A Promise Kept Ch. 01


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"Is that right?" I asked, Kara nodding her head, "Then I say we go to the head of the family and deal with that person directly."

"You're talking about old Retired Judge Anderson Clayton Powers," she fearfully informed me, "And if you're dead set on dealing with him, then there's something you need to know. Nobody can prove what I'm about to tell you, but there have been a few people who went looking for him; and they were never heard from again."

"Come on," I laughed, "You make these people sound like some sort of redneck mafia, or something."

"You can laugh all you want to," Kara indignantly replied, "But don't say that I didn't warn you when you get your ass kicked, Michael Walker," and then she rose from the couch, turned, and then stomped down the hall toward our bedroom, slamming the door behind her on way inside the bedroom.

"Women," I said to no one, "Can't live with them, can't live without them...dammit."

"Don't worry about her, Mike," Ken Matlock's voice chuckled, from the front porch, apparently having heard the entire conversation between Kara and I through the open screen door, "I couldn't help overhearing your conversation with Kara, and I have to apologize."

"It wasn't your fault," I laughed, shaking my head, "I should've closed the front door after we came in so; don't worry about hearing us, Ken."

"That's not why I was apologizing, young Mike," he laughed, making me look at him oddly, "I was apologizing, number one, for the fact that my daughter's temperament is as bad as mine was when I was her age, and number two, that same temperament is something she inherited from me," as we both began to laugh not only very loudly, but also very excessively.


Ken and I hadn't been sitting in the living room talking for more then a few minutes, when Kara came stomping back up the hall, wearing an angry look on her face which indicated that she was getting ready to chew my ass again for God only knew what.

"Hi, Daddy," Kara suddenly smiled, "I didn't know you were here."

"I can see that," Ken began to laugh again, pissing her off further, "You know that you're about as subtle as a kick in the balls, don't you?"

"Speaking of balls is that why you're here?" she halfway growled, questioning Ken, "To bust mine, that is?"

"It's not like you don't have a pair, young lady," he laughed, winking at me, "That much is certain."

Of course it was all I could do to keep from laughing, and Kara damn sure knew it. However, just as she was about to get in my ass for laughing at the joke her father had made, at her expense, the telephone rang...


"Hello," Kara said, answering the phone.

"Hi, pretty girl," my father said, on the other end, "How are you doing, sweetie?"

"Not well," she began to sniffle, "Your son is being a horse's ass to me."

"Oh, he is?" Dad demanded, "If you'll let me speak to him, right now, I'll set his ass straight."

"Thank you, Nathan," she smiled, then with a pout, handed me the phone and said, "Here, it's you Dad."

"I love you very much, Kara, so; please stop being mad at me."

"We'll see," she impishly smiled, handing me the phone, "I love you, too...mean ass."


"Hi, Dad," I grinned, as Kara gently touched my face before she walked away, "What can I do for you?"

"You'd better leave that pretty girl alone," he teased, "Or I'm gonna sick your mother and your sister on you."

"Whatever," I laughed, "Seriously...what's up?"

"I've got some not so good news for you, Mike," he grimly replied, "And I think it's probably best if you come home so that I can tell you face-to-face, son."

"Is something wrong with Mom or Brittany?" I worriedly asked, "Are you alright?"

"No, it's nothing like that," he told me, making me breathe a little easier, "It's better if you come home as soon as possible, okay, Michael?"

My father only called me Michael when he was either very upset with me, or when something was very wrong; and because he's already informed me that it was the latter, I simply cleared my throat and told him, "We'll be right there, Dad. It's going to take uis a couple of minutes to get our clothes changed, but we'll be there as soon as possible, okay?"

"Okay, son," he said, "Be sure to drive safely."

"Yes, sir," I replied, "We'll see you soon..."


"Hi, Dad, and Mom," I replied, greeting my parents as I came through their front door, "What's so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone?"

Before Dad had the chance to speak, I heard my Mom Cry, "Oh, my God, Brittany, what happened baby girl?"

I looked behind me to see my little sister stumbling through the front door with her right eyes so badly bruised that it was swollen shut. Blood was covering her whole face, and upon further examination, her left arm had been jerked out of socket and was painfully hanging down her side at an odd and unnatural angle.

