A Fantasy about Love Pt. 07


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"Do you want to come in? These two are full of theories and empty on real life; you've survived and succeeded in a world where the strong eat the weak. But have some tea and toast first, my love."

She sat beside me, leaned her head on my chest and placed my arms around her shoulder. It was a coincidence that my handed slipped down and rested on her breast, toying with her nipple. Maureen was not very happy with that situation. "Hey, why does she have a special treatment? Just because she is my mother and nude?"

Eileen stuck her tongue out and reminded her that she could resolve the problem: get undressed, too, and sit on the other side. She did that, causing Jenny to glare at her, but she ignored that.

"Move faster the next time, Dear!", placed my other arm around her shoulder and very intentionally put my hand on her breast, holding it tight and having my thumb caressing the nipple.

"Now, Mom, we are on equal terms. Let us hear what you've to contribute! And you, Jenny, join the club!"

It was a funny situation: here I was sitting with two beautiful nude women at my sides, another sitting in front of me ready to undress, too, and we were discussing business strategies! Figure that out!

The discussion got heated because there were two completely views: the two for killing them and Eileen and I for smothering them until they were ours. I must admit once I in a while I lost my concentration when one or the other moved to get my hand where it wanted to be, or when Jenny sat down with her legs crossed, giving me a full view of her pussy, but I managed to keep track of what I was saying and when I realized what strategy Maureen and Jenny had to win the argument, I let my hand drop to Maureen labia and slowly stroked her outer lips, opening them up to insert the beginning of a finger. She jumped up and yelled: "You're not fair! Stop this!"

I turned to Eileen and said that the youth of today was not able anymore to concentrate on the important things in life; what would happen when they grew up?

Maureen jumped me, tipping me on the couch. She hit me (and not very gently) and called Jenny to assist. Eileen walked away, shaking her head.

"Children, call me when this riot is over. I still want to know when and where we will have dinner."

They tried to tickle me, and the fun only ended when I managed to take one of Maureen's breast into my mouth and tease her nipple. This ended all resistance and she sighed. "James, this is fun! But it's also getting late. Where will we eat?"

Jenny was upset and presented her breast to me. "If you want me to be quiet, you better do me, too! "and I did her with great pleasure.

Finally, we got up and changed to become decent. I did not want to go to the restaurant of the hotel after going through this nonsense last night, but the others wanted to eat and go to bed early; we had decided to go for a run the next morning to prepare for the wines and restaurants that were waiting for us the following two days. So down we went and it was: "Mrs. Monahan, Count de Winter, Countess" all over again. Jenny was lucky, she was just Miss Parker.

I came back to the venison, the ladies stayed with salads and lobster and the wine selection was much faster because now Maureen and Eileen probably knew the extensive list by heart and they selected only local wines (I was surprised about the prices, however, and not because they were cheap!). Again I signed the bill; I looked at Eileen because she had so much more money than I, but she looked over to the other side and started to discuss the oil paintings with Jenny.

In our room I served more of the splendid Muscat Liqueur and then said goodnight. Maureen told me to go to bed; they would resolve who would sleep with me. I still wondered when we would use the Jacuzzi, but that was not my decision anymore; my place was to hear and obey. I lay down hearing some giggles from the other side; the door opened and Maureen and Jenny came in, already undressed. They slipped into the bed, one on each side, and Maureen explained the decision to me. "James, we have decided the following: we suspend temporarily one of our local rules that nobody sleeps alone. Tonight, we two will stay with you and sometimes during the night Eileen will come and throw Jenny out and stay until the morning. I'll always be here in the morning for you to wake up in my arms. The next night this will change, and we'll surprise you. Is this alright with you?"

Would I reject having two beautiful women in my bed? Was I stupid?

I wondered what would happen now, but apparently this had also been decided.

"James, I'm a bit tired, so would you please take Jenny for this night? If you want me, I'm here, too, but tomorrow we'll have our run and I don't want to lose against Mom. Jenny will run her into the ground in any case, whether you make love or not. So have fun..."

