A Match Made before Heaven


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"And I'm not that special, It's ok Hugh, I understand," I said as tears again filled my eyes.

"Oh fuck, Fleur, you are that special and more," Hugh was again crying. "One of the strategies Phil and I came up with was not to rush into a sexual relationship. I met a few women in Africa but did not like any of them enough to want to sleep with them. Yes, I found them attractive physically, but there was nothing there mentally."

I thought I could see where Hugh was going, however I still felt totally rejected.

"Fleur, I have been falling for you so badly ever since Mum sent me this photo." Hugh pulled up his phone and showed me a candid shot Maureen had captured of me with the sun behind me smiling and laughing. "There was something Mum saw in you and when I saw those eyes my heart melted. I knew that meant nothing because it was a photo and nothing else- it may have well been a supermodel in a magazine. I emailed Phil at the time and told him of the situation. His reply was to go slowly."

Hugh was stroking my hands now. "When you called me that day and I heard your voice, I heard such a caring, gentle tone. You knew exactly what to say. I had been thinking of coming home and knew in my heart Mum was dying, but you gave me the nudge I needed. When you offered to collect me from the airport, I wondered what you thought of me and if Mum had convinced you too."

"Kind of," I laughed, "I went along with it at first, just as I had with other patients in the past- the number of kids who tried to match me up with their single fathers, but every time I went in to care for Maureen that photo of you squatting down in Africa was there looking at me and I was very aware of it."

"Fleur, I wanted to jump you at the funeral. I wanted to grab your hand and find somewhere to take you to ravish you, but I knew that was not right."

"So you ran back to Africa" I ventured.

"Yes, I ran away again. I had invited you for coffee and you had turned me down. I was in the middle of a contract in Namibia, but I could have ended it in the circumstances. I emailed Phil again and told him about Mum. We had a skype session where your name came up. I told Phil you were amazing and beautiful and gorgeous and sexy and how I wanted to take you at the funeral. Phil agreed that that would have been inappropriate. But he also made me see that perhaps I needed to stop running and head home. I had been skyping Monique and Heather and their families and they mentioned your name a lot. In their grief as Mum lay dying, they saw what Mum saw in you."

I brushed some hair out of Hugh's face, and he held my hand against his cheek. "When I came back I wanted to see you at work, but I couldn't face walking onto the ward because it held so many raw memories. I wanted to text you, but I didn't want to be rejected again. I was working in paeds and it was amazing how often your name would come up- a nurse would ask something, and the response would be 'Oh, Fleur would know!' When I saw you come to visit I wanted to race over and hug you and leave a poor kid to fall over on his crutches, but, well..."

"I'm glad you didn't do that!" I laughed.

"When I got home I sent you the text I had saved in my phone that I had been wanting to send since I first stepped off the plane, and I messaged Phil! He reminded me to take things slowly. We had a skype session and he said coffee was great and that might lead to a second date which might involve a meal which might lead to a third date which might involve a movie or something."

"And then we go and do all three in a day?" I probed.

"Yep and during the second half of the concert I freaked out. I had had an erection all concert sitting so close to you and it all just felt too fast, but it's not, really is it?"

"Hugh, I know feelings aren't reality, but we need to listen to them. An hour or so ago things felt like they were going too fast and even if we say this is date number four then yes, things have moved rather quickly. Nat described you as Adonis and that is exactly what I thought when I first saw you- my heart skipped a beat and I honestly thought I stood no chance with a guy as sexy as you."

Our cups of tea were well and truly cold. Hugh offered to make a fresh pot, but I said no and suggested he head back to his bed for the night. I held his hand as we walked to my door. "Hugh, before you go though, I would like to give you a..." I could not finish my sentence before our lips locked for the first time. It was gentle and tender at first and then we both could feel the pressure building. I broke away and leant in for a hug.

