A Girl Named Mitch Ch. 03


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I didn't know what to say, so I spluttered out something stupid. "We still talk."

That made her laugh. "I'll bet you do. So how is it?"

"It's good," I blushed and looked down, "as in amazing. Like, 'I had no idea it could be this good' good."

"Wow. So, I mean, she's really good? What's she like, is she crazy and aggressive?"

"Sometimes. But mostly she's really gentle and giving. It's nothing like being with a guy. So much better."

Carrie peppered me with a few more questions, and weirdly it made me more comfortable, instead of less, as she did. And the more I answered, the more I realized how amazing being with Michelle really was. And I was just asking myself the question when Carrie verbalized it.

"So why are you guys hiding?"

"Cause I'm scared. I mean, even in the best of circumstances my family is really reserved, especially about romantic stuff. I mean, you'd never catch my parents being affectionate in public. I don't even think I ever saw them hold hands."

"Really? Geez. My parents, they don't, like, make out in public, but they hold hands. And they're always hugging and touching at home."

"Not mine. I mean, the only evidence that they were ever affectionate is the fact they have three children."

"And is that what you want? That isn't going to go over well with Mitch."

"She understands. I mean, she hasn't complained."

Carrie shook her head and sat back with a pitying look on her face. "Cindy, Mitch is a full on 'physical touch' person. It's her primary."

"Her primary?"

"Yeah, her love language. From 'The Five Love Languages'. We read the teen version in my youth group."

I stared at her, befuddled. What the hell was a love language? It sounded like mushy things you wrote in Valentine's Day cards.

"You seriously don't know? Go look it up."

So I did, spending the hour and half after lunch and before my next class studying and reading everything online I could find about the five 'love languages,' instead of doing my Diffy-Q problems like I should have been, (that's 'Differential Equations' to the mathematically challenged). I know, I'm studying for my relationship again. Not the sexiest thing in the world, but it was so eye opening.

After reading the basic overviews I took the quiz, coming in strongly as a 'quality time' person. That made sense, looking at it. My feelings really blossomed for Mitch when we started hanging out, me tutoring her or binging 'Buffy' in her room, or us spending time together on the road.

And Carrie had been totally right. Mitch was a 'Physical Touch' person. She was quick with a hug or a back rub. She was always touching the people she cared about, and not in a creepy way. It was just her.

But reading more, I realized something that left me fighting tears. Those times when I wouldn't hold her hand in public, when I created artificial distance between us, I wasn't just being careful. I'd been telling her I didn't love her. She may have understood in her head, and it may not have been what I meant, but it's what her heart had been hearing.

I went back to all those arguments I'd had with myself before I'd put what I laughingly thought of as 'the moves' on her last Friday. Could I be what she needs? She needed someone she could touch.

My heart was beating fast as I headed to the athletic complex for our daily workout. I heard Mitch in a loud, jovial conversation with someone as I entered the locker room. When she saw me I smiled at her, a warm, lover's smile, and her face lit up.

As soon as we were in the weight room I asked Mitch if she'd spot me on some squats. She nodded, the surprise evident in her face, and then I returned the favor when I was done. I forced myself to touch her, nothing too overt, but just little reminders that I was there. The effects were almost instantaneous; Mitch's eyes were just dancing after ten minutes, and she was her usual jovial self.

I waited for her afterwards as she finished her spirited debate with one of our teammates regarding the Bulldogs chances this year in football. When she finally headed toward the door I joined her, walking by her side down the pavement.

I intentionally made sure my bag was over my outside hip, so my arm nearest Mitch would be free. It only took a few steps before her hand brushed against mine. I took what I hoped was an unnoticed moment to steel myself before I hooked it with my little finger. Mitch looked down at what was happening as our palms pressed together, before turning towards me with that heart-melting smile of hers.

I just grinned innocently at her, like it was no big deal. "So how was your day?"

She spluttered for a second. "It, um, yeah, it was good. You?"

"Good. I didn't get my math done, but still, learned some stuff. Do you remember what the cafeteria has for dinner?"

