A Pair of Cunning Linguists


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"Um-hum," Freya replied. "Now, let us treat you like the queen that you are."

"I'm glad that you both know that I'm the fuckin' queen, here," Cynthia commented.

"Of course!" Freya said. "We all have our roles in this friendship. Katie used to be the sweet one -- that needs some serious revision, though! And I'm the hot one."

"Ha!" Cynthia laughed. "You just keep telling yourself that, Freya!"

"I am!" Freya stated emphatically.

Katie snuggled up next to Cynthia and agreed. "She's pretty hot."

"Whatever," Cynthia mumbled dismissively.

Freya continued, "And you, my dear," she gave the side of one of Cynthia's mountainous tits a quick kiss, "Have always been the queen of our little group."

Then to Katie, she said, "Let's worship our queen, Katie."

"I have to take care of one thing, first," Cynthia told them as she rolled towards Katie. "This girl is a mess."

Cynthia started to lick Katie's cheek. "Oh, Freya, you taste amazing." She licked Katie's nose and Katie giggled. "You taste amazing, even second-hand."

"You're gross!" Freya got up off the bed. "I'll get a towel."

When Freya came back into the room, she stood in the doorway for a moment watching her two best friends cuddle and lovingly kiss each other. Her heart filled her chest seeing that they had as wonderful a relationship as she and Alex did.

She couldn't wait to recount the day with him when he got home from work.

Freya looked at Katie lying there and could easily see why Alex had such a crush on her. She was absolutely adorable and had really turned into a little sexual dynamo. Freya couldn't wait to put her plan to get the two of them together into action.

She walked to the side of the bed and tenderly wiped Katie's face clean with the damp hand towel.

"Thank you," Katie smiled up at her and gave her a devilish wink. She sat up, pulled one of Cynthia's legs to the side, and climbed between them. Nudging her other leg apart, she reached for Freya's hand.

"Let's take care of our queen."

Freya climbed onto the bed next to Katie while Cynthia scooted a little further up and spread her legs wide enough to accommodate both girls.

"I really like where this is heading," she said.

Suddenly, Katie hopped off the bed. "Oh, wait!" She ran to the dresser and pulled out two boxes that instantly looked familiar to Cynthia.

"The remote-controlled vibrators!" Cynthia almost screamed.

"One for me and one for Freya." Katie handed them to Cynthia. "Here. Open these. I want to put my piercings back in."

As Katie was affixing them to her nipples again, Freya commented. "Those are beautiful, Katie. I noticed them earlier, but... We, uh... We were kind of preoccupied."

"Thank you." Katie beamed with pride. "Cynthia got them for me." Turning to Cynthia, she added, "Sometimes she can be very sweet."

"Don't get used to it," Cynthia told her. Tossing one of the vibrators to Katie, she said, "Stuff this in, toots."

Cynthia looked at Freya with a lecherous smile. "Come over here. I'll put yours in."

Freya came to the side of the bed and placed one foot on the mattress, opening her pussy wide for Cynthia. Cynthia fingered around inside her for a moment, spreading her inner lips, then slid the small vibrator in, leaving just the rubber-coated antenna sticking out.

"Ooo. It's small," Freya said, standing back up beside the bed.

"Yeah, but check this out." Cynthia pressed the button on the remote.

"Hey! Hey!" Katie yelped. "I barely have it in!"

"Oops. Sorry. Wrong remote." Cynthia pressed the button on the other remote and Freya wiggled her hips in appreciation.

Freya squeezed her thighs together. "Wow! I like that!" Freya cooed.

"Okay," Cynthia announced. "Are you guys all set? This snatch ain't gonna eat itself, you know."

Katie and Freya joined each other at the foot of the bed, holding hands. Cynthia looked at them over her melons, quivering with anticipation, and smiled. 'One's cute as fuck and one's hot as hell,' she thought to herself. 'This is going to be a whole lot of fun.'

Suddenly, Katie shivered. "O-o-oh!" she moaned.

"Just checking which one is which." Cynthia held up both remotes, one in each hand. "As long as you guys don't swap sides, I have them in order."

Freya turned to Katie and squeezed her hand. "Shall we?"

Katie nodded her head. To Freya, Katie looked like a lunatic, with her smudged makeup and twisted and snarled hair.

But a damn adorable lunatic.

They both climbed onto the bed and positioned themselves side by side on their bellies in front of Cynthia's spread pussy. It truly looked like they had lowered themselves in reverence to the queen's mighty cunt.

But what happened over the next twenty minutes or so was anything but reverent.

