A Maid's Tail Ch. 07: Saturday


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Kim-kitty whimpered and arched back obediently, mouth hanging open.

Elliot plowed into her again and again, holding her just like that while he used his mewling kitten. He deserved it, they both did. Kim tightened herself around him, struggling to breathe through the moan. "Ohmygod-"

"I said." He slamed into her hard enough to make her shudder. "No. Talking."

Kim whined into a heap, face down, ass up. Her master deserved it. She held her muscles tight around his thick heat, offering. Begging. When Elliot leaned over her, she buried her face deeper in the comforter. He couldn't hear her begging. "Please fuck me. . ."

"Kimmy. . ." Elliot cooed teasingly. "You're not following directions. . ." He grabbed a hand full of her hair and pulled her head up. They looked at one another. His eyes were firm, tollerent like a father scolding a child. He thrust into her up to the hilt. "Disobey me and this ends."

"N- n-" Kim whimpered pathetically as she tried to roll back against him, sinking her teeth into her lower lip. For every inch she took, she could feel the plug in her ass trying to force itself out to make room for her master. It wouldn't, of course. She clamped down on them both and pushed up on shaky arms no longer able to support her own weight. "Nomaster- M- Mewwww!"

Another powerful thrust and Elliot was pounding into her again- Kim lost herself in his demand for her body- she was beautiful to him and he wasn't ashamed to make it clear to her. His hands traveled her entire form, cupping, squeezing, pulling. Demanding. Kim hadn't felt this wanted in years. . . Did she deserve it? Elliot's quickly increasing tempo told her she might have in his eyes.

So that was exactly what she did; she gave in to him more so- she was theirs to do with as they pleased. Kim trembled as she tried to push herself back, rolling her hips in a tight circle which had the added effect of batting the tail plug with Elliot's cock every time she moved.

Being overstuffed made her dizzy with lust, fearful of what might come- did she dare ask her master to pull out? Did she even want him to? Kim-kitty didn't. Kim-kitty wanted her master to be happy. As she rolled her hips back into Elliot's, she felt him grab a hand full of her hair.

Before she realized what was happening they were tumbling on to their sides. Elliot grabbed her around her waist and slammed his meaty cock into her, mashing the plug right into it. She cried out, throwing her head back as the overwhelming power of his desire and her lust burned through her core. He didn't stop, though. He pounded her again and again, faster and harder, driving his demand home. He grabbed her collar next, panting into her ear, yanking her back.

It was too much. She was a puppet in the hands of a god; bright plumes of pleasure exploded across her vision and he let out a moan that echoed through the empty house. The tingling sensation of her building orgasm came hard, hit fast, broke the thick maid in two. She spasmed and jerked, clawing at the mattress now while Elliot pounded her relentlessly. The quivering catgirl mewled out blindly, trying to beg for a minute. Her master wasn't going to give it to her, though and as she came, she struggled in his arms to get away. She pushed against him. Her entire body tensed and spasmed and she continued silently begging even as she lost all sense of who she was.

There was only Kitty. There had only ever been Kitty. Kitty obeyed.

Her master slammed into her again and again. Panting harsh demands in her ear. Growling. Holding her protectively. He wasn't done. She couldn't respond; couldn't even think.

Finally, when she felt like she was going to black out, Kitty's master stopped his assault on her pussy and graciously allowed her to ride out her orgasm- tears streaked Kitty's cheeks as her body shuddered and convulsed in her master's arms. What felt like an eternity passed before it finally subsided enough that she could breathe. Kitty mewled out between pants of her master's name, whimpering it like a mantra. "Master-" she'd pant. "Mew. . ."

"Shh." Her master said firmly in her ear, stroking back her hair. "Shhh. Don't speak."

They were both slicked with sweat, but it was only Kitty who seemed to feel cold; she shivered against the man and struggled for his warmth. That earned her a thrust- a deep, powerful one that rubbed both of her openings and made her whimper all the more.

"I've decided you're going to get a reward for all you've done for us. . . Would you like that?"

"M- mew. . ."

