A Fantasy about Love Pt. 07


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We all laughed at Jenny's blush, but her response made us back down when she stood straight up and replied: "I don't feel hurt, Eileen. Making love with James makes me feel overwhelming pleasure and any special treatment available I will accept only from him."

Eileen hesitated and then said: "Good for you, darling! Keep on defending yourself. You'll need it in life, and be grateful that you have us around you, as we'll always have your back and protect you."

Jenny went back to Eileen and embraced her. "Thank you, Eileen. That means a lot to me coming from you. I admire you and look forward to learn a lot from you -- and I love you, too."

Now it was Eileen turn to embrace her and sniffle a bit.

"Jenny, I can be awful once in a while. James knows this too well, but at the end, I love you. Actually, I love all of you and I'll never do anything to harm you."

Before the emotions became too strong, I coughed and told them to get back to our rooms; by this time, we were the last in the room and the waiters wanted to clean up and prepare lunch. They changed, said goodbye and left me to my emails. This time there was a problem to resolve and there was also a note from Sir Allen to see him as soon as we were back in Sydney. I did not finish the two books, but only missed the last chapter when they showed up.

It was still early in the afternoon, but all said that they needed an hour's relaxation before they had to start their preparations for the party. Eileen looked at me and said that it was her turn to care for me; she took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. She undressed and lay on the bed.

"Come here, my love. I want to be with you and discuss what we are going to do in the future."

I followed her example and it was quite strange: both of us nude, my hand on her breast with an occasional caress of her almost stiff nipple, and we were talking about expansion plans, financial strategies and another attempt by Eileen to convince me to quit and come to Brisbane to run NT. I had considered it often now, but was not ready yet, with my success at my company recognized by customers and colleagues. Perhaps I wanted to stroke my ego a bit before entering another adventure. We also talked about the good work that Maureen was doing in her Sydney branch and when she would be ready to take on more.

Time passed and Jenny knocked and looked in. "Guys, time to get ready! Get up!"

Eileen jumped up, and interesting things happen when a nude woman jumps up and fled to her room. Maureen came in and asked: "Everything is alright with Mom?" I replied that we had talked about business and other things and she looked at me as if I was lying.

"Mom, in bed with you, nude and alone, and she talked about business? Is anything serious going on that I need to know? Remember that I'm a major shareholder in the company!"

I calmed her down and she turned to get her dress ready. We were going to a big party in one of the wineries and they needed time to get prettied up. For me, it was easy: Dinner suit, hair brushed, black shoes polished, Hermès bow tie, and I was ready. It was quite another story for them. I stayed in the bedroom since I always loved to see my wife getting undressed and then dressing up again. She took off her bathrobe and when she passed close to me, I pulled her in to give her a kiss. She yelled to let her go, which obviously forced me to hug her even closer and to inquire where the Lord and Master idea had gone?

"James, I love you dearly and if you want to make love right now, I'll stop everything and we'll do it. I'll enjoy it, but I tell you that they'll go to the party on their own! Decide, oh Lord and Master!"

Reluctantly I let her go but received a brief kiss of consolation. Then the show started: a tiny thong that did not cover her pussy lips, and little bra that was so thin she might as well not wear it, a long silky looking hose, five-inch-high heels, and then the item of real importance: her dress. It was a very dark green sheath that started at her neck and went down all the way to the floor. There was no décolleté, but when she turned around there was no back either. Her slender body with her high breasts filled the dress nicely and when she made her 360 degrees turn to show herself to me, I was without voice. She was simply beautiful.

She smiled, satisfied with the effect she had on me and turned to the safe to get her jewelry. She went for the opal set I had given her: the pendant, the earrings and the bracelet. Her ring, however, was our family signet ring that she wore proudly.

"James, you owe me a crown: you know that. Aristocracy -- superior level, remember?"

I could only repeat that crowns were for royalty, coronets for the aristocracy.

"James, am I not royalty enough for you? Just a little crown, pretty please?"

