A Family that Lays Together...

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A mother and son's love can no longer be denied.
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A Family that Lays Together...


Imelda Dickinson loved her family. Her only regret was that she had been able to have just the one child - a son, Josh by name. She was delighted that he had found a nice girl to marry, even though that meant him leaving the nest. The good news was that he and his bride Cindy had chosen to buy a house in the same town so she was able to see plenty of him.

Her husband Collin brought in a very good salary as partner in a local law firm, while she kept herself busy working part-time in the local library as well as maintaining a blog, which combined two of her passions: photography and cooking. She kept her 43-year-old body in good shape by running and working out - sometimes at home, but more often in the gym where she had taken out a membership a couple of years previously.

Like many girls from her mid-sized midwestern city, she had married young - at 19, to be precise. Her husband, nearly five years older than her, was already in law school when they tied the knot. Imelda had dropped out of college when she discovered she was pregnant. She had meant to go back to finish her studies one day, but somehow that had never happened. Strangely, she didn't regret that decision. She realised she preferred studies of a practical nature, such as those provided by photography classes, not to mention the hands-on expertise she had gained as a library assistant, a position in which she had made herself invaluable over the years to a succession of more qualified but less experienced staff.

As someone who had never had an extra-marital affair (and as someone who had had just one other sexual partner before marrying Collin - something which she had never told her husband about, especially as it took place just weeks before the wedding), Imelda was about to find her quiet, largely uneventful life turned upside down. It all started the day Cindy asked her if she could take some photographs of her for a portfolio she wanted to submit to some modelling agencies.

Imelda's first reaction was one of surprise. Cindy had a good and well-paid job as personal assistant to a local property developer, and had, so far as Imelda knew, no previous modelling experience. On the other hand, she did have a nice figure and a pretty face, as well as shoulder-length ash blonde hair. For all that, she was a little on the short side for modelling, standing around five foot five.

When Cindy arrived at Imelda's house at around eleven o'clock on that fateful morning, she had already had her make-up done. Imelda couldn't help thinking she looked a bit tarty with the eye shadow, blush and mascara, as well as the blood red lipstick. She could see that she had received a manicure and a pedicure as well, with her fingernails painted apple red and her toenails jet black. For some reason, when Imelda caught sight of those toes, she looked upon them as weapons pointed at her heart.

Telling herself not to be ridiculous, she asked her daughter-in-law where she would like the photo-shoot to take place. She hardly expected the response she received, Cindy proceeding to take off her tank top and shorts to reveal a tiny black drawstring triangle bikini, while blithely telling her that she'd like the first shots to be taken by the pool before the sun got too high.

Imelda simply didn't know where to look. The costume scarcely covered her at all: the briefs with their high-cut were scarcely more effective in covering her private parts than a twice-folded tissue would have been, while the padding-free top was completely ineffective in concealing the outline of her nipples, which seemed to be growing before her eyes.

'Everything okay?' asked the pert 21-year-old, as if what she was doing - and what she was wearing - was the most normal thing in the world.

"Absolutely," said Imelda, telling herself that the girl only wanted the best quality shots she could give her.

Taking her camera from the table, she followed her daughter-in-law outside. Placing a towel beside the pool, Cindy knelt down and smiled innocently enough at the camera.

"Or is she smiling for me?" Imelda asked herself, now regretting her choice of a short blue skirt and a white T-shirt.

At least, she was wearing a bra, she thought, even if she had swapped a sensible padded one for a lacy one with matching panties at the last moment before Cindy arrived. She couldn't be certain but she was afraid that the outline of her own nipples might be poking through her T.

She snapped away like a mad thing, using the camera as a shield between herself and the sensuous young woman in front of her. Collin had spoken once of how pretty Cindy was, and now she suddenly found herself wondering if he had ever been in this type of situation with her. Instead of making her angry or jealous, the thought turned her on. An image of the two of them caressing one another beside the pool flashed across her mind. Suddenly, Collin had pulled at the string on her back and the bow had become undone, causing the triangles to partially collapse and the pale skin on the sides of her mounds to be revealed.

"It's okay," Cindy's voice cut through the electrifying atmosphere she had created. "You can stop shooting for a moment. I'm going to lie down now."

