A New Assignment Pt. 05


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In the meantime, I have to tell you that the four men you brought to the Shire are also wolves. They are transient and move around without a true home. This makes them dangerous. They are not bound by moral codes like those who settle in a specific area. They may kill for pleasure or worse.

I could sense that the alpha of the group was the one that showed interest in you. This behavior is expected as the alpha will always be able to identify the alpha female in the area. If he sets his sights on you, he will not rest until he has you. That is how wolves work. We are very determined and very territorial. There is a change that they are just passing through and he will not get the urge to claim you as his mate.

This is a lot of information. You probably think I need to go to the looney bin, but please give me a chance to show you. I will let you probe now and ask me any questions you have."

I was silent for a long time just looking at him. I looked at his hands and his legs. I felt his fingers and touched his face. I couldn't believe that the beautiful man in front of me was saying that he was an animal that could kill if he so chose. He seemed calm but I have felt his anger.

He was a Colonel in the United States Marines. How could this man be insane? How could he get to his position with thoughts like that? Could it even be remotely true? Maybe he was just naturally hairy or craved raw meat or something. I am sure there is some scientific explanation for anything he thinks supposedly makes him a lycanthrope. A thousand thoughts passed as I tried to wrap my mind around what the Colonel had said.

He sat there patiently waiting for me to respond. I probed his mind and felt him guide me through his memories from times when he was a child to his adolescence. He was about thirteen when he was standing in a field not feeling well. He was bent over holding his stomach in such pain. Then in the blink of an eye, a wolf was standing where the boy once stood. These were memories and not false images, but I don't understand how it is possible.

There were more memories. I felt his pride when he became a Marine and found a purpose in life. I saw times when his wolf played with children to times when he was running as a wolf. His struggle to hide his true identity from friends who were outsiders.

I could see what he was seeing. I could feel what he was feeling. I did not feel threatening. I felt happiness when running, enjoyment when playing and dedication when fighting. I sensed that he was old, much older than his youthful face presented. He was pushing so many memories and feelings at me that I had to stop. My energy quickly faded. When I pulled back, he stopped transmitting.

Medically I knew that lycanthropes were a myth and that there had been no scientific proof that any existed. Personally I believe that we have not discovered everything that exists on this earth and I tend to avoid dismissing myths until it can be proven or busted, which is why coincidentally 'Mythbusters' is one of my favorite shows. I need to see scientific evidence.

I didn't ask any questions, instead I told the Colonel. "I want to see the wolf."

Surprise covered his face but there was something else. I think it was embarrassment.

"No. I will not show you my wolf. That is not something you can ask of me."

"I didn't ask, just like you don't ask. I am telling you what I want. Is there something I should fear by seeing the wolf? You have told me essentially that I am safe."

We sat in silence. I started to move myself so that I was standing and no longer across his legs.

"There is nothing that you should fear from my wolf as I told you. I prefer not to show you. That is something very personal to me and I do not make myself vulnerable. There is still a lot that I need to teach you about wolves."

I stood there with my arms across my chest just waiting. This was something I had to win. I needed to know what he was. I needed to see with my own eyes.

"Bloody hell woman! Look, I am not showing you my wolf because I don't want to frighten you. My wolf has chosen you as its mate and it could not handle your rejection." He closed his eyes and hung his head.

"What did you just say? I have been chosen as a mate. What?"

I wanted to reach forward and touch him. I could sense that he was truly embarrassed and that he was afraid of my rejection. This vulnerable man was not the strong arrogant man who bossed everyone around. I almost felt sympathy for him rather than empathy. Why would my opinion matter?

"I told you that there is a lot I still need to tell you. I don't want to flood you with information any more than you have already experienced. For now, just let me say that a wolf picks a mate for life. Once a mate is chosen, the wolf will not let her go. The wolf will love her and protect her. Like a human marriage, it is until death do they part. A mated wolf can sense his mate from a great distance. He can sense her moods and can hear her thoughts when she allows him. The mate in turn can sense the wolf's moods and thoughts. We are one, yet we are not one. Ugh...this is not coming out right. I have never had to do this before. I somehow thought it would be easier."

I used the remainder of my energy to comfort the Colonel. I was still reeling over all that he had told me and showed me, but for some reason it was important that he wasn't hurting. He looked up at me as if he sensed what I was doing.

"I can feel you comforting me, just like I felt you at the hospital. It was what drew the wolf to notice you."

