A Second Chance Ch. 01


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Finally, I found her puss and stroked and squeezed.

"Oh shit," she gasped, "Shit... Craig... please!"

That was enough and I slipped a finger into her sopping pussy for some lubrication, then up to her clit with my thumb, while the moisturised finger was back inside and searching for the patch of roughness on the inside front wall, where Anna's G-spot had been.

There it was, and I massaged both.

"CRAIG!" she gasped, "Shit... Craig, oh my CHRIST!" she all but screeched the final deity and I felt her roll into an orgasm, as Anna would have done, but with a lot less surprise.

She lay there beside me panting, still pushed up against me.

"You obviously weren't expecting that, Cal?"

"Christ on a bike, Craig, where did THAT come from?"

"Practice mate," I said leaning down to kiss her and roll over her. She smiled and slipped her arms around my neck, parting her thighs at the same time, and I slipped into her hot, and now very well lubricated pussy, settling deep and up to the hilt.

"Oh yeah," she hissed into my ear, "shit, I'd forgotten how good that was, and how much I've missed it, there's NO substitute!" she hissed as I began to thrust in and out of her, "Oh, fuck yeah."

She held me tighter, gasping my name which inspired me to work that bit harder, remembering all the things I did with Anna, and the encouragement she would give me during and after we made love.

"Christ," she hissed, "Oh, Craig!" She squeezed me tighter than anyone ever had before, "Craig!" I kept up my thrusts and raised my head to watch her expressions and was just in time as she screwed up her face, cried out and I felt her muscles contract, even to tighten over my dick and then pulsate as her orgasm took her, then she relaxed into the bed, and I slowed a bit knowing she'd got there.

I kissed her, and she went back at me even more so.

"That OK?"

Her smiling, ever so slightly embarrassed, face was a picture and she giggled.

"OK?" She put her hands to each side of my face, then kissed my face, "That was AMAZING! I've never been made love to like that before!" She squeezed her eyes shut, "You made me come... you brought me off, Craig. No man has ever made me come before EVER!" She opened her eyes again, "but you did it twice in..." she shook her head, "in however long we were doing it."

"Wasn't looking at my watch Cal," I kissed her back, "Fancy a go on top?"

"You mean you haven't..." I shook my head and she grinned, "then, could we stay like this-please? Only... it's so lovely..." The smile she gave me meant that no way could I not do what she asked.

I started to speed up, changing position slightly, our mouths met yet again. I decided to try what Anna called 'aural sex'; that is 'talking about it'.

"Come on then Cal," I said speeding up a touch, "come for me again." I pushed in and out as hard as I could, stretching up onto my extended arms, and bashing away at her groin. Her response was to almost growl and raise her thighs high to allow me even closer.

"Fuck me Craig," she said, "fuck me, make me come... again!"

"Again?" I grabbed her freshly exposed arse cheek, giving it a gentle slap, squeeze then a loving stroke.

"Again, please! Awwwwww shit! It's...oh Craig, I'm so close!"

That was enough, and I gave it my all.

"Come for me, Cal, just for me..." She pulled me back down and clung to me, meeting my thrusts with her own, adding a series of 'uh, uh, uh' grunts at each, getting louder as she got there.

"Craaaaaig!" she cried out, pushing her face into my neck as she trembled through her third come, and I was so turned on that I joined her, pushing deep one last time. "Oh Craaaig," she sighed, "Where has THAT been all my life?" She kissed me again, holding me tight.

"Practice." I said, "just practice..." we fell to smooching the crap out of the other, just holding and being held. I woke a while later and pulled the condom from my deflated penis, tying it off and dropping it beside the bed.

I came round at my usual work o'clock and the pretty face was on the next pillow. Time for tea, without question.

I slipped out and pulled on my PJ T-shirt that had fallen to the floor the night before, and the boxers thrown next to it, picking up the condom to walk downstairs. Leaving my bedroom door open I looked back at my bedmate from the night before, as she stirred.

She had been quite right, where had all that come from?

Screwing Anna had always been great of course, and I don't know if the sexual fast I'd undertaken had made the night with Callie more special, or if Callie's surprise at our intensity had made it that much more exciting, I wasn't sure.

In the kitchen, I switched on the kettle and got down two mugs, dropping tea bags into each, and opening the fridge for the milk.

In a few minutes I was walking back upstairs with the tea and could hear some moving around from the next floor up and figured Callie had gone up to get her clothes, get dressed or wake up Emmie, I hoped she was still OK with what we'd done.

But no, checking in the room, I saw the body shape still were I'd left it, moments before. Thinking quickly, I put down the mug on Callie's bedside table, and whispered into her ear,

"Cal, Emmie's up!" hearing her feet as she carefully came down the stairs, one at a time.

I grabbed the T-shirt I'd worn the night before, and snatched up her tiny blue panties, and stuffed them under the duvet to my waking lover.

