A Lost Daughter Ch. 16

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Sienna proves just as devious as her mother.
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Part 16 of the 25 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 05/16/2018
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Upon returning to my bedroom, I was greeted by the sight of Amber splayed out on the bed completely nude with her hair spun into a light pink towel atop her head. The aromatic smell of soap and shampoo hung heavily in the air and combined with the smokey aroma of the half-smoked cigarette between Ambers fingers. Aside from being completely nude, she was also nodding off and feeling the effects of the heroin that had been in the syringe that now laid empty on the bedside table.

I almost cursed myself for emptying my balls into Kayla just moments before, preventing me from taking advantage of this wonderful vision in the way that I would want.

"Hey baby," came the slow, spaced out words of my doped-up wife.

I smiled, loving the sound of her words as they were run through the filter of her intense intoxication.

"Hi darling, starting the party early today, huh?" I teased.

She smiled and she tried focusing on me from the bed, her gaze unfocused and fighting against a bit of a tendency to go cockeyed when she was incredibly fucked up—a wrinkle that I enjoyed immensely. In fact, anything that I could detect through any sense that indicated a woman was under the influence of a substance was highly arousing to me.

"I got all fucked up for you baby, but you kept me waiting," she pouted, bringing a shaky hand up to her lips for a drag on her cigarette.

"Sorry honey, Kayla and I had a bit of an encounter in the kitchen," I replied with a smirk.

Even through the affect-numbing power of the heroin I could see Amber's look of surprise and intrigue at my words.

"What kind of encounter?" she asked.

I smiled deviously in her direction, wanting to savor this feeling of surprising her for once. In response, she did her best to look scrutinizing but was betrayed by her right eye drifting cockeyed.

"The sexual kind," I teased, wanting to drag this out a little longer.

With her wandering eye still cockeyed and her hand shakily bringing her cigarette up to her mouth she smiled back at me, clearly impressed. Even as fucked up as she was, she was still plenty capable of snapping a monstrous ball of smoke from her puckered lips in violent, sexy fashion.

I walked the rest of the way to the bed and sat next to her, caressing her recently shaven and silky-smooth bare legs while I gazed at her lovingly.

"And I thought that I worked fast," she mused to herself through a thick, lazy exhale of smoke that cascaded from her thick lips through measured breaths.

I didn't quite know what to say so instead I just leaned in and kissed her softly, the remaining contents of her lungs being fed to me through nibbling kisses.

After pulling back I noticed once more that Amber had an emphasized look of childish pouting on her face, puckering her full lips and puffing out her cheeks in a display of lighthearted disappointment.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked softly.

"I'm stoned and horny, but that little slut already got to you," she explained in an uncharacteristically whiny way that reminded me of a small child who'd had their request for dessert rebuffed.

I smiled at her childishness, enjoying the feeling of being in demand by three gorgeous women under the same roof, at the same time.

"Just because I got off, doesn't mean I can't get you off too," I explained as I began adjusting my position on the bed.

As Amber watched me her look of pouting began to morph into a smile and then appreciation. By the time I'd positioned myself on my stomach between her legs she'd become quite aware of what was coming next and by the looks of it—was quite pleased.

"I love you," she cooed, whatever trace of disappointment long gone.

"I love you, too," I replied as my mouth approached her perfectly shaven cunt.

I wasted no time, knowing she was probably quite desperate to cum as she'd waited for me while I was busy planting my seed in Kayla. I took her clit into my mouth and began licking in long, slow strokes with perfect rhythm. I would never consider myself some amazing cocksmith, although the women in my life might disagree, but I could admit to my proficiency with eating pussy.

The truth was I enjoyed giving pleasure and seeing it manifest on a woman's face. The same kink that had developed into my love for sluts, junkies, and chain-smokers gave me enjoyment at seeing my tongue bring a woman to climax.

Amber fumbled with her pack of Newport 100's on the bedside table and eventually shook one out and placed it between her lips. She clutched at the yellow Bic lighter and flicked it to life, torching the end of the cigarette and collapsing her cheeks in hungry anticipation of having her needy lungs filled with thick, mentholated smoke. Her powerful drag concluded with her trademark ball snap inhale and violent inhalation, pulling the smoke as deeply into her lungs as she was able before trapping it there.

