A Good Japanese Girl

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Rude white girl is transformed by a fed-up Japanese manager.
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It was 7am and class started at 8 so of COURSE Becca had to stop by Starbies on her way there! Her besties were always jealous when she came into class with it! She'd tied her long, strawberry blond hair into a cute ponytail and left her parent's house without a care in the world. Guys always noticed her from her hair alone but Becca's charm in her opinion laid with her low-cut top. She'd transferred from her old high school and those assholes made all of their students wear a gaudy-ass uniform with a bow and skirt!

Well, the skirt was a nice touch but the jacket and bow were too confining, Becca's body had to breathe! Her breast friends at school showed off too but exactly zero of them were as good as Becca and she liked to think that they knew it too.

Her 'Sweet 16' 2022 Toyota Mirai pulled into the Starbies' parking lot.

Becca groaned. "Damn thing is 2 years old now. Hopefully, Dad is saving for a new car for my 19th birthday or else I'm so cooked!" she said, heading inside. Graduation was only a month away too so Becca was SUPER sure that her parents had something good up their sleeves because her Instagram follower count wasn't gonna' go up just cause of her good looks!

Well, it did, but that was beside the point.

As she already expected, the counter had a loooong line of people in front. From what she could tell most of those in line were a student like her but Becca had places to be! Although it wasn't like she couldn't charm her way out of a tardy anyhow. She snickered, Mr. Lane is gonna' be there for sure. Jackpot. She'd already had sex with at least three of her teachers but Lane was proving to be a nut to crack all over her.

The line moved at a glacial pace and workers ran about like chickens with their heads cut off which made Becca chuckle. "Poor bastards." Their Japanese-looking manager was the one taking orders currently and he looked pissed off, amusing Becca further. Her parents have always supported her financially and she didn't need more convincing that this was for the best with a shitshow like this. 30 minutes passed, and Beccas FINALLY made it to the front of the line. The angry-lookin' manager was still at the front taking orders so Becca probably shouldn't stir shit up. Buut she is who she is soooo it'd be a cold day in Hell before she didn't do it!

"FI-NA-LLY!" She spoke in a loud "all eyes on me" AKA Karen-like voice and Becca was fully aware that anyone with a set of working ears would be sick of listening to after a few nanoseconds. Still, she was proud to have gotten it down already after learning it from her mother who was a master at it.

"I deserve a discount or SOMETHING for having to wait so long!" she said.

The manager ignored her. His stony-faced honest reaction gave nothing away.

"I'm sorry for that. What would you like to order?" he said, face unchanging but tight with anger.

He didn't care for Becca but they didn't deter her at all. She brushed her hair back with her hand before it landed on her hip in one smooth motion, a classic she learned from her mom. "Did you even SEE how long I've been waiting? The owner or manager or whatever looked like he wanted nothing more than to smack her, and Becca knew that - and loved it. Men were so damn easy to either manipulate or put them in their place to her. As if this fucking random man was going to do a single thing to Becca.

"Ugh, FINE. I'll just take a plain hot chocolate to-go. GOD knows you all would find a way to screw it up if I asked for extras." she said.

Fuming, the manager hastily put her order in. Becca downright loved she could be a little shithead and get off scot-free. It's not like your average joe would call the cops on her for this, so pushing limits was fun and worry-free! There wasn't a reason for her to interact with him again - she was satisfied with waiting for her order. "Hmm hm hm~" Humming was like the icing on top of a bitchy cake. On the other hand, they were taking their sweet-ass time with her drink so maybe she should make a stink about that too...It hadn't been only 3 minutes or anything.

"Becca!" A barista called out, placing her hot chocolate on the counter with her name on it.

That was quick. Hehe, they must've streamlined her order 'cause of course they would!

"Also," no-name Barista addressed her as Becca grabbed her steaming hot drink. "We are going to be giving you your discount. Head with me to the back please!" Becca was gilded to the kitchen without nary a word from either of them. Truthfully, Becca didn't expect this to happen but hey being a rude asshole had to work eventually.

Instead of a manager's office, the barista led her to a plain white room with an envelope on a cheap-looking table. "Your compensation is on the table. Please enjoy!" She departed with the door open.

Becca was curious, what king compensation was in an envelope wayyy back here? She placed her drink down and opened the envelope.

We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience, [INSERT NAME]

We here at Starbucks owe it to our amazing customers for our success.

Inside you will find $69.69 in compensation.

Please be rest assured that the next time you visit our practices will be up to your personal standards.

"Huh? Where the hell is the money?" Becca shook the envelope upside down but no dollars nor coins came out. "What the fuck?? I'm outta here!" She whipped around on her heels to leave only to be face-to-face with the angry Japanese manager. "What the hell is this?? Get out of my way!" She tried to shove him but he cleanly kept her at bay with a single muscular hand. "Yowch!" She cried out but the guy didn't react. He kept his grip tight on her head through her hair. He walked forward silently and Becca was forced to step back to follow. He closed the door with the back of his foot and Becca heard it lock with a click. The barista's head popped up from the outside and with a grin and flash of her middle finger, she was gone.