"Mikey," she cried, the first thing out of her mouth, "Where are you, Mikey?" and then she passed out and landed onto the living room floor.

"Call an ambulance," I told my mother, who seemed in a daze, "MOM, please call an ambulance, now!"


Mom, Dad, Kara, and I were gathered in the E.R. waiting room, at Texas Women's Hospital, in Houston; sitting on pins and needles, while we waited for the doctor to tell us of my sister's condition, as well as what her prognosis would be.

"What the hell happened to her?" I asked, both of my parents, "Do either of you know?"

"No," Dad said, new worry lines appearing on his face, "The last thing she said was that she was going to the beach with a couple of her friends, and that was the last we heard from her until she came home all bloodied and..." Dad couldn't continue for the tears that began to pour down his face.

"Take it easy, Dad," I softly replied, pulling him into my arms and hugging him, "Brittany's going to be alright, I know she will."


"Her left arm was pulled completely out of socket, but not badly enough that required any surgery. However, it looks like someone has beaten her very badly to the point that she's going to require maxillofacial facial surgery on the whole right side of her face," the doctor first told us.

Still though, before he could continue, my Mom, who was almost in pieces by this time, said, "Whatever it takes Doctor, we'll pay whatever it costs; just do it as soon as possible, okay?"

"We have a team of very gifted Surgeons standing by whom, every one, specializes in that type of surgery," he replied, "But there is one more thing you need to be made aware of."

"I'm her older brother, Doc," I said, "What is it?"

When the Doctor looked me in the eyes and said, "She's been brutally raped, and will more than likely never be able to have children," a near crippling pain, followed by an intense anger and hatred for whoever did this, ripped through me like a hot knife through butter.

"Was there a police report?" I asked, "Better yet, have the police even been called?"

"Yes sir," the Doctor politely replied, "An officer should be here at any moment," and before I could even turn my head to see who it was, I heard a now familiar voice calling my name.


"We don't know who did this, Mike," Gavin Phelps told me, "But I've got an idea. And when I get the proof, I'm going to crucify the little bastard with my bare hands."

"You've got to tell me who you're talking about, Gavin, "I desperate pleaded with him, "I'm begging you."

"I can't do it, Mike," he quietly replied, "If I do that then you'll go off half cocked and ruin any case I might have, and then we'll lose him for good. I'm asking you, as my friend; to back off and let me do my job...I promise you that you won't be sorry."

"Don't take too long," I warned him, "Because if I find the sonofabitch who's responsible for this before you do, then there's nothing that you, or anyone else, will be able to do to stop me from killing him. Do you understand me?"

"I understand completely," Gavin calmly told me, "All I'm asking is for you to wait until your sister is awake and alert and can tell us more, alright?"

"I'll give you that," I reiterated, "But that's all I'm going to do. Are we clear on this one, Gavin?"

"Crystal clear," he said, shaking my hand, "Thanks, Mike; and like I've already said, you won't be sorry...I promise you, my friend."


Now that we knew about Brittany's condition, and that was out of immediate danger, we were left waiting...waiting for her to awaken, waiting for her to be able to tell us who it was that did this to her, but for me...it was waiting to find out who the fool was that had signed their own death warrant by attacking my baby sister to begin with.

There's something I need to tell you, son," Dad reminded me, which was the main reason I'd come home to begin with, "Your mother and I got a call from Jennifer Meyers, earlier today."

"Oh, really," I cluelessly inquired, "What did she want?"

"I don't know," Dad glumly replied, "She said she wants you to call her at home...she also said that it would be in your best interest to call her as soon as possible."

"I wonder what the hell she wants," I quietly hissed, "It's not like I don't have enough to worry about as it is...that crazy bitch."

"I wouldn't have the slightest idea about any of that," Dad wearily chuckled, "But I still think you ought to call her just the same."

"What're you grinning about, Dad?" I asked, "Is there something you find funny about her?"

"No, it's not her in particular," Dad replied, still smiling, "I guess I'm laughing about you and your women."

"Women," I said, a slight touch of aggravation in my tone of voice, "I don't understand what you mean by that? You're making it sound like I've got some kind of harem or something."

"No, not really," Dad chuckled, now grinning from ear-to-ear, "I guess it just goes to show that no matter how long you've been gone, some shit never changes, does it?" and then he began to laugh like a school boy with a naughty secret.