I told her that there were rules to obey for the aristocracy, even for the superior level; so, no crown. She snorted not very ladylike, but then smiled.

"I'll think of something else you will have to give me, if I don't get my crown!"

Jenny was already waiting for us when we stepped out into the sitting room and she was a vision of beauty herself. Her long black hair put up into curls, a long slinky black dress that did had a decent décolleté, but when she turned around, I wondered how it held up, as the back started just about the cheeks of her very firm ass. Her breasts were pointing upwards and the peaks of her nipples were just barely visible under the thin cloth. She also had high heels, golden this time, and she also wore the opal pendant and ring, but with the diamond earrings I had given her on my wedding.

Then Eileen appeared with an as stunning long dress, gold with blue intertwined, and as the other two, she looked wonderful. She wore the opal pendant, the ruby brooch and a big diamond ring. Her hair was curling down to her décolleté (decent this time) and her face showed a big smile. Her dress emphasized her slender body, trained by many miles of running, and her makeup made her eyes even bigger. I was surrounded by beauty, and kissing the hand of each one, I expressed my admiration. They took their purses and off we went.

The lobby became quiet when we walked to the entrance and somebody yelled: "Can I have one of them, please? Either one!" Everyone laughed, and Eileen responded by blowing him a kiss. "Perhaps in my next life?"

The limo was waiting and when we arrived at the winery the rain had stopped. It was nicely decorated with columns and flower pots, torches beside the main entrance, and to judge from his uniform, a Major General at the door. We handed him our tickets and he turned around, tapped his staff loudly three times on the floor and yelled with a deep bass voice more common to a Sergeant Major than a Major General: "James Gustav, Count de Winter!" Three taps. "Maureen, Countess de Winter!" Three taps. "Mrs. Eileen Monahan!" Three taps. "Miss Mary Ann Parker!" and silence.

I wondered why this was so necessary, but my three ladies enjoyed it tremendously. We walked to our table; Eileen had managed to get a reservation close to the dance area and not too far from the doors to the garden if one wanted to escape for a moment. The whispering started again, and most people looked at us. We were a spectacular sight, three beautiful ladies beautifully dressed in a big smile on their faces, and if I may say so, I did not look very ugly either.

The music from the decent sized orchestra had started already and they were playing soft songs from the 70s and 80s. Eileen looked around and found some people she knew. They waved to each other when suddenly one gentleman got up and came over.

"Eileen, you look wonderful. It has been too long! Could you introduce me to the ladies?

She turned to us and said: "Mary Ann, this is Mr. Everest Humble, the CEO of a big hotel group. And Everest, this is James, Count de Winter and my daughter Maureen, Countess de Winter."

He bowed to the ladies and shook my hand, then went back to Maureen.

"Countess, you may not remember, but we did see each other a long time ago when you were still little 'Mo'. You were pretty then, but you are beautiful today."

Maureen went back into her memory and started to smile. "Uncle Resty? My Teddy Bear? I loved that toy!" She leaned forward and gave him a kiss, and then turned to me. "James, I had that toy for ages, and I slept with him and talked to him and told him my secrets ... James, he was my best friend as a child!"

I looked at him. "Mr. Humble, even being years late, I'd like to thank you for providing joy to my wife. May I add that I saw a big teddy bear in her bedroom, and she told me that it was a companion that had always consoled her and never disappointed her?"

He smiled and said that she was such a cute child, and looking at her, he said: "Cute is not the word I'd be saying today. You're quite beautiful, little Mo." and he bowed once more to her and looking at the others, he said: "As are you, too, Miss Parker. And you, Eileen, I don't have to say anything: you speak for yourself. It's a great pleasure seeing you again after all this time and we still don't know why you vanished into your business; come and see us, because you always will be welcome."

Eileen had a tear in her eyes. "Thank you, Everest. I will remember this."

She looked at us. "He was a good friend of my husband, after his death, I was inconsolable and hid myself in my office. It was you, James, who took me out of it. You see what miracle you have accomplished!"