I crawled back onto his lap like I did the day at the hospital when my patient, Evelyn, died. My head restes on his chest and again he wrapped his arms around me. I wasn't sure what I was feeling or thinking, but at that moment I had no energy to do anything else. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke, I realized I was alone on my couch. Reaching out with my senses, I knew that the Colonel was no longer there. My head was reeling from his confession about being a wolf. What the hell? At least I don't have to face him this morning. The one time I allow myself to be attracted to a coworker and possibly be something more than friends, he turns out to be a freak.

I padded barefoot into the kitchen to make coffee. My dress from the night before was all wrinkled and I knew my hair and face had to look worse. The red light was flashing on my machine to notify me that I had a message. That's funny, I never even heard the phone ring. I pressed the play button and then started pouring coffee into my favorite pink mug.

"Sam, this is Taylor. I know I am probably the last person you want to talk to, but we need to talk. Call me when you are ready. I am not going anywhere. I will wait for you."

Shaking my head, I decided that I needed a shower. I wasn't going to think about anything except for getting clean and relaxing. There are several hours until I am due back at work and that time would be spent selfishly on me and not anyone else.

The rest of the day and the following few days go smoothly. I am able to avoid thinking about or talking to the Colonel. He has not called and I have not seen him around the hospital, or anywhere else for that matter. Oh who am I kidding? I think about him all day long.

That very night when I get home, I decide to call him. After several attempts where I pick up the phone and partially dial before hanging up, I muster the courage to place the call. Just my luck, I get his voicemail.

"Um, hi. This is Sam. Um, you told me to call you, so um that's what I am doing. I am off work for through tomorrow, so if you have any time you can call me back. Ok. Bye."

My professionalism went right out the door. Instead of speaking like a bright young doctor, I leave a message that sounds like a five year old kid. Maybe I do need to date more because I am apparently very rusty.

Fifteen minutes later, my phone rings. It is him. My heart starts beating faster and my hands are shaking. Sounds like a song – my hands are shaking and my knees are weak. I can't seem to stand on my own two feet....

"Hello." I say casually trying to reign in my emotions.

"Hi Sam. I'm glad you called." he says and I sense sadness in his tone.

"Um, so what did you want to talk about?" I ask curiously.

"You know what. I am coming over now. See you soon." I hear him say before the sound of a dial tone rings in my ears. Well wasn't that a pleasant conversation.

I jump in the shower quickly to wash off the grim from the day and walk down stairs to the living room just as he knocks on the door. I pull the door open, lean against it, and gesture for him to come inside. He assumes a comfortable position on the couch and holds out his hand to me. I am not fond of the idea of sitting close to him, but I take his hand and sit on the couch next to him. I shift my body back though to create more space between our bodies.

"Sam, I am not going to hurt you." He says sullenly.

"I just think it is best that we have some space between us." I respond.

"Well, I already told you about what I am. And the role you play in relation to that. Let me give you some background.

Wolves are created when someone with the virus bites someone else. That other person is then infected with the disease. There is no cure. Anyone with the disease will change into a wolf at least once a month.

We touched on some of the other differences. Wolves heal fast, move fast and are extremely strong. We age much slower than the average human. Our body temperature runs higher than 98.6.

There are also some downfalls though. Our tempers have a shorter fuse and we are extremely possessive. We can easily hurt someone if we fail to control our beast within. Even the smallest amount of silver can kill us.

Most of us live according to a hierarchical society and live in groups called packs. Each pack is governed by their Alpha. Anyone can challenge the Alpha at any time for his position. The loser usually dies, and the winner becomes the Alpha.

The strongest female is also considered an Alpha but her rank is still lower than the Alpha male. She will rule the other females and keep them in line. All disputes will be settled by her. The Alpha male has little to no input as to how the Alpha female handles her bitches.

Most often the two alphas of a pack will mate. It is natural for them to be called together. This is not always the case as a wolf can go all their lives and never find their mate. And sometimes an alpha will mate with a lower ranked wolf. This tends to cause some discord within the pack because the mating automatically elevates the lower wolf's ranking. Other wolves can challenge for position but it is frowned upon."

He pauses and looks at me. His big eyes and lovely long lashes are almost innocent looking. They are begging me to accept his true nature which I have yet to comprehend. His expression is blank but yet there seems to be a wanting for me to trust him.

"Are you okay? Am I going too fast?" he asks me finally.

"I'll be honest with you, this all seems like crap to me. You seem to believe what you are telling me, but there is just no scientific evidence for what you are saying. It is quite possible there is some other much more rational explanation." I say trying not to regret being honest with him.

