A Family that Lays Together...


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Cindy came in after fifteen minutes or so, wearing her white robe and looking a million dollars. Collin had heard the hairdryer going and she had obviously used the time to get her ash blonde hair back in shape. Collin rose from the chair where he had been sitting, flicking through a biography he'd just bought, looking at the photographs and reading the captions in a cursory manner - his mind too easily distracted by thoughts of what was to come.

Cindy walked up to him and kissed him hard on the lips. As a statement of intent, this was just the kind of thing he'd been hoping for. Her next move was even more to his liking - her hand dropping to his groin and feeling for his penis through his towel. Once she had located it, there was no holding back, as she fondled it vigorously, feeling it grow under her touch.

In no time, the towel was tenting up, its occupant in urgent need of closer attention. Tugging the towel down, she grabbed the jutting penis eagerly. Giving Collin one last kiss, she dropped to her knees, as she had done in the living room, her need to suck his cock almost as great as her father-in-law's longing to have it sucked.

"Look," Collin said in a businesslike tone (the last time he would be using such a tone that night). "Perhaps it would be easier if I lay on the bed."

"Why?" Cindy replied with pretended ingenuousness. "Are you too tired to stand?"

By way of a response, Collin drew her head into him with one hand. He did it gently, not wanting to give the impression that he was desperate for her mouth around his cock. He didn't fool Cindy. This time, though, now that the frenzy of their earlier lovemaking was, for the time being, at any rate, a thing of the past, she ran her tongue along the sides of his shaft, holding it by the base - her fingers tantalizingly close to his sensitive testicles.

She must have covered every inch of his pulsing phallus, but still she hadn't touched his head, nor his aching balls. How Collin wanted to see her bobbing up and down on his cock once more! Perhaps, he thought, she was wary of giving him this treatment in case he ejaculated, as he had done first time round. If that happened, she might be concerned that he would be unable to come again. After all, seen from her point of view, he was already an old man, with one foot practically in the grave.

He considered saying something, but didn't want to break the spell. After all, the girl was doing a hell of a job.

Looking up at him, Cindy asked Collin if he liked what she was doing. Loath to introduce any sort of critical note into the liaison, he said she was doing great. She really knew how to give head.

"Okay," she replied in a deliberately girly voice, as if she were a geisha or something. "Is there anything else you would like me to do?"

"Well, I really love it when you touch my balls."

"Would you like me to lick them too this time?"

"Yeah, that would be fantastic."

Cindy got busy with his ball sac, placing a couple of fingers from one hand on the dangling left ball first before putting two fingers from the other hand on the right ball. Her touch was incredible - like gossamer. Suddenly one finger broke ranks and made the short journey to his asshole.

"Oh, fuck!" groaned Collin, unable to believe what was happening.

While a cluster of those delicate fingers kept playing with his balls, another was on the verge of entering his anus - something his wife had never done. She didn't like anything going near her own asshole, and had never shown any interest in Collin's. When the finger dithered on the final leg of its journey, Collin could think of nothing better by way of encouragement than to repeat his exhalation.

"Oh, fuck!"

As if these were the magic words, his daughter-in-law's digit broke through the barrier as if it didn't exist and penetrated him right up to the knuckle.

"Fuck! Yeah!" Collin breathed, his mind in a whirr as he imagined his own, far larger instrument plumbing her depths.

Keeping her finger in his ass, Cindy got serious with her tongue, licking the balls that could never seem to get enough attention. Collin took a couple of deep breaths, then, when he was certain that he wasn't going to be coming any time soon, he just started to enjoy it. It proved to be something of a miscalculation.

It soon became apparent that Cindy's performance in the living room had been a rehearsal for what was going to happen in the bedroom. Opening her mouth wide, she travelled the familiar path down his cock, but this time there was to be no turning back. As if to demonstrate how serious she was, she took her finger out of his asshole, letting her hands fall limp, as her mouth continued on its quest.