"That right?" Fingers laced into her collar and pulled her back. Another thrust. A soft moan. Something throbbing inside her. Master panted softly. "Say it. . ."

Kitty swallowed, arching back against his chest. In a barely audible mewl, she whispered: "Cum in me, master. . ."

"You deserve it."

"I deserve it. . . G- Good kitty." She had been a good kitty. She'd been a good maid, too. She was so wanted and desired- she was going to please her masters whatever it took to stay a good girl. "Cum in me, master."

Elliot growled softly in her ear, his hand prowled down to her hip. Gripped her. He owned her. She wanted him to own her. She wanted to feel needed- this was her right, this was right. "What if I decide you haven't earned it?"

Kim whined. "Please."

"Please what?" He pulled on her collar lightly.

"Please cum in your kitten!"

Something inside her tensed; Elliot's cock throbbed and seemed to get harder. She tightened her entire body, ready to accept her reward. She tightened so much, her master groaned in her ear. "Make me." He demanded.

Kim started to roll her body but Elliot stopped her and tightened his grip on her collar. Picking up his subtle hint, she tightened her muscles and pushed off with her ass cheeks only to be slammed back against her master's powerful thighs. She repeated this several times, a servant even in bed- as she knew they both wanted. Kim cried out and pounded back against him. Again and again. Faster. Harder.

Every movement sent his breath coming in sharper and harder. He groaned into her ear. Abruptly he pulled on her hip, burying his massive dick up to the hilt. When she tried to go forward again he held her there. A demanding thrust and his hard muscles tightened. Sprung. He shoved into her even harder and yanked back on the collar. "AGH- AGGGRRHHHH." Elliot snarled in her ear.

Heat. Throbbing, Powerful heat swelled in Kim's pussy. Elliot thrust into her again and jerked forward. A thick wave of cum erupted deep inside the curvy maid. One after another, Elliot pumped powerful blasts of spunk into his willing kitten, thrusting every time even as his cum splashed into her. She didn't even have time to breathe as he used her.

All she could do was feel her master's satisfaction while another wave of his spunk was pumped into her. It was so much! No one had ever done that before- even if she'd let them cum in her, which she never did. Kim panted her weak approval as Elliot pumped into her again, emptying every last drop into her. When he finally stopped, she clamped down against him and rolled her body a little to tease out anything he'd missed. Even then, she'd never felt so full as when she had him in her and when he emptied into her, she almost felt too full. It was blinding and incredible. How could she have gone so long without this?

For his part in it, the younger man held her firmly, never one letting up control. Elliot's position was unquestionable even in the throes of a powerful orgasm. When he finally subsided, he leaned against her and growled in her ear. "I'm going to do this to you every. Single. Time."

Kim's heart punched into her throat. "Y- Yes master McKenna. . ."

"Goooood girl. . ." He slapped her ass. He was still panting when he wrapped his arm around her tummy and thrust for good measure. "Good god, where did you learn how to do that?"

"Practice?" It felt absurd to take a casual tone covered and filled with so many fluids, but Kim still managed to keep straight as she continued. "A maid should know how to please her employers, shouldn't she?"

"I suppose so. . ."

Kim dared a glance back. "Every time?"

"Every. Time."

She bushed deeply. Elliot slowly withdrew leaving her empty and hollow, cum dribbling down the side of her ass cheek. He exhaled against her ear. "Every time. . ."

It wasn't right to feel this aroused. She should have been deeply ashamed. She wasn't supposed to have done this. She really wasn't supposed to let him do that. Yet. . . God, it felt so right. How could she have denied him if she wanted to?

"Get some dinner for us, would you?" His calm tone snapped her back to reality.

"H- huh? Oh. . . Y- Yes, of course. J- just let me get cleaned up."

Elliot was already off the bed and recovering his jeans. "Panties stay off."

Kim blinked at that and, dumbfounded, whispered her acknowledgment.


Kim wobbled on shaky knees as she traversed the kitchen in the course of making dinner. Images of what they'd just done swirled around her mind like snapshots of someone else's life. Kim wasn't the one who did things like that, surely it couldn't have been her who'd done those things. . .