Imelda took the opportunity to fiddle with the settings on her camera. She told herself that this is what young people liked to do nowadays, that they didn't have the kind of inhibitions which affected someone of her own generation. She was, after all, young enough to be her daughter. She had watched her grow up. And she had grown up. And how!

She felt not just a tingling between her thighs but a dampness, which she couldn't (make that, didn't want to) account for. She decided the best thing to do was to retreat into the house, but in her mind's eye Cindy was leading her by the hand and taking her upstairs to her bedroom. Staying put, she thought on balance it was better, safer, to remain outside, where the proximity of other dwellings - albeit hidden by the trees that she and Collin had planted when they first move in - provided her with protection.

But protection from what? Her nubile daughter-in-law, or her own inexplicable and unwanted feelings? She could feel her juices flowing freely now and, on an impulse, wanted to check if the girl was being likewise affected. Zeroing in on her bikini briefs, she excused herself by telling Cindy she was taking a light reading. The blackness of the material refused to give up its secrets. Imelda breathed a sigh of relief. It was all just a bit of fun and games for the girl. She wasn't turned on. She couldn't be turned on.

Cindy, now sprawled out beside the pool with her hands behind her head, gave the camera what could only be described as a pout. Imelda noticed that she had opened her legs slightly, as if in invitation. But an invitation to what, Imelda wondered. Attempting to banish these thoughts by clicking madly on the shutter button, Imelda felt she was bringing some order back into proceedings.

She was about to actualise her newly gained sense of control when Cindy rose from the towel. But rather than heading inside, as Imelda was on the point of suggesting, she took up a position on all fours, with her bottom facing the camera - and of course the camera operator.

"S- shall I come round to take a photo of your face?" Imelda stammered, her discomfort, unbeknown to her, empowering the younger, but more experienced, woman.

"No, you're good right there," said Cindy. "The agencies will need to get pictures of my ass."

Imelda emitted an involuntary cough when she heard that lewd word. Cindy's response was to place her hands on her ass cheeks and pull those cheeks apart, causing the thin strip of material covering the lower part of her butt to narrow still further as it disappeared into her cleft.

"Have you got what you need?" Cindy asked as if her question were the most natural thing in the world.

Imelda wanted to tell Cindy that she didn't need anything of the kind, but contented herself with saying that she was quite certain she'd have something that met with Cindy's satisfaction.

"I feel sure that you will," responded the girl with unmistakable lasciviousness.

Without further ado, Imelda turned and re-entered the living room through the sliding doors. She had made up her mind on the short journey to pack up her photographic gear and send Cindy on her way. She couldn't imagine her wanting more photographs, and, even if she did, she had no intention of letting the hussy taunt her and manipulate her in the way she'd been doing by the pool.

When she turned around after putting her equipment away, she was greeted with the sight of a topless Cindy. Imelda's eyes arrowed to her breasts, which were firm and somehow larger than she had expected. The pink nipples were horribly distended, as if the girl had been rubbing them while waiting for her to turn round.

"I - I, look I think we have finished here," said Imelda, the words coming out more huskily than she would have liked.

"That's cool with me," replied Cindy, her breasts jutting out at Imelda far more than they had any right to do if their owner had any interest in keeping them under control.

It was at this point that Imelda saw the sliver of what had once been Cindy's bikini top hanging from the arm of her favourite chair, onto which her daughter-in-law had presumably tossed it. She thought about fetching it and handing it back to the young woman, but decided that she didn't want to be seen touching it, in case Cindy got the wrong idea. She didn't stop to ask herself just what that wrong idea would be, and was about to ask Cindy in the nicest possible way to leave when the semi-naked girl made a suggestion of her own.

"Let's go upstairs," she said, moving in towards the older woman.

"I, I don't think the light is optimal for photography in my bedroom," she said, upbraiding herself instantly for mentioning the room, when Cindy had made no mention of it.

"You've put the camera away. I think you've got all the shots we need."

"It may be a bit chillier upstairs. Perhaps you ought to put your clothes back on?"

"I feel so comfortable. You're not uncomfortable around nakedness, are you?"

