A Fantasy about Love Pt. 08


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"Yes, I'm home now. I was missing you, darling, and thought about you every morning, day and night. Being in your arms, however, is soooo much better than dreaming about it!"

She hugged me and then offered her mouth for a kiss.

"James, I want to lie in your arms and do nothing, just enjoy you and myself. If you want to, you can take me again later, but now -- now I just want to be in your arms, feel your heart beating, and go to sleep knowing that when I wake up, you'll be there."

I nodded as that was the exact feeling I had, too. Making love was wonderful, but having your love looking at you when you went to sleep and seeing her the moment you open your eyes, was much better. Not that I wanted to miss the other part, however!

I dropped out of her and she looked down to the combined juiced flowing from her labia to my hips. "Remember how we cleaned each other?"

She wiped her finger through the little puddle and licked it clean.

"Hm, tasty! Want some?" and she repeated her move, only to offer the finger to me. How could I deny her the joy of being one? I licked it clean also and she went back again and again until both of us were spotless. I wondered how long it would stay this way; there must have been still a lot of fluids in her pussy, but that was a problem we would resolve when the bedding was getting too wet. It did not take long, and she was asleep, safe in her home and her husband's arms.

I woke up later while she was still asleep and crawled out of the bed, not wanting to wake her up. I made coffee and looked at my notes in the sitting room, trying to come up with more convincing arguments for Mr. Fuller's proposal. If it worked, it could be another feather in our cap. There was software from NT that might be adapted as long as we stayed in our Confidentially Agreement, and that would accelerate our work.

Suddenly Maureen appeared, whining and moaning.

"You left me alone, you beast. Why did you do this? Don't you love me anymore?"

She had not bothered to dress and threw herself into my arms. I held her tight until she calmed down.

"My love, you were tired and slept so well that I didn't want to disturb you, but you're here now and at least this night you'll not leave my side." She nodded, still half asleep and mumbled: "Where's my coffee?"

There we went again, the poor husband being ordered around, but hearing is obeying -- at least in certain moments and this was one of them. I sat her on the couch and went to the kitchen to get a cup, but when I turned around there she was, standing behind me.

"You said you would not leave my side, and then you left me in the sitting room. I don't like that!" I put the cup down and embraced her; she leaned into me and lifted her head for a kiss. This seemed to wake her up and she followed me willingly back to the sitting room, where I poured her coffee and life came back into her eyes.

She took a deep breath and started to tell me about Ellen's status. She had improved a bit and the doctors were hopeful that they could stabilize her, enabling her to go home, but in a private conversation they had given Maureen no hope; sooner than later she would not be able to withstand her illness. She had told Jenny everything and they decided that they would be available for her whenever she wanted or needed it, regardless of other responsibilities.

"James, please agree that we can do this. We'll not forget you, but she's like a dear mother to us and she needs help and support. Please tell me that we can do this!"

I agreed; Allan had given me his support when I needed it and Ellen was an absolutely wonderful woman, knowing what would happen one day, but never giving up the fight.

"Maureen, you can make your own schedule and I'll make certain that Jenny has whatever free time she needs."

She started to sniffle and put her head on my chest.

"James, promise that whatever happens to us, we'll never let the other alone. We'll always stand beside whoever needs it. I'm so sad seeing the two on their own, and I promised myself and Jenny concurs, that we would try to make her days lighter, happier, and filled with laughter and amusement. Can we do this, please?"

I nodded. "You and Jenny are not the only ones who adore and love them, I do, too. I'll do my part also, don't worry."

She calmed down and her eyes were dry now. I asked her about Jenny's arrival, and everything went well; suddenly she started to smile.

"James, we had two afternoons on our own and we went shopping and you'll see later that the time was not wasted. I saw that she started to look at prices again and without her knowing it, I asked our bank to deposit US$ 25,000 into her credit card. She was very upset when she saw it, but I used one on Mom's arguments 'you better accept it because it would be a real bureaucratic nightmare to revert it'. She swore that she would pay me back as soon as possible, but then she did not hesitate to use the money. You'll see when she will be back, but I can tell you, James, she doesn't waste money."

