A Loving Family Pt. 01


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Her trapped arm found its way under her Daddy's shoulder and she clung to him. Her other arm reaching across to hold his head to her breast. Pins and needles danced between her legs. An itch that needed to be scratched.

"Dad... Daddy ... .Daddyyyyyy Ohhhhh" she said, a rising of her "Ohhhhh" as the itch became a need.

His palm lay over her mound, his middle finger reached down and round. His thumb and little finger put pressure on her inner thighs and she opened obediently to the touch, spreading in sweet surrender.

His fingertip brushed along her swelling lips. He felt her wetness welcome him. He felt for her, found her, found the source of her need, slipped his finger round and around.

Her head was rolling from side to side. Incoherent noises spilling from her dry lips. Her hips were lifting to his hand and she moved towards his finger. His thumb brushed the top of her and he felt the rigid clit demand he finish her. His touch was enough. She bucked and writhed beneath him, her voice wailing into the quiet room.

She collapsed and he held her as she panted and whimpered in his arms. Slowly, slowly, she calmed. She closed her eyes. She slept.

He carefully released her and covered her with her sheet. He saw a little smile on her lips as she lay.

After her release I crept down the passage to our bed. I lay there and as Don joined me I turned to my husband. He stroked my face. I could smell Susan's excitement on his fingers.

"I saw. I heard her. I know she did it. Don, Don you didn't hurt her did you. Is she OK?"

"Yes my love. She had her climax. My fingers only. Not inside her. She's asleep now."

I felt my husband press against me. My hand reached down and held him in my hand.

I turned on my back and looked at him in the moonlight.

"Daddy?" I said.

He pulled me apart and raped me. I adored this part.

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riganutriganut3 months ago

It is lovely story about a mother's unselfish love and care. Looking forward to read more on her care on son too.

Coolmeow21Coolmeow21about 2 years ago

The children were UNDERAGE!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

What a shame that this story was a stand alone. It should have been part of a series where the family went on to love one another.

shang40shang40almost 10 years ago
thanks England

Truly hot family

GlimseyeGlimseyeabout 10 years ago

lovely story. i actually feel releaved it stopped where it did. this emotional stuff really gets to the core of me...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

a copyright? seriously? what did that "bloody" accomplish besides putting your full real name on the internet?

Fubar2kFubar2kover 15 years ago
Very Very Good!

An absolutely excellent story, but most of the pleasure for me came from the tenderness, the giving. Thank you.

Fubar2kFubar2kover 15 years ago
Very Very Good!

An absolutely excellent story, but most of the pleasure for me came from the tenderness, the giving. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Give Me A Break!

Imagination here at work,and at it's Peak! I was wondering if literotica.com originated out of the UK? I'm noticing there have been too many Stories and sequels of them that seem to be wriiten using british literature.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Great story, very easy to get into and feel you where a part of. I read some of the comments on this story and agree it had you wanting more and left lots of possiblities and lots to the imagination. I look forward to hearing more about this family :-)

GranPaGranPaover 19 years ago
Tender, Loving and Erotic

Oh, a beautiful well written story by a Master Storyteller, poet and lover. Ms. England cleverly uses her skills as an artist and poet to bring life to a well balanced cast - she breaths life into each character bringing them to life for this reader.

Quite excellent work!

I love this story! Very sensual, well written, and well-named. I just hope that they stay a "Loving Family". No sense messing up a good thing. Would be nice to bring in Mommy's girlfriend, too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
A truly great story

I am glad you went to the trouble to repost it.


Will Wanton 69Will Wanton 69about 20 years ago
Best mother

A great story about a mother who not only loves her children very much, but loves her husband enough to want to 'steer' him in the right direction as well. What a family.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
a beautiful tale!!

so eloquent and delicious! a truly loving family! if only i had a daughter!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

Probably the best story I have ever read on Literotica.

Full of tenderness and love for her family.

Written with, such elegance and style. A master piece.

DrGudLuvDrGudLuvabout 20 years ago
Off the scale HOT!!

Looking forward to the continuation of this adventure! Extremely well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

hope there will be more to this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Beautiful, Loving and HOT!!

Oh yes, I loved this beautiful and sensually loving story and ... uh, I wish I could express it more eloquently but I need to take care of something here. Ah, if you would accompany me to the shower??

I love reading the woman's point of view, and it's made my glasses steam up! Speaking of UP ... It's too HARD to write more!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

I hope this is the first of a series about this loving family! You have set the stage so well, developing believable characters and situations. A truly LOVING family.

We want more!!!!

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