A New Georgy-Girl Ch. 03 - Echoes


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"Kids, where are you? Jamie, Edie, Jerry, where are you?" she yelled as she bounded down the stairs and dashed into the dining room with me close on her heels. No kids, no TV, no sign of their usual tea-time chaos, and the same in the family room, no schoolbags and coats or drawings to put on the fridge. Georgy was beginning to panic.

"Children, babies, where are you, please come out, it's not funny!" she begged, an edge of hysteria in her voice. I looked out onto the driveway, no sign of the Ford B-Max MPV we'd bought for the school run. I was beginning to panic now; I tried Megan's phone, it rang to voicemail, ditto the phone in the MPV; what the hell was going on? Megan was the children's nanny, she was supposed to be immediately available anytime one of us called, that's what we paid her for, but she wasn't answering her phone, and no-one was picking up the car phone.

Just then Aunt Kay came down the corridor from the other end of the house looking worried.

"Will, Georgy, it's after half-past four, where are Megan and the children? They should have been home nearly an hour ago..."

Georgy grabbed Aunt Kay's hands, her eyes wild.

"Where's my children, Aunt Kay, why aren't they here, they should be here now, Aunt Kay..."

Aunt Kay looked worriedly at me but I'd just had a thought and pinged the car phone with the 'Find My Phone' app. It was showing the phone location as just outside Woodbury, near the kids' school.

"Come on Georgy, I know where the car is, let's go..."

I drove the Jeep, Georgy was jittering and having borderline hysterics by then, not that I blame her, I nearly was too, but I tried to keep on top of it. The GPS locator 'pinged', and the red line was showing a narrow lane, so I took it, and there was the Ford, about a hundred yards in, nosed into a hedge, the taillights shattered and the rear bumper and tailgate crushed and dented.

I slid to a halt, but Georgy beat me to the punch, leaping out before the car had even stopped moving and running to the side of the MPV, to tug wildly at the dented, locked rear door. I was right behind her, seeing my children still strapped in their car-seats in the back in the back seat, and the pale, frightened face of Megan as she huddled in the rear seat foot-well, her arms around the frightened, hysterical children.

I blipped the locks with Georgy's set of keys and yanked the door open and immediately all four of them started crying and babbling hysterically. Georgy unclipped and grabbed Jerry, who was almost incoherent, herself crying and gabbling, while I tried to help Megan out, but she was obviously in shock, and she wouldn't let go of the children; she fought me off in her determination to protect the children from whatever had happened here. I pulled out my phone, intending to call the police but no signal; we were in a dead-spot, which explained why no-one had called us, and poor Megan had refused to leave the children to go find help against whatever had happened here.

Georgy handed Jerry to me and tried to get Megan to let the kids up, to understand she and the children were safe, while Jerry hugged my neck so tightly it felt like he was choking me, but I didn't care, my baby boy was obviously seriously spooked. As Georgy spoke soothingly, quietly to her, the poor girl slowly relaxed, hugging Georgy as a storm of tears burst from her. She clutched Georgy as she trembled, almost falling out of the back of the MPV, which gave me room to unclip and scoop the kids out, all three of them holding me tightly as they sobbed hysterically.

We couldn't stay here, whoever had done this might be back, so Georgy sat on the grass verge, Jerry and Edie on her lap, Jamie in her arms, and both of them hugging Megan as I made short work of transferring the child-seats into the back seat of the Jeep, then took Jamie and strapped him in, then Edie, Georgy handed me Jerry, and hustled Megan into the front seat; she and Georgy would share the seat and seatbelt for the short drive home.

As soon as I hit the main road, two bars popped up on my phone, so I gave it to Georgy for her to call the police and tell them what had happened. Megan never said yea or nay, she was still in shock, but I had to know what had happened, who'd done this, and why; those dents in the driver's side and passenger door weren't impact prangs from another car; someone had tried to batter those doors open, to get to either my children or Megan; who, why, what did they want, and, more to the point, were they coming back to finish what they'd started? Home first; we were safe there, the kids would be safe there, when we got home we could puzzle this out; right now, drive, and drive safely, precious cargo in the back, get them home, then try and work out who'd do this to my kids, and why.