The phone rang with Jenny's status report. After telling us how much she missed us ('us' I must say, not me), she said that Ellen's situation had improved a bit, enough that she probably could fly home early the next week. She told us that she had decided to stay for whatever time she needed to help Ellen and Allan; she still had holidays to take from last year and her only worry was about the quality of the work of the temp. I assured her that it was acceptable, but certainly not up to her standards, and that with Irene's help I would survive. Then she told me that she loved me, that she missed me and that she wanted to talk to Maureen.

That was that and I went back to my notes and ideas. Since that talk seemed to continue for hours (I wonder whether they had heard about prices of international phone call rates), I prepared our supper and when every nuance on women's fashion, men's inability to understand a woman's needs, and the differences between that handbag against the other one was beaten to death, she finally came to the kitchen.

"James, why are you sitting here on your own? You promised me to be at my side all the time!"

I did not believe that this remark deserved an answer and poured her tea. She laughed.

"James, you have to understand us. Men, especially German men, are objective and direct; we, however, look at a problem from all sides, exchange opinions, facts or rumors, and at the end, we come to a better result than you could ever do."

I did not even laugh, but she grinned. "Look at us! Would you have become my beloved husband on your own? I ran just fast enough so that you could catch me!"

I could handle female executives, but I had no chance with Maureen.

We finished our supper and went back to bed. "James, I need your arms around me tonight; can we just cuddle, and I can feel your heart beat? Do you know that when I lie this way..." and she put her head on my chest... "I can hear your heart beating and I swear that my heart adjusts itself to yours. Funny, isn't it, but I love it."

I kissed her forehead and moved down to her eyes, the tip of her nose, and her smiling lips. This was love as it should be. Before closing her eyes, she remembered local rules and I had the pleasure of kissing her proud breasts again. She started to move, but resolutely decided to stop any fooling around: she wanted to sleep in my arms, and she did, and in a short while she was asleep. During the night I could feel her body glued to mine and whenever I moved, she followed.

The night was easy and when I woke up in the morning, she was already awake and in the kitchen; after all, she had hours of sleeping on the plane and at home while I was working! What woke me up was the smell of eggs and bacon wafting in from the kitchen and when I arrived there, she was finishing her work.

"I was going to call you, darling. I have done it the way you like best! " She turned to me and I appreciated the sight, as there was a little apron around her front, but other than that, she was nude.

"I've learned my lesson of frying bacon in the nude, James, but since it is done, you can take it off. And I apologize for getting out of bed without following our rules and you can punish me however you want, anywhere and anyhow! Not this morning, unfortunately!"

She grinned and pointed to the wall clock: it was almost time to leave for office. As suggested, I took off the apron and kissed the tips of my breasts. "I'll think about an appropriate punishment later and advise you tonight, Countess de Winter!"

"Uh, I'm shivering with fear! Will you drag me to the dungeons? Well, no dungeons here, but there's a room back there you can drag me to tonight..."

I embraced her and looking again at the clock, agreed that there was no time for fooling around. She served breakfast and it was difficult to decide what I enjoyed more: the perfectly prepared food, her perfectly built body or her wonderful smile. Well, in reality, there was no competition, her smile and her body would win anytime!

"Why do you have to leave, James?"

I laughed. "Darling, after all, I'm an employee and you are an employer!"

Reluctantly I left and when I entered the office, Irene looked at me and started to smile. She advised that Sir Allan was waiting for my call and I did this immediately. He told me that the doctors had informed him that they could travel back to Australia. There was a specialist at the University of Sydney, who had studied with them and who would take care of her. He did not believe that there was a real hope for a dramatic improvement, but the medication would decrease the pain and she could live in her own home, which they believed would help also. He asked to get reservations on the flight back on Monday and I promised that we would do this at once.

