A God Still Loves His Princess


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I was cut off by a number of security guards walking into the room, followed by a nurse who was crying.

"What's going on," Jen asked.

"We're taking Mr. Carlton to a separate room for your safety mum," a guard said.

"My safety? Are you mad? Whose decision was this?" she shouted.

"Roger Quinn," the nurse growled.

"Get him on the phone for me now!" Jen shouted. "Andrew has saved my life on three separate occasions, and you're not going to tell me that he's now dangerous to me."

"I'm sorry. I truly am," the guard said as I was wheeled out of the room.

I knew better than to shout my protests. I knew exactly why it was happening and it was because of the douche bag on TV and whomever put the thought in his head making people wonder if I were the boss of the terrorists.

Roger Quinn was the head of the Royal Protection Squad of Scotland Yard. What he said went. Period, end of story. I met him once and he looked at me with such disdain, I thought his face would freeze in that scowl he gave me.


I spent the rest of the day under guard. I wasn't fully sure if it was for my protection or if I were a prisoner. The doctor told me I would be released within a few hours and that sent the guards into a tizzy.

Ultimately, I was told I wouldn't be allowed to return to the Princess's apartment and my clearance was suspended until they figured out if I were innocent or not. When I was wheeled down to the lobby, I was greeted by two security guards who told me they were in charge of my protection.

"Where will I be protected?" I asked with scorn. "I've been kicked out of my home."

"You have a room reserved at the Lonsdyke Hotel, Sir."

One of the others laughed and the orderly pushing my wheelchair gasped.

I was placed into an SUV and whisked away.

I wondered if I was actually being framed for the attack or if Quinn were acting in an abundance of caution. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I couldn't blame him. If someone asked me what to do with someone who had questions raised about their involvement, I'd want them removed from the Princess's proximity immediately. It just hurt more that it was me that was in question.

My nose was clean. I already passed the background check, financial check, credit check, Interpol's check, and every other damned check they could figure out how to run. My name was probably run through more computers than actual criminals and I was fine with all of it. I knew it was what I was signing up for, and I accepted it as part of loving Jen.

We pulled up to an older building that showed a lot of character. When I walked inside however, it was the worst of the worst. The lobby smelled. The hallways smelled. The room smelled. Everything was dirty and musty.

I saw my bags on the bed and I smiled at my phone plugged into a charger on the lone dresser. I knew by that little gesture some of the guys and gals were still on my side. It wasn't completely hopeless.

I sat on the bed and immediately sank six inches into it. I checked my messages and there were dozens from my family and friends calling me an idiot and others that said just because my nickname was Thor, didn't mean I had to act like an Avenger.


I spent three days eating greasy meals, getting no sleep, and hunting for cockroaches. I didn't even know if they had cockroaches in London, but that room would have them if they did.

I was bored out of my mind. There was no Wi-Fi and the cell signal sucked so surfing the internet was futile. I texted Jen every few hours, but it seemed she didn't have her phone. I couldn't imagine she wouldn't contact me, regardless of what they told her to do.

Michael gave me a newspaper every day and a book of Sherlock Holmes stories. It helped, but having read them all already, it wasn't much of a diversion.

On the fourth day, I woke and took my cold shower in the water that made me feel dirtier than when I walked into it and left the room.

"Sir, wait a moment," Michael said rushing after me. "We need you to stay in the room, Sir. We'll get you anything you need."

"Anything I need? Is that a damned joke? How about a decent healthy meal? How about a clean hotel room? How about a God damned Wi-Fi signal? How about a shower with some fucking hot water? I've had enough of being treated like this. I don't expect a four-star hotel, but I'm the fucking Princess's boyfriend for Christ's sake! I saved your future king's life, twice! Treat me with some respect!"

Michael took every word I spat at him and the other guard behind me touched my shoulder. I shrugged it off and spun around.

"What? What are you going to say? Calm down?"

"Sir, think of the Princess. Does making a scene in a public hallway help her in any way?"

I was about to scream something at him, but I deflated.

"Let's get back into the room, Sir," Michael directed.

I nodded and asked, "Can't I just get some fruit instead of those disgusting egg sandwiches you've been forcing me to eat?"

