A Drone Remade Pt. 02

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A drone's life changes. Court and Lunch for Jane.
9.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 03/07/2024
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Acknowledgements to Ezracarmichael, on this site, who wrote Compliance. This story is based in his world with his permission.

Thanks to my editor thegoofyproofyreader who made many improvements; any remaining mistakes, of course, are mine.

Tags: science fiction, mind control, lesbian

This is a multi-part story, about 22000 words long. All parts are written and are ready to submit. The story contains little sex.

This is my first story so feedback is welcome.

+++ Part 2. Court and Lunch for Jane

Owner Jim Hedges and person Wendy Sayer were in the car, plus the driver. I was wearing black slacks, a grey long-sleeved tee shirt and a grey zip jacket. It was practical and waterproof, not drone uniform, and the tee shirt allowed the jacket to be removed if the weather turned out hot. This was May in England, so the weather could change rapidly.

Wendy asked, "Good morning, Jane, how did you get on last night and are you ready for today? It's a big day."

I considered my response. The questioner was not an Owner, but had been associated with my Owner recently, so I decided to respond. This response would probably be most acceptable to Owner. This took half a second. "Er... I ate and drank last night. I have cleaned myself. I am tired because I did not sleep well last night. I should not operate heavy machinery or drive until I am rested. I am hungry and thirsty."

I thought idly, one of ways a drone could be distinguished from a person was asking a question that required some calculation. Drones were slower than people but more accurate.

Owner asked, "Cheryl Lakes, how are you?"

I felt confusion and pain. I was non-compliant. Tears started leaking from my eyes. I felt ready for punishment. I was not supposed to think of that. After a few seconds I was aware again. I decided to think pleasant thoughts and not otherwise react.

Owner said to Wendy, "That response seems OK. Remember, ask to use the new name and minimise saying the old one."

Wendy replied, "OK," to Owner and then asked me, "Why are you hungry, and why didn't you sleep well. Were you mistreated?"

"I slept badly because the training lesson was disturbing, and I am concerned that I am not a good drone. I did not eat or drink this morning because I was not ordered to. Drones cannot be mistreated."

Owner explained to Wendy that drones carried out orders exactly. Wendy appeared annoyed with Owner that the instructions had been ambiguous and offered a water bottle. Owner did not object as Wendy handed me the bottle. I drank the water.

Owner then told me I was compliant today, which made me happy. I am a good drone.

"I thought you were the expert, and you can't even give orders so she is fed?" Wendy asked Owner.

"I don't own a drone now so I'm out of practice. It's always a problem about phrasing orders with drones. Especially when they don't know their owners well. If you have judgment protocols on, they try to find and carry out their owner's wishes. But they must know the owner's preferences. I'll revise that part of the script."

"Huh?" muttered Wendy.

The journey ended after about 80 minutes; they arrived at a building and once inside sat at a table in a courtroom. Owner ordered Jane to sit with them. An official came up to Jane and asked to scan her fingerprints with a machine. Owner agreed with the request.

Other people were present. A drone sat with a computer near the front of the room.

A person in robes entered the courtroom. I recalled what judges looked like; I realised that I had been in a court before.

A clerk spoke, "All Rise," and everyone rose except for me and the stenographer drone. The clerk continued with a case number.

The judge frowned and addressed me, "You are supposed to rise for the court."

Judgement protocols were on. This was not an order from Owner, but a court might be a legal request. I was unsure. If it were a legal request and I did not comply, the impact might fall on Owner. I decided to rise to answer, "I am a drone, not a person. I await orders from my Owner." and then sat again. Owner did not object.

Wendy said, "Judge, legally she is a drone and not a person."

Everyone sat. The judge did not say anything more to me.

Some people said they were lawyers from Nokamura Corporation, trading as Nokamura Industries, representing their interests, but were not directly involved. Others said they were from the public prosecutor office. Wendy said she was representing Jane Doe, and that she would rather the court use the name Jane Doe as far as possible. The stenographer drone typed.

The judge asked Wendy, "Is your client present?"

"My client is this drone, Jane Doe."

The official with the fingerprint machine stood and stated, "Judge, I confirm Cheryl Lakes, deceased, is present."

The judge said, "In the case of CCBA-20470525 Crown versus Cheryl Lakes, reopened. Make your case Ms. Sayer."