"Whatever," I sighed, slightly annoyed that my own father was making fun of me over something as trivial as Jenny Meyers and her soap-opera bullshit, "You, Mom and Brittany, all three, have an irritating tendency to laugh at the wrong shit sometimes."

"To quote your little sister," Dad knowingly smiled, "Lighten up, shit head."

"Yeah, yeah," I laughed, "That's why she's going to be alright...because she's such a mean ass."

"I sure hope so," Dad anxiously replied, his eyes beginning to fill with tears, "I'd die if something were to happen to..."

"Hey, now," I calmly interrupted him, placing my arm around his shoulders, "She's going to be just fine, I promise you. Kara is with Mom, but I think you should go and check on her just the same, if for any reason just to see how she's holding up, okay?"

"You're right, Mikey," Dad replied, collecting himself before checking on Mom, "Thank you, son...I don't know what the rest of this family would we do if not for your strength."

"Aw, don't worry, Dad," I reassured him, "Besides; I get my strength from my father before me and his father before him. So, it looks like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree in this case..."



"Hello," Jennifer Meyers answered her phone.

"Hi, Jenny," I said, "Dad said that you called the house looking for me. What is so important that needs my immediate attention?"

"I would say that becoming a father is really important," she sarcastically replied, "Now wouldn't you?"

"Me, a father," I laughed, wondering why she would stoop so low as to lie about something like that, "So, you're telling me that your pregnant and that it's mine, does that about cover it?"

"No, it's not just yours," she sniffled, "This baby is ours, Michael."

"Alright then," I conceded, "When is your next appointment with the Doctor?"

"Why do you want to know?" she indignantly asked.

"I want to know for three reasons that I can think of," I quickly told her, "First of all, as the father, I have every right to be there with you at your Doctor visits. Secondly, I want to make sure that my son/daughter is healthy, and last, but most certainly not least, if you want me to pay you child support, then you'll do as I ask, because if I have to take you to court, there isn't a court in this country that will deny me so; I'd comply with my wishes if I were you."

"You're not me, Michael," she flippantly spouted, "And I might not want you to come with me so; deal with it."

"Did you not hear what I said?" I asked her, "Don't make me take you to court, Jenny."

"I wonder how your precious little Kara is going to take this," she cruelly laughed, "Especially when I tell her that you knocked me up on purpose and then kicked me to the street when you found out."

"Kara will believe me above you any day," I plainly told her, "She also told me about all of the guys you fucked around on me with behind my back. And that reminds me; I'm going to order an amniocentesis as soon as possible, because it's my legal right, for the purpose of determining paternity."

"That's bullshit," Jenny agitatedly replied, "You can't do that."

"Oh, yes I can," I confidently grinned, "Besides, if you're so sure that the baby is mine, then there shouldn't be a problem, should there?"

"I'll call my own attorney then," she viciously growled, "That'll put a stop to all of this bull shit once and for all."

"Yes, it will," I informed her, "And because I'm the baby's alleged father, your attorney will also tell you that I have every right to know about any and every thing where the baby's health is concerned; that means that I'll need the name of the doctor that you're going to see, as well as any and all medications that the doctor might possibly prescribe. Is there anything that is in any way unclear to you?"

I could tell by the tone of Jenny's voice that she'd called me to try to bully me into believing that she was pregnant with my child. The really stupid part of it on her behalf was that she had no proof whatsoever; but that was okay, too. If the baby was indeed mine, then I was going to do the right thing and take on the responsibility of financially supporting her and the child, but only if it was indeed mine.

"So, when do you go to the Doctor," I asked her, point blank, "And how far along are you with this pregnancy?"

"I won't know until I see the Doctor," she spitefully admitted, "All I know is that my period is three weeks late, I've been throwing up every morning for the past two and a half weeks, and the time has come to make your little pussy punk ass pay. Do you understand me, motherfucker?"

"Yeah, right," I sneered at her, "But if you're going to continue talking to me like that, then you need to realize that you're only making things harder on yourself in the long run, because I'm not about to put up with any of your shit."

"I'm carrying your child," she hatefully laughed, "That means that I can talk to you any way I damn well please...and don't forget it, you asshole."

