A House Full of Women Ch. 07

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Vanessa's parents join in the fun and intimacy!
5.9k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/06/2021
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A House Full of Women (Chapter 7)

Kathryn M. Burke

A few weeks later Vanessa pulled Joanna over for another private conference.

"I need to tell you something," she said, looking alarmed and apprehensive.

"What is it?" Joanna asked.

"Well, you see... my mother wants to visit."

"Gee, Vanessa, that's great! You haven't told us much about your parents. It'll be wonderful to get to know her."

"Oh, Joanna! It may be a disaster!"

"What do you mean?"

"Just give it some thought! We're already so used to how things are here that we've forgotten that outsiders might think us a bit--strange."

Joanna paused for reflection. "Hmm, I guess you're right. Why did she suddenly decide on a visit now anyway?"

"Well, I told her I had a boyfriend, and she got all excited. Naturally, I never told her about Jack--she'd totally flip if she knew I was with a guy so much older than me. And so I never told her I'd moved into this house. Now I had to let the cat out of the bag."

"You mean about Jack--and me--and Eileen?"

"Oh, God, no! I just said I was living with 'a real nice family.' That's how I put it. But when I mentioned that Sullivan--I'm claiming he's my boyfriend--is living here, Mom got all quiet for a minute. I have a feeling she suspects something peculiar is going on."

"I guess we'll all have to be on our best behavior. Does she actually want to stay here?"

"I told her there was a spare bedroom for her."

"Well, there's a spare bedroom, but we don't have a bed in it. I guess we could get one."

"I think that would be best."

Something in Vanessa's manner gave Joanna some concern. "Is there anything else, dear?"

"Yeah," Vanessa said, then trailed off. After a big sigh: "I think something's troubling her--about her situation, not mine."

"We'll just have to find out."

Vanessa's mom, Merrilee, was scheduled to come a few days later and stay a week. When she arrived, she was greeted enthusiastically by everyone. Merrilee was a bit overwhelmed by her reception--all these people she didn't know! The two men welcomed her with particular enthusiasm. They found her more than nice to look at: not quite as petite as Vanessa (five foot five), slender, but with heavenly curves in all the right places. But she would have looked a lot better if her face--framed by a cascade of wavy blond hair--didn't have a look of perpetual worry and even a bit of fear on it.

Merrilee had trouble making sense of the household arrangements, but didn't trouble herself about it. As Vanessa led her mom to the final guest bedroom, which had been fixed up nicely with a bed, dresser, and other essentials, Merrilee sat disconsolately on the bed and stared off into space.

Vanessa had begun unpacking her mother's things, but stopped when she saw Merrilee looking as if she'd seen a ghost. She sat down next to her and said, "What's bothering you, Mom?"

Merrilee's expression seemed on the verge of crumpling into tearful remorse. She managed to croak, "Your dad..."

"What about Dad?" Vanessa said. She hadn't heard from him in several weeks, and the silence suddenly struck her as ominous.

"Well, we--um, you see, we..."

"What is it, Mom? Just tell me!"

Merrilee paused a moment, then burst out: "He--he left the house!"

"What!" Vanessa cried. "He left? You guys are splitting up?"

"I don't know. Maybe. It's all so confusing."

"Why? What reason did he give?"

Merrilee suddenly fell silent and blushed as crimson as Vanessa had ever done.

"Mom," Vanessa said in an almost sinister undertone, "what is it? Come on, out with it? Did he--did he cheat on you?" She couldn't imagine her dad doing that--but with married couples, anything is possible!

Merrilee was now weeping. "No," was all she said.

Vanessa was close to fainting. "Mom... did you cheat on him?"

The older woman's silence was supremely ominous.

"Oh, Mom," Vanessa exclaimed, "how could you? Who was the guy?"

That was when Merrilee whispered, "It wasn't a guy."

Vanessa leaped up from the bed and started walking around the small room aimlessly. "Mom, are you telling me--you had an affair with a woman?"

"Just once or twice!"

Vanessa looked upon her mother with a kind of dazed reverence. "I didn't know you were like that."

"I'm not 'like that'! It was just a kind of spur-of-the-moment thing."

"You'd better tell me the whole story."

Merrilee sighed heavily. "Do you remember my friend Diane Weber?"