Cynthia couldn't see the girls past her tits, but that didn't matter to her one bit once she felt the first tongue on her pussy.

Closing her eyes, shutting out any visual stimulus, she focused all of her thoughts on the feelings emanating from between her legs. She heard some whispering, but ignored that, also. She couldn't really make out more than a word or two anyway.

She felt the two girls pushing against her legs, so she bent her knees, and spread her thick thighs as far apart as she could. Cynthia gave a quiet moan as she felt the two tongues exploring her pussy lips and occasionally meeting in the center, followed by a tiny giggle that sounded like fairy bells from below her waist.

At that moment, all that mattered to Cynthia was the quickly growing heat that was spreading throughout her.

Her face and body went slack as the bed seemed to soothingly rock like a small boat drifting with the tide on a gentle river. She could feel her breathing slow as she relaxed further into the twin tongue massage that she was receiving, the vibrator remotes completely forgotten in her lightly curled fingers.

Katie and Freya's tongues touched as they both daintily caressed the plump folds of Cynthia's sex and Katie giggled again. Freya slid the tip of one of her fingers into Cynthia and turned slightly to kiss the side of Katie's mouth. Almost immediately, she felt Katie's tongue reach for her. Freya glided a little more of her finger into Cynthia's steaming tunnel as Katie tilted her head to properly kiss Freya back.

"I love you, Katie," Freya said as they resumed their kiss.

"Mmmm," was Katie's simple reply.

Their mouths melted into each other while Freya slowly slipped her finger in and out of Cynthia. They could both smell her all-encompassing arousal as their tongues danced leisurely with each other.

"I love you, too," Katie whispered. She dipped her lips into Cynthia, coating them with her juices, and offered them to Freya, who greedily licked at them tasting the mixture of Cynthia's fluids and lipstick and the delicate flavor of Katie's sweet breath.

"Ohhh," Cynthia sighed dreamily from far above Freya and Katie's little world.

Wordlessly, the two girls returned to the succulent pussy buffet before them, and then back into a deep kiss. Freya pulled her finger out of Cynthia and Katie, eyes closed, licked it clean.

Then Katie had an idea.

She rolled slightly to the side and, lifting one of her legs up, spread her labia and dipped a finger into herself. She brought her finger up between both of their faces and watched as Freya sucked it into her mouth. Katie could feel the inside of Freya's cheeks working against the length of her finger and smiled.

It felt wonderful.

So sexy.

"Let's share some with Cynthia," Katie suggested.

Both girls carefully climbed over Cynthia's splayed legs, crawled to either side of their sprawled out queen, fingered themselves, then looked down at her slack face.

Katie whispered, "Cynthia?"

All they heard was a faint snoring.

"I think she's asleep," mouthed Freya.

Katie nodded. Reaching for Freya's hand, she popped her finger into her mouth. Freya did the same with Katie's finger, then motioned for them both to go back down between Cynthia's legs.

So as not to wake Cynthia, they quietly and gingerly laid back down with their faces almost in Cynthia's crotch again.

"Let's see if we can get her to cum without waking her up," Freya suggested.

Katie covered her mouth to stifle another giggle and nodded.

For the next few minutes, the two girls alternated between gently tonguing Cynthia, lightly flicking her clit, and kissing each other, all the while listening closely to Cynthia's various sighs and hums, to monitor her state of arousal as well as to make sure that they weren't waking her.

"I think she's getting close," Katie whispered.

"Move over," Freya instructed. "I want to try getting her to cum."

Katie carefully sat up and Freya positioned herself more centrally between Cynthia's thighs. She craned her neck -- now starting to ache a little -- and began to nibble on Cynthia's clit. Freya then upped the ante by sliding her finger back into her soaked hole. She could feel the tender velvet that Alex had felt when he fucked her and wondered what it would be like to have a penis and to be able to have sex with Cynthia.

She imagined that it would be heavenly.

Freya reached her mouth down and slid her tongue as far into Cynthia as she could. She moved her head back and forth, rubbing the tip of her nose against Cynthia's engorged clit. Her neck was on fire, but she loved having her tongue inside a woman.

As she was enjoying the pleasures of the pussy that she had been missing for most of her life, Freya felt Katie get off the bed and heard her stealthily move about the room, but Freya was more concerned with getting Cynthia off than with what Katie was up to.

She was less concerned with Katie until she felt the girl's hands pulling her hips up. Trying not to wake Cynthia and trying not to take her mouth off of her delicious cunt, Freya was able to pull her knees under herself and then felt a reassuring pat on her bottom from Katie.