The pace and pressure of my tongue on her clit increased and she seemed to hold her breath in an even more prolonged manner than she was accustomed. I did my best to strain my eyes up to watch her as she finally gasped and exhaled the contents of her lungs, which resulted in the faintest whisps of smoke being allowed to escape. My balls ached at the hotness of seeing her absorb all that smoke but failed to stir my recently exercised unit from its slumber.

"I'm going to destroy her," Amber panted as she approached orgasm.

I knew I didn't have to respond as it was in an effort to enhance her own orgasm that she was voicing her darkest intentions aloud.

"Turn... her... into a little... junkie slut...," she continued before her orgasm swept through her.

She moaned uninhibitedly as she came in my mouth, the heat and wetness of her box increasing and dripping into my mouth. I lapped up her juices greedily and continued suckling and licking her clit which she tried to push away as the sensitivity of her anatomy made it increasingly uncomfortable. I fought against her for a few more moments before allowing her reprieve, which she graciously accepted.

I remained on my stomach and watched her panting breaths begin to subside as she pulled on her cigarette powerfully and popped another ball of smoke into her lungs with satisfaction. After a few moments she pursed her thick lips sensually and exhaled a long stream of smoke up toward the ceiling in an impressive display of lung capacity.

"How was that?" I asked playfully.

Her lips curled into a smile, and she crooked her neck to the side to look down at me.

"You know it was good, don't look so pleased with yourself," she teased.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh, knowing that I was probably going to have to tend to the needs of all three of these women and wondering how I was going to accomplish it.

"What's so funny?" she asked, noticing me enjoying some sort of inside joke.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering how I ended up being this lucky," I answered honestly.

She smiled warmly back at me like the answer was plainly obvious to everyone but me.

"You're sexy, smart, kind, and even sometimes funny," she explained, ending with a lighthearted tease to keep from my ego getting too big.

I laughed and shook my head in amazement, still unconvinced at being anything other than an ordinary guy who'd found himself in an increasingly extraordinary situation.

"You're a catch hon, trust me, I married you," she followed up, her tone losing a bit of the lightheadedness of her previous answer to accommodate the authenticity of her message.

I looked up to her goofy, stoned gaze and knew that if there was no one and nothing else in my life—with her I was perhaps the luckiest man on Earth. She seemed to pick up on my appreciation of her and took a final drag on her cigarette, popping a thick ball of smoke into her lungs before stubbing her cigarette out on the bedside ashtray.

She raised her left hand and beckoned me toward her with a few flicks of her fingers, to which I adjusted my position to sit on my side and lean into her as she did the same. Our lips met as the contents of her lungs began to empty and I enjoyed the twin sensations of our tongues twirling around one another and the sinful ashiness of her smokey breath. We kissed deeply for several more moments before transitioning to a loving embrace that satisfied the ethereal needs of my soul.

After snuggling with Amber on the bed for another half hour while she nodded off and enjoyed the mutual embraces of heroin and post-coital bliss, I finally got out of bed for good and took a nice long shower. It was before noon, and I had already had two sexual encounters and I could only imagine how and when Sienna would corner me for her turn. I stepped back into the kitchen area and pondered who or what I would encounter there.

It turned out to be both Sienna and Kayla, sitting at the kitchen table with freshly lit cigarettes between their fingers, perfect make-up applied and dressed provocatively. For Kayla, I actually expected it, as she was likely feeling liberated to display her intentions of seducing me more openly after our morning fuck session. And liberated she was—clothed in skintight white yoga capris that stretched up to her exposed belly button and a loose-fitting Metallica t-shirt that had been cut in half and extended barely past her breasts.

Sienna, however, was a bit of a surprise. Her cleavage was pushed out and exposed by the deeply plunging neckline of her red and equally skintight tank top. Her yoga pants were a painted-on pair of black in low-cut style that bared her hips and several inches below her bellybutton in an intensely suggestive manner. Whatever these two young ladies were planning, I was a little worried it would require us to leave the home and I shuddered at the optics.

