A Loving Wife's Story Ch. 12

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"Enjoy yourself. Return to me."
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Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 02/01/2014
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My husband and I spent an edgy weekend, uncertain of the appropriate decorum to exhibit in anticipation of Dennis coming back into town to complete our next step. We tried to be casual and nonchalant, but that was strenuous exercises of limited duration. We tried to be business like.

"What night would suit you best?"

"Me? Whatever night will be all about you. I will be home waiting. It's your choice."

"I think Wednesday. That will give Dennis two days to re-gather himself and return to his wife. A week later he will be gone for good."

"That is thoughtful looking ahead."

I snapped a quick look at Jamie, searching for negative resonance. There was none. He simply meant exactly what he said.

We developed a pattern. Each of us wandering off, doing different things in different parts of the house, each of us in private worlds of thought and emotion. Then we would gravitate to each other and continue conversation of broken segments, taking up where we left off.

"I am stuffed with looking ahead thoughts."

Jamie smiled at me, a warm and friendly empathetic smile. "I bet you are."

"You too? Riddled and stuffed with thoughts?"

"More than I know what to do with."

"A little scary?"

"More than a little."

"It will all be worth it though. You will see." I wandered off alone to think fresh thoughts. How difficult it must be for Jamie to play his role on his side of our serendipity coin. Now that we had agreed to my fucking a current man instead of a memory man to give him his singular, dark side thrill. He was isolated, waiting, but still with me, walking behind me as I made my way to Dennis, step by step. Although our discussion of the coming event was in segments over several days, there was little he knew how to say, to initiate. A new man I found highly desirable was going to fuck me. Our anticipation was of equal strength, but of much different composition.

I found him in knee pads on his knees planting variegated hosta in our shade garden. He wore shorts and was shirtless. His body was beautiful. The skin an unblemished white, the muscles in his arms and back lean and ropy and distinctly outlined. So unlike Dennis, but so breathtakingly beautiful. My husband and lover, the man I loved.

"Are you as excited as I am? I hope you are. I want you to be. This now part of our sharing."

"I feel an excitement so strange and strong I don't know how to describe it."

"Just what you felt when I told you my stories of Ken and Kirk."

"Much more intense."

"But this time with no guilt or self-doubt."

"No guilt or self-doubt in agreeing to do this, but a lot of scary unknowns are in the shadows."

"Never forget I am doing this for you as much as for me. For our mutual rewarding thrill."

"That I cannot forget. That is the reason I agreed to this ultimate next step."

"I love you Jamie. I can not, will not, ever love another man the way I love you."

And so the hours and days of our mutual, ever increasing anticipation passed.

"He has a big one, I think. It felt big pressing against me when we kissed."

"Are you hoping for that?"

"I'm not hoping. But I won't file a complaint if it is. I will certainly tell you if it is."

"Every detail. Leave nothing out. You will be cheating on me if you do."

"I will never cheat on you, Not in any form or fashion." I laughed. "You know what? My fucking Dennis can't even be called infidelity. We don't fit any mold or label, you and I. We are a sovereign entity all to ourselves."

Sunday night I asked my husband's permission to forgo making love and have a good night's sleep.

"You want to build up a full store for him."

"Of course not! I have plenty for both of you. A woman's sexual store is inexhaustible. However...now that you mention it..."

"Good night my loving wife."

"Good night my loving husband."

Monday morning I texted Dennis. MEET AT THREE. COFFEE. His reply came an hour later. BE THERE.

My outfit was a loose skirt that flowed over my hips and ass, and a snug button up blouse that held my tits like they were in a man's hands. While walking to the student union, I unfastened two more buttons, opening up tit exposure beyond professional decorum.

"Hello again. A good week-end?"

"Very nice. Played with Amy and Randall. When I'm there full time they can get on my nerves. When I'm here a week I miss them like crazy." "You are a good papa." He smiled. "And a good husband," I added.

He looked at me with gentle candor. "Cindy and I had our reunion, as we always do."

"Hearing that makes me happy. I do no harm."

"Not to me and Cindy. But you have certainly done something to me. Those mere minutes in your office I can't forget. I want, need, must have more."

"What are you doing Wednesday night?"

"That night is reserved for you."