Somehow the traditional gender roles had been reversed: he was the one in distress, while she was the one in shining armour, the one charged with triumphing over insurmountable odds. Collin was unable to rationalize what was happening. Unable or unwilling, who's the tell? Watching that petite mouth engulfing his manhood inch by inch, he knew as certainly as he knew that the sun would rise in the east tomorrow that, if she went all the way, he would be unable to stop himself unburdening himself of the load he was carrying. And just where would that leave his dream of deflowering her rosebud?

Lime many a man before and after him, he ignored the issue and lived for the moment only. The effort Cindy was putting into her blowjob was nothing short of sensational. The slurping and gagging sounds only served to turn Collin on more. If ever a man was primed to come, it was him.

Scarcely had Cindy made landfall when her father-in-law let out a roar like a lion. His jism (regenerating itself miraculously, so it appeared) flew down her throat. He continued to bay like a hound, as further shots of cum were greedily gobbled down by Cindy, who had now come off him, suffering no ill effects from her extraordinary efforts.


"Are you trying to kill me?" joked Collin, now seated on the edge of the bed.

He wanted to ask her if she did that for his son, but, in spite of all that was happening, it didn't seem somehow appropriate. If he had asked her, she would have been happy to tell him that the answer was no, but she knew that he wouldn't have been happy if told the reason why - Josh's dick was just too big to fit.

Anyway, sometimes ignorance is bliss, and Collin's state of mind could quite truthfully be described as blissful at that moment. He had, however, severe doubts about whether he would be able to come again. His shrunken, slumbering tool appeared to have called it a day. Collin could see no way back after the heroics it had already performed.

Cindy, accurately summing up the situation, decided it was time to play her trump card. If she had been unsure before about the effect it would have on Collin, she was virtually certain now that it would have only the most desirable effect: that of getting him rock hard again and desperate to fuck her in the ass.

"Your wife and I are lovers," she said, choosing the word she knew would pack the greatest emotional punch.

"You're kidding!" Collin replied. "She's never shown the faintest bit of interest in other women."

"That's because you always envisaged it as part of a threesome involving yourself - like all men."

"How long has this been going on?"

Collin's tone was interested but not aggressive.

"A few months," said Cindy evenly.

"Who made the first move?" asked Collin, although he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

"Of course, it was me. It wasn't difficult. I asked Imelda to take some photographs of me for an agency. I stripped down to my bikini and got her to take pictures of my butt. She was shaking like a leaf. When I suggested we took it upstairs, she tried to put up a fight. It was a real turn-on."

"My god!" exclaimed Collin. "And you've seen each other since?"

"Several times," said Cindy.


"You're not angry?"

"No - just shocked, I guess. It's a lot to take in."

"It seems you're quite excited too," said Cindy, glancing at his now semi-erect penis.

"You're a cunning one," her father-in-law said.

"I like to think of it as problem-solving," she said, taking his shaft in her hand once again.

Leaning into him, she whispered in his ear.

"I know what you want. You've wanted it all night. You've probably wanted it ever since you first saw me."

Collin gave no response - verbally - but the response made by his penis spoke louder than any words could.

"You see, it's no use pretending. A man's penis never lies."

"I've never let Josh fuck me there," she added - which was true but more on account of his size than because of any scruples she might have held.

Without further ado, Cindy got on all fours, peaking over her shoulder at the older man. With no embarrassment, she licked her fingers and rubbed them first against her asshole and then dropped them one by one inside her nether love tunnel. Next she spread her cheeks wide - extending to her father-in-law the most flagrant invitation possible to invade her ass.

Collin thought about embedding his cock inside her pussy first, but decided it wouldn't be prudent. He didn't know how long he'd be able to keep it up, and he had a very strict set of priorities. So, by the look of it, did she.

Bringing his head to her puckered pink anus with its beautiful nexus of crisscrossing pathways, he took a deep breath and pushed it against her opening - gently, as if he were tamping tobacco in a pipe. He could feel the barrier bending very slightly before him, as if she were a trampoline and he the gymnast. He gave another push and this time he watched as his tumid penis slipped inside her tight tunnel.