The Colonel's body tenses and his expression looks so forlorn. He begins to stand and I do nothing to stop him. I just sit there on the couch and watch him, not knowing what to do.

"Yes, I could see how you would think that way. I am sorry to have disturbed you. I do ask that no matter what you believe, if you would please keep this information to yourself. You will never have to see me again, but please don't talk about this topic with anyone else. Ever."

I am shell shocked. I say nothing. I don't move. I just watch this beautiful yet distraught man walk out of my home. And out of my life.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

i love how different this story is : )

willerileywillerileyabout 12 years ago
I don't enjoy

reading this story b/c is is not well written. Dialogue is awkward and stilted. Pacing is crap. Slow reveals like this are only as interesting as what occurs around the main characters. At the end of chapter four, discovering that he is a werewolf is anti-climatic.

Keeping a secret/building suspense for the reader takes a lot of work and forethought.

I do applaud you on your great ability to create a sense of place & location.

For the main character to display such an intense level of disbelief is IMPLAUSIBLE. She can heal, give energy, read minds, etc.

None of my comments really matter. It's not a terrible story but for me neither was it enjoyable.

Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
ok, my personal opinion on this story...

I have just read up until this point in the last hour and I know I have two chapters to go until what you have posted today.

I would just like to say how refreshing I am finding this story - it's a really different take on the 'werewolf meets human, both immediately realise they are mates, woman cannot help but be seduced by the call' type of story' (although, not to say those aren't great!).

I really like Taylor's reticence, his insecurity (for want of a better work) that Sam would want to have anything to do with him. I like the fact that he is holding back because he really doesn't want to freak her out and doesn't see it as his right to have her as his mate. I like the fact that he is having to physically control himself not to let rip with her. I also like the fact the Sam is strong, opinionated and in turn really conflicted and confused by the whole scenario in a very real way.

That is actually what I feel most about this story - it feels more real than others. If weres were really found to exist in our world, I think this is probably the most likely way it would go. Confusion, paranoia on both parts, being scared to say what you really feel... Well done Sammi Jo, think you're doing really well.

Off to the next chapter (sorry for the long blurb!)

TalisaTalisaover 12 years ago

Would love to have this finished. It's a great story!

BellamicueBellamicuealmost 13 years ago
Please please finsh this :)

Pretty please oh pretty please finish this. It's a really good story and you've written it well there's stilll room for improvement but when is there never room to better something already great I would love to see how this story unfolds it's very addicting :)

scotsrulescotsruleabout 13 years ago
More Please

Please don't be like so many other authors on this site and leave the story unfinished!!

While it could do with some editing, it is a great story. The characters and plot keep you wanting to find out what happens next.

If this is the final chapter, could you let me know?

ladybug71ladybug71about 13 years ago
Finish this, please....

You have a great storyline going on, but I've noticed you haven't posted anything in a long while. Could you please let us know, if you decide to finish? I hope that you do, as I am waiting on the edge of my seat to see how it all ends. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Is that it?

Puhlease tell me there is going to be more. You must finish this story.

MayaJacarandaMayaJacarandaabout 13 years ago
Pretty Decent

The story thus far seems is pretty good in my opnion. You have dynamic and attractive characters, a reaonably good plot and an interesting setting - which are all important for a good story. However, and I don't mean to sound too critical here, but sometimes your style of writing seems a little flat. You could probably do well by adding a bit more in the way of sensory details and descriptions, however if you do, make sure you don't go overboard otherwise thee story ends up sounding silly. You also somtimes mention one thing in the story, move onto another subject and then (almost like an afterthought) add some more information about the first topic. try to be remain consistent and keep information linked to one particular item together, that way the story seems less scattered about an will chieve a smoother flow. And finally some of the dialogue seems a bit strained and incomplete. If you struggle to compose realistic sounding dialogue just say it out loud. It might sound stupid and you defibately ought to avoid doing this in public but hearing a dialogue out loud can really help make it sound realistic. If it sounds awkward to your own ears then chances are it'll look just as awkward in writing.

I hope this comment wasn't too flamerish or anything. If it was, then I apologise, it wasn't my intention.

I hope you can carry on with this story and that my criticims were helpful! Please keep up the good work!

aphroditeDDaphroditeDDover 13 years ago
Great story

It's so different from the other stuff on here. Sensual and not trashy. I LOVE Taylor's attitude. Awesome characters! PLEASE UPDATE THIS! I love your writing style, don't listen to the other comments. It's different and new, refreshing!

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