"She's a couple years older than me--late forties, I'd say. Well, she went through a divorce a few months ago after being married for years and years. I thought their marriage was good, and I liked Steve, her husband, so I was just stunned when they split up. Anyway, she started coming over--just to get some sympathy, I thought. I don't know if you remember what she looks like, but she's just a wee bit on the heavy side, but still really pretty. But her usual cheerful self had just disappeared, and she seemed really down in the dumps.

"Well, I did what I could to cheer her up, but it didn't seem to work very well. I could just sense that she was holding something back about what had happened with her and Steve. Finally she just broke down one day and started crying on my sofa--almost wailing, really. I'd never seen anything like it.

"So I just wrapped my arms around her and held her tight as she sobbed. She'd thrown her arms around me and buried her face in the crook of my neck. I was stroking the back of her head, just as you would a little girl. I think I may have done that to you when you were small."

"Yeah, I remember."

"Anyway, she pulled her head away, held my shoulders with both hands, and stared at me right in the face, the tears streaming down her face. Somehow she managed to gasp out a single sentence: 'Merrilee, I like... women.'

"You could have knocked me over with a feather! I mean, we--Walter and I--had gone out to dinner with them dozens of times, and they looked like the happiest married couple you'd ever seen. She even let Steve grope her a bit in public, which I'd never let Walter do."

"Mom, you can't be serious!"

"Oh, it was nothing much--just little pinches on the bottom, things like that. Nothing too extreme. Steve joked about it, saying, 'Well, if you can't pinch your wife on the butt, who can you pinch?' And Diane always laughed at that. In fact, I recall Walter telling me that Steve told him that Diane was really quite something in the bedroom.

"So I was flabbergasted at what Diane was now telling me. It just didn't compute.

"All I could say was, 'You do?'

"'Yes,' she said, now unable to look at me. 'Don't get me wrong--I like men too!'

"'So you think you're bisexual?'

"'I know I am.'

"'Well, what difference does it make? Surely a guy like Steve wouldn't care.'

"'He does care. In fact, that's why he left me.'

"'You mean he found out?'

"'I told him.'

"'Why did you do that?'

"'I just couldn't keep it in anymore. It just seemed so--deceitful.'

"'And he didn't take it well?'

"'Got it in one, Merrilee! You should have seen the look of horror and disgust and disappointment on his face.'

"'That really surprises me. I thought Steve was more open-minded than that.'

"'Yeah, me too.'

"'So that's why he left?'


"'Well, if you ask me, you're well rid of him. You don't need to be around a pig-headed fellow like that.' I paused a moment. 'Pardon my asking, Diane, but did you ever--act on this feeling?'

"She stared off into space. 'A few times.'

"That shook me, but I said, 'So what? What's the harm? I mean, it's not as if you'd done it with a guy. That might be something to get upset about, but a woman?'

"'Well, that's how it was.'

"'I think that's just silly. How you express your sexuality is your own business. Anyway, I'm not at all surprised that you like women, and that women like you. You're awfully cute.'

"And with that, I took hold of her head with both hands and pasted a long, wet kiss on her mouth.

"She just accepted the kiss as if she were a statue, and it was several seconds before she began to kiss back. But then she did, and she also threw her arms around my neck--just as a woman would with a man kissing her.

"When our lips parted, I saw that her eyes were shining--not from tears anymore, but from wonder and curiosity. It took her a while to whisper to me, 'Merrilee, what are you trying to say?'

"I was breathing hard and had trouble getting out the words. 'Diane, I'll tell you... I fooled around with girls a bit in college. It was fun. So--'"

"Mom!" Vanessa cried. "You never told me!"

"Well, I guess I felt a little ashamed."

"Ashamed? But you'd just told Diane--"

"I know what I'd just told her. But it was something I'd never told Walter, and somehow I came to think of it as just part of my wild youth."

"Mom, you never had a wild youth."

"Maybe not, but there it was. Somehow I just felt it was something I couldn't confess to anyone. But Diane, obviously, was an exception. So when I said those words and gave her that long kiss, she gazed at me with those shining eyes and said, 'What do you want to do?'

"I looked around the room as if there was someone who might be listening--which was ridiculous--and said, 'Walter's away playing golf. He should be gone for a few hours.'

"Diane stood up and walked like a zombie toward the stairs. She knew the layout of the house from being there dozens of times, so she just marched up the stairs and headed for the master bedroom. I followed her.