Jenny looked at me and saw the doubt in my eyes. "James, my love, think about from our point of view. We are three and we all love you dearly. Each would prefer to be the only one with you, but we've only these few days together with you. So we decided to offer us to you: remember 'anytime and anyhow'? This offer is given from the bottom of our hearts, and we hope you take it and use it. I love you so much, darling..."

I kissed Maureen and then turned to Jenny. "Jenny, I'm the luckiest man in the world. I have Maureen and Eileen and you've crept into my heart and soul. I don't want to live without you anymore and wherever we'll be, you will be with us. So, forget about doubts or problems, and come here!"

I pushed her on top of me and she wriggled until she had found the right position; Her head on my shoulder, her body straight down on mine, and her legs slightly open to welcome me. We did not do anything for a while and I just breathed in her scent and enjoyed her breasts pressed on my chest. My hands caressed her back, the smooth silk of her skin and her tight ass cheeks. She whispered: "Has George woken up already?"

I felt a hand creeping between us and a low voice said: "Yes, he's awake." The hand adjusted my position until he was in front of her main entrance. "Jenny, he's all yours now. Have fun!"

I moved downwards and Jenny came up at the same time, and suddenly I was deep inside her. She smiled. "I feel you so deep inside me, and I'll never tire of having you." She started to move and I followed her rhythm, and it did not take long and she came with me. It was not an earth-shattering climax, but the fulfillment of deep love. Maureen had watched us, smiled and said that she was so happy for us, and for herself to have such a good friend with whom she could share everything -- even her husband.

Jenny slipped off me and kissed me thoroughly. "This is for making me happy, and if you behave and try hard, there might be others..."

She leaned over me and gave Maureen a kiss also. "This is for making me happy, and there will be others, too... " They exchanged a mysterious smile.

I wondered why I had to try hard to gain a possibility and Maureen was certain of it ... well, whatever it was. I wondered also about the smile; had they done something I did not know about? I would find out, probably not tonight, but soon.

First Jenny, then Maureen presented their breasts for the goodnight kisses and we fell asleep. During the night I felt one leaving the bed and another slipping in behind me. "I'm here, my love. If you want me..."

I just gave her a kiss and continued sleeping What had happened to me? A woman in my bed offering herself to me and I gave her a kiss and slept? Was old age creeping in? It was wonderful, though, to embrace one woman and have my hand firmly planted on a proud breast, being embraced by another and feeling her firm breasts against my back and her stomach pressed against my ass.

When I woke up it was still dark outside. The bed was comfortable with two bodies warming me in front and back and my hand still planted on a breast in front of me; it was Maureen, as I immediately recognized the puffy areolae. I moved a bit and she moaned. "Go back to sleep, James!"

It was easier said than done as a hand from behind crept forward and was slowly gliding south. When it arrived at my penis, Eileen whispered: "George, wake up!"

Conflicting orders and interests! Part of me wanted to continue to sleep, another part was eagerly procuring action. For me action was always a better solution to a problem, but once in a while waiting was an acceptable option. So I waited to see what would happen and who would give up first.

Maureen whined. "Hey, whoever you are, go to sleep! " It did not work because the hand was slowly stroking George and he liked it, liked it very much indeed. This game went on and on, and the whining turned into protest and the stroking into fast pumping. She took off the cover and dived down, finding George without hesitation and sucked him into her mouth. I forgot about Maureen and pushed my shaft into her mouth; she doubled her efforts and my seeds spurted out, filling her mouth. She swallowed all and licked the penis even as it was slowly deflating

"Well, good morning, George. I'm happy to serve you; call me when you want a repeat performance."

She came back to my side and hugged me. "That was my first breakfast and a very tasty protein shot, indeed! Come on, let's get up -- we have to run today!"

Maureen was not very happy, but the action and the noise had finally awakened her.

"Can't you leave James alone for one night at least, Mom? He needs rest from us; he's not a machine to satisfy our lust, especially yours, Mom! He loves you as much if you stay in his arms as when you make love: think about it!"