I pulled up right in front of the central portico, and Georgy and Megan tumbled out, running around to the other side of the car to grab the kids out of the door facing the house and hustle them inside while I watched our back-trail in case anyone was following. The kids were still scared, they'd been through a terrifying experience and they could see how tense I was, even though Georgy was trying to calm them down and make a game of it, telling them jokes and silly stories about daddy fighting weasels all morning. As the family disappeared inside, a pair of West Mercia Police patrol cars, blue lights flaring, screeched into the driveway, and a Police Support Unit Mercedes Benz Sprinter van slid across the gates, blocking the driveway.

The face I saw climbing out of the first police car drew a sigh of relief from me; Charlie Bowen, Police Superintendent, my former platoon commander back in the sand, and Edie's Godfather. I could see the anger on his face even if he tried to hide it, he loved my kids, and Edie loved her Godfather, and the thought someone had tried to harm them had infuriated him, that was obvious.

"How are the kids, Will, how are they taking it?" he demanded as he approached me at a run.

"Talk to me, Will, what's the SP?" he said as led me a little way away from the rest of his uniforms. "My lads are going to follow form, there's a specialist on her way who deals with children traumatised by attempted kidnappings, which is how we have to approach this, so we'll wait for her, but tell me what you know, and how you got to the kids."

"Not much to say, honestly. The kids are fine, scared, shaken up, but unharmed, maybe your psych girl can dig out of them what happened, I haven't tried yet; just make sure she goes easy; they're only small. I can tell you what I know, which isn't much. Georgy and I came back home from a day on one of the sites, fell asleep, and woke up after 4, and that's when we realised the kids weren't home yet. I knew Megan was in town to collect them, but calling her phone or the carphone failed, I found the carphone on GPS and it led us to the minivan."

My voice shook as what had so nearly happened to my children hit me.

"Someone rammed them, Charlie, someone forced them off the road, and tried to get to the kids; thank God for the side-impact protection, it kept them safe and the doors held. The van is pretty badly dented up but they were unharmed. Megan's in shock, I found her in the rear footwell, her arms wrapped around the kids, she actually fought me off, all she wanted to do was protect my kids; if I could give her a medal I would, she earned it today, believe me..."

Charlie looked at me curiously.

"Will, this wasn't an attempted kidnapping. Think about it: they battered and clubbed the doors hard enough to dent them, but all they had to do to get to the kids was smash the glass and pop the doors. Why didn't they do that? I'll tell you why; they were sending you a message: 'Look how easily we can get to you'. This is personal, Will, someone's after you, and today was just them showing you where your weaknesses are. They know by now you'll probably have worked it out, so they're going to try something else. They're getting inside your head, Will, and they'll be back, I guarantee it, question is, when, and what will they do next? You need to call this in, Will, you know who, get them down here ASAP."


The psychologist-person tried to interview the kids but they'd had enough and clammed up, peering at her suspiciously from behind Georgy like three scared mice. Eventually Georgy had had enough of her and her questions too and shooed her out, she was just spooking the kids even more and they were tired, strung-out, scared, hungry, and in no mood for anything except their Mummy and me. When the cops finally left, except for the police car parked prominently by the main gate, we gathered in the dining-room for a family pow-wow over dinner. Feeding the kids took our minds off the events earlier, but they weren't far from our thoughts.

When dinner was done, Jamie, for once, allowed his mother to hold and hug him on her lap, Edie of course was snuggled on my lap, and Jerry was wrapped tight around his Aunt Kay, his favourite spot.

"What happens next, children?" asked Aunt Kay, rocking Jerry like the infant he actually was, "this is not over is it? Are the people who did this coming back for more, and how are we going to stop them next time?"

Georgy shook her head slightly, rolling her eyes imperceptibly at the children.

"Daddy and Uncle Charlie made some calls, and guess what babies?" she sing-songed brightly, no trace of stress or worry in her voice; a small part of me wondered how she did that, because I was trying manfully to hold a deep, killing rage down inside me; someone had tried to harm my kids!

The kids looked at her curiously.

"Uncle Andy and Uncle Rex are coming for a visit, they want to see you kids and maybe take you all on a little adventure, would you like that?"

