A Proper Young Woman's Guide to Anal Etiquette Ch. 10


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"It ain't that bad once you get used to it," remarked Georgina with a grin.

"How long did it take you to get used to having something that big up your ass constantly?" asked Laura.

"I d'likely know," she responded sheepishly. "It's been over a year and I'm still not used ta it yet. I d'know if I'll ever be truly 'used ta it'," she added.

"I see," Laura replied. She had serious reservations.

"Are you ready to see seven and three eights inches in the flesh, so to speak?" asked Mai as she squatted down behind Georgian's chair to unlock the padlocks holding the receptionist in place – grunting in discomfort as she did so.

"I guess so," said Laura with trepidation.

One, then two stocking clad feet were freed and touched the floor. "Can you give me a hand, Melissa?" asked Mai as she stood up.

"Sure thing, Mai," replied the brunette nurse, stepping over to Georgina's side. The two nurses then began pulling upwards to help the massively titted receptionist off of her chair. The upwards force caused the sitting woman's breasts to pull up slightly and Laura was treated to a peak of areola tops as she began to rise.

Inch by inch, Georgina came free of her chair. Inch by inch, the seven and three eights inch plug that violated her dilapidated rectum came into view. Laura had to gasp as its true size was slowly revealed. Seeing that massive slab of latex on a video was one thing; seeing it exit from a normal – albeit dumb – human being's asshole was something else entirely!

"Oh, my..." commented Laura in awe.

Finally, all twenty four inches of rectal stretching latex were withdrawn and Georgina was able to stand on her own two feet at last.

"Impressive? Yes?" she asked as she rubbed her butt cheeks with her hands.

"Turn around and show Mrs. Wilder your hole now," commanded Mai.

Obediently, Georgina spun around and bent over at the waist. Laura gasped again at the almost six inch wide gape that looked back at her; and Georgina wasn't even spreading her cheeks for effect. That was just the normal diameter of her atrophied sphincter!

"Oh, my..." Laura repeated. Her gaze went back and forth from the flesh pink round hole between the blonde's cheeks and the intimidating, nub laden dildo mounted on the chair. They were both equally impressive.

"And if you'll notice," Mai said breaking Laura's concentration, "this thing is driven by the chair's casters," she added. The cute Japanese nurse rolled the chair back and forth to make the nubby dildo spin in place. "Georgina gets quite the thrill as she pulls herself around the office; or if she gets pushed," she said smiling.

"Oh, my..." Laura said for a third time. She was truly speechless; and that didn't happen very often for the normally chatty forty six year old cougar.

"Alright, girls," Melissa said at last. "Mrs. Wilder needs to get on with her physical. Thank you for the demonstration.

"You're welcome," Mai and Georgina said in unison.

"Now what about you? Still interested?" asked Melissa as Mai helped the blonde bombshell back onto her dildo and office chair.

"Maybe," considered Laura, regaining her power of speech at last. "How much is the test?"

"Oh, don't worry about the cost. Your insurance covers it as part of your preventative medicine package. After all, it's cheaper to do the calculation than it is to fix you up if you go way past what's safe."

"Good point," Laura agreed. "Okay, you sold me. Sign me up!"

"Excellent!" Melissa exclaimed as she tapped a few more commands into her medical tablet. "I'll wheel you over to X-Ray after we've finished with your dilation evaluation and capacity enemas. The MRI will be covered as part of your checkup and most of the rest of the necessary data should already be in your medical files. You should have the results before you leave today."

"Ya won't be sorry ya did," added Georgina as Mai locked her ankles to the chair once more.

"Amazing what technology can do for us, isn't it?" Laura reminisced.

"It is, isn't it," Melissa confirmed.

"We'll be taking off then," confirmed Mai as she began pushing Georgina out the door.

"Thanks again," Melissa said, watching the pair exit the exam room.

As the door closed, Laura heard Georgina ask, "Can we take the long way back, please?"

"Of course," answered the cute, raven haired nurse as they moved out of view. "But it can't be too long; I'm due in the ADVerS room in a few minutes for my morning shift."

"That girl," Melissa remarked rhetorically. "If ever there was a true anal masochist, it's her!

"Anyways, so I'll make a bet with you, beautiful," the busty brunette said, turning her full attention back to Laura at last. "If your Certified Capacity is over seven inches I win. If it's under, you win. Deal?" she said laughing.