"My husband will be out of town."

Dennis' eyes went to the unbuttoned gap in my blouse, and gazed at the creamy freckled cleavage my up lift bra presented. "Then that is our opportunity. Clandestine safe and secure."

"Passing ships docking and connecting. And not getting caught."

"It will be torture to wait that long."

"For me too. But it will be worth it.... Around sevenish?"

"My time is your time. Anytime."

"Expect my knock on your door."

I don't know how I managed to do my required work the rest of the day. It was going to happen. Another man was going to fuck my married cunt. That was a goal I had deliberately set to achieve after the first time I accidentally met him. I was a bit amazed how easy and seamless Dennis and I slid in step to reach that goal. Of course my husband walking a separate step by step parallel course with us removed all impediments from my reaching that goal. Without my husband joined with me in parallel that goal wouldn't even exist. I remembered a close friend who had an affair with her professor when we were undergraduates. She was dying to tell me all about it, and did. Women love to talk to each other. I listened spell bound, sharing her bursting excitement. I had exactly the same bursting excitement now, except there was no close female friend to confide in. Not for this. There was only my husband. Closer to me than anyone else in the world. When work was done I rushed home to tell him, with all the eagerness that drives girl talk.

"Had coffee with Dennis today."

"In your office?"

"No, no. That's off limits now. In the student union. He had a nice visit home."

"So? Did you set a date?"

"Wednesday night it is. It's on."

Those words were like a draw string pulled to close the top of an opened bag to a tight bunched circle. It's on. It's in the bag. It's going to happen. I could not stop a beaming smile on my face of triumph, of closure. Jamie was frozen, for a moment, with that deer in the headlights look.

"I told him you would be out of town that night."

"That should ease any worries he might have."

"It did. And not only that. It gave him assurance of the required secrecy that must be for this. That our marriage and his not be compromised in any way. We didn't discuss that at length, but we both made known all along that we wanted to fuck, without getting caught, no one else ever knowing. He really is the ideal man for this."

"At his place?"

"Yes. I drove by there to check it out. An old Victorian converted to a few furnished apartments. He has a private entrance at the corner of the porch. I can sneak in and out unnoticed. Have fantastic sex with him with no one else, but you, ever knowing."

"Well, Wednesday night you will find out for sure just ideal he is."

"For sure I will. And I don't have the slightest doubt he will be a wonderful lover." I trembled and smiled with that certainty. "And you no doubt know I will be a wonderful lover for him too. I won't hold anything back. I will give myself to him. For you as much as for me."

"I know what a wonderful lover you are. I know so very, very well."

When we went to bed that night, I again withdrew from making love with my husband. I suppose somewhere in my mind I really was putting the familiarity of Jamie on hold, storing myself up to be fresh for all the new sensations of a different man, a different body, a different cock, a new sexual fulfillment, a new stimulation of all those things at rest awakening to rise to orgasms generated by Dennis. We were lying on our sides, back to back. Before I fell asleep I reached back to put my hand on Jamie's leg and caress it, to reassure him he was with me, all the way, and forever.

Tuesday, my only contact with Dennis was a text. TOMORROW NIGHT. ANTICIPATE.

Wednesday afternoon.

When all public work duties were finished, I left my office earlier than usual. My mind was filled with a single subject - Dennis waiting for my knock on his door.

Back home I made myself a sandwich and a salad to eat, and drank a glass of milk. I needed energy for the coming work out, but I didn't want to go there stuffed and I didn't want hunger rumbles in my gut either. I selected clothes to wear and laid them out on the bed. I stripped naked and ran hot water to fill the tub. While the water was running I sat on the commode lid with wide spread legs and trimmed my pubic hair, cropping it down and removing all long fringe back from my cunt lips and clitoral hood. I inspected my nails; they needed no attention. I put bubble bath in the tub and watched the churn and turned off the tap. When the water cooled enough I eased into the mass of bubbles.

Preparing myself to be with Dennis, my lover for a night, the man who would fuck me. My first other man since I married Jamie. With Jamie's full knowledge and agreement. In a few hours I would be in the arms of another man. I would give myself to him, welcome his doing to me whatever he wanted, feel his touch on my body, his lips and hands, the touch of his cock to my cunt, the force of it entering into me. Tine stood still to gaze on me and my new lover connected in sexual union and judge it to be perfect.