This was another hug that went on far too long and I could feel Hugh's manhood pressing against my stomach. As we held each other I braved myself to share my worry, "Hugh, I thought you were worried that Sally left you basically for the Spanish Casanova and I had had a thing with him too and you were concerned you might not measure up." I started.

Hugh did admit that that had crossed his mind. "Can I let you in on a secret- Carlos has a 4-inch dick. He uses it adequately, but size isn't everything. He used to say that it wasn't the size of the wand but the magic it weaves, but let's just say I've had better from an unsatisfying one-night stand."

We both laughed. "Fleur, I want you so badly right now," Hugh admitted. "I know my love, but waiting is for the best tonight." I replied as I kissed him on the cheek.

I did not sleep well that night. I tried masturbating but it was not satisfying. I woke several times wondering about Hugh who was sleeping above me. My phone beeped at 6- 'I can't sleep and I'm going for a run, if you're awake you could join me? Hope I haven't woken you H x' I replied 'You are funny thinking I can run! I've not slept a lot but am happy to walk behind you.' I got out of bed and threw my exercise clothes on. There was a knock at my door soon after.

"Oh Fleur, I'm so sorry about last..." Hugh started before I shushed him. Hugh suggested we compromise and do part walk part run. I doubted my stamina but agreed. It was actually lots of fun. We had been at it for almost an hour when Hugh suggested a coffee. I tried to argue that I stank but Hugh would not hear of it saying he thought I smelt just fine.

We went to a different café to the previous day and were surprised to see Cameron coming out with take away coffees for the family. "Well hello you two lovebirds! Heather will be thrilled when I tell her- gotta run, see you at the picnic, you're coming too aren't you, Fleur?"

It was more of a statement than a question and before either of us could reply Cameron was in his car taking breakfast home to his family. "This picnic is going to be a little strange," I ventured.

Hugh laughed, "If we don't do it today, we will be celebrating a nephew's birthday in a few weeks or another family event soon after that."

I smiled recognising Hugh could see me at these family events too. "So, after three or four dates in a day depending on how you count them followed by a breakfast date the following day followed by a family picnic, are you saying you see a future with us?" I asked.

Hugh took my hand and kissed it and smiled, "I haven't introduced you to my 3-inch cock yet!"

"Honey, I felt it last night and either your measurements are way off, or we measure things differently!" We both laughed as Hugh stroked my cheek and gave me a kiss.

We ordered coffee and Hugh ordered eggs. He would not let me not have anything to eat despite my protestations, so I agreed to a Yoghurt and Muesli bowl. "Hugh, I don't have any cash with me, and I can't let you buy everything!" I protested. Hugh reminded me that I had used my phone to call him in Africa and he was simply paying me back. Breakfast was indeed lovely as was the walk back to our units. Hugh took the stairs with me and at level three leant in for a long, lingering kiss. "I'm going in for a shower and to get ready for the picnic, but when I'm finished, I'll come knock on your door, ok?"

"Fleur, I did not sleep well at all and I wanted to bang on your door at 2am and ask if I could come in and just hold you, but perhaps we could shower together?"

Our kisses had not abated, and I knew we both wanted the same thing. I opened the door and lead Hugh in. We both kicked off our running shoes and took off our socks. I slowly removed Hugh's shirt. I ran my face over his luscious chest hair and swirled my tongue around his nipples. He was moaning. He lifted my shirt and sniffed at my breasts under my bra. With a single hand he reached behind and undid the object hiding the orbs he longed to play with.

I had always thought my breasts were too big, but Hugh was not complaining. He kissed and licked every inch of them. He started peeling my leggings towards the ground and kissed my panty covered mound. He slowly lowered my panties again kissing at my mound and running his tongue so tantalisingly across my clit. It was my turn to lower his shorts and jocks. I did so in a single move and was greeted with the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. Later on, I reminded him he was at least twice the man of a Spaniard I once knew!