"Deal." Laura laughed too. "Wait, what do you get if you win?" Laura asked.


"And if I win?"

Melissa smiled knowingly; she did this for a living after all. "Oh, honey...

"You're not going to!" said the nurse confidently. She was looking forward to her free meal; and the pleasurable activates that would likely follow.


Cora was just as speechless as her younger sister had been after her trip through the clinic's hallways. Well, the large ball gag strapped behind her teeth kept her speechless, but Cora was awestruck none the less.

Their mother had raised them to be proper young women and treat their anal training with a 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' attitude anywhere outside of the home; or someplace where you couldn't hide it if you wanted to. Like a locker room. After all, just because everyone knew that every woman you were likely to meet most likely had a heavy slab of latex stretching their nether hole was no reason to be crass about it!

Such rampant displays of anal shenanigans in semi-public were something Cora had never experienced. Sure, things could get pretty out-of-hand in a locker room full of giggling eighteen and nineteen year olds after gym class; or in the locker rooms after the girls' basketball team had won State earlier this year; or even in the locker rooms at their mother's gym when it got a little too crowded. Come to think about it, women's locker rooms were certainly no place for a prude; that was for certain! Scores of naked and half naked women – some anally plugged, others widely gaping – trying to hold polite conversations with each other as they changed into or out of their workout clothes.

But this clinic was on a-whole-nother level entirely! Cora had never been to Europe, but she imagined it couldn't get much more blatantly exhibitionist over there; although, she did love playing the voyeur. Hopefully, one of these days, she'd get the chance to find out first hand!

Her reverie was interrupted as 'Nurse' Lana wheeled her into the ADVerS room at last.

"Welcome to the Anal Dilation Verification System Room," proclaimed the blonde sadist happily. Glancing down to her tightly bound charge, "Let's get you all set up right next to your sister. She's got quite the head start on you."

Cora lifted her head up to look around the fairly large chamber. She had entered from the single door in one of the room's corners. All four walls had half a dozen stations built into them; almost all of which were occupied by a naked woman restrained to a Multi-purpose Geological Chair. The few stations that were empty looked to be in the process of being cleaned to get them ready for their next patients. The entire room was filled with the sounds of gagged women grunting and crying in what was either horrendous pain or rapturous pleasure; Cora couldn't quite make out the difference.

"Cora Wilder for a standard Dilation Verification procedure," announced Lana to the head nurse as she and Cora approached the room's central control pavilion. "Station 14 should be reserved for her; right next to Emily Wilder in Station 13."

"Let's see," said the stern looking older nurse. She had long, dark hair, an athletic build, medium sized breasts, and wore an aura of authority that said, 'I don't have time for any of your shit today!'

Glancing at the nurse's nametag, Cora saw her name and title was, Senior Nurse Jocelyn. Next to her name tag was a button similar to 'Nurse' Lana's button advertising the Certified Capacity program. Unlike 'Nurse' Lana's unimpressive 69% though, Senior Nurse Jocelyn button proclaimed a full 100%! It even had a large pink star sticker next to the number.

"Ah, I see her scheduled," the imposing looking dark haired nurse said at last. "Go ahead and sign her in and get her hooked up.

"Wait a minute. Did you sign in Emily Wilder earlier? I found her procedure reservation but I'm not seeing her actually signed in."

Lana stuttered for a second before answering. "Sorry, I must have forgotten. I really am in quite a hurry. Can you sign them both in for me while I get her hooked up?" asked the suddenly very subdued nurse as she turned to push Cora away from the control pavilion and steer her to the waiting station.

"No." It was a single word that stopped the blonde nurse in her tracks. "What kind of place do you think this is? An amusement park? We have to keep extensive records for the insurance companies. Now get over here and put your thumb on the pad to sign in your patients. It'll only take you half a damn second."

Lana looked like she wanted to argue, but finally said nothing. She brought up the forms on the pavilion's monitors and signed in both her patients. Quickly, she turned to go about her duties.

"Just hold one second, Nurse Lana," said the head nurse authoritatively. "You're flagged. You missed your own, regularly scheduled, bi-weekly Dilation Verification procedure last night. Is that why you were avoiding signing in your patients? Just how long did you expect to get away with this charade?" demanded Nurse Jocelyn.

