A Gathering of Trolls

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Ambitious friends look in on the slut and her husband.
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Author's Note: Thanks for the idea and encouragement, Millie.


The basement door opened, and the woman shouted, "Aaron, take the garbage out before you go to bed."

"I know, mom. We're busy right now," and he leaned forward and gazed intently, hearing the basement door close. "That's it, Carl," he said quietly. "Wack it. Wack it! Yeah! Do it!"

"Yeah, man," Wilson said excitedly. "You're close! Just a few more strokes and you're there, man."

"You're close, Carl," Ryan said with just as much anticipation in his voice. "Like, just one more. Like, you can do it. Like, ...Like ... Fuck it! Just shoot it!"

And Carl cried out "Ohhh, ... Yeah, Dude. YEAH!" and cheers sounded from the others as he slowed to stop his flailing arm and calmed. "... Oh, my GOD, that was so satisfying."

... and they watched the big screen monitor as the dragon slumped in defeat.


Carl set the hand controllers on a side table and took off the VR headset, placing it on the table with the controllers. He ran a hand through his thinning hair as he turned to face his friends sitting on the couch behind him. "Yes!" he exclaimed pumping his fist in the air.

Aaron stood, reached out his right hand to shake Carl's, pulling him in and throwing his left arm around Carl for a hug.

"You did it! You won the final online battle against The Writers for us, and that makes 'The Trolls' the champions!"

Ryan and Wilson also stood to hug Carl, as they celebrated their victory.

"Dudes, that was some campaign!" Carl said. "That took a lot of teamwork. I couldn't have done it without the rest of you flipping off your opponents, too."

"But, like, yours was the WORST," Ryan said. "The Writers put their best into that final one."

"Yeah, man," Wilson said. "Did you see that fire it shot out of its ass when you were sneaking up on it?"

"Dude," Carl said, "I felt it! That's why I had to run around it and cut its head off with the sword. I couldn't just ignore it. And shooting it in the ass might not have stopped it from burning me with another fart." He turned back to the TV screen and thrust his hand out defiantly, flipping his middle finger out in a 'Fuck you!' sign. "Take THAT 1, Writers!" he shouted.

"Hey, guys," Arron said, "This calls for a celebration. To 'THE TROLLS!'" he exclaimed, and they all pumped their fists in the air. "Let's grab the trash on the way out and head down the block to the Sheetz Quick Stop for a Slurpee."

"Great idea, man," Wilson said. "That's why you're the boss!"

"That, and because I have the VR system," Aaron said.

The four friends went up the stairs to the kitchen, where Aaron grabbed the trash bag, and they left through the kitchen door. As he put the trash in the large bin outside, Ryan asked sheepishly "Hey, can one of you guys, like, spot me for a Slurpee?"

"Yeah, no problem," Aaron said. "I got ya covered. Grandma paid me to cut her grass this morning." As they walked down the driveway toward the sidewalk, he asked "What are you guys doing tomorrow?"

They turned left at the end of the driveway, beginning the trek past the neighbor houses.

"Man, I've got a volunteer shift at the fire station," Wilson said. "I need to be there from seven in the morning all day AND all night!"

"Dude, they're not paying you yet?" Carl asked as if surprised.

"Naw, man. But I'll get in as a paid fireman, soon as I pass the online exam."

"What about you, Carl?" Aaron asked.

"I've got inventory at the supermarket, dude. That's an all-day thing."

"I saw Rachel going in there yesterday," Aaron said. "Do you ever talk to her?"

"Fuck that slut," Carl said angrily. "I wouldn't touch that cunt with YOUR dick! I haven't talked to that bitch in ten years."

"Did you ever burn her car like you planned?" Wilson asked.

"Not yet," Carl replied. "I'm waiting for the right moment."

"What did you finally do with that guy you caught her with?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, I got back at him," Carl said. "I sent an e-mail to his parents telling them he was a home wrecker. Then I sent them a large envelope with a pair of Rachels used panties she had stained. I said, 'That's from your son's junk!' I'll bet he still hasn't heard the last of it from them."

"You told his parents?" Wilson said. "Man, that's cold!"

"Like, I'm free tomorrow, Aaron," Ryan piped in. "You have another lawn to do?"

"No," Aaron said. "But now that this battle is won, we need to find someone else to fuck with online." He suddenly stopped, crouching low, and holding his arms out to block the others.