I don't know how long my husband stood in the bathroom door frame before I was aware of him. I gave him that smile that only a loving wife can give. "Hi my darling."

"I thought you had fallen asleep in all those bubbles."

"I wasn't asleep. I was dreaming though."

"I don't have to guess what."

Jamie was fractured. His kinky excitement was at a higher point than ever before, but that carried vague, scary uncertainties greater than any before. We had discussed this. His waiting in the wings, home alone when the time came for me to go out to another man. Something neither of us could imagine with any accuracy. Something that just had to happen as a part of the experience. I thought it would serve his excitement if I made no attempt to soothe his tender fears, but instead emphasize the reality.

"No. You know. You are with me every step. We are in this together. I am making myself squeaky clean to be with another man for the night. I was dreaming of Dennis making love to me."

I spoke those words with voice intonation of one barely out of a trance, my loving wife smile sweet and pure, my eyes a gentle but unwavering penetration into his. Those words seemed to have the effect I hoped for. He seemed to gather himself, organize all his inner conflicts into a resource that promoted the common good - that fantastic story I would have to later enthrall and inflame him, even more than these preliminaries were now doing.

He smiled back at me, in step. "I will leave you to your business then." He said, and went to another part of the house.

I drained the tub and shampooed my hair. Spent time with the dryer, and brushed my hair fifty strokes. It fell in soft waves and strands to my shoulders. I flossed and brushed my teeth and swished Listerine. I sat naked before the mirror and applied make up - very little make up, just enough for subtle accent around my eyes, and pink lip gloss.

Jamie stuck his head in the door way, He leered at me, and said: "Sexy ass."

I put my hands under my breasts and lifted them in offering to him via reflection in the mirror. "Just my ass?"

"All of you. From head to toe."

I pursed my lips and via the mirror blew him a kiss, garnished with a sudden flare of inner impulse to play the slut, the whore, and adventurous wife. He blew me a kiss back, and left.

I went to my husband in the living room. He sat without a drink on the side table, no reading material in his hands. He was staring at the wall, wrapped in thoughts he couldn't speak, and I could not fully imagine.

"Jamie. I say again, I will not fall in love with Dennis. I love you and only you and I will never love any man but you. Tell me you believe that, you know that is true, and you trust me."

He stared at me a moment. An aura of sincerity and honesty seemed to surround him. "I believe you and trust you. I said yes, I wanted this to happen. I am with you. All the way." He stood and walked to me, in measured, totally confident paces. He put his hands to my bare shoulders and slowly brought his lips to mine. His kiss was tender and loving and delicate. Like a kiss for a baby in a bassinet. My emotion was so strong I felt I might burst into tears. That emotion was curtailed by Jamie speaking.

"Are those new clothes?"

"Yes. How do I look?"

I was wearing a khaki wrap around skirt that went to mid thigh, and a white ruffle tube top with no straps that left my belly button bare and winking.

"Sexy." Jamie said. "Very, very sexy. And very beautiful."

The pleasure of his compliment flooded me, and the flush on my skin and the glow of my face and eyes and smile said "thank you" with greater meaning than words could carry. I felt very sexy and beautiful, all ready to leave my home and fuck another man.

"This wrap around skirt quickly unwraps."

"Very convenient."

"I'm not wearing panties."

"If ever there was an occasion not to, this is it."

I reached for the hem of my skirt and slowly raised it to bunch at my middle. Jamie stepped back for a full view gaze at my creamy white thighs and my trimmed bush and my cunt smiling the same as my face lips did, in a vertical version. I wanted him to have this visual while I was gone. What his wife was going to give to another man. That was the reality of what we were doing. That visual now in his mind was a part of the experience of his waiting for me to return. I let my skirt fall.

"You're not wearing a bra either."

"No. This garment excludes one. And is also easily removed."

"It makes your tits look bigger and fuller." He came to me and with both hands found and tweaked my two nipples. They instantly jutted up erect. "You think they will stay this tiny cork shape all the way there?"

"If not, they will likely stand up again as soon as I knock on his door."