Mitch shook her head, grinning and making a joke about mystery meat surprise. Happiness was just rolling off my girlfriend in waves, and it made my heart soar. This little contact made so much of a difference for her, and I could hear the music in her voice as she told me about that one guy in her education class who'd gone and put his foot in his mouth again. I just basked in how much my day brightened simply being near the woman I loved. My hand tightened in hers, and we went down the sidewalk together.


My eyes closed as I leaned back against her, feeling my body hum from the string of orgasms Mitch had just given me. The little kisses which were currently feathering my neck were pretty nice, too. She'd been a woman possessed when we'd gotten back to the room. I just let her have at it. I mean, I'm not stupid, and the cloud I was floating on just now, mmm, yummy.

I held her to me. "That was amazing, Sweetie."

She pressed her lips to the back of my neck. "I'm glad you approve."

I turned in her arms, our legs entwined together under the sheets. "You know what this means, though."

She smiled at me. "What?"

"I still haven't done my Math."

She giggled. It always amazes me how girlish her giggle is, when she does it. It was adorable. "You are so weird, Cindy."

"Yeah? Well, you love me. So what does that make you?"

"A connoisseur of all things bizarre and interesting."

I laughed and kissed her, losing myself for a moment in the way her lips felt on mine. "I'm not the only one bizarre and interesting in this bed, missy."

"Guilty as charged." She said it with such bombastic flair that I laughed again before rolling her over onto her back. I began to kiss down her body, pulling the tip of one of her breasts into my mouth.

"I thought you, ooh, had math homework. God, Cindy, that's good"

"Yeah, I do, but this is more fun. I can do it tomorrow morning, nothing until ten. Nothing but this."

I dropped lower, kissing down her belly until I was settled between her thighs. I buried myself in her, revelling in the way she tasted and smelled, musty and sweet, the feel of her lips in mine, the sweet sounds she made at the top of the bed, the way she seized in bliss as I brought her to orgasm.

I climbed back into her arms and kisses. "See? Better than Math."

"You aren't going to fall behind?"

"I'll have time in the morning." I ran my finger down her breastbone. "That is unless you distract me again."

"No can do, babe. I've gotta be down at the ticket office at seven to be in line. Playing Vanderbilt this weekend."

"Football, right? Is that an important game?"

Mitch snorted with laughter. "We should win easily, but Vandy's a bunch of brainiacs. They can surprise you. I wish you'd let me take you to a game."

I wrinkled my nose. "It's football. The football players at my high school were all jerks. People treated them like gods."

"Did you have a good team?"

"For our size school we were decent. Biggest game of the year was always against Daviess County. It was all people could talk about. The whole town would shut down. I thought it was nuts."

Mitch looked at me with amused incredulity. "But you're an athlete."

"Yeah, a female athlete in a conservative little bass-ackwards Georgia town. I was tolerated. Not celebrated."

"And that chafed you a bit?"

"We won two state titles while I was there, and we barely even got noticed. Our football team never made it past the second round of the playoffs."

"So you have a chip about them, huh?"

"Of course not. Except, yeah. We were actually lucky. Our A.D. had two girls who played softball, so the women's programs weren't completely ignored like at some other schools, funding-wise, at least."

Mitch ran a finger up and down my arm, which calmed me instantly. "I think we're lucky. Do you know how screwed up people get by being treated like that?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"I grew up in Florida. High school football is the shit there, too. Our quarterback raped a girl my senior year. Wanna guess what happened to him?"

"You broke his nose?"

That made Mitch smile, but her eyes were serious. "I wish. Should have. Thought about it. But the girl, Molly, she was demonized, tortured for speaking up. And she was just a Sophomore, not even sixteen. Her parents had to take her out of school." Mitch just played with my hair, her look haunted as she gazed at me. "I wouldn't ever want to be like that.. We, you and me, at least, are going to have to be functioning members of society someday, regardless of our athletic laurels. Just a quiet life."

I snuggled in. "I don't think you'll ever live a quiet life, miss thang."

"Well quiet enough. Doesn't sound so bad."

"So if football is so terrible, why do you want to take me to a game?"

"Because it can bring out the best in people, too. You see athletes who found charities, serve their communities. There are kids who stay in school just because they can play sports. And the sense of togetherness, ninety thousand people all pulling towards the same goal. It's amazing, and overall, I think there's a lot more good than bad."