It was at that moment that I realized that I didn't hate Jenny; no, not at all. I pitied her more than anything else. I mean, come on, who in their right mind would try to pull the shit that she was doing at that moment? Nobody that I could think of, that much was certain. However, if I found that she had anything to do with what had happened to my baby sister, Brittany, then someone's head would be put on the chopping block, that much was certain, and at that point I didn't care who's head it was either.


When I got back to the hospital Mom and Dad looked like they were about to drop dead from all of the stress and worry that had been forced upon them. Needless to say, and with much protest from the both of them, I sent them home.

"What if she wakes up and needs something," Mom worriedly asked, "Then what?"

"We've got everything covered," I reassured her, "Go home and get some rest. You won't be any good for anyone if not, okay?"

"Who's going to look after you, Mike?" Dad asked, "You've been up and awake just as long as we have...if not longer, son."

"That would be my job," Kara smiled, walking into Britt's room from having just used the ensuite rest room, "You two go home, and leave Michael and Brittany to me. They're both in good hands, okay?" and shortly thereafter, Mom and Dad left my sister's hospital room with weary, but confident smiles on both of their faces.


Chapter Nine

"Thanks, Kara," I smiled, once Mom and Dad were gone, "They love you ya know."

"I love them, too," she sweetly replied, taking my hand and interlacing her fingers with mine, "So; tell me, Michael, how many months pregnant is Jenny?"

"She won't know until she goes to see the Doctor," I truthfully replied, "She said that her period is about three weeks late."

Then I realized that I hadn't yet informed her of Jenny's pregnancy, or the fact that she'd even called, and before I could say anything about it, Kara grinned and told me, "I gave you two several moments to talk, and then when me and Brittany thought enough time had passed, I called Jenny back and made her tell me why she called your parents' house to begin with, much less to talk to you."

"And she told you?" I asked, "Damn, how much money did that information cost you?"

"Not a thing," Brittany, who'd been feigning sleep the whole time, suddenly giggled, "Kara told her that she was gonna come over there and beat her ass once she'd had the baby."

"But you didn't even know she was pregnant yet," I grinned, "So; how did you pull that off?"

"It was easy," Kara grinned, Brittany conspiratorially giggling right behind her, "I bluffed her."

"You're a tricky little shit," I smiled, pulling Kara into my arms, "You're almost as bad as I am."

"Nah," Brittany chuckled, "Nobody's that bad, big brother."

"You hush," I grinned, leaning down and gently brushing her bruised, yet still beautiful cheek with the back of my hand, "Nobody asked you, smart ass."

"Maybe not," Brit grinned, "But you know that I'm going to have my say, regardless of whether I'm asked."

"Jeez," I playfully groaned, "I'm surrounded by mouthy women."

"That's right," Kara grinned, "And it just so happens, like it or not, that these two so called "mouthy women" love you very much."

"That's right," my sister laughed, "So, deal with it, Mikey."


Kara and I had been sitting with Brittany for only a few moments when we heard a knock on her hospital room door; and once my sister had given the go ahead for whoever was knocking to come in, we were all pleasantly surprised to see Ken and Sara Matlock come through the door with smiles on their faces.

"Hi, baby girl," Ms. Sara smiled, as she leaned down and kissed Brittany on the top of her pretty head, "How're you feeling, sweetheart?"

"I'm hurting all over," Brittany softly replied, tears filling her eyes as she gently squeezed Ms. Sara's hand, "But the Doctor told me that I'll be fine once I'm done with all of the surgeries that're going to be performed on me."

"If there's anything that Ken or I can do, I want you to let us know," Ms. Sara tenderly said, "Okay, baby?"

"Yes, ma'am," Brittany pleasantly replied, "Thank you. It means a lot to me that you and Mister Ken came down here to see me...it really does."

"Think nothing of it, sweetie," Ms. Sara knowingly smiled, winking at Kara and I, "You and your brother both, are like our own children, as far as Ken and I are concerned. I wanted you to know that, baby."

"Thank you, again, Ms. Sara," Brit smiled, "I love you both, very much," and then she gently hugged Ms. Sara with her right arm and softly said, "You and Mister Ken are like a second set of parents to me, too..."


While Ms. Sara and Kara stayed in the hospital room to talk to Brittany, Ken and I had stepped out into the hallway to talk.