"What's up, dude?" Carl asked quietly.

Aaron pointed to the next house, with tall hedges along their driveway which were about twenty feet away from the side of the house. The hedges mostly blocked the guys' view of the side of the house, so at their distance, they could only see a little light.

"There," Aaron said quietly, pointing toward the hedges. "See that light through the bushes near the back of the house. That's the window I was telling you about."

"Man, you mean Brooks' old lady?"

"Yeah," Aaron said quietly. "She leaves her bedroom blinds open, like she's a slut, wanting everyone to see."

"Let's go see, like, if she's there," Ryan said in a whisper. "I want to see her boobies."

"Dude! Grow up!" Carl said. "They're called TITS!"

There were a line of cars in the driveway, so the guys bent over and walked along the cars, using them to conceal their approach to the back window. As they came up near that window, Aaron squeezed between two cars and put his back against the house, with the others following his lead.

The bottom of the window was at about their head height, so Aaron ducked under it as he passed, allowing the others to get closer on their side of the window.

Aaron tilted his head away from the house to glance inside, while Carl did the same at the other side.

Aaron could see a guy sitting in an overstuffed chair in that corner of the bedroom. The guy was leaning back comfortably and held a brandy snifter in his right hand with a brown liquid in it. The window was cracked slightly open, and they could hear a woman's voice moaning "Oh, Oh, Oh," as she huffed from some exertion.

A naked man suddenly walked past the window heading toward the guy in the chair, catching Aaron by surprise, and Aaron pulled his head back to the side of the house, while Carl did the same. All four guys ducked down low and scurried between the cars away from the house.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked in a whisper with a hint of fear in his voice, when they were safely away. "Did you see her titties?"

"Dude, they're just tits," Carl said. "And YEAH! I saw those tits swinging as some dude was fucking her from behind on the bed!"

"Well, it wasn't her wimp husband, Randy," Aaron said. "He was sitting in a chair watching them."

"Man, Randy?" Wilson asked in surprise. "Wasn't he that loser shithead in math class?"

"Yeah," Aaron said. "The asshole bought this house last year. His old lady, Sally and I were voted Home Coming Queen and King for our junior class in High School. But she hooked up with him and they went away to college."

"Like, I wanna see," Ryan said.

"Go ahead," Aaron whispered. "But only two at a time, one on either side. You and Wilson take a turn, and don't let them see you."

The two guys crouched as they walked back between the cars to the house.

"Dude, that's really fucked that he'd buy a house three doors away from yours," Carl said. "And with your old girlfriend?"

"I know, right? You'd think he was smarter than that," Aaron said. "She wasn't really my girlfriend," he added sheepishly. "I went stag that night. But what's that pervert doing, watching someone else fuck his wife!"

"I know, dude. If Sally were my wife, I'd be the only one banging her."

They suddenly heard a loud long scream "AHHHH..." dragging out and coming from the bedroom window. Then they could hear the driveway gravel shifting as Ryan and Wilson scurried back.

"Oh, man!" Wilson said sounding just a little breathless. "You should have seen them."

"Yeah," Ryan said. "There's, like, four naked guys in there. And one of them had his wiener in her mouth."

"Dude, that's his cock! Grow up!"

"Okay! He had his cock in her mouth. And he must have, like, done it. When he pulled it out, she dripped some out. That was disgusting! She had his jizz in her mouth!"

"And, man, that other guy was really pounding her from behind," Wilson said. "That's why she screamed, and we just ducked outta there. Those pervs are fucking her up!"

"That douche bag, Brooks is watching them fuck over Sally?" Aaron asked in surprise. "And the simpering wimp doesn't do anything but sit there drinking?"

"He's a cuckold, dude," Carl said. "That's a guy who knows another guy is fucking his slut and will probably get her pregnant, so he has to raise the other guy's kid!"

"I always knew that worthless shit was weak," Aaron said. "That asshole deserves to have his house burned down to get him outta here!"

"Yeah, man," Wilson said. "Let's do it and show his wife what a real man is like!"

"Hey, Dudes," Carl said. "I can't get involved in anything like setting their house on fire. I'd get fired from the supermarket."

"Like, Carl's right, guys," Ryan said. "Your mom would throw a fit if the neighbor's house catches on fire, Aaron. Then where would we go for VR nights?"