I made a show of rolling my eyes. "Okay, fine, one game." Mitch responded with a huge smile and a big smacking kiss that made me laugh.

I'd gone to football and basketball games in high school. Everyone did, it was the scene on Friday nights. I never actually watched any of the games, though. It wasn't like I didn't know the rules, or anything. My dad and brother were casual fans, and the fate of local teams was a regular topic of conversation growing up.

Our football games were small town things, a few hundred people at the most with a fifteen to twenty person band, depending on how many students signed up that year. Musical talent not required. One thing was for sure, though, nothing had prepared me for what was in store for me that Saturday. Now, I'll never be the level of psycho fanatic that Mitch is, but the pageantry, the people, the relentless energy, it was nothing like I'd expected. And to think it had all been happening just blocks away from me for the last two years.

By halftime everyone was having a rollicking good time, seeing as we were up by three touchdowns and the beer people had snuck in was flowing pseudo-freely. Mitch had her arm around me and I was getting closer and closer to not being nervous about it. I really shouldn't have been, as there was rampant hugging, arm around singing, and other random contact happening everywhere.

"Hey, Kirkpatrick! You get my text?" We turned around to see Jimmy coming down the concrete steps to our row.

"Yeah, you know I'm not supposed to be doing that."

"C'mon, we need you."

"Seriously? There are a lot of girls in your dorm. Ask one of them."

"You haven't seen what I have to work with. Besides, you owe me."

"No, I don't." Mitch took a deep breath. "Fine, one time."

"Awesome! Tomorrow at three. Intramural field C."

He took off and Mitch groaned and buried her head into my shoulder. I grinned and looked at her. "What was that about?"

"He wants me to play Ultimate tomorrow for his team."

"And he can't find anyone else?" We weren't supposed to play intramural sports, even in the offseason. The coaches didn't want us getting ourselves injured playing weekend warrior.

"It's a Co-ed league, so they have to have three women on the field at all times. I'm the most athletic woman he knows. And Jimmy has a bit of a competitive side. If I play they'll probably win. You could come play."

"Ultimate. That's the one with the Frisbees, right?"

Mitch laughed at me. "You're adorable. You could come watch, cheer for me."

"Maybe, if you're nice to me." I was grinning ear to ear now, staring up into her beautiful blue eyes. She leaned forward, and my eyes fluttered closed as we kissed, literally in front of ninety thousand people. And I didn't care for a second.

I'll always remember that being the day I became a Georgia Bulldogs Football fan. Standing with thousands of my fellow students, one arm around Mitch and the other around some guy I didn't know standing on my other side, swaying together singing the school song after our resounding victory, listening to the Chapel Bell ringing in the distance.

We went out into the evening singing and cheering. My arm was around Mitch's waist, and hers around my shoulder, my hand up holding hers. "So what now?" I asked.

"Well, the Resource Center is having a mixer, after party thing. If you're up for something like that. There'll be food."

"That's the LGBTQ group right?"

Mitch nodded. "Yeah."

It was odd. I'd spent the last two weeks with Mitch, I mean, really with her. Having sex every night. That was going to get interesting in a couple of nights, when Aunt Flo arrived for her monthly visit, but yeah. I wonder how lesbians deal with that?

Anyway, I loved Mitch. Not just loved, but I was in love with her, definitely, without question. Even so, I still didn't think of myself as gay. Logically, that made no sense. I mean, clearly I wasn't straight. And the thought of ever being with a man again made me a bit queasy, so that should have told me something, but even so, as we made it to the party, I felt like an outsider.

I clung to Mitch, terrified, as she introduced me around, confidently calling me her girlfriend. Here I was, in the belly of the beast, surrounded by people who could not have been more different than those I grew up with. My pastor would have called them demon possessed, unnatural hedonists given over to their depraved lusts and carnal appetites.

If that were the case, they were the nicest group of depraved, lust-filled heathens I'd ever met. Every one of them was unwaveringly kind and welcoming, the only mild exception being one pretty redhead who I think was more than a little disappointed Mitch hadn't shown up alone. But still I got hugged and welcomed a dozen times over. A soft drink was pressed into my hand, and I found myself standing with a group of people talking about the game and being teased that it had been my first one. Inside ten minutes I was laughing and holding my own in the conversation.