"I'll see what I can do, Sir."

I shook my head and slammed the door. I shouldn't have snapped. It wasn't Michael or his team's fault and I felt bad. I felt worse a half hour later when Michael handed me a bag of mixed fresh fruit.

Thankfully he accepted my apology with a smile.


It wasn't long before there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find Roger Quinn himself, followed in by several other RPS agents.

"Mr. Carlton, I hope you find your accommodations...satisfactory," he said with a smirk.

"Lovely, Quinn. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"We'd like to get some questions answered about the attack at the hospital."

"Okay. Ask anything you like."

"The legal system is a bit different here, but would you like to have counsel present to advise you?"

"No. I've got nothing to hide."

He nodded and started a tape recorder.

"Mr. Carlton, where were you at the time of the incident?"

"At the restaurant having dinner."

"How did you hear about the attack? We understand your cell phone was left in the apartment."

"It was on television. The owner pulled me out of the private room to see."

"Why did you enter the hospital?"

I sighed, "Because I was stupid, really. I saw that all the police were doing was holding the crowd back and I got frustrated. I decided I would try to help Jennifer."

"Why did you feel you had the skills to do that?"

"I didn't," I said. "I winged it. They said on TV, there were only four guys in the hospital. I figured that they would have to be separated to cover the entire floor. I hoped to get lucky and take out the first one and get a weapon."

He nodded. "And how did you accomplish that?"

"Fire extinguisher to the face."

"And the next man?"

"I figured they had to have a guy by the elevator. I was right again and got lucky as the guy was pacing the floor and turned his back to me. I hit him with the gun and put him on the elevator."

"How did you know they didn't have suicide vests on?"

"I didn't. It never crossed my mind. Like I said, I acted stupidly. I knew I had a chance when the guy came into the hall with no gun in his hands. That's when I shot the last two guys."

"What if there were more than the four? What if another guy was in the room and killed the Princess or children?"

"Like I said, I went off the news report."

"Tell me about the bomb. How did you know the car wasn't safe?"

"It wasn't Charles. I know who Jen's driver is and after what we went through, I wasn't trusting anyone I didn't know personally."

He raised his eyebrow at that.

"Why run back into the building? Why not just ask for a different car or a police ride?"

I shook my head and held my tongue on saying what I wanted to say. I didn't want to be combative or argue with him. I knew I had to stay calm and cool if I ever wanted to see Jen again.

"I felt it was safer to wait in the hospital than out in the open area in front of the hospital where the perceived danger was."

"Do you have any martial arts or weapons training?"

"Nope. The only times I've fired a gun was in saving Jen."

He looked at me with an odd expression I couldn't place.

"Mr. Carlton, I signed off on your access to the family and grounds personally, so please don't think I'm trying to give you a hard time with vetting you again. I have to do everything in my power to protect the Royal Family, I hope you understand."

"I do and I want Jen protected and safe as well but putting me up in this shit bag of a hotel is unacceptable. When I come out of your investigation clean, and I will come out clean because I am innocent. Whoever thought they could treat me like this will find that they were sadly mistaken in how they thought I would accept being treated."

He walked out of the room silently, followed by his entourage. I shook my head and closed the door behind them.

I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Jen.

"Are you okay? Where are you?"

"Some shitty hotel. Quinn was just here and questioned me. I can't tell if I'm a suspect or trying to be cleared as one."

"I've already expressed my anger with all of this to Queen Anne's secretary."

"It is what it is. I'm just glad you're okay."

"Thanks to you."

"I love you and miss you, Jen."

"Me too x ten. I'm begging them to let me see you soon."

I wondered once more if I'd ever see her again.


Less than an hour later, there was another knock on the door. It was Michael, the guard from the hospital.

"Sir, we've been instructed to move you to another location."

"Is everything all right?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't get shot walking out of the hotel.

"Yes, Sir. Follow me."

He grabbed the bag that was packed by the door, and I threw the couple of things I unpacked into the other bag and followed as instructed.

I thanked him and looked at the passing traffic as we drove.

"Sir, none of us think you're involved," Michael said out of nowhere.

I looked over and said, "None of whom?"

"The RPS guards sir. We know you've risked your life for her. Everything you do is on video. Besides that, we can tell you love her."

"Thank you for that. It does mean a lot while I'm held prisoner."

"You're no prisoner, Sir. You're under our protection not guard. Quinn's not a bad man. He's got a job to do."

I nodded and looked back out the window.


The next hotel was a nice upgrade. It was a Hilton property and wasn't even on the same planet of quality as the other hotel.

When I was ushered into the suite, yes suite, Michael said, "Sir, we'll have a standard rotation on the door. The code phrase if you're ever unsure is 'Point Break,' we all know it and will say it upon request."

I laughed for the first time in a while and said, "Movie buffs, huh?"

He nodded and said, "Try to get some rest, Sir. It'll be alright."

I texted Jen, "They moved me to the Hilton. Thank you."

"Wasn't me, but I'm glad."

That was strange. Perhaps Quinn had a change of heart.

"How's your leg?"

"Hurts but okay. They say I'll be here until the incisions heal. Then they'll put on a cast."

"Be well. I love you, Princess."

"I love you, my hero."

I turned on the news and saw the same gray-haired bastard talking shit about me. As he was, I got a call from the Queen's secretary.

"Mr. Carlton, Her Majesty wishes you to know that she apologizes for any discomfort you've been given, and you've been cleared of any involvement in the matter."

"Thank you," I said, and the line went dead.

I looked back at the television and a chyron appeared stating I was cleared from involvement. I laughed as they must have said it in the earpieces of the panel, because the gray-haired jag sputtered and spat that it changed nothing in his mind.

There was a knock on my door, and I motioned Quinn into the room followed by Michael.

"Thank you, Mr. Carlton, for your patience. I have reinstated your clearance. Michael and his team will bring you to the city apartment immediately."

"Who was responsible?" I asked hoping they would catch them quickly.

"Both prisoners and their cell phone activity confirm that the leader of the copycat group was the suicide bomber that was driving the SUV. I'm afraid he murdered Charles as well."

"Jesus," I sighed. So much death. "You said copycat? Do you think it's over?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "From an immediate safety concern? Yes. It seems this group's only goal was a ransom whereas the other group hated the family and what they represent."

"Can I see Jen?"

He smiled, "Yes. All access is restored, Sir."

"Thank you."

He turned to leave the room but stopped short. "Mr. Carlton, beginning next week, we're going to put you through some training. Hand to hand combat and firearm use to start. It seems that there's a target on the backs of the Prince and his mother, more so than ever before, and you can be of greater help if you have some basic knowledge and training."

"What if I say no?" I asked, not sure I wanted to do that.

He smirked, "Well, Her Majesty would consider it a personal favor if you could help keep her grandchild safe, and it's never been a bad thing to be on Her Majesty's good side, if you understand my meaning, Sir."

"Sure. We all want to be on Queen Anne's good side, right?"

He nodded and left the room.

I couldn't help but feel as if there was something I wasn't being told. I would go on to do their training, but as a favor for Jen, not the Queen. She was going to be laid up for weeks with her leg broken and it would be months, possibly a year before she was 100%. I think they felt that made her an easier target.

They were right.

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ttjbjr54ttjbjr5414 days ago

Good story and well written for the most part. Why was the MC put into a flea bag hotel when he’s still the boyfriend? Why are you treating him like a wimp. He saved the Princess from his future king 2x.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt3 months ago

Outstanding! Great storyline, continuing... thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

BH76 Great story .... Looking forward to the next installment and HOPE this is not the end!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This story had great potential. When the writer subverted his own story baffles me; whole sections seemed to have a stamp that said, "This totally unbelievable portion was added to wreck the story".

I know the writers here are not getting paid buy having just a friend reading it critically would have shown the writer these flaws. So easy to have corrected.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

There's only one word to describe this... Awful!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story has great potential but, for God's sake, don't wreck it with really foolish moves; it almost seems you have a good story that you turned over to a high school student to sort of 'fill in the blanks" as they'd like to see it. Specifically, giving ANY credence ti rational accusations of the nut in the wheel chair is simply stupid and I fully intend that. That the head of the Families protection team would treat the MC as a suspect AFTER he vetted him AND after the MC had put his life at risk, twice, to protect Jen, is idiotic. Likewise, stashing him in that shit hotel make no rational sense. No mention as to why the wheel chair guy wasn't taken into custody and interrogated till he croaked.

This was a good story, rich in promise, that was thrown in the trash. This is sad because it had, at it's frame, the quality of one of Todd 172s story.

Last, please do your homework on the medical issue's. It's a totally unnecessary oversight that bespeaks lazy writing.

Again, look how Saddletramp and Todd 172 do their background research.

I'm taking the time to highlight these errors because I really believe you have the ability to write upto the quality of the two authors I mention. A proof reader would have stopped you from committing all of the foolish errors I noted.

PLEASE, your story has to be reasonable in our eyes and you can never afford to take away the option for the reader to willingly suspend their disbelief.

Please do better!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was not as good as the first chapter. Confused why the hostage crisis is going on for well over an hour or more, and all the police are doing is keeping people back. Where is the RPS? Sad to see Anne was killed. Liked her. Meanwhile he easily slips the police cordon and rushes into the hospital. Wow UK security must suck. Wouldn't they already have snipers in place? And yes he was stupid for rushing in. Knowing the real reason for the "terrorists" in this trilogy, this does appear to be a copycat ransom attempt as the target is Jennifer, not her son. His valorous rescue of Jennifer and the hostages could have easily ended badly. He got lucky and the four gunmen were poorly trained. He might have caught the first one off guard, but the other three seem implausible and rhe second one had to be taken out with little to no noise. Good luck with that. Finally, while I understand security protocol and a need to investigate Andrew and take him away from Jennifer, why in the nine realms (Yggdrassil) was he put into a shitry fleabag hotel? That makes zero sense. And yet, after such a harrowing new incident on the princess' life, he goes into a surly tirade about the crappy conditions. What does makes sense is him being pissed that he is being held like a prisoner and how long it will last. Providing "protection" for him in that terrible hotel makes no sense. And yet he came off as juvenile again. I would be pissed about how long this shit will last and what is going on and how is Jennifer. Not the crappiness of the accommodations. Makes him look immature. Maybe that was done on purpose for inscrutable reasons?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The MC, while brave, otherwise behaves like a 5 yo having a temper tantrum.

A year for the fracture to heal. Pal, it takes about 6 weeks to functional. Once the leg is splinted, these are metal. Can be removed to attend to the wound and are as strong as a cast, it's on to PT which could done in Buckingham Palace. Three months max and she will be right as the mail.

My point here is please do some homework, I recommend Todd 172 and Saddletramp.

SorchakSorchakabout 1 year ago

It'll take a year for the Princess's leg to be back at 100%? Really? With the best surgeon and physical therapists money can buy? Plus, for a simple fracture, and nothing here says it was otherwise, it should NOT take that long. I know it's not reality, but seriously...

servant111servant111about 1 year ago

Makes little common sense...really flawed logic train... Love the metanarrative...but this one is more of an outline rather than a fully fleshed out tale... In short spend a little more time on it and get some good editors who will focus upon concept, follow through, critique, and add ideas.

jflindersjflindersover 1 year ago

The pretext that he was suspected of being part of what he saved people from had no basis at all and made no sense. Stashing the boyfriend of the princess in a scuzzy fleabag hotel made even less sense.

nogravynogravyover 1 year ago

Good yarn, very enjoyable and put together with one glaring problem. As with so many other writers on this site, the term "smirk" is waaay overused, and mostly with the wrong intent. The definition of the word is "smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way", and I believe that many today believe it to simply mean "smile". Taken in context throughout this story, the word is used in cases where it was obvious that the author meant only "smile", or "grin". So, good job, and thanks for the entertainment, but please, lose the fucking "smirks".

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

More? and fire Quinn or allow him to retire. Absolutely no reason to stop his security clearance and house him in a dumpy hotel because some talking head on TV makes a crazy accusation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm a little confused how security changed their minds about him after he had already passed a very strict security check at Christmas.

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Rolling along nicely

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955over 1 year ago

No next chapter? They get married and have 5 children and live happily ever after.

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