They heard the front door open, and they scurried along the cars to hide behind the hedges. When they stopped and sat quietly, they could hear the people at the front door talking.

"Oh, my god, guys," Sally said. "That was incredible! You were all even better than last time."

"Rick," Randy said, "I want that report on my desk by ten o'clock tomorrow."

"You got it, boss. And thanks for the great time tonight, Sally."

"My pleasure," Sally said in a seductive tone.

"I host next week," Rick said "and Margie said she can't wait for you again, Randy. You get first dibs on her since you hosted tonight."

"I'll bring the scotch for you to sit back and watch us, buddy," Randy replied. "Tell her I expect her to suck it up, first. Good night, guys, and thanks again."

The four guys walked to their cars, and Aaron peeked through the bushes. He could see Sally standing there wearing a tight one-piece, short dress, with one arm wrapped around her husband's waist. She pulled him in just a little tighter and looked up at Randy, saying "I'll go brush my teeth and shower. Then it's your turn! I'm going to ride you all night for letting them take good care of me. Two months from now, we're stopping this, so I can go off the Pill and get pregnant with YOUR kid."

After the cars were all gone, and Sally and Randy went inside, the four friends stood and started walking again in an awkward silence toward the Sheetz.

Then Aaron quietly said, "Perverts."

"Yeah, man, they're a bunch of degenerates," Wilson said.

"Like, she tasted his jizz! Yuck!" Ryan said. "That stuff tastes disgusting," and he spit toward the road. "I wonder if any of them put it in her butthole?"

"He's a simpering cuckold, and she's his slut," Carl added. "She'll soon dump him like the worthless shit he is, and she'll look for a real man!"

The guys continued walking toward the Sheetz in silence for another minute, before Aaron said, "I wish I had a girlfriend like her."

"Dude, keep an eye out for the next time there are cars here, and we'll come over to check it out again."

"Maybe if we, like, cut their grass," Ryan said, "she'll, like, maybe show us her boobs and let us touch them?"

"Man, I wonder, if we're nice to them, if he might let us fuck her?"

"Woah, dude!" Carl said. "Really? Have any of you guys ever fucked a real woman?"

"Sort of," Wilson said, "She touched me down there and I shot it out. So, we ended up just shaking hands at the door."

"We need to hurry to the Sheetz," Aaron said, dodging the question, "and get back, before mom locks the basement door."

The end.

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mirafridamirafridaabout 1 year ago

Great vignette! A bit "on the nose" perhaps in making its point, but the characters are funny and well-drawn

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Lame comments from ir provocateur Gpuss, and the impotent old bi cuck Ic69hunter himself.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Oh the stinging comments from asshole ir provocateurs like Gpuss, and bitter, impotent, old gay cucks like Ic69hunter. I’m wounded until death.

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

Ha. On the poor weak trolls like 26thNC

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

A zinger from an erudite anonymous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How disappointing. Here I thought this was going to be a story about the Authors Hangout.

dmallorddmallordover 1 year ago

Man ... messed up associates! Trolls calling out gangbangers like that and wanting more of what they saw at the end of the pitiful diatribe. Like their gang name, they deserve to be called troll bait! The dude, Aaron, doesn't even have a key to his own basement door! WTF. Where is the BTB desperately called for element? Cowards all. You deserve every score you get ... a pathetic group of lawn boys. Probably couldn't even piss out a fire if they had to! Geez, you could use a bit of troll bait coaching ... Bait and switch move, in the beginning, was really evil trickery.

I'd give you a zero for lack of imagination but then some horse's ass already gave you a five hoping to keep this from going into ground zero and just ruined the opportunity. I need a cup of good coffee to get over this!

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Not certain who you’re angry at here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I think you overestimated the intelligence of BTB trolls. Forming complete sentences is beyond them.

MillieDynamiteMillieDynamiteover 1 year ago

Wonderful story, poor wittle trolls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

OMG The comments are better than the story!

"Nice to see virgins trying to write sex stories." written by someone who clearly didn't notice the mirror that was being held up in front of his/her/its face

"WTF? A loser writer writing about loser "kids"" posted by someone who hasn't had the guts to post anything himself

"Who is the troll here?" Posted by someone who clearly hasn't reached the S's in the dictionary where "Satire" is hidden.

Masterfully done Sir Lifestyle!

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