Andy 'Jarhead' Simmons and Rex 'Bonzo' Miller were my two Scimitar ARV (Armed Reconnaissance Vehicle) crew from back in the sand, they'd had my back numerous times when things got hairy, and we'd been shot up, blown-up, and bailed out together three times. We'd made it back alive, alone and unsupported, to the Bastion in one of the most dangerous places in the world solely because we'd trusted each other, and now I needed them again. They were my Best Man and Groomsman, and, more importantly, Jamie and Jerry's Godfathers, and the two most capable, reliable, soldiers I knew. They'd be furious that my kids, their godchildren, had been attacked; with them on hand we'd have more than a fair chance against whoever was behind all this.

The kids' eyes lit up and loud, happy chatter suddenly filled the room; Bonzo and Jarhead spoil them relentlessly, and let them get away with stuff I'm obliged to damp down because Georgy wouldn't approve, even if I had no problem with it, and generally let them rampage on them; they're their favourite playmates and never, ever scold them. Of course they went wild, their excitement off the scale knowing that Uncle Andy and Uncle Rex were on the way. I could see the dark in their eyes dissipating and winked at Georgy; once again she'd said exactly the right thing to get the kids perked up and being kids again; I wished I knew how she did that, but honestly I'm just grateful she knew how at all.

Georgy hugged Jamie to her, something he hates, because he's a big boy now, and kissed him, again something he was publicly allergic to, and spoke to the kids.

"They said they'd be here in the morning, so why don't you all go to bed, it's late, and when you wake up in the morning, Uncle Andy and Uncle Rex will be here, and we can all have some fun, yes?"

Cue complaints, 'Mummy, I'm not sleepy', 'no, Mummy, don't wanna go to bed', 'not tired', the usual kid fussing at bedtime, but Georgy and Aunt Kay packed them off to bed. Normally Megan would help with the 'bath/teeth/PJ's/tuck-in/story' cycle, but she was still in shock, so Aunt Kay helped while I prowled around downstairs letting my anger free where the kids wouldn't see it.

When Georgy eventually came back down I'd finished punching throw-pillows and fingering the horrendous medieval killing implements lining the walls and promising mayhem, and I was ready to have a rational conversation. Georgy, however, had other things on her mind.

"Find them, Tyler, find the men who did this; they terrorised my babies, how fucking DARE they! Promise me, Tyler Wilmot; whatever it takes, however you do it, I want them found and I want them punished for what they did. They attacked my children! They have to pay, promise me!"

I pulled her close to me, feeling her body taut as a bowstring; she was beyond furious, someone had threatened her babies and the mother bear was out and looking for blood. Also, she'd called me by my proper name, something she almost never does, telling me just how serious she was. I held her close, feeling her stiff and unyielding against me as the fury worked its way through her. Georgy is the most placid, most even-tempered person I know, and it shocked me just how angry she was (although, thinking about it, I shouldn't have been), but eventually she relaxed, slumping bonelessly against me. It was then I realised she was crying softly, her body trembling as fear and reaction replaced cold fury.

"Will, they came so close...they're just babies, and those men, they...they...oh God Will, supposing they'd got to them, supposing they'd hurt my babies, Willie, how can I...oh my God, my children, what if they'd... thank you God, thank you..."

All the hysteria and fright she'd hidden so well from the kids was coming out, and all I could do was hold her and help her level-off; our kids were safe, those men had scared them, but they were unharmed. That didn't mean I was going to let it go, oh no sir. I was going to find them and pay them back; they'd come after my children, now they were going to discover just what kind of hornet's nest they'd stirred up!

"They didn't get to them, baby, the kids are safe, that's all that matters, they're safe, Georgy-Girl," I murmured, stroking her glorious hair as she huddled on my lap, "Bonzo and Jarhead will be here in the morning and we'll take a shufti around, see if we can pick up any clues who they are or what they want. Where are the kids right now?"

Georgy wiped her eyes on my shirt and turned to look up at me. My heart broke at the look on her face; today had very nearly been a mother's worst nightmare and the ravages showed on her face, in her eyes.

"They're all in the nursery, I wanted them close by tonight, poor Megan insisted on staying with them, so she's on an airbed on the floor in there with them, and Aunt Kay's sleeping in the room on the other side of our room; I want all the family in one place tonight, not all over the house, okay, baby?"

I pulled her in closer to me.

"Good thinking, I'll sleep better knowing the kids are just a few feet away. And talking of sleeping, it's been a fraught day, let's go to bed, I'm feeling kind of twitchy right now and I need to be near the kids."


