A Private Heaven


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"Probably the worst was one time while he was lobbying for the shared slave provision. After thinking through what it would be like to be one, he told me to go to him at least twice a day and demand to be fucked. I was supposed to decide I wanted it without checking to see what he was doing or what mood he was in, and unless it was something to do with his cardinal rules I was to be indifferent and demanding of him.

"After a couple of days, I had my doubts that it could be that bad for a shared slave, but I knew a slave who had been one before, so I arranged a meeting with her to find out more about what it was like. It was worse than I thought. That night, I came to his room demanding sex. He was exhausted and I made him do it anyway. When we were done I slapped him around, told him he was a lousy lover and he'd better improve, 'and I don't like your attitude either.' He looked very hurt as I walked out, and I came real close to turning around and apologizing and asking him to stop making me do that to him. But I knew what he was playing at so I stayed with it, and the next morning I came back and told him I wanted it again and it'd better be better than it was last night."

I gasped.

"A few days later he left town for several days to talk it up with some of the legislators who opposed the provision. He finally won its passage. Later he thanked me for being merciless and said it really helped him to keep going when it seemed hopeless."

I looked at her in disbelief. "He really took it that seriously."

"Yes, he did. But he also told me it was something of an act for him to play the mistreated slave, and suggested I remind myself of that if we did it again in the future."

"Did it bother you that he made you do that to him?"

"I wouldn't say bothered, but I didn't enjoy it. It convinced me, however, that for all Tom will allow himself to be subjected to as a pleasure slave, it's nothing compared to what he's willing to put himself through for a cause he believes in. If that's what works for him, and if I support the cause he's working for, I'd do it over again." Chama paused. "Tom is very strong willed. When he puts his mind to something, he's unstoppable. And he uses his other side, the ultra-submissive pleasure slave, to recharge himself so he can put more energy into things like his law practice, or fighting for a cause."

Again I pondered their relationship. Just when I think I have them figured out, I discover it goes deeper.

We were about fifteen minutes from leaving when we got a phone call from Tom. He said the jury for his case had delivered a verdict after less than an hour of deliberation, so he was free for the rest of the day and wondered if we wouldn't mind waiting up a bit so he could come with us.

* * *

Tom drove us in his car, which typical of his style was classy and comfortable but not overly extravagant. The towns we passed through along the way had some interesting sights. We crossed a bridge that many called an engineering marvel, and passed through different types of forests, meadows of wildflowers, and boulder-strewn valleys. The mountainous backgrounds and rock formations were sights to behold. We stopped to eat our packed lunch at one of the scenic overlooks along the route. The sea was visible in the distance at times, but those views were mostly behind us where we'd be able to take them in better on the return trip.

It was also during the drive that we talked more specifically about future visits. My company's vacation plan gave me another week next year, bringing me to three, so I'd have more time to include them in. Tom suggested having me come be his mistress when Chama was away for a few days. My response was that it depended on where Chama was going; if she was in Cragmoor, our hometown, visiting family, I'd rather be able to spend some time with her there, but I'd be delighted to when she went elsewhere. Other possibilities we discussed included Tom visiting Cragmoor, and us meeting elsewhere.

We paid our admission at the park entrance, where there was also a gift shop, a restaurant, a restored carousel, a couple of trailheads, and various other odds and ends for tourists. We passed on those for now, as we were anxious to get to the summit and figured we'd have time for them later. The summit was only about three miles from the entrance as the eagle flies, but by road it was more than three times that distance as the unpaved road wound its way up the slopes and valleys on the sides of Blue Mountain. It took us half as long as the trip so far had already taken.

The summit was everything promised. Crisp, clean air under a partly cloudy sky, incredible views ranging from the sea to more mountains further inland. I explored the hiking trails a little, including a short loop, but the more interesting ones started or ended elsewhere, including one that took a different route to the entrance. I'd have to come back sometime and try that one. Tom took a lot of pictures and I wondered how many lenses and filters he had in that oversized camera bag.