Cindy let out a sigh and braced herself for the pounding she had been yearning for. She had deliberately led Collin to believe that she was experienced in anal play, but the truth was that this was a first for her, just as it was for him. She didn't want him fussing over her welfare, as she knew she would if he knew the truth. This way, his natural desire to bring her to her knees with the force of his fucking would be further intensified by the thought that she was a loose woman who deserved punishment.

And this was precisely the effect she was having on her father-in-law. As he inched his column further into her glory hole he couldn't resist taking a sideswipe at her.

"You know that you're slut, don't you?"

"Yes," Cindy replied, silently urging him to let her have the rest of his dick and fuck her properly.

"You seduce my wife, then you seduce me. And now you brazenly offer me your most private and precious part in order to satisfy your unnatural desires."

"Yes," she said, enjoying the trash talking, especially since she knew it was winding him up as tight as a coiled spring, and that he would need release soon, otherwise he would implode.

"You understand then that I need to punish you?"

"I do," she said - sealing her fate.

He jammed his cock the rest of the way in, and grunted like a pig. Cindy cried out in a mixture of shock and elation, letting her cry morph into a series of vocalizations all of which told Collin that she wanted only one thing: more! Scarcely in need of the encouragement, he began to drive his penis back and forth, getting busy with his hands, which latched onto her breasts and began working her nipples feverishly.

He felt as if he owned the world, as if there were nothing he couldn't do, no one he couldn't control. This girl hadn't yet celebrated the first anniversary of her marriage to his son, and yet here she was giving herself to him, wanting something from him that her own husband couldn't give her.

Stimulated by such thoughts, he increased the pace and the power of his fucking, knowing now what he had merely hoped for until a few minutes ago, that he would soon be unloading his sperm inside her asshole.

"You like?" he asked Cindy, adopting the type of speech he'd never usually use.

"Yeah," she said, her breath now coming with difficulty.

"You want me to come in your ass?" he continued, utterly lost in the moment.

"Oh god, yes!"

Cindy had thought that she'd need to frig herself in order to achieve orgasm, but now she wasn't so sure. All she had to do was to keep Collin talking. Hearing him talk like this was one hell of a turn-on.

"I want your seed so badly," she said.

Collin grunted again and reapplied himself to the task before him with added vigor. Cindy reckoned she had one more card to play. She knew it represented a bit of a gamble but thought it would do the trick.

"One day I'd like to be lying on this bed with my legs wide apart, having my pussy licked out by your wife, while your cock is fucking her asshole."

"You fucking whore!" cried Collin, the orgasm he knew was his for the taking suddenly hoving into view.

"If you think that I am going to let you -"

But Collin never got the words out, as his ejaculate painted the walls of her back passage a brilliant, glossy white.


Fresh from her photography course in Chicago, Imelda had a new bounce in her step when she returned to the quieter environs of her home town. Collin was impressed by her studies of some of the lesser known districts of the city, as well as a series of black-and-white photos of the L. She was so taken up by her own adventure that she only listened half-heartedly as he told her about what he had got up to in her absence - of necessity, of course, a highly redacted version.

"We must have Josh and Cindy over for dinner," she mentioned casually while they were finishing the food they had ordered in.

"That would be great," said Collin, who was interested (intrigued would perhaps be a better word) to see how Cindy would interact with him when they were all together again.

Of course, he had no idea about the designs which his wife and his son had on each other, and his growing obsession with Cindy made it all the more unlikely that he would notice anything untoward. Not to mention, of course, the fact that the taboo that surrounded such relationships made it something that would simply just never enter his mind.

What, six months previously, would have been a routine get-together was thus assuming a significance that no one could have predicted. While in Chicago, Imelda had spent her evenings with her fellow participants, even if they didn't have much in common beside their interest in photography. She had hoped that by placing a distance between herself and her son, she would be able to gain perspective and that the growing hold that thoughts of him were exercising over her would be weakened.

In the event, the part of each day away she looked forward to most was when she returned to her hotel room, undressed, turned out the lights and got on the bed. Her hands would start caressing her body, but in her imagination they were his hands, first caressing her breasts, then more urgently tweaking her nipples.