I heard a roaring in my ears at the name, but I tried to suppress a gasp. Remembering pain. I tried to think pleasant thoughts. Remembering the case and being found guilty. That person was not me. I had been so ashamed and had felt so small then. My parents... No do not remember them.

Wendy rose and consulting notes, started, "I will use the name Jane Doe throughout, since the original offenders name causes distress to Jane here. Can I ask all others to do the same? Jane Doe was convicted of conspiracy to defraud and actual fraud 5 years ago. The sentence met the minimum length for droning, and she was physically suitable. Jane Doe was sentenced to droning. The proceeds from her drone sale, less costs, were repaid as damages. The drone here with me is the same body as the person convicted."

"Following case CCLO-20530116 Crown versus Robert Thorn, and the confession of Robert Thorn, I believe a miscarriage of justice occurred, and the sentence is now unsafe. Details are in the bundle."

"I move that the sentence is quashed and Jane Doe be found not guilty of the original charges. I move that Jane Doe is declared alive. I further move that any property owned that was passed to other parties or to the crown be returned, if possible. I further move that I, acting as a court official, with the help of Mr Hedges here take power of attorney for Jane Doe. Mr. Hedges and I intend to try and change her drone status and cancel the power of attorney as and when she is capable of independent living. I will make an interim order within 3 months for compensation, being her sale cost and estimated adjusted lost earnings, these cost increments being known now. I will seek full compensation when I know the eventual outcome of her recovery."

Wendy sat. A person stood and said the prosecution service had no objection to these motions. A lawyer for Nokamura Industries wished to add conditions to the release, that they did not want proprietary technology relating to drone training be released to the public, and this was a standard condition for similar, regrettable cases. They also offered to commit to the partial recovery, as far as possible, of Cheryl Lakes. They did not expect a good outcome, since similar cases had not been capable of living outside a controlled environment. Cheryl would be in the same state.

Wendy stood again, "I object to any additional conditions. Jane Doe does not owe any other parties any duty of confidentiality, and if Nokamura Industries wish to ask for such an agreement they could do it under commercial terms. They are not offering anything to Jane Doe. If they are ashamed of the torture used to make her a drone, they should not carry it out."

The discussion continued for nearly an hour while I waited. I assessed it was probable that some new orders were coming. The Judge asked if Wendy was an 'anti-droner,' and Wendy answered that she was acting on behalf of her client, and her politics were not an issue.

The lawyers argued about capabilities and conditioning (remembered headsets and shocks and drugs) and extent of recovery. The lawyers from Nokamura Industries said they could give mind drugs to drones – I remembered nausea and forgetting, remembering to be a compliant drone. Wendy could not give them to a person. Wendy said that she would find a doctor to give drugs for recovery reasons.

I thought, 'Drones were not people,' which was implied from a truth.

I was still hungry and had repeated my truths and thought pleasant thoughts. I felt compliant, since Owner had ordered me to think pleasant thoughts when I heard 'Cheryl Lakes.' The Nokamura Industries lawyers had repeated the name many times now. I did not know why and was not interested in the reasons. The lesson last night made sense now; the receptionist's behaviour made sense too. I wondered what coffee would taste like again. It was highly likely that I would have coffee soon.

Eventually the Judge said the court was ready to rule. All people in the courtroom stood. I made an assumption that Owner would probably want me to stand and looked at Owner for an order; Owner nodded, and I stood.

"Jane Doe, your conviction is quashed and you are discharged. You will report back here for review after six months, since you are under the care of the court official Wendy Sayer. Property is to be returned as far as possible. Ms. Sayer is responsible for registering you since you are legally dead, my apologies for the term Ms. Doe, this is an unusual case. Ms. Sayer is responsible for your treatment, which can include off-use drugs prescribed by a doctor. In consideration of Nokamura Industries' wishes, no public disclosures of drone training, or drug use, or other proprietary information is to be released until the review period. Nokamura Industries will help with information to help rehabilitation as quid pro quo on request from your representatives. Ms. Sayer to draft the order; agreement by email."

I felt numb. I was not sure what would happen now.

"Court Adjourned."

Wendy turned to me. "Welcome Jane. You are a person again now. Let's go and get your breakfast."

I did not respond, nor did I agree. Wendy was not my Owner. Wendy could not order me to be a person.