As we were preparing to leave, I stopped to use the restroom in the summit house. It was the type of restroom found in most fueling stations, designed for only one occupant at a time. When I opened the door to leave, Tom was standing outside waiting for me. "Do you mind if I come in?" he asked.

I looked back at him in confusion. "No, I guess not. Come on in."

The fox came in, closed the door and locked it, then set his camera bag down and gazed at me warmly with those green eyes of his. "You said you wanted me to top you. If you're up to it I have something in mind I'd like to start now."

My breath caught. "Now? Here? What kind of thing?"

He shook his head. "My only answer is, do you trust me?" His voice was smooth and seductive.

"And if I say yes..?"

"Once you say yes, our roles become reversed. You are my pleasure slave, I am your master, you are my plaything to use any way I like."

My knees felt weak. I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I balanced myself on the sink and took a couple of deep breaths.

Then I knelt down. "Yes, I trust you, Master Tom."

"Very good, Kirin, my lynx." His smile was warm and radiant, with a slight hint of evil. I shuddered. "Since this is your first time, I'll explain a few things as we go along. First and foremost, this is based on trust. You should do whatever I ask without question, or try to, as I may ask you to do something difficult or challenging. If you make a mistake, are unable to do something I ask, or if you disobey me, chances are there will be a punishment. You should assume that whatever I want you to know I will tell you. If you want to say or ask anything, you first ask for permission to speak. And you are mine until I release you, which could be as long as tomorrow morning, or until you use the safeword. Do you remember mine?"


"Very good. Use it only if you feel you must. Understand that I'll be paying careful attention to you, judging what I think you can handle and adjusting if I need to. I can go easy on you if you really want, but remember, you can handle more than you think you can, and I think you'll find the experience more enjoyable in the end if you allow me to push your limits a little more. So I'll ask you one more time, do you trust me?"

It was a lot to think about. I ran it through my mind again. He intended to challenge me, but not any more than he thought I could handle. I swallowed. "Yes, I trust you."

"Very good. Let's get started. Whenever I have you in a submissive posture, keep your eyes forward." He stepped behind me. "Kirin, please strip and give me your clothes."

My eyes widened and I hesitated for a moment, but I felt his eyes on me and thought about what he'd just said about trust. I pulled my shirt off over my head and handed it to him, then stood and stepped out of my shorts, which I handed to him. These he folded and placed carefully on top of the paper towel dispenser. Finally, I slipped my panties down, which I noticed had acquired quite a wet spot, and handed them to him. I saw his nostrils twitch as he studied them a moment before he put them in one of the side pockets of the camera bag. It felt very strange, standing naked before him in a public restroom and him knowing how aroused I was.

"Have you used the toilet already?" he asked.


"Good. Now I want you to lean over the sink and lift your tail." I did. I heard him unzip the camera bag, and in spite of myself I turned my head to see what he was doing. He had something in his hand inside the camera bag, but I didn't see what it was before he saw me looking and stopped, and I realized my mistake. "Eyes forward," he reminded me as he dropped whatever he was holding. I turned forward, then felt a cloth brush past my ear tufts. It then came over my eyes and he tied the blindfold behind my head. "I hoped I wouldn't have to do this," he said, and I could hear a hint of disappointment in his voice.

More rummaging in the camera bag. "Lift one foot," he said. I did, and a moment later asked me to do the same with the other. He was pulling something up my legs and stopped about mid-thigh. "Okay, now spread your legs." At this point, I again became aware of how wet I was and how exposed I was to him. I felt something slide part of the way inside my pussy, then I felt his finger on my anus, covered with lube. He was sliding something in there, too. "Relax," he said. I did my best, and after about three iterations of sliding it in a little further, the thing in my pussy also sliding back and forth as he did so, I felt it slide into place, as the widest part of it got past my sphincter, which closed around the narrower base. It was a new and unusual sensation for me, having my asshole stretched like that, not so much that it hurt but a very full feeling that would be hard to ignore. Then he slid the dildo the rest of the way into my pussy. He didn't need any lube for that. It felt wider part of the way up, about where the knot was on his own cock. When he slid it the rest of the way in, I gasped as it filled up and stretched my pussy, and I felt the knot resting against my G-spot. Finally, he pulled the waistband of the panties up over my hipbones. As he pulled them up I felt something with soft fingers being pulled against my clit. "Okay stand up and spread your legs a little," he said, and I did. He made some minor adjustments until they were on straight, then removed the blindfold.

