A Fantasy about Love Pt. 08


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"James, you should have let go. I told you to take me and be selfish, but again you protected me. My love, you've to understand that once in a while -- and tonight it was the right moment -- that I need to be taken, to be possessed, to feel your power. It does not hurt, only a little bit, but it is a pleasant pain. This is not violence; it's my man taking me and making me his. Please promise me that the next time I feel this you'll do it and take me without any gentle consideration for me or my body. I trust you that you'll never hurt me, but at that moment, the pain is welcome. Promise me, my love! ¨

I thought about her request and slowly understood why she was saying it. We were always so considerate of each other, always giving and not taking, that occasionally our life needed a moment of pure sex, of the enjoyment of the physical act. She was right: I would never intentionally hurt her, but if she wanted to feel once in a while the act of being possessed, of being taken roughly, I could handle this. And I started to believe that I would enjoy it, too, as long as I had my feelings still under control. This sounded stupid: I also wanted to take her occasionally without gentle considerations, being selfish, but needed to know that I could stop at any moment, especially if I felt that it was getting out of control. I decided that I could handle this and nodded.

"My love, I promise that if you ever want to play rough again, I'll be there for you, and I'll enjoy it!"

She grinned. "Remember the last and I am sorry to say the only time, you really did me, and I was unable to sit comfortably for days? I enjoyed that tremendously! This is for special occasions! And to warn you: Jenny thinks the same way and wants the same treatment! You'll have your days and especially your nights busy, my dear!"

I grinned back. "What a way to die!"

I embraced her and kissed her with great affection. It was so wonderful to feel her on me, to caress her body, to feel her little aftershocks when the last moments of her orgasm faded away, and to look at her face: smiling and loving. She snuggled close and tried to burrow her body into mine. I felt her nipples, still stiff from her arousal, boring into my chest and suddenly our combined juices were leaking from her labia onto my hips. She felt it, too, and turning, looked down.

Maureen moved closer and stroked my penis; tired and relaxed. She had a warm washcloth in her hand and cleaned us tenderly.

"Hey, George, you disappoint me: tired already? If this happens now, what will you do when Jenny is here? We share, my dear friend, and when you take her, you have to take me also! We better start to practice!"

She took him in her hand and stroked him gently, but to no avail: he was tired. Then she took him in her mouth and slowly licked him from bottom to top, and back again. There was a remote hint of a reaction, but not sufficient to satisfy her. She continued to clean my shaft and even with a renewed effort, George did not want to play.

She gave up and looked once more at George. "I am disappointed, my dear. I accept that tonight was an exception, but let me do my wifely duties and clean my Lord and Master."

She bent and licked all the remaining fluids off and swallowed satisfied; then she came up again and looking at me, kissed me. "Do you smell us, my love? Do you like the taste of us?"

Her tongue entered my mouth and I could taste what she had swallowed. It was a strange mixture of Maureen's light citrony flavor and my own, more heavy taste, but she enjoyed it, so I did, too. I hugged her, and she slowly moved down to my side.

Maureen went back to her request.

"James, I don't want to be alone again. I enjoyed the company of Ellen and Allan, and Cleveland was OK, and I even went shopping twice, but nothing compares to having you in my arms and knowing that I'll go to sleep and will wake up with you in the morning. Please arrange your life that I'll be there every day!"

I promised that I would do whatever was possible, but certain things were out of my control; for example, I had to go to the yearly sales event in three weeks and it was forbidden to take your wife along.

"Could I come on a different flight and stay in a different room and you come and see me during the night?"

I laughed, asking her what would happen if people would see me slipping into a different room at night? The rumors this would cause? She pouted, but at the end, accepted the facts of life.

"Could you at least send someone else on future trips? You don't have to go travelling all the time!"

I reminded her that I was the Director of Marketing of my company, and other executives would only talk to me.

"But will you try to reduce this as much as possible and if there were a possibility to take me along, will you do this?"