The music started again, and I asked Eileen for a dance. I liked to dance, so I led her around the floor to a slow foxtrot. She followed easily and when the music stopped, she asked for one more, this time a waltz. At the end, I saw that we were the only one on the floor; the others had stopped to watch us. Eileen blushed -- from the effort to follow me in our turns, from the joy of dancing in my arms, or the attention we had from the others I don't know, but she blushed prettily. Then I changed partners and asked Maureen out. She was not as easy to lead even taking lessons, but the youth of today was more accustomed to heavy rock than to easy dancing.

"Relax, darling. All you have to do is follow me; you can do it in bed, so you can do it here!"

She blushed also, but this time from my comment, but she got looser, more flexible, and when she put her head on my chest it suddenly clicked: she was dancing. When we finished, she hugged me and whispered

"I could have danced all night And still have begged for more

And done a thousand things I've never done before..."

She knew her musicals! When I started with Jenny, she was quite nervous, but she asked what I had said to Maureen that had relaxed her. I repeated the phrase and she also blushed, remembering how often I had led her to paradise in our bed. The medicine worked again and when we finished, she also hummed

"I'm on the top of the world Lookin' down on creation

and the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around

Your love's put me at the top of the world

I kissed her softly and hugged her close. Where did they learn these songs?

"James, stop this. People are watching us!"

When we came back to the table, Maureen looked with pride at us. "You know, that you were the prettiest couple on the dance floor?" Eileen smiled and said that she should have said one of the prettiest couples, because when she and I had danced together, it had been beautiful, too. Jenny said the right words, however.

"But when you danced with him and everyone saw the love between you shining in your eyes, Maureen, my dear, you were the prettiest couple, and there is no competition."

Some other couples came over to compliment Eileen and the time passed. Dinner was served, (edible, but nothing to write home about) and the local wines were acceptable. Midnight came and everyone started to sing Auld Long Syne

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet For auld lang syne!

And then we started on the Australian folk songs -- Waltzing Matilda

Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong Under the shade of a coolibah tree,

And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled: "Who'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me?"

and then every joined in

"Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me

And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled: "You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me."

And then there was Botany Bay

"Farewell to old England for ever, Farewell to my rum culls as well,

Farewell to the well known Old Bailey here I used for to cut such a swell."

The chorus was rather noisy and emotional

"Singing too-ral-li-ooral-li-addity Singing too-ral-li-ooral-li-ay

Singing too-ral-li-ooral-li-addity -- Oh we're bound for Botany Bay."

And on it went with 'And Click go the shears' and 'I still call Australia Home' and on and on it went. It was exhilarating, emotional and it was wonderful to see the Aussies feeling good and at home.

The band started again, and it was getting noisy; some people had drunk too much. I told them one more dance and we would go. They looked around and agreed. I asked Maureen and then Jenny, and the last dance was for Eileen. Before we finished, I heard some ugly noise from the direction of our table and saw some young men standing there looking at Maureen and Jenny. I took Eileen's hand and we went over there. One was trying to pull Maureen up from her chair even as she cried out. "I do not want to dance with you!"

I pushed myself into the group and grasped the arm of this idiot. "Let go of my wife's arm and apologize!"

The only response was drunken laughter.

"Get lost, mate. We want some fun! "

There were either four or five young men standing there, with everyone looking at us. I pulled the man away and he turned to me. "What do you want? You have three beauties here and you don't want to share? Come on, let's have fun together. There are two of them and four of us -- that'll be fun!"

This was getting ugly; I turned to one of the men sitting at the nearest table and asked him to call security; then I pushed the guy back into his friends.

"You better apologize and go away!"

All he did was try to punch me. He was drunk enough that he was unpredictable, and not drunk enough to fall down. Perhaps I could help him with this. His punch was easily avoided and as he stumbled forward, people laughed, making him quite angry.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? I want this bitch and you're standing in my way! Get lost!"

He tried to hit me again and I evaded him once more.

"I'm telling you for the last time: Apologize and go away or I'll hurt you!"