"Now, I'd like you to walk around a bit, do some knee bends, swivel your hips, try sitting down, and see if everything feels comfortable. If you need to adjust it a little, you may do so." I did as he instructed, adjusting slightly a couple of places where it didn't lay against my fur quite right. Most of the panties were a stretch fabric that fit moderately tight but not uncomfortably so, but there was something like a belt inside the waistband, and the parts in the crotch against and inside me felt like rubber. It also became obvious how much wearing these was going to drive me crazy. Almost any movement caused the invaders in both of my holes and those little fingers on my clitty to slide around enough to keep me pretty wet and horny. I could feel a steel ball rolling around inside the knot of the dildo where it pressed against my G-spot. Tom was studying the look on my face as I realized my predicament, and his smile became a little more wicked. "Everything feel comfortable?" he asked.

"Yes, Master Tom."

"Good." He fiddled around near my tail a bit, I felt the waistline of the panties tighten slightly above my hips, then heard and felt a little 'snick' from above my tail, which somehow I knew was a lock clicking shut.

"Turn around"

I did, and he produced a pair of nipple loops. My nipples were already erect, so all he had to do was loop one around each nipple and tighten a small nut it until it was secure. They weren't tight enough to hurt but would keep my nipples erect. Each one had a couple of small baubles that would lie nestled in the fur below the nipple.

"We're almost done." He handed me my shirt and my shorts. "Put these back on, and once we walk out the door, you should act normal and talk with me as you would normally." I began dressing. "Be careful how much fluid you drink if you don't want a full bladder. Those panties are locked on and the key is back in Port Shelton." Two hours, minimum. I let out a small groan. "A couple more things. You may not do anything I can observe either to cause or to prevent an orgasm. You must allow them to happen or not as they may. Also, Chama doesn't know about this, so don't tell her. Your challenge is for us to get all the way back home without her finding out. If she asks what took so long when we come out, just tell her you were playing with your slave, which isn't really a lie since you asked me to do this."

"Last thing. Your punishment for not keeping your eyes averted earlier." He reached under my shirt and tightened the nipple loops one turn each. Now they hurt a little. I realized also that I would have to make sure my constantly erect nipples weren't too obvious. My shirt was just loose enough to enable me to do this if I used the right posture enough of the time. Not a problem anyway while we were at the summit since the cooler temperature up here had that effect on most of the females who weren't wearing bras, but lower down where it was warmer I'd have to be more careful.

Before he opened the door, he stopped to rub my shoulders for a few seconds. "As you have been having fun with me as your plaything these last few days, it is my privilege to have fun with you as mine. And I do feel honored that you have offered me this privilege. Remember this - my greatest desire is that you have as much fun with this as I do."

We emerged from the restroom as I pondered his last words. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like wanting to do anything to please him. The way the panties kept me worked up made the walk from the restroom to the car seem much longer than it was, and I had to concentrate hard on trying to look normal. He seemed to find this amusing. I suppressed the urge to get angry and reminded myself that this was what I had agreed to.

We arrived at the car. Chama looked a little impatient waiting beside it, but she didn't say anything. I sat in the front passenger seat and immediately noticed how much sitting down pushed the toys in the panties tighter against me and deeper inside me. There was nothing I could put beneath me, no position I could sit in, to lessen the pressure, at least not without being obvious about it. When Tom started the engine, it felt like a very subtle vibrator humming through the seat, and by the time we left the parking lot I realized how much all those little bumps and vibrations you hardly ever notice were being transferred through the seat to my pussy. It was going to be a long ride home.