"You two must be heading off somewhere," I commented nonchalantly as I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

I sat down next to the two women at the table and was practically bathed in an exhale of thick smoke that Sienna barely attempted to conceal was aimed at me. Kayla was still not clued into my predilection for smoking women and was exhaling her streams down and away from me in an effort to be courteous. It wasn't going to take long before she was bound to start asking questions if Sienna kept teasing me like that. I tried to give her a look of 'cool it,' without being obvious but she was not in any kind of mood for cautiousness, instead showing off a giant French inhale and another exhale that was almost directly in my face from across the table.

"That was cool, I've tried those, but I can only do them with weed," Kayla observed, noting the French inhale but not the aimed stream of smoke that Sienna had fired directly at me.

I watched as Kayla followed Sienna's lead and tried her own French inhale, managing only to get one thin stream to travel up one nostril before giving up.

"See? I don't know how you do that," she laughed at herself.

"I learned by watching myself in the mirror actually, makes it easier for some reason," Sienna replied, completing another picture-perfect example of the trick for all to enjoy.

I made a point to lock eyes with her as she prepared for her exhale and did my best to bore into her with a 'please stop' look of intensity.

It was utterly futile.

Sienna pursed her metallic pink lipstick clad lips in an overtly erotic manner and exhaled directly at me, even making sure to maintain eye contact with me while she did it to ensure there was nothing being lost in translation. I was now sure that she'd seen us in the kitchen and was playing some sort of game of dominance, making it clear that when the dust settled, I was hers.

Kayla was now in a position where she absolutely had to know what was going on, no matter how awkward it might have been for her. She had a look on her face that could only be described as a 'what the fuck?' expression.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Kayla finally asking the question that Sienna had made all but inevitable.

"Just teasing him, he has a thing for smoking women," Sienna answered plainly.

I watched in horror as Kayla's face scrunched into a look of confusion and disgust.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

I cursed Sienna's youth and jealousy and waited helplessly in nearly as much shock as Kayla for her to explain.

"It's called a smoking fetish, it turns him on when he sees women smoke," she continued, not addressing the real question that was being asked.

A pregnant silence ensued, with all three parties waiting for the other to fill the void.

"But, he's your father," Kayla replied, her eyes narrowing at Sienna like she was waiting for her to come to her senses.

"Well, he's my 'daddy,' but he's not my dad," Sienna continued.

Kayla seemed to be parsing the meaning of the statement before replying. I wanted to pitch in, but I simply did not know the playbook. Where Sienna was going with all of this and what she was intending to do was a mystery to me as much as it was to Kayla. I had to stay on the sidelines and hope she was going to bring this home somehow.

"So..., you two aren't related?" Kayla pressed, trying to understand.

Sienna smiled and took a final drag on her cigarette, snapping a ball of smoke down her throat and exhaling at me brazenly—she was not going to stop.

"No, we're not. Sorry we didn't tell you, it seemed like it would be hard to explain the nature of our relationship to a stranger—but then I saw you guys in the kitchen this morning," Sienna continued, and I saw Kayla's face turn a bright red.

"We're in an open relationship," Sienna concluded.

"Oh...," Kayla replied, only now realizing her cigarette had burned down to the filter and stubbing it out.

I was happy that Sienna had managed to put the train back on the tracks in a sense, but I was still worried that Kayla was overwhelmed with how much she had 'learned' about us in just 24 hours. I figured she was about 30 seconds from running out the door and disappearing from my home and my life—and I honestly could not blame her.

She seemed to be mulling everything over in her head, not giving away what she was truly thinking or feeling.

"So, about this morning...," she began.

"Don't worry about it, everything is good. I just took that as a sign that you could handle the truth," Sienna interjected, to which Kayla looked relieved.

I was now about to faint in amazement—had Sienna somehow opened up our lives to include Kayla without really cluing her into what was happening? I had to marvel at her deviousness and manipulation, it had the same calculating nature of her mother.

"Wow, this is pretty crazy. So, my boss is in a 3-way open relationship with his wife and you?" Kayla clarified, trying her best to understand the lay of the land.

"Don't you mean a 4-way relationship?" Sienna pressed, a familiar mischievousness present in her eyes now.

Kayla's eyebrows shot up in surprise a moment before settling back into a neutral position, which elicited a new series of thoughts to silence her.