The door was locked and Becca still had no idea what the fuck was going on.

"Hey!" She tried to get his attention to bring the rapidly declining situation back under her control like she always did. "Let me go you bastard! Now!" Once again she tried to wrestle herself away from him but no cigar.

"I hate all of you white girls." He spoke up suddenly and coldly. He looked down at Becca like someone would do to an irritating fly. "All of you come in day after day and mistreat my crew and I and we are SICK OF IT. No more. You will be punished. You will learn."

What the fuck was this psycho on about?? Becca wasn't even all that rude in her opinion!

"White girls are bad but you blondies are even worse." He said that as if a stech had reached his nose. "None of you have a single braincell to rub together. You're here on a school day as well? Pathetic. A good Japanese girl would've arrived thirty minutes early and sitting there - prim and proper - at her desk. They are so much better behaved than a common white slut like you." He almost spat out. His rage was barely contained and Becca was finally realizing the deep shit she was in.

"You... you better not try anything!" She raised her voice and reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. "I'll call the cops! Or worse - my parents!"

"SHUT. UP." The manager roared. He snatched the phone away from her and threw it against the wall. It broke instantly.

Becca screeched, "What the fuck bro???" That was an iPhone 15+2=30! Your broke wagie ass could never afford it!

"I don't care. You will be changed," he said. The hairs on Becca's neck stood up. Change her? What the hell did that even mean?

"You-You're not gonna', like, kill me are you?" It was the first time that day - or ever - she felt fear. Sure she liked fucking around but to die over it sounded horrifying.

The manager laughed. "No. Something even better," he answered. With that, he let go of Becca's head and she immediately scrambled away as far as she could in a small room like this.

"Take off your clothes," he said, "Now."

The whiplash Becca felt would've been enough to take down an elephant but nothing came out of her mouth aside from a small squeak of terror.

"If you don't do it right now, white girl, then I will." The calmness of his voice was really freaking Becca out now. Wasn't he filled with rage, like, 2 seconds ago? Then again it wasn't like fast food workers were known to be emotionally stable. Anyway, Becca desperately tried to think of anything that could get her out of this mess. She would offer him sex but that had to be on her terms, duh!

"I'm not-" She couldn't finish her sentence. The manager's patience finally ran out. Becca was wearing her basic tank top and booty shorts ("If you have it, flaunt it!"). Anyone with at least half a set of working eyes could see her lacey pink bra through her shirt, a fact Becca was still very proud of.

"Everything about you screams of used." The manager menacingly looked over Becca's body with a gleam in his eye. "I will make you learn.

Becca shrunk against the wall. "Get away..."

The manager was directly in front of her and he stood imposingly tall now. The energy in the room was different and Becca was fully scared. Her stacked chest was a hair away from grazing the manager. She couldn't bring herself to turn her head up to meet his face. She saw her broken phone out of the corner of her eye and the pit in her stomach deepened. What was he going to do to her?

Years of basic bitches just like the girl had kept Mr. Hajime down. They left nothing but a man who wanted nothing more than to fix what made them rotten to the core - their whiteness.

Finally. Mr. Hajime could act. He reached out and grabbed the bottom of Becca's tank top which made her yelp in fear. "You may be scared now," he said, "But I will give you my thanks. You're the one who finally pushed me over the edge." Like lightning, Mr. Hajime yanked Becca's top up and over her head and cleanly missed her earrings and ponytail. Becca kept her face to the floor as much as she could and her eyes welled up with tears. "You should've undressed when I told you." He was angry again, he talked with only cold hate. It made it clear to Becca of what he planned to do to her.

"I'm not going to rape you," said Mr. Hajime.

That shocked Becca so much so that she felt compelled to look up. "You're..not?" Maybe she was thinking that he only intended to scare her which was laughable to him. He'd never waste his manhood on someone like that, much less risk his livelihood if she ever got out.

"No. I am going to change you." To prove his point further, Mr. Hajime's other hand ripped Becca's bra off too. Becca screamed bloody murder but it was too bad that not one person at Starbucks would help a white bitch like her. The upper half of her body was fully exposed now but her large chest didn't entice Mr. Hajime in the slightest. If anything they were a disgusting reminder of how she carried herself and treated him. He threw the bra aside and the garment fell on top of her discarded shirt, creating a small pile of expensive clothes in the room. "Your body is first to be changed and then your clothes," he said.

White girls were extremely dull and Mr. Hajime knew that. It plainly showed from the confused look on Becca's face. Still, his cock was gradually growing erect. Of course, though, he would never have sex with a white girl - the arousal was for the person she was going to become.