I woke with a start in the wee small hours and had to smile; all three kids were in bed with us, Jerry wrapped in his mother's arms, Edie in the crook of my arm, and Jamie snuggled down between his little brother and sister, his fingers intertwined with Georgy's. I grinned and pulled the covers up over all five of us; at least right then and there my family was safe and secure, and that was good enough for me.


I was awakened by a child landing on my midriff.

"Daddy-Daddy-Daddy-wake-up-Daddy-wake-up!" chanted Edie, "Mummy says breakfast is ready come on daddy, come on!"

Pouring myself out of bed, the best I could manage at that point, seemed to be the only way to quieten her down, so I did, stumbling into the en-suite to brush my teeth and splash some cold water on my face to wake me up, then a quick tickle for my little girl before hoisting her into my arms to carry her down to have breakfast.

The boys were already tucking into their favourite breakfast, shredded wheat with milk, a spoon of honey, and a dollop of clotted cream, and there was a beguiling scent of bacon in the air, good, breakfast for grownups too. Aunt Kay and Georgy brought in chargers loaded with bacon, sausages, fried eggs, and toast. I looked quizzically at Georgy; surely she didn't expect me to eat all of that? She caught my expression and grinned.

"Bonzo and Jarhead just pulled up outside, perfect timing, as usual, so tuck in, what you don't eat they will. Tuck in."

Aunt Kay opened the door just in time for Bonzo to pick her up and spin her around, making her laugh with pleasure. The kids saw them and promptly forgot their breakfasts, instead mobbing their two favourite people. We tried talking over the noise of three excited children but gave up, instead settling for a cooked breakfast with Edie and Jerry sitting on the guys' laps and sharing the occasional bite. While they indulged the kids Bonzo and Jarhead exchanged glances with Georgy and me, reading the concern in Georgy's eyes and expression when the kids weren't looking.

By mutual agreement, we four retired to the sitting-room while Aunt Kay took the children up to get them dressed. I needed to fill them in on what had happened, and what it meant. I also couldn't help seeing that Jarhead had a Clansman PRC 349 personal role radio handset tucked inside his Multicam jacket, and a Push-to-talk headset around his neck. WTF?

Rex got the ball rolling.

"So Will, Sunray (Charlie's call-sign back in the day) shared some of his suspicions which is why we came hot-foot; when Georgy called me Sunray had already given me the SP, and I agree; if they'd really wanted to hurt the kids they could have easily have gotten to them. No, this is someone with a score to settle, and he's showing you how easily he can get to you. Whoever he is, this guy means business."

Andy spoke up.

"We had a chin-wag about it last night, and all the way down here. I think we need to get you guys out of here; whoever's gunning for you knows where you are, he knows how to get to you, and he's not going to stop at terrorising the kids. Bonzo's right: whoever he is, he means business. I have a Sat-phone with Sunray's number on speed-dial, he's expecting a call soon to say we're out of here, so better start getting mounted up, Will."

I had been racking my brains trying to come up with a name, maybe someone who hadn't liked one of our property deals, although if that were the case it would have been easier to just contact a solicitor and file for a review with the County Court and the planning committee, not resort to terrorising children. I needed to think this through, to try and come up with someone, anyone who had that kind of grudge. I stood up to go and pour myself a glass of water, and caught sight of Jamie standing in the doorway. As I turned to ask him what he wanted, I felt something stir my hair, and heard the 'tink!' of the window breaking even as the 18th-century Meissen shepherdess on the mantelpiece shattered into a thousand pieces.

Moving on instinct alone, I dived for the floor, yanking Georgie down with me, wrapping her in my arms as I rolled us both against the wall right under the window. I'd been shot at enough times out in the sandbox to know that someone was taking pot-shots at me, and the safest place was right under the window, up against the thick, solid stone wall of the old building; no bullet in the world was getting through two feet of Portland stone.

Even as I hit the floor, Bonzo leaped forward and grabbed Jamie, cradling him in his arms as he rolled into the hallway and out of any sight-line of whoever was shooting at us. It didn't stop them, though; a fusillade of shots shattered both sitting-room windows, raking the wall opposite and splintering the ornate Elizabethan walnut panelling.
