his mouth until she exploded. "It is really me," he said tenderly, "it's finally our wedding day, Ella. I just had to see you before we went to the church."

Ella touched the center of his muscular chest and felt the drumroll of his heart beating there. "It is the day. Are you ready?"

His lips were ravenous. Jonathan trembled as he kissed her, soft, little nibbling kisses that barely hid how much he wanted to bite and taste every bit of her. "More than ready, oh so ready, Ella," he whispered. His voice cracked when he confessed, "I'm aching for you. Before the ball, I had told my father that I had no intention of ever marrying and now, I long to be your husband."

"If your father only knew," Ella suddenly stopped and held her prince's face in her small hands. "Won't your father wonder where your heir is after a while?" she could only whisper the rest and hope that it didn't break her heart. "Wouldn't it be better for you to marry a girl that can give you a child?"

Jonathan smiled and joined her in her bed. He pressed his body against hers and he wore soft britches that revealed his manhood. It strained to get at her and pulsed now against her belly as he held her close in his arms. "I can get a child from any woman," he kissed her hand. "We can get a child and we will raise it as our own. You'll be a lovely mother, Ella," he laughed. "I've seen you with your mice, you'll be a wonderful mother. I don't want any other girl."

Ella began to protest with a stammered, "But, but."

His cock seemed to hammer his words home. He kissed her, butterfly kisses on Ella's forehead, her cheek, her soft throat, her earlobe. All the while, his dick throbbed and called for her own erection to make an appearance. Ella's head touched Jonathan's and the outline of their cocks, Ella's in her nightgown and the prince's in his damp britches, was impossible not to stare at. They were hungry for each other and it made the desire course down her body in waves. There was no other truth that mattered other than this, her endless, boundless want that was matched by his own. "I've never wanted another girl," Jonathan said with a sigh, "my queen." He pressed into her and for a moment, Ella thought that he might flip up her nightgown and take his bride's bottom, hard and fast and full, right there in her bed. "I have to go before I," there it was, that catch in his voice that betrayed his desires. It told her that his animal needs mounted inside him as well. "Before I do something that is supposed to wait until this evening," Prince Jonathan chuckled at himself as he sat up. "I just couldn't wait to see you," he pushed a long piece of her blonde hair back from her face and exhaled.

Ella wanted his breath in her mouth as his cock opened her little puckered bud and made her his wife in every way possible. "I'll see you soon," she blew him a kiss. She watched as her prince left her bed and quietly closed her chamber door behind him. Ella wondered how much more good fortune she had in store.


She had paced back and forth for some time and now Ella just sat on the edge of their bed and waited. Every sound was an echo in her chest as her heart raced to see him. She needed to see him, to smell him, to lose herself in his arms. Prince Jonathan had sent her upstairs first and assured Ella with a hot whisper that he'd be right behind.

The day had begun with his kisses and every moment since had been just as wonderful. When she had first come to the castle, there were a handful of ladies that were assigned to Ella to wait on her. The ladies were to comb her hair and bathe her, all of the things that Ella had always done for herself. She had sent them all away with a very polite lie and hoped that they pardoned her. There were some secrets that should be kept between a husband and wife and Ella intended to keep theirs.

Once she had bathed herself and combed her hair and pulled and tugged at the horrible undergarments that she knew full well a young lady was required to wear at such an event, she had slipped on her wedding dress. She had stared into the mirror and at that moment, Ella could almost hear Lady Celestria call to her. "Oh, Ella, my dear, sweet girl, you look absolutely perfect," her mother would have called out before her mother grabbed her by the waist and clutched her to her breast in a lingering embrace. Her father would have chuckled and picked her up and kissed both cheeks. "I certainly do hope he knows how lucky he is," Lord Hastings would have told her with a twinkle in his eye.

Ella had smiled at her reflection and knew that she would have told her father that she was the lucky one.