Now, Freya could really only reach Cynthia's clit with her mouth, but figured that should be her focus anyway.

And a bit of a relief for her sore neck.

Behind her, she felt Katie climbing back onto the bed between her feet, so she carefully spread her knees apart. Knowing Katie -- or at least the new Katie -- she was probably just looking to gain access to Freya's pussy.

And Freya was more than fine with that!

She tried her best to spread her legs and arch her back and still nibble at Cyn, when she felt Katie's fingers spreading her pussy and suddenly the forgotten remote-controlled vibrator was pulled from her. Freya was about to protest, when something else pressed against her.

Something much bigger.

Slowly but forcibly, Freya felt her labia part as the thick intruder pushed its way into her, pushing her face further against Cyn. Cyn shifted her hips and mumbled something.

Turning her mouth from Cyn's snatch, she whispered, "What are you doing?"

Katie leaned forward, forcing the intruding object further into Freya, and whispered back, "Fucking you with a strap-on."

Freya didn't know what was more shocking. Katie swearing or Katie fucking her with a strap-on!

Then suddenly it hit her.

This was like that dream she had when she was eating Cynthia out while Alex was fucking her from behind!

Freya shuddered, closed her eyes, and lowered her head back down to Cynthia's steaming pussy. She felt Katie's cool fingers on her hips and slowly sank into the recollection of that wonderful dream as Katie's dildo sank into her.

In her sleep, Cynthia moaned and this spurned Freya on even more. She balanced licking and sucking on Cynthia's clit with pushing her hips back to meet Katie's thrusts. She could feel the strap-on getting properly lubed up as it was gliding in and out much smoother than at first, and just as Freya was enjoying the slow rhythm, Katie pushed in and stopped.

Freya felt Katie lean against her back and then heard her whisper, "Let me know if you don't like this."

Tilting her head to the side, Freya replied, "Oh, I love it!"

"No. This."

Freya felt Katie straighten back up, then reach for something on the bed. Having no idea what was about to happen, but, of course, trusting Katie implicitly, Freya tentatively put her mouth back onto Cynthia. Just then, Freya felt something dribble down the crack of her ass and then a cold, though not unpleasant, pressure against her asshole.

"Oooh," she sighed into Cynthia's cunt.

She and Alex had experimented a little with anal play, but it had always seemed like a lot of prep work -- and clean up work -- when oral or straight-up vaginal sex was just as pleasurable for them both.

Freya felt the pressure push a little more and then kind of swirl around her sensitive asshole as Katie smeared, what Freya assumed was lube, all over the item and her ass. There was another dribble of liquid and more swirling. Katie pushed in slightly, then removed the item. A third squirt of liquid and Katie immediately pushed the item against Freya's hole.

"Wait a second," Freya whispered.

"Okay," Katie answered. "And you know that 'nitrogen' is our safe word?"

"Yes," Freya said. She took a deep breath, inhaling Cynthia's damp musk, held it for a moment, mumbled, "Okay," then let the air slowly hiss out of her as she relaxed her sphincter. She felt the object press against her and tried her best to relax and push back. She felt Katie twisting the item against her and could feel herself relax around it. But then when she thought about it, she tightened back up.

"Sorry," Freya mumbled into Cynthia's pussy. She could feel Katie's hand rest lightly on her lower back as she tried to relax again.

"Do you want me to take the strap-on out?" Katie asked her.

"No. No." Freya replied. "What is it?"

"I got you a butt plug just like mine," Katie whispered. "So, we can be twins."

"Ass twins?"

Katie giggled and looked at Cynthia. She was still asleep.

"Okay. Try again." Freya took another deep breath and as she exhaled, tried her best to relax her entire body. Not an easy feat crouched over on her knees and elbows, neck sore, face practically covered in plump flaps of vagina, legs spread, a strap-on dildo shoved up her, and someone trying to cram a foreign object into her ass.

But she was able to relax herself enough, that the small plug, after the briefest of hesitations, slipped right into her. Freya sighed at the almost orgasmic relief that followed. But Katie, clearly a pro at this, gave her no chance to enjoy the feeling of her anus closing back up.

Freya had no sooner registered that it was in her, then she felt one of Katie's hands start to fervently rub her clitoris and push her hips against her ass. Between the clitoral stimulation, and the feel of the dildo and butt plug rhythmically pushing into her, she came.

Orgasming, moaning, and with her face pressed against Cynthia, Freya at least had the presence of mind to wiggle her tongue back and forth. Both girls heard a low, sleepy, guttural groan emanate from their queen.

She was cumming, too!