He also told me that he had called Bill Cunningham that he would retire to look after Ellen, and that he had suggested very strongly that I should be named as his successor; it seemed, however, that the Group's CEO had a nephew he wanted to place into Australia to give him top management exposure. This was not decided yet, but Bill thought that is was a done deal, and against their advice.

"James, once in a while family trumps competence, but you'll have your chance, and probably soon!"

With a smile in his voice, he said that Jenny was a wonderful help in this stressful situation and Ellen had learned to rely on her. He said goodbye and I could talk to Jenny briefly; she said that things were under control and that she missed me very much.

I told Irene to make sure that they had the right reservations and considering Ellen's condition, asked her to get again a reservation in a top hotel in Honolulu so that she could relax from the long flight from Cleveland, and that she should charge the additional cost to my account. She looked at me.

"James, you've changed so much this year. Gone is the cold executive and we have now a strict and aggressive manager, but we all love you. You got us to a higher level of competence than we believed we could achieve, and we know that you care -- at least as long as we all do what you want. You are a German, after all, Count de Winter!" and she gave me a little kiss on my cheek.

I reminded her that I was not only German, but on top of this a Prussian noble man. I wondered whether I could issue a company directive that all men had to click their heels when they addressed me, and that the women had to curtsy. She stopped for a moment and then she realized that I was joking.

"Yes, Sir, Count de Winter!" and she managed a decent curtsy. Her smile was sparkling and her eyes radiant. "You'll do, James, yes, you will!"

She started to grin. "James, you are a hero; perhaps a stupid hero if you forgive me saying so, but a hero. How can you come to the office at this morning when your wife just arrived? Didn't she treat you well?"

"Irene, I was educated to separate business and private life. Maureen treated me very well, thank you, but with Sir Allan absent, there are obligations I've to follow. And didn't someone say that waiting can increase the pleasure?"

"Well, Count de Winter: if you think so, who am I to try to change you. I leave this to your wife!"

She gave me the mail to answer and the calls to make; the temp was waiting for me to do the same. Jenny called and told me that Sir Allan was in a better mood; the doctors had told him that there was a possibility that they could go home on the weekend. Tests had been thorough and whilst there was no cure for her at this moment, there was also no impairment if she went back to her home. In all probability an improvement in being back in her normal environment was possible, sleeping in her bed, and having her friends around...

The day passed; in the afternoon I had to visit the operations of a big distribution company that had shown some interest in talking to us, but I was allowed to go home at the normal hour. Maureen was waiting for me; she must have spent some time to pretty up: her hair was done in curly waves, a bit of blush on her cheeks, a lipstick sparely applied. It seemed, however, that she had no time left to dress; there she was, in her little red baby doll, her nipples shining (lipstick?) and her pussy carefully trimmed. I wanted one day to meet the guy who invented transparent fabrics; he had done a wonderful job for mankind. She stepped away when I wanted to embrace her.

"Where did you go? You smell like our truck depot! Change first, James."

What had changed from yesterday? Yesterday she had jumped into my arms as soon as I had entered the flat and today, I had to change? Women!

I changed and came back to the kitchen where she had prepared a light supper. She was looking at me with that sultry look that women have when they are happy, but expect more. She became impatient, cleared the dishes rapidly and pulled me to the bedroom where she lay on her back, slowly opening her legs.

She spread her legs wide and caressed her breasts.

"James, I'm so happy now you cannot imagine. I know that you'll have to get up early, but this night is for us! Well, husband, what will you do? Play around? Make love gently? Take me with force? Have my pussy or my ass? Or both?"

I saw her arousal -- her labia were wet and shining. I looked at her with love and would never tire of watching her, of seeing the trust she had in me and feeling the affection, the passion and principally the love we had for each other. I bent and kissed her, while my hands were sliding down her body, enjoying the luxurious feeling of her soft velvety skin. When my finger touched her pussy, she complained.

"My love, you played me yesterday for my pleasure. Now I want you to be pleasured so please don't play around; I know that you want me, I'm eager to give myself to you, and remember: anywhere and anyhow."