Owner said, "I agree, follow us and we will eat, and talk."

I followed them.

They went to a small cafeteria attached to the court buildings, with 12 tables. It was corporate bland with plain wooden tables and plastic chairs. The food was pre-packed meals and drinks, sold by a drone. I thought the catering was inadequate and knew I could prepare better meals. It was likely the drone was badly programmed or perhaps highly likely it was constrained by its Owners. I liked cooking as a task. I remembered my previous Owners Tom and Anne (remembering pain), who had liked and praised my cooking.

Owner asked me to choose my own breakfast, so I chose a balanced meal with mixed nutrients and water. Owner paid and the people sat down; I was ordered to sit and eat too. Owner left and returned with two cups of coffee, milk and sugar. Owner and Wendy did not eat.

Owner spoke. "Attention Jane. I want you to apply desires as if you were a person called Jane Doe. We will use Jane as your first name and Doe will be your surname when we register you as a person. You shall consider Jane Doe's preferences. You shall act as Jane Doe. You shall consider Jane Doe and Cheryl Lakes to be the same person. Access to all memories is allowed."

I thought what this meant. I could not think what a human would do now. I had no memories of a person wanting something in a courthouse cafe.

Owner asked, "Do you want to have a cup of coffee or tea?"

Drones did not want coffee. Jane Doe, who had been called another name, had liked black coffee when she was alive. Owner obviously expected and wanted a positive answer. I decided to have coffee and have it black. Owner got the coffee, which made me feel nervous.

I took a sip. It tasted bitter and familiar. It was hotter than I remembered.

Owner frowned, "Are you choosing black coffee because you cannot choose sugar?"

"No. I remember that... Jane liked black coffee."

Owner praised me, "Well done then."

Owner continued reading from his papers. "Here are your ownership instructions. Wendy is an appointed Owner."

I looked at Wendy, "Hello Owner Wendy. I accept you as an Owner–"

Wendy interrupted, "I don't want to be a drone owner, except to help you become a human. But I am your Owner. And skip the warnings, I know them."

I was upset, this meant I could not complete the legal protocol. I think I showed my upset face, but I must obey an order.

Owner Jim continued, "And Jane Doe is also an appointed Owner."

I thought for a long time, showing surprise now. How could I be an Owner? I was still upset about the protocol being missed, but then I suddenly could see a way around it, that would satisfy me. "I accept Jane Doe as my Owner. Attention, new Owner. This drone is required to warn you of the legal conditions and responsibilities of using a drone. If you do not wish this drone to state these, please say Override... Override... Override Accepted."

Owner Jim looked puzzled then laughed, Owner Wendy looked annoyed then smiled, and Owner Jane was pleased and compliant.

Owner Jim continued, "Jane, in the event of conflicts, do orders in order of priority: Jim, Wendy, Jane. You, Jane, are not to alter protocols without discussing it with either of us first. Here are our common goals. I want you to pretend to be Jane, in behaviour, and speech. I want you to be a human with their own goals. I want you to choose in a similar manner to a human. Both Wendy and I want you, Jane, to decide her own goals and then to seek them. You must warn us if your own goals or desires, or pretended desires, will conflict with our goals, or cause moderate stress. You must tell either of us when you are under moderate stress for any reason at all. You need not tell us your chosen goals or desires. Any questions?"

"Drones do not have desires."

"As your Owners, Wendy and I, we want you to pretend to have desires, as if you were Jane."

I asked, "Human behaviour isn't the same as drone behaviour and isn't compliant. If I am not compliant, I'm to be punished. Who will punish me?"

Owner Jim sighed, "I'll punish you, or cause punishment. And also, I want you to review the legal protocol; it explains how people are held responsible when they use a drone. It applies to you now – you are a person."

He continued, "I'll need to make some changes in your protocols. List the protocols you have installed."

As I recited the protocols Owner Jim started taking notes with a pen. I slowed my delivery down, anticipating Owner's wishes. Also this was what a human might do. It was hard trying to remember to keep to Jane and I and me as pronouns. I felt this was compliant and that I was a good drone:

"Legal warnings protocol,

Emergency protocol,

Truth and protocol revision,

Protocol updating protocol,

Impassivity protocol,

Judgment protocol,

Memory and Forgetting protocol,

Drone communication protocol,

Quick maths,

Bayesian probability protocol,

Ownership changes protocol,

Extreme stress and standby protocol,

Female sex protocol,

Male sex protocol,

Hydration protocol,

Nutrition, exercise and sleep protocol,

Yoga position protocol,

Drone position protocol,

Optional driving protocol,

Optional basic cooking and persons' nutrition protocol,

Optional housekeeping and cleaning protocol."

