All Comments on 'A Grateful Cumpilation 06'

by GivingThisATry

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I love how you can cum over and over again each time. I would wear that cock out if it were mine. You make me so wet and horny listening to you masturbate. I edged the whole time and then came so hard with you during the last orgasm that I was begging you to fuck my pussy harder.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

mmm yummy tones to our ears!

I'm sad he doesn't respond like he says he does to new fans. Must be too popular, guess I waited too long. Heads up new fans.. so you don't get your hopes up to his words. I'm sure he reads them for the dopamine, but won't share any back. Guess he isn't that grateful ;) and we are just cheerleaders, no surprise there I suppose. People follow dope, not words (to their claimed community ;)) People mostly center themselves, and no doubt this IS more for him than anyone, no matter what any exhibitionist claims. (To say we increase pleasure when others feel pleasure, is a given, and for any feelings.) He'll probably delete this for not cheerleading enough, but I'm curious what other's experience and think?

Tempest_WolfsongTempest_Wolfsongabout 1 month ago

So... I was thumbing through new audios and came across this one -- I'm a big fan of the way you create these compilations from your most recent audios for those that just want the fireworks quickly without preamble.

And saw the most recent comment on this, warning other listeners away and was frankly insulted on behalf of the audio creator and felt that, as someone who had been an audio erotica creator for almost 7 years that I needed to step in and introduce the commenter to a new facts.

The biggest one is this: do not assume that you know someone just because they do a job where they seem incredibly open and available for direct communication. Most audio creators are 1-man shows, with creators solely in charge of concept design, scripts and writing, acting and performing, recording, editing, making sure that each piece is properly summarized, categorized, tagged, vetted, conforms to all the rules of whichever site/s we are posting to, advertisement of our work. And even then, this job becomes more of a hobby or quick thrill-seeking lark for most because without a complete staff to assist in collecting, correlating and responding to each and every comment, DM, private message and email, it's almost *impossible* to keep up with fan mail if you have any talent at all.

And this creator does.

I keep my comments and critiques to myself, mostly because I never want anyone to feel badly or judged when I do have something constructive to say about their work and I recognize my name alone comes with some level of mystique as well as carries a little bit of weight to newer audio creators because of how long I have been doing it. So if that remains so, please listen to me when I say this:

This is a HARD job. It's fun, for sure! And there are a lot of daily stresses that can impact a creator's ability to be available to every single one of their fans all of the time and those of us that genuinely care about our audience spend a lot of time eviscerating themselves for the fact that they can't respond to everyone all of the time.

The comment posted by "Anonymous" #2 accusing this creator of only doing this for the dopamine hit and being selfish with his time is utter bullshit and screams of someone going out of their way to sabotage how this author is received by other listeners and to sow discord in his life and on this site.

Give the guy the courtesy of the doubt. He has been creating for... what? Almost 2 years? I admit I have not listened to all of his work (I have enough of my own to deal with, most days, so it is rare that I take the time to listen and rarer still that I speak up publicly, but this seemed important), but of the audios that I have been lucky enough to find the time to listen to are been *wonderful* -- I HIGHLY recommend any of his Halloween specials. They are immersive, intelligent, quirky in all the best ways, inviting, and incredibly well produced and edited. I flat out admit that he's better than I at creating a really great final product and tip my professional hat in appreciation.

But he isn't a machine. He doesn't have (I am pretty sure, at least!) an entire PR/marketing team to read and sort the newest or most important emails, an assistant to edit, tag and post each and every individual audio to not just *this* site, but about 3-5 others as well.

Speaking for most audio authors let me say this: This is an artistic labor of love, created by an author who (I know, because we have spoken in the past) that truly *does* care about his audience, does his best to follow up, if he can. Like me, I know he reads every word, but he also literally has nearly one thousand followers and does not have the time in the day, nor the mental or physical spoons, to respond to every single email every single time. None of us do! Even those of us that somehow manage to carve out some semblance of a career in this field struggle every moment of every day, praying that they have made something not only good enough to be made public but that they are proud of. I think Singer/GivingThisATry has done an admirable job of creating a library full of positive, supportive, sexy, powerful audios that remind women to love themselves. That offer compliments not just in passing, during orgasm, or in any way that seems lacking in sincerity. That help any woman feeling low in her self-esteem by just listening to his words.