Lana only looked at her feet in dismay. "Can I make it up tonight?" she asked after a few seconds.

"I'm afraid not. Looking through your records, this is your fourth offense this year. I'm afraid this is unacceptable." Turning in her seat to the pretty crew cut blonde nurse next to her, "Nurse Mandy, please take Nurse Lana to an empty exam room. Get her strapped onto a MGC, cleaned out and back here for an extended procedure.

"And you, Nurse Lana, I'm writing you up this time. I'm also setting your ADVerS to Punishment Mode today.

"Nurse Mai," Jocelyn called over her shoulder to a Japanese nurse in her late twenties, who was looking on with a grin.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Please take over for Nurse Lana for the Wilder girls. Stations 13 and 14."

"Yes ma'am!" snapped Nurse Mai as she moved over to Cora's restrained body and got her MGC back in motion. "Good morning... Cora," said Mai politely, as she glanced at her tablet as all the necessary data was dumped into its local memory. "I'm Nurse Mai, but you can just call me Mai. Well, you can call me Mai when that gag comes out," she added with a grin. "Anyway, it looks like you're going in for a standard Dilation Verification procedure, is that correct?"

Cora nodded confirmation at this new nurse.

"No need to be scared," consoled the cute Japanese woman. "It only hurts for a little while. Just think of it as an automated way to insert a maximum capacity dildo up your bottom. I'm sure you and your sister have had lots of practice doing that with your mother, right?"

Cora tried to smile behind her oversized ball gag and nodded again.

"Alright, first, let's get you vertical," said Nurse Mai as they approached Station 14. Cora felt the MGC jerk momentarily before she found herself sitting straight up; and staring directly at her younger sister, Emily.

The youngest Wilder was strapped vertically to her MGC identically to her older sister, Cora. The device was backed up against the wall where it had been securely mounted by numerous connection points to ensure that it was sturdy and couldn't move. Cora allowed her eyes to start at her beautiful sister's red hair and pretty face; a face that was currently contorted in the throes of obvious multiple-orgasms. Emily's eyes were half rolled back as snot and drool ran out of her nose and mouth to splatter onto her naked and heaving tits. The young redhead was making cute gurgling noises past her gag.

Moving her gaze downward, Cora wished she could lick her lips as she watched the drool and snot run down Emily's perfect 32B breasts to drip off her rock hard nipples or collect along the underside of the small, creamy orbs. Just below those heaving bosoms, Cora could see the unmistakable outline of something working its way through the deepest depths of Emily's rectal tract. The obviously very large object was causing the cute eighteen year old's toned belly to budge outward obscenely as it made its way from her anal opening, through the first few feet of her colon, and up under her rib cage. God only knew where the foreign object finally stopped!

Emily stopped to admire the enticing view of her sister's distended belly before completing her visual inspection. Emily's legs – just like Cora's own – were still widely spread and pulled upwards so that their knees were at the level or their torsos. The effect was to make Emily's succulent pussy almost gape open as what looked like gallons of precious cunt juice leaked from the moist red hole. Cora wanted to protest! Such delicious juices should be making their way into her stomach, not down the conveniently located drain below her orgasming sister!

That just wasn't right!

Finally, Cora's gaze fell on the rubber hose coming out of Emily's catheterized piss hole and the sizable, smooth latex shaft that was slowly, but unstoppably, being pushed and pulled through the straining sphincter of her lovely young sister. Cora wasn't certain on exactly what Emily's maximum capacity was, but she was darn sure this monster was getting pretty damn close!

"Well, what do you think?" asked Mai at last as she stood next to Cora to admire the pretty little redhead. "Let me introduce you to the Anal Dilation Verification System, Model 3700, produced by Anal by Design. While it looks like your standard fucking machine, it's actually quite advanced. Sensors throughout the shaft measure sphincter tension and colonic stretching; and it adjusts its size accordingly. Numerous safety features and fail-safes are built in to ensure that a girl's bottom is not stretched any farther than it's already been trained to do. Of course, that's in Verification Mode. A ride in Punishment Mode – like Lana will soon be experiencing – is considerably more... errr... intense," commented Mai as she shivered slightly.