Once she had been dressed, the wedding party had come to collect her and they carried her train from her room to the carriage. Ella saw Anastasia and Druscilla among the crowd in the courtyard and she smiled and nodded in greeting. Both of her stepsisters curtsied politely. They kept their eyes down and both blushed as she passed. Ella wondered if their manners had gotten any better since they had begun to work in the kitchen.

She had been told by the Chancellor that Margery hadn't fared so well. Her stepmother had been whipped by the cook twice and then had been demoted to the stables. Her new assignment was to cart manure to the fields. Ella told the Chancellor that she agreed with the change in duties and that the Dowager would likely fare better with no other companion than shit.

Ella smoothed her hands down the front of her white, lacy nightgown and felt the twinge of her longing push into the silky fabric. It was like torture, the tease of the slick material on her penis. It was like a mouth, it was like his mouth, his sweet, worshipful mouth and tongue on her girth. She wanted him right now, she wanted him to suck and look up at her in awe as he drank her down. Ella closed her eyes and told herself not to give in. She wouldn't touch herself, she would wait.

The sounds of his shoes as they clicked across the marble outside of their bedroom door was the echo of her heartbeat. "My love," he called to her as he entered the chamber. Ella jumped up to meet his embrace as he threw his arms around her. "I waited as long as I could," his dark eyes shone, full of heat and the same ache that Ella had for him. "I have to have you," his whisper was hoarse, almost a growl, "I have to have you now, Ella."

Ella's hands were in the prince's hair as he inhaled her with his mouth. His kiss was rough, insistent, needy, not like the sweet, boyish kisses of this morning. This was a man's kiss and his tongue plunged into Ella's mouth. It found her, explored her and took her breath away as he tore at his clothes. She was liquid in his embrace, she was a river of sighs and a continuous stream of want. He had remained fully clothed that fateful night and Ella had found herself, almost perpetually, imagining what her lover looked like under the clothes. She was almost sure that she had him memorized although she'd never seen one bit of his bare skin.

They stood at the foot of the enormous bed and as they kissed, she felt his chest as it emerged from the shirt and the coat. Her impatient fingers caressed every inch, they studied his muscles as Ella gave him her tongue. His britches fell to the floor and Ella finally felt her husband's naked body pressed into hers. The lust strummed between his legs and his cock was fully risen. Prince Jonathan was on fire there and it could only be matched by the sweltering heat that she had in response to him. Ella broke the kiss, consumed with the need to see him, every glorious inch of him.

"Oh my goodness," Ella could barely speak as she took in the sight of him. Her eyes traveled up and down as she took in every inch. She had seen plenty of men with their pants down, but it was nothing like this. Her husband had broad, muscular shoulders and powerful arms. His skin shone in the candlelight and there was a dark valley of fur that ran down the center of his belly, down, down to between his legs. The prince had thick thighs, but once she saw what waited for her, Ella couldn't take her eyes off his manhood.

Her husband had a beautiful cock.

It was thick and meaty and the perfect shade of pink. It bobbed and bowed before her, as if it was pleased to make her acquaintance. Her husband groaned when she reached out to caress his slippery head. A clear line of his fluid dripped on Ella's finger and she quickly tasted it. "Perfect," she whispered after she licked it off. "My perfect prince," she kissed him and Jonathan sucked her tongue to taste himself on her.

"My wife," he closed his eyes, as if overwhelmed, as if just Ella's fingers were enough to consume him. "My queen," he looked at her once more and pressed his manhood against the satin of her nightgown. "May I?" he asked and his fingers trembled as they lingered on the tiny buttons that closed the front of her gown.

Ella nodded, "Yes, please," she could hardly wait to be bare with him once again. Everywhere he touched melted as he opened her white lace. His mouth was boiling hot, his lips were molten and melded to her bare shoulders, to her collar bones, to the valley between her breasts. "Jonathan," she called him by name as his lips latched onto her nipples, one at a time. She sighed as her husband suckled and tasted each bud. Her nipples pulsed in his mouth and Ella's cock pushed into his thigh. It insisted on having his attention immediately.