Eileen was upset, but did not say anything. Perhaps she would follow Maureen's suggestion? I had thought the same before and promised myself never again to travel with the three together as it was too exhausting for me. It was not Maureen or Jenny; it was the relentless Eileen who wanted more and more. I was surprised about myself and wondered whether I was too tired to make love to three beautiful women? But, occasionally, a good thing can be too much. Eileen looked at me and I took the coward's way out: I changed the subject.

"Did we not agree to go for a run this morning? So let's get up and run!"

We got into our running outfits, had a bagel at the coffee shop and left. The porter pointed us to a two-mile trail around the hotel; there were lots of trees and the trail had some small elevations, but did not seem to be too difficult. We stretched and took off; slowly at first, but after five minutes we accelerated to our normal speed. Eileen ran well, and I saw that we had not lost our stamina yet. The first lap was done in 22 minutes and the second one also. Jenny was getting impatient and challenged Eileen. "Shall we leave these two slowpokes idle along and go for a real run?"

Eileen could not stand a challenge and agreed, and Maureen and I exchanged a smile, as Eileen was in for a surprise. They accelerated again and it was a pleasure to watch their firm backsides disappear behind the next curve. We continued in our speed; after all, we did not compete against each other, but enjoyed the physical exercise in the company of the one you loved. Before we reached our start point, we heard the noise of runners coming up: Jenny running easily, Eileen starting to puff. "Hi, gents..." Jenny called out as she passed us. Eileen just glared at us, but continued.

We finished the fourth lap and called it a day. Jenny was sitting on a bench, with Eileen lying on the grass, breathing heavily. She was exhausted.

"Promise to never ever let Jenny run with me, James? She is a monster! Help me get up -- I want my bed! Actually, I want a massage, breakfast and then my bed! Help me up!"

We burst out laughing and even she could not hide a smile. We got her to the hotel, had a nice long hot shower and met in the breakfast room. Eileen came later, crawling through the door. Well, perhaps that was a slight exaggeration, but her face showed that she was not far away from this.

"You all are cruel, inhuman monsters! Why did you let her do this to me?"

Maureen smiled and replied that she wanted that challenge and now that she paid for it, perhaps it was a lesson not to challenge Jenny again. She looked at her and said: "Jenny dear, I've learned my lesson. The next time we could perhaps try something different, like going through monthly cost sheets?" All that Maureen could say was "Mom, be careful..."

The car was waiting and we left for our wine tastings. My ladies were pretty as usual, Eileen in a white blouse and slacks, and Maureen and Jenny in a summer dress, red and blue, as always. Eileen had picked this up and asked: "Jenny, don't you have any other colors, but blue?" Jenny just smiled and said yes, she had dresses in other colors now that she earned more, but when she was with me, she wore blue since that was my favorite color, and if this pleased me, she would never change. I blew her a kiss and Eileen looked thoughtful.

The first winery was the Rothbury Estate, where Eileen knew the owner. When he heard that we had arrived, he showed up and greeted her effusively. She introduced us and he took us around. At the end, he had lined up six of his best wines and he asked me whether I had liked them. "I'm not the wine expert, sir. These two are and if they tell me I like the wine, I better enjoy it!"

Eileen ordered two cases of the best Shiraz wines and six bottles of Pinot Noir, a new wine for the estate. She also gave him our schedule and he promised to call ahead to assure that we had special treatment. The next was the picturesque Wilkinson Winery where Eileen picked up a case of the Munro Shiraz, and then we drove to the Peppertree Winery, where we were told that it had a great restaurant, where you could see kangaroos grazing just in front of the main entrance. We ate well drinking the Tallawante Grand Shiraz, and Eileen immediately ordered a case and she added a mixed case of their Semillon.

Eileen had done well, and we were always received with friendship and it was not the usual tasting experience with hordes of people shuffling and spilling their wines because they had always their best wines lined up for us. We tried one more, the Brokenwood winery, well known for their chardonnays and Eileen continued to purchase wines in caseloads. She had them sent to the hotel and told me she would later send a van to pick them up and bring them to her home. That was enough for the day and we went back.

The ladies decided on a massage and I used the time to check on my emails; there was a minor problem, but easily resolved. My people were very competent!