He blew himself up: now he not only wanted Maureen, now he had to prove his friends that he was an alpha male. He jumped at me with a right hook. I bent sideways and when his arm was stretched out, I hit it gently (but not too gently) on his elbow.

"That's enough. I'll call the police!"

He turned to his friends and yelled.

"You'll see what I'll do with this idiot. Watch me!"

When he came forward trying to wrestle me, I surprised him stepping forward and hitting him solidly on his solar plexus, which cause him to take a deep breath; when he bent over, my knee met his chin and he did not like this at all, but he was still game, so I hit his right knee a bit harder than I had hit his elbow. He gasped with pain and I stepped back.

"Let me tell you one thing, you idiot. I hold a black belt and if you try to touch me once more, I'll hurt you seriously. And where is the stupid security?"

I turned away and got ready to leave when Maureen called out: "James, behind you!"

I heard the noise of a bottle breaking and he stepped forward, holding the broken neck. His friends stepped forward also and I was suddenly in front of four angry men.

"We'll kill you, you bloody foreigner!"

There was suddenly movement beside me and Maureen appeared with the 5-inch stiletto heel in her hand and Jenny was there with a small vase in her hand. They laughed and yelled. "Let's get them! This is more fun than we thought!"

Finally, the men in the room started to take action when they saw that two young women were more courageous than they were. They pulled the men away, but the leader jumped forward trying to hurt me with the broken bottleneck. This was serious now, not a joke anymore.

I had not lied: I held a fifth Dan black belt, but when I was working in New York, I had seen a dojo teaching Mossad technique. It was difficult at first, but relentless drilling finally got me into top form. It was deadly and there was no holding back once you were going. I had often stumbled back to my flat wondering whether I had a sadomasochistic streak or not. I went into my Krav Maga mode and waited for him to come near.

When he moved forward, I bent aside and pushed the bottle neck to the side and away from me. Redirect... At the same time, I wrapped my left hand around the guy's hand and pointed it downward. Control ... I drove my right elbow into his sternum and hammered his nose with my right fist. As his head bobbled back from the blow, I brought both hands now tight around his hand, rotating the bottleneck 180 degrees. Attack... The bones in his hand made a sickening crack; I had broken several fingers. Take... ... I took the bottleneck away from his useless hand and brought the side of my right hand up for a blow to his neck when I heard Maureen yelling: "Stop, James!"

I came out of my fighting mode and looked at the sorry spectacle in front of me. Krav Maga held one in its firm grip once you started to go in. He was on the floor, crying and holding his hand and bleeding from his nose. It had taken less than three seconds and he should be very grateful to Maureen that she had realized the danger and stopped me from hurting him very seriously indeed.

Security had arrived finally and didn't really know what to do. There was a man crying with pain and blood on his face, and a crowd of other men yelling at each other. I stepped in and calmed them down, then explained to the security supervisor what had happened: the noise, the attack and that I had resolved it.

"Take this idiot into custody, and if you can make it stick, take the other three, too. I'll press charges against them and if you don't get things done now, I'll press charges against this establishment also."

He stared at me, at the guy on the floor and only said "Yes, sir."

With the help of Mr. Humble, the support of some of his friends and Eileen's commanding voice, within fifteen minutes we were free of this commotion. I spent another ten minutes writing and signing a statement, had Mr. Humble witness it and off we went. At the hotel we went directly to our rooms.

"Jenny, please get that bottle of whisky that is here somewhere. I need a drink!"

I poured for all and it went down in a gulp.

"James, I've never seen you like this! You might have killed the guy!"

I told Eileen about my martial sessions and what had me really pissed off: someone touching Maureen without her permission.

"Eileen, this goes for her, for you and for Jenny. If anyone tried to hurt you, I'd been there first in front of you, but now I need a moment alone. I almost hurt someone badly and I need to analyze this: what it means, what it means about my capacity to control myself and if Maureen had not yelled at me to stop, whether I would have injured the guy very seriously."