He continued with the buttons and opened the nightgown. The fabric opened to reveal her flat belly and then her hips. Once the head of her dick appeared, her prince whispered, "Oh, Ella," fervently. He caressed her shaft once more and made her drip into his hand. He threw the nightgown to the floor and gripped her dick by the base. He pulled her into him, pulled Ella into his pulsing, hard pole. "It has been an eternity, waiting for you," he confessed. Her husband touched both cocks together, he stroked the two of them in his hand as if it were only him alone. "Longing for you, touching myself and wishing it was you," he shivered as they leaked and pulsed together in his strong hand. "I've always longed for this night," he told her, his eyes full of tenderness and love. "For you, even before I met you."

"My husband," Ella murmured and curled her body into him. She was up on her tiptoes as his hand brought a rush of pleasure down her body. She didn't want to let it end this way. She didn't want to explode in his hand and she gulped down a moan as the thought of her milky seed dripping down his skin appeared in her mind's eye. "Wait," she stopped him with her fingers on his hand before she sank to her knees. The prince, her love, her husband, she adored him and it seemed to be the only appropriate way to appreciate him. It was only proper to go down on her knees like this for his perfect penis. "Please, let me," Ella's eyes were riveted to his flesh and her mouth seemed to open of its own accord. She panted for him, she even drooled a little. Ella was more than hungry for him and she was afraid that she couldn't stop herself, she had to taste her lover.

She licked up the thick strand of his clear liquid and listened to her prince gasp as her tongue began its exploration. With her hands on his muscular thighs, Ella looked up and met his heated gaze as she tasted him for the first time. She swallowed and licked and drank down his sweet nectar. She felt his liquid in her throat and hummed with pleasure. "My sweet," the prince whispered as Ella lapped and licked. "Oh Ella, yes please," and she felt him surrender to her lips entirely as she opened her mouth and took him inside.

He tasted warm and sweet and his scent was clean and manly. Ella had never tasted a cock so delicious. He fit perfectly in her mouth. His thick shaft filled her completely and her lips were tight around his girth. Her tongue caressed the vein that bulges and pulsed as she moved up and down on him. Her husband's thighs clenched and released as he began to thrust in and out of her hot, little mouth. His fingers twisted in her blonde hair, they curled in her locks and her husband moaned as he moved inside her. Jonathan began to whisper, "Yes," again and again as Ella drew her mouth even tighter around him.

His balls were tight and close to his body. The loose sack was small and hot and Ella's hand kneaded his testicles back and forth to the tempo that her lips set. His musky perfume rose and filled her nostrils as she caressed him. Ella wanted to suck those too, his balls, his sack, even the line that ran along the crease to his pink asshole. She'd never tasted anyone like that before but she knew that she'd love to bury her nose there and smell and lick and swallow down her prince's flavor. Somehow she knew, even as she bobbed up and down on him, that her love would deny her nothing, he'd give her every inch of his body willingly.

She felt the growl that came from him. It was from somewhere deep inside, it was hardly his voice at all, it was a mating call. He picked up the pace and began to thrust in and then back out again. The prince fucked her mouth as he called out, "Yes, please, oh Ella," again and then again. He fed her a sticky, hot stream of his salty liquid, his head had grown and throbbed, it consumed her mouth.

When he came, it was with a shudder and a howl and his belly trembled against her forehead. His hands pulled her by the hair to him like a beast, he claimed her with every hot spurt of his seed deep down in her throat. "Ella," Jonathan cried her name again and again as he filled her with too much cum for her to swallow. She felt his seed drip down her chin to her throat and knew that she'd be sticky with his semen on her décolletage.

The sigh that came from him was one of surrender, of ecstasy, of happiness.

He trembled and softened as she took the last of his orgasm inside. Jonathan dropped to his knees beside her. "My love," her husband was gentle and sweet once again and pushed the sheath of her blonde hair from her shoulders as he brought her chin up and her mouth to his. "Let me taste this," he whispered before the tip of his tongue entered her mouth and she shared the last of his flood of semen. She loved that he moaned as he sucked and swallowed his climax from her tongue.