I have *never* doubted his sincerity and genuine desire to offer a moment of sexy tenderness to girls who haven't always felt the most beautiful but who want to believe someone when complimented. I do not believe for a single moment that any compliment or idle flattery in these audios is at all insincere.

My advice for those wanting to sabotage an artist's career, community standing, or emotional calm by suggesting that there is no way what they say they are is this: 1) Until you've done this job and seen the daily pressures found in just the email and comment responses expected, you have no room to comment. It is HARD. 2) Do not take out whatever is personally bothering you in your life and project it onto another because you don't understand how a good person *could* do this job and not be a supreme asshole (and believe me, I know a few that ONLY do this for the $ and the applause) but *this* creator actually does do it because he is good at it, he enjoys it, and he *genuinely* desires for all of his listeners to be happy, healthy, and to feel seen. 3) If you want personal attention from the author, might I suggest not using a *free* app to listen to his a*free* content that he has made available to all for free because he *doesn't* put profit before service but instead showing a little appreciation for all of the time and effort that he has put into creating these audio experiences and for making 90% of them free to enjoy. If he is anything like me, he probably makes sure the people who have supported him get first access to his available time and then does his best to catch up when he can.

I was really sad to see someone being so harsh about this author not having a quick turn around time to respond to fans and followers. We all do our *very* best to make you feel seen and heard. Give this guy a bit of a break, will you? Until you have done it yourself, you have no idea what it takes to do this job, do it well, and do it in such a way that it doesn't destroy your self esteem when people whom you have never met openly accuse you in open forum of not caring. There ARE many audio creatives who clearly only just do this to bolster their self-esteem and live only for the lauding without trying to address those who aren't being obsequious and seeing them as part of their fanbase. Most of them male, so I can understand the desire to believe the worst of a male creator. But in this case, I cannot agree with or support your open call to other listeners to agree with your assessment on his character.

As for deleting your comment... I wish he would because it's unfair and misleading to anyone new who may just recently discovered his work. But I have never seen him delete anything in his comments before, even when I have absolutely believed a comment to be abusive and utterly warranted and deserving of removal.

Which is why *I* am commenting. Because if he is anything like most of us that have been creating for years, he won't (and shouldn't!) dignify this comment with a response.

You asked others to speak up if they agree with you. I am commenting because I absolutely do *not*. I, instead, offer this thought to ponder: if you were on *any* other platform, would you be as insulted as you appear to be here? If I find a creator I enjoy on YouTube, Spotify, Pornhub or the like, I may write them to say I appreciate their content, but I remind myself the only obligation that artist has to me is to keep making great art. Conversely, if I found an artist on any of the aforementioned sites that I enjoyed, I keep enjoying them so long as they keep doing good work... and if I find one who bothers me, do you know what I do? I MOVE ON. Because that is what adults do.

Regardless of how you feel about a creator's ability to make you, personally, feel like their one and only client, the point is that you should be here because you love the art, not because you need personal attention to validate your own importance. We, the creators, do not have that kind of time, energy, or desire to suffer the verbal flagellation of a single person who just needs to make noise and make a scene to validate themselves.

Singer, my friend, I know you'll get around to reading this when you can. Please take the word of someone who has been doing this for a long time: keep up the good work. Please know the bulk of your listeners do, in fact, see your heart when you create and *that* is the reason why most of us keep coming back to hear more. Please don't let the snippy irritation of one person make you feel at all diminished: You're a good man, a good creator, and a damn good friend to those who are lucky enough to be called that by you.

Don't stop being wonderful. And don't let petty critics get you down. I'm not saying you don't get a little dopamine rush when someone tell you that you did a good job, but that is *human*. It does not make you a bad person or to be poor at public relations. It just makes you a living, breathing soul.