"We undressed slowly and carefully, keeping our backs to each other. Maybe that was silly, but I for one hadn't been naked in front of a woman in about two decades! When I saw her unclothed, I just gasped. As I say, she has a bit more weight than I do, but she really carries it well. Omigod, Vanessa, she was scrumptious! And I could tell that she was just eating me up with her eyes. Given that she's a little on the zaftig side, I guess she likes women who are petite and slender.

"Well, we got down to business--and kept at it for at least an hour and a half. Then, when I told her that Walter was probably going to be back soon, she got dressed in a hurry and left."

"Oh, Mom! You're not going to tell me what you two did?"

"Vanessa, really! That's--private."

"Oh, come on! Can't you tell me anything?"

"I'll just say we basically did everything two women can do with each other."

"You licked each other's pussies?"


"You made each other come?"

"Oh, god, yes! Many times."

"You didn't use a dildo or anything, did you?"

"Lord, no! I mean, the whole point of lesbian sex is not to have anything associated with men around, isn't it? Men are wonderful creatures, but sometimes you just want a session in bed where you don't have to worry about that ever-demanding cock."

"You got that right!"

Merrilee looked wide-eyed at her daughter. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, Mom, nothing. So what happened?"

"What happened?" Merrilee said, sighing again. "What happened is, your dad found out."

"Found out... how?"

"In the most obvious way a man can find that out about his wife."

Vanessa clapped a hand over her mouth. "Omigod! Are you telling me he--"

"Yup. He walked in on us one time."

"Holy mackerel! What did he do?"

"For a minute he just looked at us as if he couldn't figure out who we were, or why we were there flailing around on his bed. Then he just turned around, fished out a suitcase, packed a few things, and went to a hotel."

"You mean that's why you two broke up?"

"We haven't actually broken up, dear. Your dad is just trying to come to terms with all this."

"You think he can deal with it?"

"I have no idea."

"Wow.... I guess it is a bit of a shock for a guy. But probably not as much as if you were to walk in on him getting it on with a man!"

"Please, dear," Merrilee said with distaste, "let's not think about that."

"You'd totally freak out, wouldn't you?"

"That would be an understatement."

"Well, Mom," Vanessa said with a sudden desire to spill the beans, "I have a lot to tell you on this very subject. So get ready to listen."

And for the next half-hour, as Merrilee's jaw fell open and remained open for nearly the whole time, Vanessa recounted the whole incredible story of her involvement with Jack, Joanna, Eileen, and Sullivan.

"Good gracious me!" Merrilee said--but then giggled like a schoolgirl. "Vanessa, you're so naughty!"

"Mom, I'm not doing any of this just to be naughty. None of us are. We're doing it because we love each other. We all love each other."

Merrilee sobered up immediately. "I see that, dear. You seem very close--you and everyone here."

Vanessa eyed her mother carefully. "Do you think, at least while you're here, you might want to--participate?"

A little shudder ran through Merrilee. "How, exactly?"

"Well, it seems to me that there's no better way than to be introduced to each person here one after the other. They're all sweet and wonderful, and I'm sure you'll like them all."

"Do you really think they'll like me?"

"Of course they will! You're my mom, you're really pretty, and you have plenty of other virtues."

"You really want to do this--right now?"

Vanessa shrugged. "No time like the present."

Merrilee looked down at her hands. After a long pause she said, "Okay."

"Yeah? You're up for it? Great! I'll send someone up right away. I guess we'll alternate between boys and girls."

"Men and women, dear. We're all adults here."

"Of course, Mom. Just my way of speaking."

Vanessa almost ran out of the room to meet with the other occupants of the house. After a quick conference in the living room, the plan was set. Since there were three women and two men, a woman would begin first--and Joanna was chosen to lead things off. Even though it was mid-afternoon, everyone was excited by the prospect of getting to know Vanessa's mother in such an intimate way.

Joanna headed up the stairs--and when she got to the guest room where Merrilee was staying, she found that the woman had already stripped.

Letting out a gasp, Joanna said, "Oh, my heavens, Merrilee! You're so beautiful."

And she was. In some ways she was just a slightly taller version of her daughter; but her breasts were a tad larger, and her hips swelled out a bit more (perhaps a result of childbirth), and overall she was such a gorgeous specimen of femininity that Joanna could only gawk and admire. She suspected the others in the household would do the same.