She opened her legs a bit and her arousal was visible; some creamy white drops were slowly leaking out and her heady smell was getting stronger as I moved over her and covered her body with mine. She sighed content.

"Darling, I love to feel the weight of your body on mine. Now come and take me; you know that I'm all yours, but promise me one thing: you will think of yourself, to please your desire, to take as you want, and not only to satisfy my wishes. Promise?"

I nodded and without further ado slipped into her. It was easy; she was waiting for me and as I slowly filled her, she closed her eyes.

"Yes, my love, this is what I want ... Now take me!"

The feeling of entering her lower lips and sliding down her wall to the bottom was exquisite; my shaft was searching for her cervix and when I touched it, I was in heaven. She started to move, and I followed her rhythm, up and down, side to side, looking for the spots that I know gave her the highest pleasure. I kissed her hard, my tongue invading her mouth and then sucking on her lips. She gave me everything I wanted, but I continued to make her come first, for her to be satisfied. She increased the speed of her moves and when I drilled down one more time as deep as I could go, she came with a violent shudder. She pulled me into her and became rigid for a moment; then she relaxed and fell back. I was still hard as a rock and she sensed it immediately.

"I told you to be selfish this time, my love. Well, if you won't do it, I can make it happen. Let me turn around!"

I slipped out of her and she pushed me off her body; then she turned around and laying first on her stomach, pushed her hips up, supporting herself on her knees and elbows. Her ass was opening up, as she spread her cheeks and offered her dripping pussy and puckered anus to me to take what I wanted.

"Anyhow, my love!"

I bent forward and slipped back into her pussy, but let my thumb touch her back entrance. She moaned in agreement and pushed back. I went back to the rhythm we had established before and even whilst she had been satisfied once already, she was eager to continue the tryst. I reached down with one hand and cupped her breast; it was round and firm, with her nipple extended and waiting to be stroked and twisted. The other hand remained on her anus, with the thumb slowly widening the hole and asking to be invited. She seemed to like this: one hand held my hand firmly on her breast, and the other slipping down to touch her labia, then her little back-hole. As my finger entered her deeper there, she became more agitated and she pushed back once more.

"This is so nice, my love ... take me there!"

She pointed to the sideboard where I saw a white tube conveniently placed for this moment. It took me only a few moments to pick it up and drop a generous amount of the transparent cream on her ass. My finger had now a much smoother entrance and she pleaded once more.

"Please, my love. Do me now!"

Since I was used by now to obey her commands, I pulled out of her pussy and placed my shaft on her back entrance. Her hand grasped it and placed it at her opening; then she took a deep breath and pushed back, letting me enter her tight hole. It was different from her pussy; there I had friction, but room enough to move around; here I had much tighter walls and a completely different sensation. Both were wonderful and exciting. I stopped to think and let myself be carried away by the passion of the moment. Pushing deeper and deeper, her moaning became a wail. Her movements became erratic and it was difficult for me to accompany her and not to be forced out, but then I remembered: she wanted me to take possession, so I grasped her hips and held her firm while I was deciding the rhythm and the strength of my thrusts.

She started to cry out "Yes, my love ... yes, take me ... deeper ... Faster ... YES! ... NOW!..." and when she started to shake, I could not hold it any longer. I exploded and filled her with my seeds pushing my penis as deep as possible into her, and following each blast, I pulled her up while digging in as deep as I could. I trembled with the excitement of the moment and only slowly let her go. She was falling down, and I followed her, covering her again with my body. We both breathed heavily, and when I started to move out, she protested.

"Stay in me, my love. I want to feel you filling me, feel your weight on me, feeling taken and being yours. Stay, my love!"

She turned her head and I kissed her eyes and nibbled on her earlobe. It was a wonderful moment, and I was proud that I had not lost control at the last moment. That had happened once, and I had hurt her with my power and excitement. This time we both had enjoyed it at each moment.

Maureen protested when I slowly slipped out, but I was exhausted and needed a moment of recuperation. I turned her around and pulled her up to rest on me. She smiled satisfied that we had enjoyed each other, but was still complaining:
