A Light in the Dark


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I finally felt her hands on my back, she had been keeping them on the railing, but now she pulled me into her, and I made a happy little sound. Oh yeah, I could go for another round.

Just as quick as we had started it ended. She pulled away from our kiss, leaving me breathless, as she stared through my apartment. Her gaze reminded me more of the woman who first landed beside me, than the prim daughter of the sun. When she turned it on me I had to swallow, it spoke of all the terribly wonderful things she wanted to do to me. I had poked the sleeping tiger it would seem, and it sent happy tingles through my entire body.

I think I would be remiss in blaming my current state of mind solely on the events of the weekend, but I definitely felt more alive somehow, willing to take risks. I would have to see if that was a good thing.

Ava sighed, "it would seem you have a visitor, I shall return another time, when it is better for both of us."

She didn't release me at first, seemingly reluctant to let me go, but then she leaned in to nibble at my throat. My knees buckled but she kept a hold of me easily with her palms on my ass. My heart froze for a second when I felt her brush some very non-human teeth across my throat, very reminiscent of my own, but she merely teased me.

"I am going to enjoy having you beg for mercy," her breath was hitched, clearly not entirely unaffected either, "and I think you will enjoy it too."

I was pretty sure I would. Then she fell backwards over the railing and I screamed. I stormed to the edge, but she was gone, how she did that in a few seconds I had no idea.

That woman was surely more mysterious than strictly necessary, even for a vam... okay maybe not.

Wait, hadn't she said something about a visitor?

There was an insistent knock at my door, and I scrambled towards my room to find some clothes. At least everything was in order now, after Wen had helped me clean. I threw on some sweats and a shirt, foregoing underwear for haste. Some water in my face and I looked somewhat presentable, or at least I didn't look like I had just masturbated on my balcony... I hoped.

The knocking hadn't let up, and I threw open the door in frustration.

A big bear of a man tackled me and wrapped his arms around me. He was shaking, whether he was angry or crying I wasn't entirely sure.

"What the hell sis?" A deep voice asked, as he grabbed my shoulders and held me at an arm's length, while staring me down. So maybe it was a little bit of both.

My brother was an imposing man. At 6'3" he stood taller than most, and you would think his physique had been modeled after a tank. He was also the sweetest, most caring man I had ever met. He was almost a decade older than me, but that had never stopped him from taking me under his wing as a child. He had just continued that into adulthood, even if I wasn't so 'little' anymore.

"I had to get a call, from Sarah, that my own sister had been in an accident. She couldn't even tell me what kind, but maybe you were mugged, or drugged, or... shit I don't know." He sounded more concerned than anything.

"I didn't want to worry you... or them." The last part was whispered, but he knew who I meant.

He just hugged me tight again, and I couldn't help but feel safe in his embrace.

"You know you can always call me, it's my brotherly duty to be worried about my little sister. I'm just glad you seem okay now. Then I can do this"

He punched my shoulder, and it wasn't a lovetap either. We were siblings after all.

"That's for getting mugged and not calling your brother."

"And you thought breaking my shoulder was an excellent way to get the point across?"

"At most it's dislocated, make an appointment and I'll set it straight." He chuffed at me, with a twinkle in his eyes. He was a physician, or a physical therapist if you will, helping people who had to retrain limbs after accidents or surgery. The only time he smiled more than after helping someone walk again, was when his children was the cause.

I punched the big bear in the chest, only succeeding in hurting my own wrist on what was surely a piece lumber beneath his shirt.

"Thanks for checking up on me."

He just chuckled at me, "just gonna borrow a towel real quick, I think someone tossed their drink over the edge when I was walking here."

Yeah, I wasn't going to think about that, at all. ... At all!

"Speaking of rainy weather," he said, sticking his head out of the bathroom, "why did Sarah call me? I thought you guys were broken up."

"No, we were, I mean, are. Apparently I called her before I passed out."

"You mean you didn't think of your brother when needing rescue?"

I laughed at the faux hurt expression on his face.

"Ah no, but his wife can come save me any day. Oh Helen..." I didn't get any further before yelping as the previously harmless towel had been rolled up into a murder weapon, and swatted my backside.

"Hey! Didn't you take an oath not to hurt people or something." I yelled as he chased me into the kitchen.

"It's therapy, like spraying water on a dog when it misbehaves." He laughed back at me.

He cornered me against the oven, and I humbly bowed my head in supplication to his superior skills, or so he would no doubt retell it.

"She would love to have you come by you know, it's been far too long." It had, but I was silent. "And the kids miss their aunt too." Well he definitely knew my weak spot. The little rascals he called kids were bundles of unlimited energy, I loved them.

"You know why." I turned my head away from his calm gaze.

He sighed, and shook his head. "Some day they will get over it, but I promise I won't turn this into a family circus. I can't make you settle your differences, I can try, but I won't spring something like that on you. In fact, they're out of town right now, you could come back for dinner." His eyes pleaded with me to agree, and I really wanted to.

"I'm not sure..." I wavered.

I think that was when he took in my appearance, the hurried dressing, slightly sweaty and a little flustered.

"Oh shit! I am so sorry, I didn't know you had a visitor," he paused and tried to give the appearance of not looking around the apartment, "is it... Sarah?" He whispered her name, as if saying it out loud would summon a naked woman.

"No, it's not her," I preempted the question I could see forming in his mouth, "it's not anyone."

"Great," I raised my eyebrow at him in surprise, "Well, not great, but you know what I mean. Now you don't have any excuse that Helen will accept, and Michelle and Michael will be devastated if you don't come."

I was in the process of disagreeing when he unceremoniously lifted me over his shoulder and carried me to the bathroom.

"You need a shower before we go, now hop to it."

He closed the door and I sat on the floor, contemplating how to get back at him at the nearest possible time.

I did look forward to seeing the M&M's again, as I called them, and Helen was always so kind to me. I could do this.

My brother's voice sounded through the door, "Don't forget to wash your-"

"Shut up!"

I turned on the shower and grumbled unhappily about stupid, pushy brothers, with a smile on my face.

Chapter four

I lay on the couch, thinking of the previous day. My brother had convinced me to stay the night in their guest room, and I accepted after having been run out of energy. Funny how two seven-year-olds outpaced whatever solar power thing I had going on, just goes to show that kids defy the laws of physics.

I had enjoyed myself, and Helen always made me feel so welcome. She was mousy compared to my brother, but she ruled that household with a firm hand. After the M&Ms had been laid to sleep with a quick kiss on the cheek from their favourite aunt, Helen sat me down in their living room and had my brother do something useful, probably the dishes, as she asked about my life.

I couldn't help it, but I spilled my heart out to her. Not the last few days, as such, but how I had been since Sarah broke up with me. Vowing to stay away from relationships for a while, and then the whole club scene, which had finally landed me in some hot water.

She had calmly listened to my rant before responding, "You're an idiot Luce, just like your brother." It hadn't been the most comforting thing to hear, but she went on.

"When Sean and I had a little trouble in our marriage, and the bedroom, he asked if perhaps I was open to the idea of adding a person to the fun. Of course he pussyfooted around the question for a month before I dragged it out of him. So we tried, and we were feeling a little awkward, so I pulled him over and asked 'isn't this what you wanted?'

"And you know what he said? 'I really just wanted you', like some romantic sap. So I told him he already had me, and if he needed something to occupy himself with, he could work on keeping it that way. I love that man to pieces, but he is a little scatterbrained sometimes.

"Now you, you're lonely and heartbroken, so you treat it by staying away from personal relationships. Going to clubs, getting laid, it's fine, if that is what you really want. But here's a novel idea, how about instead of finding all these women to sleep with, you find one you want to wake up next to. Or even better, find one you don't want to sleep with, you need more friends than me and your brother, honey."

My mouth, and brain, hadn't worked for some time after that, while it tried to process everything. I would have protested, but she wasn't entirely wrong, and it wasn't easy to admit. There was a lot to think about, and her very unsubtle inclusion of my brother in a threesome had short circuited something. Much to Helen's amusement I couldn't look him in the eyes for the rest of the night.

I hadn't actually slept, but just lain awake, thinking. It was a weird feeling, but my brain didn't rebel, and so I had a lot of time to just... think. Sometimes, being alone with your own thoughts was frightening, but I just had to remind myself that right in the next room, were people who loved me. I felt sappy and happy.

I was doing the same thing now really, except I'd exchanged their guest room with my couch, and was wondering what to do next. I would need to accept some commissions soon for practical reasons, like money and... just the money really. But I also wanted to explore my abilities, which I wasn't entirely sure what were yet, and my would-be guide had dropped over my balcony railing. And maybe that thing Helen had noted, with a friend.

I hadn't really been able to eat much the night before, the food just looked unappealing to me, and now i was feeling the first pangs of hunger. Still faint, but I did hope I wouldn't need to eat the janitor. Perhaps I could survive just by sunlight. Yeah that didn't sound likely, and Ava had mentioned something about blood, although rather vague.

There was a loud knock on the glass door leading outside and I practically fell out of the couch, only to see a smiling Ava standing there, waiting to be let in. I assumed she was being polite by not breaking down the door and leaving glass everywhere.

She had dropped the fur from her outfit, so now I was the one getting hot instead. It was still a mash of leather boots, bracers, and what could have been a corset with how tight it looked. Her pants were made of some kind of hide. If it wasn't a persona, she really did look like a norse warrior woman. The obvious comparison would be a blonde Xena, but without the skirt, or the plated breast protection.

"Greetings Lucia Grey..." She would have continued, but I held up a hand to stop her.

"Hello again Ava, is there any chance we could do this less formally?"

She appeared thoughtful for a moment.

"You wish to skip the customary introductions and blessings?" She mused, as if surprised that was a possibility.

"Very much so," I held out my hand to her, "I'm Lucia, but if you wanna be my friend call me Luce, welcome to my glorious apartment."

She took my hand cautiously, but we shook on it nonetheless. I couldn't help but glance at her sleeveless arms as we shook, they were toned, much like I thought the rest of her body would be. She gave no hint of malice though, so I could just ogle them in pure appreciation. Or perhaps I should take Helen's words to heed.

"Thank you... Luce."

Her personality was very confusing to me, I saw a few glimpses of another person in there at times, but it had mainly been when she was obviously aroused earlier. When she didn't let that fire shine through she felt almost cold. Well, cold wasn't exactly the right word, not unfeeling either, but she was dispassionate. I wasn't about to change that right now, it should be possible to have a conversation without me having to jump her bones. Although I was sure the result would be delicious.

"I'm not gonna be your Gabrielle though," she just stared confused at me while I realised what my mouth had said, "nevermind that, can I offer you anything?"

Her eyes glazed over, and for a moment it felt like she was staring hungrily at me, but then she reasserted herself, and merely declined my offer with a shake of her head. There it was again, the internal struggle she seemed to have.

"Have a seat." I indicated the couch where I had lain when she arrived, like a good hostess.

She sat down, her movements graceful for such a big body, and silently waited for my next move.

She was quiet as well, when I adopted the position I had had when she knocked on the door, but now I used Ava as my pillow. She seemed amused by the whole thing, but didn't move, so I stayed in place. I wasn't going to jump her, but I could still enjoy myself.

"Are you always this irreverent?" She asked, not unkindly.

"Only to people I like," I beamed up at her, "now gimme your spiel."

"My spiel, heh. I am to cordially invite you to the house of the sun, where any question you have will be answered." I sensed there was more, but she didn't continue.

"That's it?" I said, in disbelief. She just nodded. "Who is inviting?"

Her face turned to stone, figuratively, of course. "The Matriarch."

Didn't sound like they were on the best of terms. Already I didn't like this 'Matriarch'.

"Why can't you just fill me in on all this stuff, I mean you're already here."

"I was told not to," she sighed, "the Matriarch will tell you everything you need to know."

"Yeah but I might not like this Matriarch, and you seem nice."

"I seem... nice?" I could see her taste the word, roll it around in her mouth as if unsure if I was joking.

"You have this whole 'tiger on the outside, kitten on the inside'-vibe going on, what's not to love."

She threw her head back and roared in laughter, sure sounded like a tiger to me.

"You are quite perceptible young one, and remarkably calm about this whole ordeal, why is that?"

"Well either it's A; I'm going crazy, and I can't do anything about that, or it's B; It's all real, and I can't do anything about that either. So I'm going to go with my guts, and they say you are trustworthy."

She looked down on me for a long time after that, silent in her thoughts and searching in her gaze. One hand had begun playing with my hair, running it through my locks, seemingly subconsciously, because her attention didn't waver at all from my eyes. It felt nice, and reinforced my belief she was just a big kitten, with claws that could rip out throats, of course. There is something innately beautiful about a predator, and she had that grace in spades.

Her hand tightened in my hair, and the other moved to my throat. She didn't grab it, but it wasn't exactly a comfortable feeling. I didn't move to stop her, but let her continue with whatever point she was about to make.

"You are unreasonably trusting for a person in this world, I could kill you right now." Her voice was definitely colder than before.

"You won't."

"I won't?" She raised her voice, and the grip on my throat tightened.

"Your claws are sheathed."

She chuffed and showed me a full on smile with a gleaming row of teeth, and not a fang in sight. Releasing my throat, her other hand began stroking my hair again, I think she just disliked any form of idleness.

"Others would abuse a trust like that without worry, be careful. You have no idea what lurks out there, and sometimes the darkest monsters wear the brightest skins."

Well that didn't sound ominous at all. Very foreboding in an unhelpful way.

"Would your Matriarch happen to dress like a peacock?" I quipped at her.

She just chuckled, whether at my apparent audacity to suggest such a thing, or if she liked my wit I wasn't sure.

"I cannot speak badly of her, but yes, she has been know to adorn herself with glittering creations."

I got the feeling she meant she literally couldn't speak badly of her, which really didn't sound great.

"Another question, how did you find me?" I was very curious about this.

"Well," she began, "you have a certain aroma."

"But I just showered."

She ignored my wisecracking, but did flick my nose with her finger.

"Aura I should say. Because of the circumstances regarding your awakening it leaks, leaving a little trail behind."

One thought immediately pierced my mind, and I jumped up from the couch.

"But I was just at my brother's, if there's a trail it will lead right to them, shit!"

"Calm down, Luce. No one is going to do anything to your family." She did sound calm, but I wasn't having any of it.

"You don't get it, they have kids, I need to get over there right now."

I moved towards the door of my apartment with great speed, but I had only just gotten past the couch when my legs were cut out from under me. Time moved as if in slow motion, and I think I could have done like a cat and landed on my feet, if Ava hadn't slammed me into the floor effortlessly. It hurt a little, signifying she had only done it to stop me, and not actually injure me.

"Are you going to stay still long enough for me to explain?" She asked, as she straddled my body, keeping me glued to the ground. Agreeing seemed the best course of action.

"Imaging the trail your aura leaves as a game trail left by a single deer wandering through an entire forest. There are many other trails, and it is not easy to follow a single days-old path. You would need a very knowledgeable hunter to find this prey."

That calmed me somewhat, but I still didn't like the thought of leading something to their house. She clearly didn't lack for self-esteem though, very knowledgeable hunter indeed.

"It took me quite a while to find you, and it would have taken longer had you not decided to flaunt your aura in public," She grinned salaciously at me, "that was still a marvelous display by the way."

I assumed she meant my little fantasy session yesterday, good to know my orgasms attracted the supernatural, I had always wanted that.

"And how do I turn this aura off, or stop it from leaking?"

"Practice." Her voice suggested an intimate session might be coming in the near future. Very near future by the looks she were giving me.

In fairness, I could swear to Helen that she jumped me.

"You are in full control of yours, right?" She nodded down at me, "can you show me?"

She stared into my eyes and it felt like a floodgate was opened. Her presence enveloped me, and it was truly like a fierce predator, primal. Lust and fear mingled together, and I could feel my fangs distending in response. My body was being affected just by her intensity, it was almost indescribable.

My stomach rumbled then, something that hadn't happened since before the weekend. That was weird. It was quickly moving from just sound to actual pain. It felt like I hadn't eaten in days, which was true, but it crashed into me all at once, and I buckled beneath Ava. My mind was still tangled up in her presence, and it only reinforced the pain I was experiencing. My stomach was on fire and I cried out in pain, it hurt so bad I could feel tears streak down my cheeks. I barely noticed Ava had moved from my body, but I instinctively curled up now that her pressure was gone, as if I could protect myself from the pain. I knew I was screaming, but the pain drowned it out.