Becca's whimpers fell on deaf ears as Mr. Hajime slipped his hands between Becca's bare waist and panties and, without pause, jerked them and her shorts down to her ankles. Becca was too stunned to speak. He knelt without a word and forced both of Becca's ankles back one by one. He was exerting so much control and power over her that it was hard to believe their interaction ten minutes ago ever happened to begin with. He tossed them to the pile too and stood up. You wouldn't have been able to stick a piece of paper between the two of them, that's how close they were.

Becca's head was back to staring at the floor and completely quiet. No anger, no bravado, no sass, no comments. Wonderfully silent. Only a scared girl whose punishment awaited.

It was music to Mr. Hajime's ears.

She was completely naked now so Mr. Haijime got a good look at her. Becca's shaved pussy made him all the more happy that her transformation was near.

He cleared his throat.

But Becca didn't move.

He cleared his throat again.

But Becca didn't move.

"LOOK." From Becca's chin, Mr. Hajime whipped her head up.

"I used to wonder, day after day, why I took shit from girls like you," he said. Becca tried to look away but his grip was infallible. "Rude. Vapid. Greedy. Slutty. I could go on and on." His voice grew more unsteady as his anger shot up again.

"Your body," he sounded enriched with powerful malice, "Is oversexed, used, and gawked at. A good Japanese girl's body and being is dainty, slender, beautiful."

As he spoke, Becca's body started to change. Her obscenely perky D cups were shrinking and they were becoming more manageable to her back by the second. "No! Please no..." Becca whined. Mr. Hajime wasn't letting her look away from his face but she could feel her back naturally straighten. Tears freely fell from her cheeks but Mr. Hajime was just getting started.

"Your pubic hair is unnaturally shaved. A good Japanese girl keeps hers naturally trimmed and inviting to her single lover." The nearly hairless around Becca's pussy grew out little by little on its own. It wasn't enough to look a mess but just enough for a Japanese boy to want to impregnate.

Her ass was shrinking a bit too, just as a sexy Japanese girl would have. Next, Mr. Hajime placed a hand on Becca's head again. "Your body is almost complete. But your head and mind are still fighting. That won't do." He tangled his fingers into her blonde hair without her ponytail, "A good Japanese girl would never think to do such a thing. You will learn."

Becca shuddered. Her hair slowly shifted color from Mr. Hajime's fingers and spread down in a bleeding sort of way. The bright sunshine yellow she had boasted to anyone and everyone that would - or wouldn't - listen transformed into an inky black before their eyes.

To Becca's horror and Mr. Hajime's thrill.

"I-I don't...no more please, s-s-sir." Becca mumbled but he was far past the point of no return.

"It's time for you to become a good Japanese girl. Yes, you do look like one now but you must think like one," his command was calm.

Becca couldn't control it and her eyes closed unwittingly. Her facial features changed and while she was still smooth and white, her eyes and cheekbones became distinctly more Asian and Mr. Haijime felt nothing but absolute delight. "YES..yes! Your mind is next. Forget everything you know about being a basic white bitch, girl," he couldn't keep the excitement out of his voice but he was still invoking his will into the transforming girl.

Becca didn't respond, as he expected. Right this moment, she was being rewritten into his dream girl. Her punishment, his funishment, was almost complete. The only person standing in front of Mr. Hajime now was a meek, fair-chested girl who exuded an aura of total submissiveness and it almost made him want to run wild. The hell he had been through for so many bleak years was worth it, very worth it. But he did wonder what to name her now. Whatever shitty white name his loyal barista had called out before would never be worthy of her new Japanese self.

In Becca's mind, she was being powerwashed with every crashing wave that stripped await every facet of her shitty personality.

A good Japanese girl

That was what Mr. Hajime pushed for her to think. And nothing else. It blared like a deafening emergency so Becca had to let in - she had to let it change her. She already looked Japanese so what was a little more?

She deserved more of a struggle but Mr. Hajime was willing to let it pass.

He wasn't sure what to do with her memories though. Leave them intact but have her think of them as her old and worse self? Or a factory reset?

THIS was a decision he wouldn't afford take ligh-

"Say goodbye to your bitchy ways forever!!!"

Pfft. It'd be suicidal to leave her with the capacity to connect herself to her old life. That was a risk Mr. Hajime couldn't take.

Internally Becca was just about complete. New memories of her working at Starbucks from her beginning as a homeless teen and the kindhearted Mr. Hajime taking pity on her came to the forefront. She was eternally grateful to him. Now complete, she opened her sparkly dark eyes. Without a word, she looked up at her beloved Mr. Hajime.

"Let's change your discarded clothes into something more appropriate, Minori."

"Yes, sir!"

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xzg_ltrtcxzg_ltrtc22 days ago

If he has the power to transform people with his will why does he work as manager at Starbucks. The writing style was good but the rest of the story wasn't my thing.

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