Katie steadied herself with Freya's hips as Freya came down from her passionate high.

"Katie!" Freya moaned with her face in the bed sheets. She could feel Cynthia's slippery lips kissing her forehead. Freya rested for a moment enjoying the full feeling of something inside both of her lower holes. 'If only Alex were here,' she thought, imagining his cock in her mouth.

Cynthia began to stir. She sleepily mumbled, "Hey, guys? I fell asleep."

Freya popped up a little too fast, got light-headed, and Katie had to steady her. As Katie did, the strap-on dildo popped out of her and hovered just below Freya's ravaged pussy.

Cynthia lifted her head up and looked over her huge tits at the two girls. Freya, still trying to clear her head, her face looked like a glazed donut. Clumps of sticky hair were plastered to her temples and forehead. Katie was struggling to hold her up and not fall off the foot of the bed and there was a rubber dildo sticking out from between Freya's legs.

Cynthia blinked. "What the hell have you two been up to?"

"Well," Freya started, "Katie and I were --"

"Ahh!" Katie screeched and she lost her balance and tumbled backwards, pulling Freya with her.

"Are you okay?" Cynthia shouted as she sat bolt upright.

"Yeah," came the reply from Freya. "I was almost impaled on a strap-on, though."

A muffled voice came from Katie, "I'm fine."

Cynthia was already off the bed and looking down at them. Seeing that they were okay, she started to laugh. "You guys are absolutely crazy."

"This was all Katie's idea!" Freya cried as she struggled to get off of the smaller girl trapped underneath her.

Freya sat on the bed and Cynthia sat next to her. They both looked down at Katie, still in her thigh-high vinyl boots, fishnet stocking, garter belt, nipple piercings, dog collar, her makeup an absolute mess, her hair sticking up in tangled wads, and the strap-on dildo bent to one side.

Angry, but tempered with plenty of love and affection, Cynthia asked her, "What the fuck do you have to say for yourself, Katie?"

Katie looked at them both and in a tiny voice, replied, "nitrogen."

If it was possible to die from laughing, the three girls would have passed away almost instantly.

After a good twenty minutes and five or six attempts to stop laughing, their hysterics finally had to stop. Their entire bodies were just so sore from laughing that they simply couldn't continue.

"I need to wash up," Freya announced and stood up, enjoying the feel of the butt plug nestled between her cheeks.

"Then me after," Katie said, still lying on the floor clutching her midsection.

"What in the world is sticking out of your ass?" Cynthia asked, pointing at Freya's bottom.

"Katie got me a matching butt plug so we can be ass twins," Freya explained.

"You're a pair of asses, alright!" Cynthia said.

"Ow! Stop it, Cynthia," Katie cried, trying not to laugh.

After Freya came back into the bedroom looking a little fresher, she joined Cyn on the bed while Katie went to clean up.

"Watch this," Cyn said to Freya as she picked up the vibrator remote that was on the bed. Freya was about to say something, but decided to keep her mouth shut and watched as Cyn pointed it at the bedroom door that Katie had just walked though and pushed the button.

And nothing happened.

Cyn pushed it again.

"We took them both out," Freya informed her.

"You guys are no fun."

"I beg to differ. I think we had a TON of fun this afternoon," Freya pointed out.

"Yeah. Without me."

"You, queenie, were the center of attention," Freya told her. "It's not our fault that you fell asleep."

"I haven't been sleeping well lately. Stress at work."

"Sorry," Freya said. "But you did have some fun today. You came."

"I did? I thought that was a dream."

"You did," Freya replied. "You did and I did. Katie, no. Or at least, not yet."

Lying next to Cyn, Freya lowered her voice, "Hey, I have a secret plan."

Cyn's eyes lit up. She loved Freya's crazy plans. "What?"

"Katie's the only one of us that hasn't had a cock in her. Actually, the only one of us that hasn't had Alex's cock in her," Freya said.

"Yeah...?" Cyn said, smiling.

"I know how we can get her laid."

Cyn rolled over. "How?"

Freya's eyes sparkled like black diamonds in the flickering light. "We kidnap her."

Cyn's eyes widened.

"We kidnap her, tie her up, and let Alex fuck her silly."

"Freya, you are pure evil," Cyn said. "And I love it. When can we do it?"

"Alex is working today, but maybe over the weekend," Freya offered.

"Whenever is fine with me. This sounds so fun!" Cyn held her friend tightly against her breast. "First, Katie turns into a sexual deviant and now you've become some sort of evil sex genius!" Cynthia declared. "I'm surrounded by degenerate freaks!"