I promised to think about this, but reminded her once more about my responsibilities as an executive of a big company. She would always come first for me under whatever circumstances, but occasionally the priorities changed, and I had to change with them, as would she. She was not happy with the idea and I saw her scheming in the future to get around these rules, but I knew that I was right.

She moved to my side and offered her breasts for my goodnight kisses, as this was a rule that I greatly enjoyed. She was a bit tired and closed her eyes, turned around and snuggled her body into mine, with her ass against poor tired George, and my hand on her breast.

"Goodnight, my love. Sleep well and dream of me..." and she was asleep.

The next morning I woke up with the phone ringing. Jenny called from Cleveland that a decision had been reached and that they would fly back on Monday night and be in Sydney on Wednesday early morning; they would not stop since Ellen was a bit better and wanted to be back in her home. Could I pick her up, please?

What a stupid question! Obviously I would be there and take her to her home, our flat and our arms and hearts. Maureen had woken up and took the receiver out of my hands and for the next thirty minutes, they were talking about me ( I had behaved well), herself (she was not completely satisfied with me), me (I did not promise what she wanted), Jenny ( she was missing her), me (yes, we had made love and she wanted more), Allan and Ellen (they were better, but something was going on because Mr. Buckingham had come to Cleveland and had been with Allan for a long time; unfortunately, she could not wheedle anything out of Allan), me (yes, she had promised that Jenny could have the first night with me), shopping (there were these two little exquisite boutiques downtown and if Jenny needed any money she would loan her whatever she spent), me (she had tried to get me to take her just for sex, just the physical joy, but I was too controlled to let go, and she hoped that Jenny had better success) and so it went on and on.

Finally, I got up, had my shower, dressed and when I came back, she was still on the phone, laughing this time. When I asked what was so funny, she just looked at me and laughed even more. When I went to the kitchen for some muesli, I heard her saying that she would call back, and then she rushed through the door, taking the plates out of my hand.

"I'm sorry, James, but that was important girl talk. Jenny also mentioned once more Mr. Buckingham's visit, so you better be prepared once Allan is back. With Ellen sick, would he retire? And if yes, who would be appointed to that position? Would you have a chance?"

I calmed her down and told her that this was out of my control and that I would wait to see what would happen. She prepared my breakfast, sat beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder, and when I had to go, she did not forget house rules: There were two beautiful breasts to be kissed. She told me that she had called her mother yesterday and would go to her office early this morning. If I had nothing planned for lunch could I call her? I had to say that there was already a lunch with Mr. Young, but that I would try to come home early.

Business in the office was as always: busy and hectic. I advised everyone that Sir Allan would be back early next week and to prepare by Friday night a briefing what had happened these two weeks in his absence so that I could prepare my brief. I also wanted a summary of what we had done to get everyone to the Sales Meeting and was surprised that very little had happened. Jenny had her hands full when she was back at her desk! Mr. Young told me that next week he had set me up with another friend of his to discuss opportunities; it seemed that he was still trying to make up for his son's misbehavior.

When I came home Maureen had just arrived and was changing into one of my big t-shirts, but this time showing the New York Jets. I changed, too, and put some piano concert on the sound system. She took out the bottle of Port and we discussed the day. We were both satisfied with what we had achieved. Later we had our light supper, watched the news (there was an election coming up and Maureen and I were on opposite sides) and decided to retire early. After the obligatory detour through the bathroom we were back in our bed, she with her head on my chest and I holding her in my arms. Sweet nothings were exchanged and slowly she drifted off, but not before doing her duty to our house rules. It seemed we had become what we had wanted all the time: a happily married couple.

The next two days flew by with us returning to our night run and some martial art classes, and then I went home the last night loaded with papers to prepare my brief for Sir. Allan. She was already sitting in the living room staring at spreadsheets.

"James, can you help me? I believe that I understand them, but it does not feel right!"