We didn't make it to the shower at first. Hugh found a condom in my top drawer and laughed when we noticed it was almost out of date and we rolled it down his manhood. I pushed Hugh back against the bed as I straddled him. I could not stop kissing his mouth or his eyes or his ears or his chest, but I needed him inside me. Slowly his cock started pressing at my entrance. I lowered myself ever so gradually until he was buried deep within me. I thought I was going to come straight away. I started rocking. Hugh played with my breasts and I could see he was not far off. In a single move he flipped me onto my back, still buried deep inside me and started pounding me.

I begged for him to go harder and knew I was so close. His thumb reached down and flicked my clitoris and it was all too much. My pussy clenched around his cock and the whole city must have heard my cries. A few strokes later Hugh also let out a huge moan as he deposited his seed in in the rubber sheath.

Hugh lay on top of me showering me with kisses and I could feel his cock shrivelling inside me. Eventually he rolled off and discarded the condom. He lay there next to me and we both drifted off to sleep. A couple of hours later I stirred and looked at my watch. It was 11am. Hugh looked so peaceful. At some stage his hair had broken loose from his ponytail and was splayed across the pillow. I started stroking it and pushing it behind his ear. He stirred and a huge smile crept across his face.

"Good morning my beautiful one!" Hugh said as he planted a huge kiss on my lips. I suggested we needed to shower and get ready for the picnic. We showered together and despite both being ready for a second round, we decided that we needed to get ready to go. I offered to race upstairs for some clothes for Hugh, but he was willing to wear a towel. We went up together running into another neighbour who smiled as though she had heard our commotion earlier.

The picnic was lots of fun and we were congratulated by Monique and Heather and their families. We both sensed where our relationship was heading, and Hugh held off purchasing any more furniture for his flat. After six months my lease came up and I simply moved my belongings upstairs.

We spent a lovely week down south with my family getting to know and fall in love with Hugh as much as I had. I was poached back to the paediatric department, however this time it was on the proviso I be in the main department and not specifically looking after oncology patients. Although we remained professional at work, everyone knew we were a couple, especially by the way we gazed longingly at each other. Early on we were almost caught one day kissing in a storeroom and decided after that that there would be no hanky-panky on hospital grounds.

It was coming up to the anniversary of Maureen's death. It was decided that each of the children and their families would visit the grave individually. Monique, always the planner said they would take the morning, 9-12, Heather could have 12-3 and we could have 3-whenever as long as we were at the family dinner by 6. We both laughed. Hugh had packed a basket of some of his mother's favourite nibbles- cheeses and meats and little pickles, and a bottle of French Champagne which had always been her favourite.

"Mum, I don't think you can hear me, but I wanted to let you know you were right. Fleur is the woman for me. You saw something in both of us that compliments each other so well. Over the last twelve months since physically meeting I have grown to love and respect her so much. Her work ethic is second to none and she is the most amazing lover! I just wish you were here to actually see us together" Hugh was holding my hands.

"Maureen, it was the second time I met you that you mentioned Hugh. We hardly knew each other at the time, but you had ascertained that I was very single and broken and although I needed to fix myself, in the process you introduced me to the most wonderful man who also had some broken bits he needed to fix. You also saw something in me that I didn't see, and I have adored the last twelve months getting to know beautiful, wonderful, Hugh, I am just so sad that you aren't here with us."

I could see where this was going, however I was still not expecting it. We were both on our knees, kneeling at the foot of Maureen's grave. Hugh produced the most stunning diamond ring. He did not need to ask as he knew my answer.

We had agreed that I would not have my contraceptive hormone injection again with both of us recognising that we wanted children desperately and recognising that if we wanted more than a couple we needed to start sooner rather than later.

After the wonderful family dinner and phoning my parents to tell them of our engagement I caught a glint in Hugh's eye. "So, my lover, shall we commence the baby making, or at least practice?" I asked as I removed my dress to show new red lace bra and French knickers.

"Wow!" Hugh exclaimed as he walked towards me on his knees unbuttoning his shirt. "You are the sexiest woman I have ever, ever seen!"