She had the soreness to remind her of her master's demands, though. She had the massive load she was still having to clean off her inner thigh occasionally. She had broken into entirely new territory and she loved it.

Was she really that simple? Of course not. She was human. . .

A shiver ran up her spine while she finished up making dinner and laid the plates out. Elliot was down a few minutes later, all showered and wearing new clothes which struck Kim as horribly unfair, considering she still smelled of sex and him.

Maybe it wasn't all bad.

Without a word, he strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and a pair of glasses, setting them up with the dishes. Trepidation grew in Kim as she finished the meal and laid it out. With every movement she could feel his eyes on her, but he was stoic throughout the entire thing.

Kim ventured a quiet murmur. "Will Mistress McKenna be joining us?"

"Not to my knowledge. . . Why don't you have a seat."

"Uh- sure. If I can even sit."

He smirked at that. "You'll get used to it."

Kim swallowed, bushing as she eased into the chair. Unconsciously, she clenched her thighs together as if trying to force herself back together. She was still riding the buzz of post-orgasm bliss, but couldn't help but eye Elliot. He'd opened her up and now without him between her thighs, she felt weak and empty.

"So," he said casually. "Tell me about these changes you want to make. . . To your uniform."

"Oh- uh. . . I'd been thinking about body paint. Or temporary tattoos. . . Like I mentioned. Maybe contact lenses?"


"Stockings, maybe. Sheer black ones." Kim added uneasily, "W- whatever else you'd like, too?"

The younger man looked her over with a thoughtful smirk. "I guess we could let you do that. I suspect you'll want us to pay for it. . ." He poked the air with a fork. "Right?"

"Um. . ."

"Speak up."

"I- If you would?"

Elliot took a big bite and leaned back, chewing on it as he watched her. "Do you think you're worth it?"

"Uh- d- do you?"

"I asked you first."

She swallowed. "I do. . ."


"B-" Kim fidgeted.

"This is negotiation, Kim. Try to keep your cards close to your chest." He gave her a wry smile. "Why're you worth it?"

In spite of everything, that threw her for a loop. Kim stared at the space between them for a moment. Was there a right answer? Was there even a good answer? What could she give them that no one else could- or would?

She was about to say something when she felt her leather collar rub against the raw spot it'd left on her skin. That was it; the simplest answer was usually the right one. Slowly, carefully, she eased down on her hands and knees and crawled over to Elliot's feet. She squatted down in front of him, looking up. "Meow."

When that didn't move him, she braced her hands on his thighs and, putting plenty of cleavage on display, she looked up at him with her best innocent expression and arched her back to emphasize her curves. "If I was able to, I'd be more the catgirl you want so badly. . ."

Elliot looked down at her, stroked her hair back and smiled. "We tend to get what we want. . ." He leaned back in the chair and spread his legs. "Do you?"

"Only when my master is happy. . ." She nuzzled against his inner thigh.

"Mmm. . . That right? So tell me, how much do you expect to make this week?"

Kim started to back up but Elliot held her there. "Whatever you decide to pay me. . ."

"What if I didn't want to? What then, hm? Give me an answer, Kim."

"Ah. . . Tw- Twelve hundred?"

Elliot scoffed.

"Too much?"

"Let me tell you something, Kimberly. . ." He said firmly. "Value is in the hands of those receiving services. Do you understand?"

"I do, yeah. . ."

He swatted her softly. "You do, yes."

"I do, master."

"Good." Elliot stood up slowly and withdrew an envelope from his back pocket. "I expect to see you Tuesday, kitten. . . Don't disappoint me."

Kimberly reached for the envelope- it was as thick and heavy as his dick had seemed. She blinked, looking at him with uncertain eyes. "A- are you sure? This feels like a lot. . ."

"Positive. . . Get those things you want and give me the receipts. We'll approve or disapprove of it next week, okay?"

"Y- Yes! Uh- T- Thank you, Master McKenna."

He smiled at that and gently ran his hand through her hair. "Kim. . ."