I changed and sat beside her. It seemed simple, but after a while I also got the feeling that the picture was not complete. She told me what she had seen during the days in the office and the truck station, but her impression was that the numbers did not add up: something was missing. We stopped to have dinner and went back again. The situation became clearer when we compared daily costs against revenue, and the cost was overwhelmingly high -- or the revenue too low. The fuel consumption was abnormally high for the miles shown, and there were a lot of trips for little money. Somebody was skimming off money in fuel and daily expenses! There was nothing we could do more at this moment, and we agreed that on Tuesday she would bring someone in from Brisbane to check on operations, but that she would tell no one in the office. She was very upset that on her first job something like this had happened: perhaps they had not taken her seriously? Knowing Maureen that person would regret it!

The next day I told her to put on her little blue top, took her for a drive and we ended up at the Gap where everything had started. Maureen looked around and seeing that nobody was there, told me that she was very disappointed with me. I had told her that her freckles could be kissed away, and they were still there! I was amiss with my duties! She lifted her top and showed me the freckles on her shoulders, on her neck and the big two ones on her chest. She had given me everything, her body, her love, her trust, and a simple promise like that was not fulfilled? What would I do to make it good?

I apologized and promised to try harder; would she accept that I started right now? She considered her options and said that I had a limited license for fifteen minutes to hunt for freckles down to five inches below the top of her little blouse, and the fifteen minutes started right now. I laid her on the blanket and went to work, and it was very pleasant work. She started to get interested in my efforts and when the limit had passed and I had stopped, she said that I could continue. I could even extend the limit to five feet below her top. I looked at her, measured five feet from her top and ended up a good 15 inches below her feet. I advised solemnly that there were no freckles below her feet, but she was upset: ¨Don't be so German, James. You know what I want!"

I looked around and unfortunately, there were people walking up to the spot where we were. Quickly I covered her, and we were looking chastely over the Gap when the two couples passed. They smiled and went on, but Maureen's mood had changed. She was hungry now and wanted to eat at Luigi's. Women can be strange!

Luigi was very happy and let everyone know that the Count and Countess de Winter had honored his humble little restaurant with their presence. Humble! Hah!

I almost walked out again, but Luigi and Maureen were good friends now, and I was told that I would stay. The food was excellent as always, the discussion on what wine to choose lasted only fifteen minutes (they knew that one minute more and I would select the wine) and when we went home at least the physical needs were satisfied. I had looked at the Opera House and there was a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta that night. Maureen had never seen one and I was fortunate enough to get two good seats. I had always liked 'The Gondoliers' with its silly play and the rousing music, the changed babies plot and the evil Duke, and the gondolier who ends up as the lost son of a duke.

Maureen dressed up again: a long green dress that complimented her body, her opal pendant and earrings, little open black sandals, and a big smile. I stayed with my dark suit, since after all, I existed only to guide her around and show her off. We met some acquaintances and I was very proud to be at her side. I swear people would remember her, but if asked who was beside her, they could not remember me! The audience was happy and relaxed, and it seemed that people knew the songs; as we were walking out, some were singing the main arias and suddenly most joined in!

At home Maureen was happy: good company, good food, and a night to make love! I had other G&S operettas in my archives and tried HMS Pinafore, but whilst the music is wonderful, it is much nicer to see it on the stage. Maureen asked me to see whether other operettas were coming to Sydney and fortunately I saw that The Mikado would be on another stage later this year. She put the date immediately in her diary!

Somehow her t-shirt had vanished when we sat on the couch, listening to a violin concerto, she with her head on my lap and I with my hands on her body, caressing her breasts, her long legs and occasionally invading her labia. When the bottle of Port was finished, she smiled.