Joanna undressed quickly, and the two women got down to it. Their coupling was a somewhat frenzied bout of mutual masturbation, as they kissed each other all over the face, neck, and shoulders while using their fingers to stimulate each other's pussies. Joanna didn't neglect to give some good squeezes to Merrilee's fleshy bottom, and Merrilee returned the favor by passing hands all over Joanna's back, butt, and thighs.

Joanna would have loved to stay for another session, but she was aware that four other people would have to take their turns in Merrilee's bed. Realizing that there would be plenty of time for further cuddling during the rest of the week, she got up and, without bothering to put her clothes back on, went downstairs.

"Jack, I think you should be next," she said.

Jack almost flew up the stairs to have his turn. He actually started disrobing on the stairs, almost falling down in the process. But by the time he got to Merrilee's room, he'd left a trail of his clothes on the stairs and hallway, and he entered her room naked.

Merrilee smiled in approval of his large and hardening cock, and they began snuggling right away. She was happy to make her breasts available to Jack's hands and mouth, and he even slipped all the way down to her sex to give it a few licks. But he was so keen on entering her that he soon climbed up and forged in, wrapping her tightly in his arms and planting kisses on her face while he pumped her. She locked her legs around his thighs as she felt him probe the innermost recesses of her vagina, and when he exploded in her she experienced a mini-climax, largely from the excitement of bedding down with someone she'd only met a few minutes before.

Eileen was next, and she ascended the stairs with the look of someone saying, "I'm a true lesbian--let me show you how it's done." She conveniently forgot that she had now lapsed into bisexuality, having welcomed both Sullivan and her own dad into her body.

She stripped efficiently in the hallway, adding her clothes to the pile that Jack had left, and sauntered into the bedroom. The two women gazed at each other admiringly, and Eileen got right down to some serious pussy-licking. Getting into sixty-nine position (with herself on top), Eileen licked up a lot of the paternal emission that was trickling out of Merrilee's pussy. She'd not yet developed a great taste for come, but it was growing on her. But what she really set out to do was to give the older woman the climax of her life. Maybe that didn't quite happen, but her gasps and moans and shrieks suggested that Eileen's ministrations were ringing the bell. And Merrilee's licking was pretty potent also.

Next up was Sullivan. He'd taken the precaution of undressing in the living room, so when he ascended the stairs and entered the bedroom, he was gloriously naked and supremely erect.

Merrilee theatrically slapped her hands to her face and breathed, "Oh, my Lord!"

"Yeah," Sullivan said regretfully, looking down at his groin, "it's kinda big."

"I hope I can manage," she said with trepidation.

"I'm sure you can." He then revealed what he was carrying in his hand--a jar of cold cream. "I was actually hoping go to into your butt, ma'am."

Merrilee almost passed out. "You're not serious."

A look of concern came over Sullivan's face. "You don't like that?"

"I--I haven't done it before," she had to admit.


"Yes, really!"

"So you don't want to?"

All this time, Merrilee had been gazing fascinatedly at Sullivan's huge member. "I might be willing to try. But there's no way I can get that whole thing into me back there."

"Don't worry about that, ma'am. I never go in all the way."

"Thank heaven for small mercies," she said under her breath.

She allowed Sullivan to lubricate her. He instructed her to lie flat on her stomach--which relieved her, since the doggie-style position was not really to her liking. Sensing the stocky young man's frame draping her own, she felt a bit unnerved, but was confident that he would do his best not to hurt her. Even so, his initial entry was difficult to endure; and as he probed farther and farther into her, her brain more or less shut down as she gave way to the pure sensation of a cock stuck up her ass.

As Sullivan seized her breasts and continued pounding her, Merrilee gave way to a feeling of total helplessness and subjugation--but that didn't bother her, as she also perceived that it was her own seductiveness that was causing this virile youth to exert himself so enthusiastically. Within minutes he shot his seed into her, and she relished the novel feel of his come in a place that had never received it before.

Sullivan gave her an affectionate kiss on the mouth, then left the room.

There was now only one person who hadn't engaged with Merrilee. As Vanessa saw each member of the household go upstairs and then come down again, she wondered about what might be next--for her and for her mother.

Joanna noticed her young friend lost in thought.

"Vanessa," she said, "you really aren't going to--?"

As she saw Sullivan, naked, saunter idly past them, she said, "Well, why not?"