There was music, and eventually people were dancing. Most of the couples were same sex, but not all. I watched two young men dancing together, their arms around each other, each gazing into his partner's eyes. They shared a tender kiss, before the shorter one rested his head onto the other's shoulder.

I couldn't take my eyes off them, and eventually Mitch wrapped me in her arms from behind. "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful. They're beautiful." My voice was thick with emotion. Man, I wasn't the weepy kind.

"Not what you expected, huh?"

I put my arms over hers, lowering my voice to a whisper. "I was always told it was ugly. Unnatural. Wrong. But it isn't, is it?"

"No. Just like you and me."

I leaned back against Mitch. "I love you."

She kissed my temple. "I know. You wanna dance?"

I nodded. "Yes."

I turned in Mitch's embrace and wrapped my arms around her neck, resting in her strength as we began to sway to the music. I don't think we stopped touching the rest of the night, right up to the moment Mitch lay me down in our bed, stripping me gently before kissing her way down my body and taking me to heaven. It took a little convincing, but eventually Mitch let me do the same for her. We finished under the covers, my back to her front as I reclined against her so we could kiss as Mitch's talented fingers gently brought me to another orgasm.

As I fell asleep in her arms I thought about today. It had been wonderful, one of the best days of my life. I'd had a lot of those in the last two weeks, and somehow I knew it was only starting.


I snuck out early in the morning. I knew from experience that Mitch would sleep for a while if I let her, and I needed to get some work done if I was going to make it out to Mitch's game. I sent her a text when I finished breakfast, letting her know where I'd gone. Sure enough, she didn't respond until almost eleven.

Mitch -- Missed you waking up. I was cold.

Me - Poor thing. I was warm.

Mitch -- Brat. Will I see you this afternoon?

Me - I don't know. I have a lot to do. We'll see.

Mitch -- Okay. I love you.

Me - Love you, too.

I had every intention of getting to the game, but I didn't want to promise anything in case things went sideways. But, tucked away in my favorite corner of Main Library, I was able to make it through both my Diffy-Q and Econ problems, and even made a go at an outline for my International Banking term paper.

When I made it to the intramural fields I saw Mitch immediately. She was huddled up with her teammates, wearing purple, knee-length basketball shorts with a white stripe, along with a loose tank top over a black sports bra, along with a visor and sunglasses. She looked amazing.

I found a shady spot and sat down in the grass near a few other girls who were watching and giggling.

The one nearest me smiled. "Hi, you have a boyfriend on one of the teams?"

I could have just said yeah, or that I was here to see a friend, but I didn't. "No, girlfriend. In the purple shorts."

"Really? She's something."

I giggled. "You have no idea. How about you?"

She scooted closer and pointed to a tall guy in the other huddle wearing green and yellow. "We're not actually dating yet. We talked at a party Friday and he told me about this, but I had to go before I could give him my number." Her face looked worried. "I hope showing up comes across as interested, instead of stalker-ish."

I looked back across the field. "I don't think it's going to be a problem." I nodded toward the object of her desire, who had noticed she was there and was now jogging across the field. I smiled as she jumped to her feet, completely forgetting I existed. That was fine.

My eyes found Mitch, almost on their own, I think. I was going to be patient, and let her figure out for herself that I was here. That took about five minutes, and I'm not sure which of us had a bigger smile when she finally saw me, but there was definitely an extra bounce in her step as the players ran out onto the field.

Before today I was vaguely aware that Ultimate was a sport. I could have told you it was that one with the Frisbees, but that would have been about it. To be honest, this afternoon that was an advantage. When I watched Mitch play tennis my brain was always working, analyzing her form, her opponent's tendencies, searching for strategies. But I really couldn't do that now; I barely knew the object of the game. So instead I got to just watch her. The way she moved, decisive, powerful, but with a grace the boys lacked.

She wasn't the only girl on the field, of course, and I noticed the others too. The way they ran, the way their breasts bounced on their chest. The boys, they were fine looking, but the women seemed to just glow.

Up until that moment I think I still thought of myself as straight, or mostly straight, with an odd attraction to one rather butchy tennis player. But that was a lie. I was drawn to the women. My eyes found them on the field, because they were beautiful in a way the others weren't.