¨My love, this was a lovely day, but there's still some unfinished business! ¨

She jumped up and pulled me to our bedroom. Her cheeks were moving seductively, promising anything I wanted, her nipples stiff and upright, and her crinkly little hole was blinking at me, challenging me to come closer and investigate in detail. She turned slowly and lay down again on her stomach, opening her legs and fondling her ass cheeks, opening them wide for me. She had already put her special cream on her ass and I slowly forced my way into her, and with her enthusiastic cooperation, I must say! At the end, I could not hold back anymore and dug in deeper and deeper, pounding her ass with increasing force until I achieved my release and exploded in her, filling her up with all my repressed fluids. I cried her name and embraced her with all the force I had left, pulling her up to me and pushing once deeper into her.

She came at the same moment, and for some time we could only feel each other, holding each other, and letting aftershocks go through our bodies. Then she fell down on the bed and I followed her, letting my weight cover her. We did not say anything for a while, and I laid my head on her back, feeling exhausted, satisfied and extremely happy. My shaft slowly dropped out of her and our combined fluids followed. She moaned and tried to move but stopped.

"My love, this time you finally let go. I'm so happy giving you everything I can offer."

She sighed, and I turned her around so that she was on top of me. She had problems moving and I felt that it was at least uncomfortable for her. I started to apologize.

"Maureen, darling, I did not want...", but she interrupted me. "James, I wanted this. I wanted to be taken this way. This's not something I would enjoy every day, but once in a while ..., but please get the washcloth; I'm unable to move at this moment, and in any case, that's your fault, husband!"

I slowly placed her at my side and got up; getting hot water on a cloth I carefully cleaned her back and front (thank God there was no blood); I was so afraid for a moment that I had exaggerated! Then I did the same for me and came back to bed, hugging her. She smiled happily.

"My love, this was wonderful. And I don't have to make breakfast tomorrow: you'll have to do everything because I'm unable to move, and tomorrow it might even be worse! Be prepared to receive orders and execute them on my command, oh Lord and Master!"

She snuggled close to me and suddenly burst out laughing. I wondered why, and she did not want to tell me at first, but then she said with a big grin.

"James darling, just wait until Jenny comes home. She'll know immediately what happened and if I judge correctly, her wishes and desire after being away from you for such a long time, she'll want the same treatment -- and I'll enjoy watching you!"

She chuckled once more and then decided that the day had been long and the excitement great. "James, my dear love, I'm tired now and want to sleep. You can have me again if you are not completely satisfied, but I'm unable to participate."

"Maureen, you are foolish: first, you must have felt that I came in you because I really let it go, and second: did I ever make love to you just to satisfy myself? We're one and never forget this!"

She blushed, said that she was foolish and turning around, offered her face for my kiss.

"My love, the only parts of my body that are not sensitive right now are your breasts and my lips. Kiss them and we'll dream together."

I followed her suggestion and kissed them gently and with great affection and then embraced her once more. "Sleep now, my love. I'll protect your dreams!"

It took her some time to find the right position, but finally she was asleep, and I was not far behind. During the night she moaned a bit when she moved, but when I decided to wake up in the morning, she was soundly asleep. She had a little smile on her face and her hair was falling over her eyes. I brushed them aside and even asleep, her smile deepened, and she searched for my hand to put it on her breast. Another cuddle and she was away again.

I continued to nap a bit and when the light of the sun crept through the shades, decided to get up. The routine detour through the bathroom (a t-shirt and some shorts), and I was ready to prepare breakfast. I left the bedroom door open in cease Maureen wanted something, got myself a cup of coffee, set all the things necessary to have a good meal on the table, and moved to the sitting room to listen to the Grieg piano concerto, and read the newspaper. After a while I thought I heard some noise in the bedroom and went over to see whether Maureen had woken up. She lay quietly with her eyes open and smiled when she saw me coming in.

"Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?"

I bent down to kiss her and when she pushed herself up, a moan escaped.

"Darling, it was wonderful last night, and I cherish the memory, but I feel rather uncomfortable when sitting up. Do you have any idea why this is so? I was fine during the day and this morning my lower body hurts when I move..."

She smiled and pulled me down to lie beside her.

"What did you do to me? Did you abuse your love?"

I was concerned and started to apologize, but she stopped me after my first words.