When they came back from the spa they were glowing with satisfaction. They told me about the massage, and they confessed only after I saw some glances exchanged between Eileen and Maureen, that the 'therapeutic specialist' was very handsome and charming. They had a deep tissue and a Swedish massage and a Trigger Point Therapy, whatever that was, but the guy was interesting, and Eileen told us that he had whispered that he would be free after 10 pm.

Maureen said that her guy had said nothing, but that at a certain moment she had to tell him that her husband had a fifth Dan black belt. Jenny was quiet, and Maureen glanced at me. "My love, Jenny didn't want a man to touch her all over, so she asked for a woman. You should think about this, too. She is rather pretty!" Jenny just smiled and blew me a kiss: her woman had not bothered her with any kind of insinuation, she just gave her a good massage.

Eileen had reserved a table at the Muse restaurant in Pokolbin, highly recommended by a friend in Melbourne. We dressed up, I in a dark suit with tie and everything, Maureen in a long black gown with her hair carefully messed up and curling down to her breasts; she did not have any décolleté, but when she turned around there was practically no back at all. Jenny was in a little short black cocktail dress showing off her long legs and her hair done in a beautiful pony tail, and Eileen in a glittery long gown with the ruby brooch on her left breast. She looked at me and asked: "James, what do you think?"

I hesitated, but at the end asked her if she didn't think that it was a bit overdone for this evening. It certainly was an elegant and good restaurant, but that in my opinion, this was more suited for the New Year's Party. She looked at Maureen and Jenny, turned around and came back in five minutes in another black cocktail dress, with the ruby brooch the main point. "Satisfied, my love?" I went over and tried to kiss her, but she shrieked. "No, go away! You'll ruin my makeup! You can take it off when we are back, but now stay away from me!"

The Muse was very elegant and I was surprised about the guests: the gown would have been over the top, but not very much so. Eileen looked at me and I shrugged; leaning over I whispered: "You look beautiful, but I prefer you without anything..."

She smiled satisfied and we sat at the table. It was close to the big window and we had a good view into the lighted garden. The discussion on wines started again; Jenny and I decided on a glass of Semillon for which the region was famous for, and when a selection was made, I changed my mind about the food. That caused a very upset Eileen and Maureen to mumble several and probably not very complimentary words, and a new discussion.

When they had come to a conclusion, I wondered whether to change again just to annoy them, but I thought better; female revenge hurts more and far longer than if males get angry.

The starters were abalone for all and then barramundi, swordfish and marlin for the ladies and a sirloin steak for me. The wines matched the quality of the food; a Tyrell Vat 1 Semillon to start with, and a Tyrell Old Winery Traminer Riesling for them and a heavy Tyrell Stevens Single Vineyard Shiraz for me. My wine was perfect; they were less happy and changed it to a Wilkinson Museum Reserve Semillon. I tasted it and it was outstanding. We had dessert: a coconut mousse which I did not like, but they enjoyed it, and off we went. Eileen paid this time!

Back in out rooms I took out the Muscat Liqueur (which was almost empty) and poured a glass for each of us. I thanked them for a delightful day and a pleasant evening and said good night since tomorrow was another day of food and wines. Eileen came and embraced me. "Now you can take my makeup off!" and kissed me deeply. When she withdrew, they laughed; it seemed that the blush, the eyeliner and the lipstick was on my face now! I did my things in the bathroom and lay down on my bed, waiting what was coming up or rather, who would be coming in. The door opened, the lights were extinguished, and Eileen and Jenny walked in and slipped onto my bed.

"Hi, sex machine. How are you?"

This was too much, and I sat up.

"Eileen, you better watch what you are saying. This is not appropriate and I'm disappointed how you choose your words. I'm not here to serve you on your demand, as you're not here to serve me whenever I want it. If you think differently, this might be the right moment to go back to your room and start to think about what you have lost."

She seemed to realize what had happened and apologized immediately, but I was not finished yet.

"You seem to believe that you own the world, and that everyone has to be at your feet, obeying your least desires. The world is different, Eileen, and you better start to behave accordingly. And another thing: I don't really appreciate to hear you saying or doing something, only to say later that you apologize. This has happened too often for me -- so change or pay the consequences. And crying will not help, either!"