Jamie made a strange sound in his throat, almost like a giggle he wanted to suppress at all costs.

"It's time. I expect you will be a bundle of nerves."

"Ha! A bundle, a bale, a tightly wound ball."

"You can take care of big boy," I said, reaching to fondle his cock, which was not hard. "As much as you want. You have my permission." I hung my purse on my shoulder.

"Wait." Jamie said. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a little box of condoms to hand me. "Be prepared." He said.

That deep emotion flooded my insides again. My husband was with me, all the way in our daring adventure of mutual choice. That last gesture of his preparing me with condoms gave a resounding echo to his saying yes, I want to do this next and ultimate step.

"My sweetest love." I breathed out. You are with me... However, I have my own." I pulled my little box of condoms out of my purse and flashed it. "I bought them the day after you said yes, no turning back." I flashed him a smile of clever foresight. He seemed a little disappointed. "What the hell," I said, "give them to me. If all goes well we might need two boxes."

"Unusual stamina is one thing, Superman is quite another."

I laughed, a bubbling giggle of joy set free. "Speaking of, I have no idea at all how late I will be. Might be early, might be midnight. I just can't predict. But I shall return. With the most thrilling erotic story you ever heard."

We stared at each other a moment, feeling the magnitude of our shared reality settle on us.

"Bye Jamie my husband. I love you with every cell in my being."

"Sondra my wife. I love you with all that I am. Enjoy yourself. Return to me."

To be continued...

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irinmikeirinmikealmost 2 years ago

Right, "this is for you as much as it is for me". Again what a crock! She is nothing more than a coniving bitch who has maneurvered her husband into thinking that is okay for her to feel the way she does about being fucked by another man. "But I love only you". That phrase should be interpreted as I love only ME!! That is the truth and her husband is a complete fool.

OnethirdOnethirdabout 3 years ago

Some complaining at the volume of words leading to this point. There’s no pleasing some people. It would be a funny add-on story to condense all these chapters into a 750 word flash story. I guess some would complain it was too rushed, then.

maddictmaddictover 8 years ago
Another thought.

I dont think I mentioned , this is a very erotic story.

Will Jamie be alone tonight ? I know the fantasy, I think I would have my girl friend leave her panties.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
RE: Creative Writing


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Creative Writing

Reminds me of the overblown writing you often see in creative writing classes. Everyone praises it at first because they equate quantity with quality. By the end, the smarter ones understand the difference.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyover 10 years ago

Reminds me of a soap opera. You can miss a month of shows and never miss a thing. As this moves along like molasses, I do see two very different possible endings. (1) She does it and Jaime goes off the deep end and the marriage fails. (2) She doesn't do it and tells Jaime she did, then repairs her marriage.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 10 years ago
Difficult dialog

The verbal exchanges are very awkward and sometimes tortured. Perhaps that is intended to reinforce the anger and tension in the characters?

honey_licker1124honey_licker1124over 10 years ago
Addendum to Anticipation:

I thought of this after I had hit the "Submit" button.

The whole crux of the matter is this: Even with all the Victorian romantic "My love, My love! She is cheating on her husband and on her marriage vows. Dennis is cheating on his wife and his marriage vows. Whether Jaime knows and agrees or not. In a perfect world, "Loving Wives" would not cheat on their husbands or be Hot Wives. But then, if they didn't, we wouldn't be coming here and reading these stories, would we? :)

honey_licker1124honey_licker1124over 10 years ago
The anticipation builds!

I suspect Friday morning, I will be coming to LW early (as soon as wife leaves for work) to see how it will all play out.

Sondra is the master manipulator. Yes, it is agreed that it for her pleasure not Jaime's. Remember, he was not at all wanting this in the beginning. But she pulled all the right strings to make her dream fuck a reality.

According to the story, it has been at least a year since that first mention of the Red Roof Inn. She saw then and started planning how she could get her husband to let her fuck another man, without it "supposedly" not doing any harm to their marriage. As I have mentioned earlier, any number of scenarios will consummate this great story. Now the mention of cream-pie has made a new kink. Dare I say she would probably not get pregnant with children in college, BUT it is possible. Then there would be an eternal reminder of Sondra's dalliance into extra-marital sex born in 9 months.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
In the end

I don't think she'll do it, but she'll tell her husband she did. She did that once already.