"I'm glad I was right about you. . ."

She never would admit it, but secretly, she was too. She smiled up at her master and nuzzled his inner thigh, comfortable in the thought of his strength and warmth. This was the job she'd been born for. These were the people she was going to serve.

This was Kimberly William's new life; that of a fetish maid.



This is a draft version I've been struggling like hell to get out. I've been incredibly depressed lately and have had a hard time getting stuff together- everything from this to the Dragon Slayer stuff. But I promised I'd deliver, so here we are.

I'm going to be busting my ass to get a revised version. Just trying to get in somewhere because homelessness sucks. Getting there, though!

Warmest regards,

Tammy Silverwolf

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leo03007leo03007over 2 years ago

I need this series to never end just superb

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Absolutely,paws down,100% the best erotic story I have ever read. Superb work Tammy, I loved it and am now going to enjoy Part Two.





I am going to share this with my feline Sub.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 6 years ago
I Figured It Out

I figured out why this story is weird (in a good way) it's because they're dominating her without actually telling her what to do. They're leaving it entirely up to her imagination and willingness to please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Just perfect. I've never cum so hard .....

taco1085taco1085about 7 years ago
thank you

I love this story, i am not sure why i have not read it sooner. I love your stories and i am sorry you are depressed. I know what that is like and it is not fun. If your readers can ever help and be there for you please let us know. May your thoughts be light and your burdens be few....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
omg !

I loved this series, soooooo hope we see it continued somewhere along the way!

now, if they , had a great dane to compare kim to as a pet, this would have met my deepest fantasy. (big blush)

looking forward to more


TaelynnTaelynnabout 9 years ago

I'd kill for a continuation of this! It's so well done!

T_SilverwolfT_Silverwolfover 9 years agoAuthor
Just leaving a note

Hey, everyone. Thanks /so much/ for your support. It really means a lot to me and I'll never be able to thank you properly, but I can tell this needs to go places, so I'm going to try and get more catgirl maid up next month. I'm trying my best to get in doors somewhere, then I'll be able to get more done.

I put up an ebook version (including revisions and some other stuff) on my site and I wanted to spread the word around a bit, so if you enjoyed this story and you'd like to help support the next book, please check out: https://payhip.com/b/D0s8 and use the code Literotica to save 25% instantly.

MikerpenMikerpenover 9 years ago
Does not read like a draft.

This not not read like a draft. Instead it reads like an erotic story with a trace of humor. Liked it a lot! Look forward to more with these characters. What changes, mental or physical will happen to the maid?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Dancing Kitty

I like the thought of Kitty being taught to dance by Sylvia. Erotic dance I presume. If Sylvia wants to keep Kitty in peak condition she could train her in pole dancing. It would be a challenge for kitty to learn pole dancing being her age. You might want to consult a pole dance trainer to get those charters right.

I have enjoyed the story so far and hope for a continuation.

Sincerely Yours

Grey Master

MastersWenchMastersWenchover 9 years ago
You did it again!

I've really enjoyed reading this story so much! I love your writing style. I can really see this being published and bringing in a few bucks before you know it! Keep up the great work! Thank you again.


T_SilverwolfT_Silverwolfover 9 years agoAuthor
Thank You

Thank you guys for the wonderful comments, once I get the revised version of this story up on my website and amazon, I'll probably revisit the characters and see where things go.

In the meantime, though, I've got 2 other book projects to finish (including my Dragon (S)Layers erotic fantasy novel and another special something. For 2015, I'd really like to pump out anothr novella with Kim and Co. and get the catgirl maid text game up there. . . I've got plans, just need some stability so I can enact them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Keep Going!!! loving this series so far!!

TommybowlerTommybowlerover 9 years ago
I love your writing

I had been hoping there would be another part to this story. The writing is a pleasure to read. The story and character development is great. I read your comment about being homeless it does suck and that is for sure. I have no idea where on this planet you are. If you are in Europe let me know. I am pretty much working my ass off do nothing right now while my finances get worse. But I have a roof over my head.

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