"Um, no, of course not," replied Imelda - an image of her daughter-in-law loosening the simple knots on her bikini bottoms flooding her mind.

Imelda let Cindy take her hand and lead her to the upstairs landing. Before they got to the open door of her bedroom, she suddenly got cold feet.

"I really don't think we should be doing this," she said, trying to keep her voice steady but not really succeeding.

"Doing what?" said Cindy, chilled as always.

"Um, you know, doing things - or at least thinking about doing things - that we shouldn't really be doing."

"Or thinking about doing?" added Cindy helpfully.

"Exactly!" said Imelda, allowing herself to be taken into her own bedroom - the bedroom she had only ever shared with her husband.

"And what are you thinking about doing at this moment that you think you shouldn't be thinking about?"

"Oh, I mean, nothing in particular. Just letting a strange woman into my bedroom, I guess."

"But I am your son's wife. Why do you think of me as strange?"

"Of course, not strange like that. Around the kitchen table downstairs or you know -" her voice trailed off.

"Beside the pool?" Cindy offered helpfully.

"Yes - no, I don't know," replied Imelda, becoming quite agitated.

"I think you need to relax," said Cindy. "Why don't you lie down on the bed?"

"In my clothes?!" asked Imelda, before realising how it sounded and trying to redeem the situation.

"Yes! In my clothes. Clothes are good. Very good. Maybe you'd like to fetch yours and then we could sit down together and have a chat."

"But we're having a chat now, aren't we?"

"Oh, yes, of course. What I meant was -" again her voice trailed off.

"Yes, what you meant?"

"What I meant was perhaps we could chat about clothes - okay, maybe not about clothes -about your job, or family. Something like that."

"Family?" said Cindy. "I like that. I know my husband would be very envious of me right now."

"Why on earth would Josh be envious of you? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard!"

"Because he loves his mother so much," Cindy said evenly, her eyes seeking out Imelda's, which had been darting about the room.

"Perhaps, too," Cindy continued, helping Imelda onto the bed in spite of herself, "your husband would be envious of you?"

"I don't know what you mean," countered Imelda. "He always has his son's best interests at heart."

"As well as mine, of course," she added hastily.

"But what if his son wanted what is about to happen to happen?" Cindy said, as she placed herself on the bed beside her mother-in-law.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. The very idea is preposterous!"

"And what if your husband wanted it to happen too?" Cindy added, taking hold of Imelda's hand and bringing it to her lips.

"He's not into that kind of thing. He's a very upright man."

"Upright?" mused Cindy. "Yes, I think he would be."

"Don't be crude!" Imelda shot back.

But the venom with which she had intended to infuse her voice simply wasn't there. Added to which, she was letting her virtually naked daughter-in-law kiss the back of her hand (now it was the palm) on the bed she shared with her husband. She realised that she had to put an end to this right away or things might get out of hand.


She started to say something but Cindy's only response was to push her onto the bed. To make matters worse, she straddled her and began rubbing her scantily covered private parts against first her knee then her thigh, causing her skirt to ride up in the process.

When Imelda attempted to push Cindy off her, the girl responded by taking hold of the older woman's outstretched hands and moving them from her shoulders to her breasts. Imelda knew she ought to move her hands away from her daughter-in-law's firm titties but Cindy was using her own hands to clamp them in place. And still she kept grinding her vagina against her thighs.

Imelda couldn't see but she had this picture of the skimpy triangle being pushed to one side so that her daughter-in-law's puffy pussy lips (as she imagined them to be) were now in direct contact with the milky white skin of her thighs. Before she could stop herself, she saw the wet trail that those lips were leaving.

Imelda had no idea that Cindy had moved her hands until those beautifully manicured hands landed on her breasts. The sensations the older woman received were as if the barrier of cotton shirt and lace bra simply didn't exist at all. She let slip a low moan, which was all the encouragement that Cindy needed. That, and the fact that when she had removed the hands that pressed Imelda's hands to her tits, Imelda had made no move to take her hands away. Indeed, whether knowingly or not, she had begun to rub the compact mounds, sending shivers of pleasure down the younger girl's spine.