I pulled my fiancé to his feet and sunk to my knees. I undid the buckle on his belt, and the buttons on his jeans. His cock sprang to attention. As I slid his pants off his legs my mouth was already licking the tip of his cock, swirling around the frenulum like I knew he loved. I took as much in my mouth as I could and sucked away like I was slurping an ice-cream.

"My, love," Hugh mumbled, "You can't carry on like that because I need to plant my seed somewhere else tonight."

As I stood, I undid my bra and Hugh rolled my knickers down my legs. Hugh sat me down on the chair and in one move ploughed deep inside me. I was so wet and waiting. I ran my fingernails down his back and bit on his nipples. It was all too much for both of us and as soon as he felt my pussy start to squeeze his cock, he shot his load deep within me. We both collapsed and he apologised for being so quick. I told him I could not complain.

We had both planned a week's leave around Maureen's anniversary and spent the rest of the week at a romantic beach shack down the coast out of mobile reception. We made love several times per day and worshipped each other's bodies.

Especially with my history of chlamydia we were not sure if any damage had been done to my internal organs and were extremely surprised when a test a week or so after our time away came back positive. Being pregnant made me hornier than ever and we made love almost every night or morning, or sometimes both until Rose Maureen was born. We had purchased a house together shortly before Rose's birth with Hugh declaring he wanted to fill it with love.

No one at our marriage had ever been to a wedding in a cemetery but to us it felt right. At just on 3 months Rose was a stunning flower girl as we walked down the aisle together as a family towards the celebrant. I was no one's to give away, and my parents and siblings and their families joined with Monique and Heather and their families around Maureen's grave with many of our friends.

As we danced our first dance as husband and wife, Hugh whispered in my ear that he was the most fortunate man on earth. We honestly are devoted to each other and remain so to this day.

Rose was joined by brothers Thomas and Henry a couple of years after her birth and Phoebe finished our family three years later.

Four children are a challenge as anyone with twin boys will attest to, but it definitely has brought so much love to our home. Yes, we argue occasionally, but we have never gone to bed without apologising and often Hugh will pick a fight, just so we can make up! After Phoebe's birth the doctors recommend no more children and Hugh was quick to have a vasectomy. His cum tastes just as good and our sex life is even better.

Last night as we lay in bed, Phoebe suckling at my breast, Hugh simply held me, telling me again how much he adores me and how I am the sexiest woman alive. After Phoebe settled, I managed to come back to bed and ride him to an almighty climax that ended up waking her up again. Neither of us complained, but I'm sure Hugh was tired at work today!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A wedding at a Cemetery......what a stupid writer

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hugh is a manslut and Fleur is a really desperate bitch, no self respect!!!

Working in the same hospital yet he didn't have the balls to tell her!!

Oh well, two sex crazy desperate losers

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

Lovely romantic tale …… life in general is a roller coaster ride, some are more crazier then for others, but just a smooth sailing down your path, never heard of such luck ….. so all the colliding pathways had one outcome love and this is truly some to strive for


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wonderful and memorable characters and a truly great story!

If I may make a suggestion, I think getting someone to edit for you would help it be even better. There were some sentence structures that were a bit awkward and I had to reread those to get the meaning you intended. But you have a real gift for storytelling :).

Looking forward to reading more.

NovaPrime71NovaPrime71almost 3 years ago
This had me intears as well...

...because I've been there with both my parents. Sadly there was no sexy nurse harboring hidden feelings of desire, for me. Damn you for making me feel that again, and thank you for making me remember my ornery folks. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

well written, but the procreation stuff turns me off...

KingCuddleKingCuddleover 3 years ago

The Best Tears?

Are Happy Tears!

Thank you!

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 3 years ago

Such a sweet, well written story! I had a tear in my eye at one point, and a smile as it continued. Great job! 5*

Isabel_InnuendeIsabel_Innuendealmost 4 years ago

It's so great to see an Australian story here! The characters are very relatable. I did actually cry when Maureen died, not gonna lie.

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