He would start talking to her - not at all in the way a son ought to talk to his mother - telling her that he had been thinking about her all day, telling her that when he was inside his wife's cunt it was her pussy he had been thinking of. Imelda couldn't decide if it was worse that he should be referring to his wife's private parts as a cunt or to her own as a pussy.

She also didn't have much of a choice in the matter as she found that one hand had made its way to the very area she had been thinking about (though only in a scholarly way, as she wrestled, so she thought, with semantics). Within seconds, one finger had slipped into her slick pussy - yes, pussy was definitely a nicer word - and it began to frig her with a desperation which she knew her son should really only ever feel for his lawfully wedded wife.

One by one she added further fingers to her pussy, until only the thumb remained outside.

"You want all of me, don't you?" said her son, towering above her.

"Yes!" cried Imelda.

"You want me where?" he asked, taunting her, mocking her.

"In my pussy," she said shamelessly.

"Where?!" he repeated, clearly unhappy with her answer.

"You know, down there - in my vagina," she said, not willing to abase herself further.

"WHERE?!" he thundered one last time.

"In my cunt!" she yelled, utterly enslaved to her own deepest desires.

She shouted out as the orgasm swept over her - her fist performing its role as a stopgap cock until such time as she would be able to partake of the real thing.

Now, here she was in her bedroom choosing what to wear for this Saturday evening dinner, for this family meal that was to be like no other that had preceded it. She had bought black silk stockings and a garter belt specially for Josh, but she didn't want to wear them until she was alone with him. But she did want to feel sexy. Oh, how badly she wanted to feel sexy!

There was one other bra and panty set which she had never worn because the right occasion had never arisen. But now, she thought, it had, and she would wear it! She tried it on and knew that this was the one - the lingerie that would make her feel one hundred percent woman. How happy she was now to have splashed out all that money on this French-made lacy red underwired bra and matching pair of tanga panties.

Before going any further, she sprayed a touch of her favorite scent on her wrists, behind her earlobes and just below her belly button, then went to her wardrobe to choose her outfit. All along, she'd had her heart set on her butter-soft leather knee-length dress with front button fastenings, not least because she knew how much men were turned on by leather clothing. The fact that it was a favorite of Collin's made it a smart choice too; he would obviously think that she was wearing it for him.

If she was going out, she would have paired it with a pair of leather boots, but since they would be at home she settled on her tan leather shoes with a modest heel. Collin, she noticed, was taking more time over his wardrobe than he generally would, but she didn't dwell much on it. In fact, she thought he was doing it for her! This suited her just fine, as she knew she would be desperate to receive a good fucking once Josh and Cindy had left them.

Cindy, by contrast, had decided to dress down. She was concerned that Collin might be looking for any chance to get her alone and touch her up or at least whisper sweet nothings in her ear. If she had got his blood racing with a sexy outfit, she couldn't trust him not to start pawing her under the table. So it was just a cashmere fisherman's sweater and jeans for her.

Josh wore his normal smart casual look of white T-shirt and tight fitting light blue chinos, which showed off his various muscle groups to best effect. Before dinner, Josh left his father and wife in the living room to go and see if his mother needed any help. Collin was delighted to be left alone with Cindy (if only for a few minutes), while Cindy found her mind wandering between the two Dickinson men: the one that was in there with her and the one who was now in the kitchen with her mother-in-law.

Collin wasted no time in sitting beside her on the couch and putting his hand on her knee.

"Not now," said Cindy sharply - her tone only having the effect of fueling Collin's libido further.

"Just one kiss," said Collin, declining to remove his hand and determined to get his kiss.

Understanding it was more trouble than it was worth to argue with Collin, Cindy turned towards him and let him kiss her, keeping her ear out all the while for anything that might indicate that the others were coming back to join them.

When his hand moved to her breast, Cindy removed it forthwith and jumped up, suggesting that he returned to the chair he had been occupying before. Unwillingly, he complied - his penis pulsing hard against his pants.