"The shaft is self lubricating and made of ultra-slick, smooth latex, so it won't damage your insides; we leave that up to your mother and sister!" Mai said with a wink. "I would ask if you had any questions before we begin, but that would be kind of silly now wouldn't it?

"So let's get your MGC locked in and we can begin with a medium sized catheter for your urethra; or would you like something bigger? Personally, I prefer something in the range of extra large with nubs or small ridges on it," Mai asked hopefully.

Cora shook her head, 'no' as her MGC was loved into position.

"To each her own, I guess," said the petite beauty. She picked up a small sound and lubricated it so she could start stretching Cora's pee-hole with it. She'd noted earlier – as she'd scanned Cora's file – that this was the young woman's first visit to the Dermott Clinic. Mai didn't want to hurt or frighten the teenager.


"Alright, let's get you over to the ADVerS so we can get this physical back on track," Melissa said. "As it is, we're almost half an hour behind schedule and I'm going to have to find another nurse to cover my next appointment. Although, I was able to convince you to get your Certified Capacity check done, so my punishment for going over the allotted time span shouldn't be as severe as it could be."

"I'm sorry if I got you in trouble, Melissa," Laura said sadly. "I didn't know that a physical running over was bad for you."

"Don't worry about it, Laura. It happens to all the nurses at least a few times a week," she said as she rummaged through the exam room's shelves. "Now, you know the drill, cock or ball?" she asked holding up a gag in each hand.

"Cock gag, of course," Laura replied to Melissa's question.

"Yeah, I guess it was a silly question," the leather-clad nurse said as she laid the ball gag aside and brought the inch and a half thick, twelve inch long phallus to her patient's open and waiting mouth. "I prefer these to ball gags myself," she continued as she fed the length of the dildo gag into Laura's throat; effectively silencing any further speech for the moment. Just as she'd expected, the hot, restrained cougar took every inch into her throat with barely a hint of gag reflex.

Melissa's own mother had considered gagging during deep throat the sign of an amateur. Thankfully, mommy dearest had ensured that each of her three daughters had mastered the distinguished, age-old art of fellatio before their senior years of college. Obviously, Laura's mother – or possibly her husband – had felt the same way. She made a mental note to ask about which one was the case during their date.

"Ready to go?" she asked rhetorically as she unlocked the MGC's wheels and rolled Laura out into the hallway. Despite herself, she always found the sensation of the wind rushing up her gaping asshole as she was pushed, butt-first, down the hallway disconcerting. A proper woman's ass just shouldn't be left open and empty like that for all the world to see.

Although she'd been wheeled around this clinic many times while gagged and bound to an MGC, the humiliation of it all still gnawed at her soul. She realized that most of the women who would see her were professional medical personnel – who saw literally hundreds of bound and gagged females rolling through their halls every day – but that did little to quiet the burning desire to cover herself and save what little was left of her virtue. For sure, that was one of the main reasons why her hands and arms were securely bound over and behind her head. These busy people had little time to deal with one woman's overdeveloped sense of modesty.

As they approached the main nurse's station, Laura noticed Veronica – Doctor Dermott, that is – standing amidst six or seven nurses, lecturing the group about something obviously important; as each nurse was tapping in notes into her tablet. At least half of them had their backs towards Laura's oncoming MGC giving the bound woman an excellent view of their fully plugged bottoms through the cutouts of their uniforms.

Sweet, Lord! Laura thought appreciatively as she admired the nurses' latex filled backsides, which were clearly on display to anyone standing behind them. I didn't realize until now that possessing a big, firm ass was a requirement to become a nurse here! Of course, the high heels, garters and stocking each woman wore undoubtedly accented their womanly assets.

As they approached the group, Veronica recognized the large breasted woman who was tightly bound to one of her MGCs coming her way. "Laura? Laura Wilder! Holy shit, girl! You're looking amazing! Have you been having a lot of great sex lately, because it shows," she said happily as she stepped up to the MGC which Melissa was bringing to a stop at the obvious desire of her boss.

"You don't need to answer that," Veronica said playfully as she came to Laura's side and nonchalantly slipped two fingers into the reclining woman's hot, and very wet, pussy. Her thumb immediately found an aroused clit and the digits quickly began to massage Laura's cunt and love button expertly; as the dozen or so anally-plugged nurses occupying the station looked on with interest.