Cindy wanted to celebrate the new stage into which her relationship with her mother-in-law was entering with a kiss, but decided to defer that, given the pleasure Imelda was receiving via her super-sensitive boobs. Encountering no resistance, Cindy pushed the older woman's T-shirt up over her bra, then, striking while the iron was hot, undid the clasp of the bra (Imelda assisting by arching her back away from the bed) and lay the white garment beside them on the bed.

Cindy gasped as the hefty, yet well-proportioned, globes (crowned by perfect nipples) were offered up to her eyes. It was as if those buds were magnets pulling Cindy's tongue towards them.

"In that case, who am I to resist?" thought the girl who had only celebrated her 21st three months before.

She dropped her head to Imelda's chest, telling herself en route to begin by lavishing kisses on the fleshy parts of her mounds. There must have been some miscommunication between brain and mouth, as Cindy's tongue instead journeyed like a heat-seeking missile to the older woman's jutting nipple.

"Oh, fuck!" groaned Imelda, her inhibitions cast to the winds.

The state to which she had reduced her mother-in-law was beyond Cindy's wildest dreams. She had been uncertain when Josh had first mooted the idea of her seducing his mother. Not because she didn't find her attractive, and not because she wasn't into women, but because she knew that Josh intended to use her to break down his mother's resistance.

Was she happy to be used as a tool by Josh, however much she loved him? And she did love him. Why wasn't she disgusted by the idea of mother and son enjoying relations that society frowned upon, that were indeed illegal? Josh had always teased her about the way she flirted with his dad, and now her she was playing the part of an accomplice (an all too willing accomplice) in the "resexualizing" (was that even a word?) of Collin's wife and (heaven help her!) Josh's mother.

Kaleidoscopic images of Collin fucking her right here on this bed were intercut as in a music video with images of Josh penetrating his very own mother. Rather than repulse her, the thoughts made Cindy as horny as hell. For today, at any rate, she had that mother all to herself and she was going to make the most of the opportunity.

"Stay calm!" she told herself. "Don't do anything to spoil her first time with another woman."

She could be pretty certain that it wouldn't be her last bit of 'experimentation.' She knew many women who would give their right arm for a couple of hours alone with Mrs Dickinson.

When Cindy began chewing on the chunky nipple (light brown in colour - much darker than her own), it was as if a switch had been flicked in her mother-in-law's control panel. Taking her hands from Cindy's tits, she placed them on her ass, rubbing her buttocks with surprising force - her hands sometimes on the fabric, sometimes on the beautifully soft, unblemished skin. Cindy wasn't faking it when she began to gasp - her attention to Imelda's breasts temporarily suspended.

Encouraged by Cindy's response, Imelda slowly pulled the string which was the only thing that stood between her daughter-in-law and total nakedness. She held the loosened string and pulled it across the girl's ass until both her cheeks were bare. Working blind, she dropped the string, then placed first one hand, then the other on the shapely globes. The thought of what lay between them made her heart miss a beat.

Meantime, Cindy had decided it was time for her to share her first real kiss with her mother-in-law. Before she did that, however, she pulled her T-shirt over her head, glancing down at her waist, where the blue skirt lay rumpled, ready in its turn to reveal its secrets. After pushing Imelda's mussed up hair away from her mouth and her eyes, Cindy brought her mouth down slowly but unerringly to the older woman's mouth. She was delighted when Imelda lifted her head to meet her, as it were, half-way.

As if she had been waiting for this moment for years rather than minutes, Imelda let her tongue journey forth into the younger woman's mouth, taking Cindy off guard. What she did next surprised her even more, as she pushed Cindy off her and pinned her on the mattress beneath her. Grasping the piece of cloth that still somehow clung to her hip, she flung it onto the floor. Once the preliminaries were out of the way, she kissed the young woman hard, slamming her mouth against Cindy's smaller opening. Once more, her tongue marched forth to take possession of the girl's sweet mouth, matching motors with Cindy's own tongue, which refused to be ground into submission.

The sounds of their kissing reverberated around the room. Cindy had both hands at Imelda's waist, obviously keen to get her out of her skirt and panties. But Imelda felt it only right that she got first dibs on her daughter-in-law. She had after all made a shameless effort to seduce her. Now it was payback time, as far as she was concerned.