Please don't stop and don't let the haters get you down. A lot of us listeners really do appreciate your candor, you effusive joy to share yourself and your stories, and most of us are not going to go anywhere just because you spend the bulk of your time *creating* for us, rather than playing secretary and pen-pal.

Thank you for all of your thoughts, fantasies and that great big heart that you so openly wear on your sleeve. You are appreciated.



listeningin321listeningin321about 1 month ago

Firstly, I want to thank Tempest for your comment being so thorough and for sharing your thoughts from the perspective of another audio creator. I also wanted to speak up and respond to anonymous #2 as a long time fan of his work since you asked what others think and may have experienced.

I feel that Singer shares so much of himself through his work and we should feel so lucky that he has had the time and the energy to have already created such a large catalogue of free erotic audios that captures such a diverse range of energy, emotions, and experiences. From what I know, everything that he creates is based on suggestions from us fans which to me shows that everything he's done and will do as 'GivingThisATry' is inherently selfless, and the fact that he gets pleasure from pleasing his audience seems like a bonus for him.

I also feel that he also puts such intention and care in the different audios that he posts and in the way that he posts, so I want to highlight some examples of that here.

I heavily appreciate how consent forward Singer is in his works. In a majority of them, no matter the kind of scene, he's checking in and making sure we're enjoying ourselves and feel safe even in the world of imagination. In 'Fifty Shades More Reasonable' he doesn't just start with the BDSM scene, but he begins with a preamble of how important it is to stay safe and communicate your boundaries and really understand how to play roughly properly. I also really appreciate that when he releases parts for his 'Unleashed' series, he always pairs it with an aftercare post in so that we can either make sure that we can get ourselves into a positive and calming headspace before/after this form of play (that might be triggering for some), or if you don't even want to listen to that type of audio you can still engage with his work and not feel that you're missing out. Not only this, but he's constantly expressing his gratitude to us (his audience) for the ways that we show our support of him, even if it's as little as just listening. These examples, to me, shows that he really cares about his audience and wants to make sure we're not only sharing pleasure with him, but that he wants us to feel taken care of while we engage with him.

Now in terms of his lack of response to you specifically, I'm sorry that you felt ignored. I would just say that you probably shouldn't take it too personally not only because he's a pretty popular creator and most likely has lots of messages to respond to, but also you don't know what's going on in anyone else's life if you don't know them personally. No matter how much you enjoy a creator's work, communicating with them will always come a from a parasocial perspective. I'll be honest and say that when I left a comment on his work for the first time I did so because I felt that it would be an effective way to encourage him to continue posting, and I mostly wanted to express gratitude for his presence in the space. I feel very lucky because he did respond to my comment and was very sweet and kind to me for sharing the way that I did when I fully was not expecting a response. I'll be transparent and say this was very early in his erotic audio journey so maybe it was a matter of timing, so he might not have the same capacity now to respond to comments as he might have been before. I also don't know what you said to him, or how long you waited for a reply, but regardless of that I feel that if you are communicating with a creator of something that you consume and enjoy you should not do it with the expectation of a response from them because they simply do not owe you that.

In short, if you do like his work and want to support him you can by listening, rating, or leaving comments, but you're not forced to do any of these things. If you have feedback or criticism of his work you can probably message him privately, but keep in mind he doesn't owe you anything so he might not respond, but if you feel it's important he may keep it in mind. If you wanted him to respond to you, attacking his character is not a nice way to do that. And, if you're tired of feeling like a cheerleader simply stop interacting with him. Now, for anyone who is new to his work and you're craving more of him, I'd suggest peeking through any of the 139+ audios that are freely available to you--that's what I do.

Anyways, I don't even know if that commenter will even read this, but I hope that provided the insight you were looking for. I don't claim to know him personally or speak on his behalf. I just didn't want new fans to have a negative view of a creator that I've been quite fond of for a really long time.

And to Singer: Thank you so much for sharing yourself so openly with us, I think you're exceptionally talented at creating erotic audio, and I'm grateful to see the way that you've grown in this space. I hope that you continue to share your wonderful, creative, intelligent, and sexy self with horny listeners for as long as you want to. <3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

As Anonymous#2 has asked people to give their comments about the "no response" topic, I'd like to chime in as a not very recent but not very old fan as well.