TornadoTysTornadoTysover 10 years ago
Great Story

I have posted comments on previous chapters and my opinion is the same. The cunning wife through seduction, love, emotional fulfilment, sexual high etc etc.

She still has manipulated poor the poor husband.

I just hope for twist in the story either Dennis is a very poor lover, Dennis's wife turns up or another woman with key walks in on them, Dennis turns out to be heavily in BDSM, Jamie texts his wife to stop the encounter, Jamie has a woman round to give loving while his wife gets fucked, or a P.I hired by Dennis's wife snaps photos and sends them to Jamie and the Uni !

I must say the stories have been beautifully crafted with phrases and words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Pavlov's Dog

The writer is talented and written an interesting tale. He can certainly write from the woman's point of view and inner thinking, however the insight given to us as to the husband's thinking is so lacking that it's a shame.

That being said, the husband in this story reminds me of Pavlov's dog who was conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell. The wife is a manipulator, never straying from her goal. She has used classical conditioning to train her husband and manipulate him into giving her permission to break her wedding vows...and like it. One wonders, if having sex with one man outside of her marriage is good, how many more she will have after this one.

Although the story has been already written, I still hope that the husband has his "ahha moment" and comes to the conclusion that all this is truly just about his wife's pleasure and that upon her return he challenges not only their relationship, but her manipulation of him and that he refuses to accommodate her in the future.

svg1svg1over 10 years ago

Sondra is in the drivers seat in this little dance, and she has been from the beginning. There's a multitude of subtle lies in every chapter, she knows how to steer each step in her game so that Jamie will accept it. She carefully explores what he will accept, but she always knew the endgame. Each step has escalated, as she has planned. She's going on this adventure with condoms, but eventually, as the 'toy box' needs expanded, she'll be coming home with a creampie. And, eventually, as 'the toy box' requires, Jamie will at some point be lapping up a creampie. In a previous chapter, I commented on 'primal instinct'. For those who don't understand, throw "Sperm Competition" into a search engine. Sondra has stated that she would like to relive the feelings of her slutty youth, but she has increased the thrill by manipulating her husband into going along with it. Part of Sondra's thrill and excitement is in controlling Jamie. Sondra is playing Jamie like a Stradivarius. If this is what Jamie wants, more power to him, I hope he enjoys the ride that she's taking him on. These are my views only, the author may have a different idea, and each person who reads it may have a different view. But, this is very well written, and the variation of comments reflect how it touches each reader in a different way. This story is not at all shallow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I see what you are asking Bobnbobby but in my opinion she has been cheating. I noticed several things in these last 2 chapters that she has lied about. I thought the WHOLE POINT of this was the honesty and that she is doing it more for him then her. It just doesn't read that way and I don't see how anyone thinks it does. It seems like manipulation with the use of such big words (which nobody talks that way anymore) and the fact that she tells lies to benefit her situation. That makes all 12 chapters of this story seem like one big lie in order to manipulate him. All the time she has spent talking him into it (He wholeheartedly did not want this until she "convinced" him it was for him) over and over and over again. Manipulation is the main point of this story as far as I can tell!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is the most powerful erotic intimacy ever described. This is the most realistic realism ever described. This chapter could be the crowning achievement of the whole theme. Any hot wife, or cheating one, could dash off to be with her lover, and in countless stories here they do. Yawn. But this mutual daring of Jamie and Sondra demands a climax of highest dramatic value, and here it is. What is so stunning is the climax plays out in low key every day routine of their waiting. Even though the routine is “edgy” as it certainly should be, considering what is going on. It is somewhat like the edgy awareness of combat soldiers. But it more like the edginess of adrenalin rush. Each of this couple on the edge of their own rush.

It is now sinking in to me how diagones has made this story so riveting with subtle suspense. All histrionics are simply banished. Sondra and Jamie share this fateful time of her leaving to be with another man as… well only a loving couple could do. That dedicated sharing that was there from the beginning.

This chapter is so flawless in realism and credibility I wish the story would end right now. “Enjoy yourself. Return to me.” THE END. Anything remaining can only be denouement.

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