I waited then added, when Owner Jim had finished writing, "Should I... provide a summary or full text for any item?"

Owner Wendy said, "I didn't know so many protocols existed. I hadn't looked closely at them before. I learnt about the concept when I studied drones of course."

Owner Jim replied, "Drones can have many more; I think you can buy a couple of hundred, but we charged extra as more protocols are added, since it takes time for trainees to learn and practise. Why spend time on housekeeping if a trainee is going to work in a shop. And, Jane, No, that answer is fine."

Owner Wendy said with some emphasis, "Don't say trainee if you mean drone. You know how I feel."

I listened and sipped coffee. I had not had coffee for a long time and remembered the flavour now. A human would like the coffee, and Jane had liked coffee.

I stated, "I like this coffee." Pretending and using I.

"I like coffee too," responded Owner Wendy.

I thought, should I add this information about Owner Wendy to meet Owner's goals? Should I remember this as a person would? Person Wendy would be called an acquaintance; persons did not remember much about acquaintances. I decided to remember that Owner Wendy liked coffee and did not like drones being called trainees.

Owner Wendy asked, "Jane, can you please describe a protocol more for me?"

"This is a very simple protocol. The Hydration protocol says this drone should drink at least two litres of water per day. Perform extra as well as regular hydration, especially after heavy physical work or in high temperatures. If tasks do not allow regular hydration then compensate at the next task break. If the drone has dark urine, or has not urinated for six hours when awake, warn current taskmasters that the drone requires hydration. If the task can be performed with gaps to allow hydration, the drone should hydrate itself. If the drone experiences strong thirst, dizziness, weakness, or stops sweating in a hot environment, then immediately warn current taskmasters, only once, that the drone requires hydration. If conditions persist ignore them and continue with the task. If the drone experiences extreme thirst then start the extreme stress and standby protocol. Other sources of hydration are tea, coffee, and fruit juice; if these are drunk subtract the quantity from the daily water allowance. This protocol is version 6 and was installed at Nokamura Industries."

Owner Wendy looked puzzled. "That's quite complicated."

"I found the words easy to repeat and remember. I revise protocols at frequent intervals and test my responses to ensure I follow protocols. I repeat protocols under hypnosis frequently. A compliant drone follows all protocols and completes current tasks. A non-compliant drone is punished. A non-compliant drone must report its own significant non-compliances. The list it... my apologies, the list I have just said isn't a protocol, but a summary of other protocols. It takes several weeks for a drone to become familiar with its protocols."

After the meal I went with Owner Jim and Owner Wendy as ordered, having been told to ignore any other people and not to speak with them – which was a redundant order – until they got home. I obeyed. About 20 people tried to get a response from me, but I continued to obey. My former name was called more than 200 times, and I heard five calls of 'Jane Doe;' I continued to ignore other people.

Once in the car, Owner Wendy said, "To summarise, Jane. You are legally a person now, and for the next six months we will help you become a person again. Your first name is Jane, and your last name is Doe. We'll use the names for a new birth-certificate, driving licence and so on. Don't worry about money for now, I'll take care of it. You might want a job eventually, but that will be up to you, and not yet. I'm your Owner, together with Jim. We will give you orders to make you make choices and decisions. You can change your name again later if you want another name. Tom and Anne are your parents, and we will see them soon."

"It's important to remember that you have three Owners, Jim, Wendy and you. You are to say if you want anything," said Owner Jim.

I had to think about my new Owner's wishes. I was not sure I was compliant.

+++ First Recall

On day two, after a breakfast, which involved making some choices; Owner Jim ordered me to sit down and self-hypnotise. Owner Wendy was in the room too. I repeated my trigger phrase aloud. After a couple of minutes, it – or I as I reminded myself – was breathing steadily and seeing myself in a plain room. I sat on a chair facing the room colours, yellow, green, red. The colours were vague since I was not directed to visualise them yet. My truth board was present in the front of my awareness. I awaited instructions, feeling calm and compliant.