First of all, I know I'm writing this as "Anonymous" but the reason for this is that I constantly have trouble with making accounts on Literotica and I don't know why so I just gave up at this point.

Considering his care for his fans and his sincerety, ListeningIn has covered a lot of good points for proving that but I would also add that I do believe that not only does Singer do his best to read all the feedback from comments and messages he receives, but also he really cares and pays attention to them because there have been constant changes in the ways he makes his audio pieces according to the audience's opinions. One such example is that he used to put a picking up the woman off her feet part and carrying her somewhere. Some commenters said they were plus sized and wished for him to not include that part so that they can feel included too and since then I believe I've not heard that part again. Other examples can be as subtle as someone saying that a certain phrase or word turned them on and you'll find he has started using that phrase or word more.

Now when it comes to replying to people, this case is two fold, the first is if it is a comment, Singer has stated before that as appreciative he is of the support he is getting in the comments, he generally doesn't reply to them. If you go back to the very beginning, you'll find he has replied kinda generally (as in typing a comment that addresses a couple of other comments) a few times then stopped completely. This doesn't mean that he doesn't care or doesn't read them. But that just isn't his thing and that's okay. He doesn't owe people becoming their friend. If I were in his shoes I'd feel pretty intimidated to reply to every single person in the comments and also pretty exhausted.

The other aspect is for messages and email. Now he has stated before that he tries to reply to them all but A: he doesn't have the time in the day to get through all of them and probably will never be able to get through all of them unless if he quit his job and became an exclusive email replying hermit.

B: he has mentioned that sometimes he can't reply back because there's something wrong with the email that sent the message in the first place.

C: there's always the option that he has read the message and just didn't wanna reply. And he's allowed to do so. He doesn't have to reply to all the messages he reads.

I'd also like to remind you that he's replying as much as possible for the kindness of his heart and he is doing erotic audio as a hobby. You cannot expect a 9-5 working hours of replying to emails and creating audio. I do understand that you might have felt left out when he didn't reply back but do understand that there's so much going on in a person's life to be able to reply to every message from 1k followers while doing this as a side hobby thing and having a job and an entire life to navigate. Heck, when I come home from work I am pretty done with the day myself. That's me giving you my two cents as you asked for them.

ButteredPotatoesButteredPotatoesabout 1 month ago

To the anon asking for community feedback; I'm sorry that you felt like you were ignored. With art of this nature that is very intimate, I'm sure it can feel like you're getting individually and specifically spurned, but this is absolutely not the case. Your experience with other creators my have been more personal and interactive, but every creator has their own boundaries, and that NEEDS to be respected. This is a space for artists to share their work, for consumers to share feedback and create communities (and it's totally up to the artist to set how personally involved in their fan community they are!), but it is not an online chatting platform that grants direct access to the creator. Someone who consumes an artist's work is not automatically entitled to that artist's time and attention.

Though Singer hasn't responded to my own comments, that's not what I left a comment for. By commenting, I'm letting him know that I enjoyed it and any specifics that made it amazing to me. Also as someone who makes art of various natures, I know the wild rush that a positive or constructive comment can give, and I love to give that to another creator! Sometimes I comment simply wild enthusiastic words for other listeners who might be scrolling the comments; I know I get a kick out of seeing how other people loved the same thing I did! That's how communities like this work.

I feel heard when I give feedback on what I've liked and see more of it incorporated in some way into future audios. That's what feedback is for! And that's what Singer has said many many times! Tell him what you would like to see more of, and he'll do his best to bring that to life for you, for us! In that way, you've gotten a response, anon. I hope this helps you to understand that.

Thanks for all you do Singer <3

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Mmmm, well hello there you sexy woman! My name is Singer, and I want so badly to thank you so much for sharing your delicious desires with me <3 Nearly all my audios (except for personal messages and news updates) are made based on requests from listeners like you, so...