"I'm not, I mean..., I wasn't really thinking of it that way," she explained, clearly unprepared for the direction of the conversation.

"Well, you want to keep seeing him, don't you?" Sienna continued, not letting the pressure off.

"I, um, well yeah I guess I was hoping we could keep hooking up, but I didn't—" Kayla stammered.

"Didn't think it would happen because he's your boss and he's married?" Sienna cut in again.

"Well, yeah, I guess," Kayla agreed.

"Now you don't have to worry about any of that, so why stop?" Sienna said plainly.

Kayla thought a moment, even managing a weak smile before replying.

"Well, I do have a boyfriend so I'm not trying to make it too serious or anything, but yeah, I definitely enjoyed hooking up this morning," she reasoned.

"Cool," Sienna replied breezily.

Kayla smiled wide and looked over to me, suddenly seeming to realize that I was still sitting next to her.

"So, you get turned on by smoking?" She asked, apparently something clicking into place in her head.

"Oh yeah," I replied, finding my voice for the first time in several long minutes.

She nodded to herself more than to me, still smiling.

"That makes sense, I've felt like you stare at me when I smoke and I thought it was weird that your wife and your 'daughter' smoked like chimneys while you just sat and watched," Kayla pieced it together, gesturing with air quotes when she said 'daughter.'

"So, you kinda knew?" I asked, interested in my failure to conceal my attractions.

"Kinda, I've gotten some weird comments on Instagram when I post a picture of myself with a cigarette. I knew that it was a sort of an obsession for some guys, but I don't think I've ever actually understood it until now," she continued.

"He's been checking you out for a while now," Sienna revealed to my surprise.

Again, Kayla's eyebrows arched in surprise but this time it was accompanied by an appreciative smile.

"Oh, really?" she mused, offering a pointed look in my direction and demanding that I expand on it directly.

I shrugged guiltily and smiled, nodding in the affirmative.

"Well, you're just full of surprises," she mused playfully.

"So, was this your plan all along?" Kayla asked after a few more moments of thought.

I wasn't sure how I should answer that, considering how close I might be to scaring this girl away.

"No, of course not. There was no plan or anything, but at the same time, I wasn't upset that you came onto me this morning either," I explained, splitting the difference.

Kayla seemed to enjoy this response and reached her hand out to touch my thigh. It had still only been a couple of hours since our encounter in the kitchen, but my cock jumped ever so slightly and surprised me.

"You should stay here for a while," Sienna offered, putting the real plan into action much quicker than I could have ever hoped for.

Kayla seemed caught off guard by Sienna's offer and her genuine thoughtfulness over it was plain to see.

"Just like, move in? No rent or anything?" Kayla pressed.

"Yeah, your new daddy will take care of you," Sienna explained, her voice lowering an octave to imbue the statement with all kinds of interesting implications.

"Mmmm, my new daddy, huh?" Kayla purred, apparently enjoying the direction this conversation was headed.

"We get into all sorts of trouble, and daddy always makes sure we have everything we need," Sienna continued, offering truths that foreshadowed our ulterior motives without directly uncovering their true nature.

Sienna stood somewhat abruptly, the sound of the chair scooting across the floor drawing both of our attention. She stepped the few steps to where I was sitting and sat on the table in front of me to my right. She began caressing my chest through the white t-shirt I was wearing and smiling down at me. Kayla seemed to not want to be outdone, standing up and then perching herself next to Sienna on the table in front of me to my left.

Sienna reached back to where her cigarettes lay on the table and extracted one Newport 100 and placed it between her lips. She turned her attention to Kayla, and she took the hint, following along and placing her own cork tipped Camel Crush between her glossy pink lips. Sienna flicked her lighter to life and offered it to Kayla who accepted it graciously before lighting her own cigarette.

In unison the two gorgeous teenagers exhaled twin streams of smoke down at my face while their caresses became more and more brazen. It didn't take long before Sienna was unbuttoning the fly to my jeans as Kayla continued caressing my chest and lower abdomen. As Sienna slipped my prick from the slit in my boxers it was growing steadily, and I thanked my lucky stars that I had recuperated so quickly as to be able to enjoy this moment.