We were on the second switchback when my first orgasm hit. Chama was speaking at the time and I did my best to control my breathing and appear to be listening. I managed to calm myself down, and was trying to mentally counter the effects of the constant road vibration. Most of the time it worked and I was able to keep it under control, but twice more the bumps and swerves got the better of me, sending an orgasm quaking through my body as I tried to look and act as normal as I could muster. But I also discovered, much to my chagrin, that even as I held off orgasms, I was never far from coming, and a few minutes in that state made me want to come. Badly. On the balance, I decided being teased was easier to handle than trying to conceal an orgasm.

Chama wanted to stop at the gift shop by the park entrance. I dreaded this but couldn't say no since I had expressed the same desire earlier and nothing she was supposed to know about had happened to justify changing our plans. When we stopped, Tom discretely gave me a towel and suggested I wipe off any excess fluids that had leaked out around the crotch of my panties. Luckily, very little had gotten onto my shorts.

Surprisingly, the stop turned out to be something of a welcome relief. Unlike the road vibration, which I had no control over, I could somewhat control the amount of stimulation I was getting while walking around, at least when I could pause for a few seconds whenever I needed to. It was gratifying to realize I was finding ways to deal with wearing these panties that were causing me so much delicious torment.

"How's my pet lynx doing?" whispered Tom, sneaking up behind me in a corner of the gift shop.

"Holding up," I replied. I could think of worse things to say, but I held my tongue. I again reminded myself that I had agreed to this knowing it meant I was for his pleasure, and that he wasn't putting me through anything he didn't think I could handle.

"Just remember to have fun. I hope you are. I know I am." He reached around in front of me and stroked my nipples through my shirt for a few seconds. I squeezed my eyes shut. "Just watching you is quite a turn-on for me." I tried to enjoy his attentions as much as I could, wishing we were alone so I could give in to my pleasure and return it in kind, instead of being flustered that I had to act like nothing was out of the ordinary.

We walked around some more when we got outside, more than I wanted to in my current situation, less than I would have preferred ordinarily. I was sure Chama would have been able to tell by now that something was different about me, and I was surprised she hadn't given any indication. I felt relieved when at last we were making our way back toward the car, but Chama had to go and spoil it with one more suggestion. "Hey, Tom, Kirin, how about we ride the carousel? I haven't been on one of those since I was a kid."

My heart sank. "I don't know."

"Aww, come on, don't be such a party pooper. It'll be fun. What do you think, Tom?"

He glanced at me, then back at Chama. "Sure, I'd love to."

Despite my position, I dared shoot him a slight glare as Chama paid for the tickets and we climbed aboard. I took a look at the fixed bench seats, but Tom took me by the waist and steered me toward one of the seahorses. He helped me up, then climbed onto the one beside me. Chama took the one on the opposite side of me (they were four abreast), so I was stuck between them. The horses had no stirrups, so almost all of my weight was on my groin and therefore the toys inside me.

The ride started. The up and down motion of the carousel horse between my legs seemed bearable enough at first, but before long it was building me up in a way that I was unable to hold off. At the top of the horse's range of movement my feet were well clear of the ground, but at the bottom, they touched down, and that taking a fraction of my weight off my bottom every few seconds made it worse. I tried holding my feet up but decided it would be too obvious if I kept it up. The ride seemed to go on and on - funny, these rides always seemed too short when I was a kid - and my arousal kept building. Just as the carousel began slowing down, my orgasm hit. I held the pole in front of me with both hands, closed my eyes, and did some controlled breathing to get through it.

When it ended I opened my eyes. Chama was looking at me. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I said, trying to recover as quickly as I could.

The ocelot looked at me uncertainly, then her eyebrows went up. "Oh!" she said, and she looked back and forth between Tom and I. "Who's on top?"

By the time I understood the question, Tom had answered. "I am."

My eyes met Tom's, and I felt my ears flush. I knew I had failed the challenge and would be receiving a punishment.