I walked across to the doorway to a beaming Emmie.

"Morning Craig!" she said with a yawn, "where's Mummy? She isn't in her room."

I quick glance told me that she was dressing under the covers, so I decided to make a game of it and gain some time.

"Well Emmie, I'm SURE I don't know where your Mummy is, have you checked... the bathroom?" I made a huge play of looking everywhere but the moving shape on my bed.

Emmie giggled.

"I think she's hiding in YOUR BED!"

"My bed!?" I stood tall and smirked, "do you think that your Mummy might have hidden in my room to have a crafty cup of tea?" Callie's hand snuck out from the covers and picked up the mug, it disappeared for a second then came back out again to be put back down.

"Mummy!?" said the giggling four-year-old loudly.

"No Mummies here," she said in a slightly muffled, poorly disguised voice.

I put a finger on my lip, stepped to one side and suggested Emmie sneak up, and she did so; until I got level with the bed-hider's toe and tapped it, making her fling the duvet back with a laugh, grabbing her darling daughter and pulling her up and onto the bed, tickling her as she landed.

It was generally explained that Mummy was in Craig's room having a cup of tea, and Emmie saw no problem with that, after all Auntie Nicki had been in Mummy's room in her PJ's drinking tea a few weeks back.

I collected my mug and sat on that side of the bed, looking down at my two very cute houseguests, wrapped warmly in my duvet and sharing the large mug of tea I'd made for Callie.

Emmie was her usual cutie self, just as enchanting as she ever was, and chatting with us about what Disney film she was going to watch next, and it was due to be Frozen 2.

"Has Bonnie recommended Cinderella, or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?" I asked.

Emmie looked at me, and it was obvious she knew of their existence, but Best-Friend-Bonnie probably concentrated on the new stuff.

"Are they as good as 'Toy Story'?" said the tiny critic.

"I think so," I said, "do you like Disney Princesses, Little Princess?"

She giggled and leant back into her Mum,

"Yes," She nodded quite grandly.

"Well Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are the BEST Princesses honey."

"If you're a good girl Emmie, perhaps Craig will let you watch them?"

"Pleeeeeeease Craig!" she burst out, kneeling up on the bed, making her Mum take a firmer grip on her mug.

"Seeing as it's you and you asked so nicely, Sweetie, yes, you can. The TV AND Disney Plus are yours until bedtime!"

She bounded across the bed on her knees to hug me, Callie had the biggest cheesiest grin on her face, and biting her bottom lip.

"I think it's time we all went downstairs and had breakfast."

"Yaaaay!" said Emmie, and with both Callie and I finishing our tea, we all got up and made our way downstairs.

Emmie was lifted up onto one of the taller kitchen table chairs, and given a bowl of cereal while we decided what was going to be the main course, all the while with me being treated to the sight of the gorgeous Callie wearing my polo shirt like a dress, with tantalising hints of her bottom appearing when she bent to the fridge, or raised her arms to a high cupboard.

We had lots of eggs, so I decided on ham, red onion and tomato omelettes, which, with the addition of some tinned mushrooms Callie had found made a pretty spectacular meal and Emmie yummed up the whole thing.

My concern about using leftovers saw us all heading for the supermarket and a grocery shopping trip, I pushed the trolley with a very bubbly Emmie sat in the chair, commenting on items purchased and requesting some different ones. As she'd gotten to know me, she became more and more cheeky, but delightfully so.

We finished our shopping, and Callie suggested cake and coffee in the store Café, and I agreed. Halfway through, she cursed silently, excused herself, and dashed off, returning a few minutes later.

"Something I'd forgotten," she said, "lady thing."

That was enough for me.

We went home, and it was shopping packed away, feet up and 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'.

It was enchanting, and even though the movie was over eighty years old, little Emmie was glued to it, grabbing my hand when the wicked witch transformed, looking up to her Mum just to check that she was OK.

That was followed Cinderella, more sighs, and chuckles then Callie announced it was bathtime and that she could watch 'Sleeping Beauty' before tea and then bedtime.

Tea was simple, nice and 'up to the table' in my dining room, and very much a 'family affair'. I did notice that Callie's hair was wet, and she must have had bath time as well as her daughter.

We watched 'Sleeping Beauty' and Emmie had no fears that things might go badly, and was sat up on her knees, bouncing on the middle seat of long sofa as the prince escaped then fought the dragon.

It was hot chocolate, a big hug and a kiss goodnight from my tiny guest, and she was carried off to bed.

Callie was missing for a good twenty minutes, by which time I had the Disney Plus dipping into a few of my favourite 'Scrubs' episodes, I began to wonder if Callie had gone to bed herself.

It was very strange, we'd had a great time the night before, had all had a lovely day and it didn't seem like Callie would have just disappeared.

The answer came about ten minutes after, and I smelled it before I saw it. It was a very delicate perfume and I looked just as my guest framed herself in the doorway of the sitting room.

Callie looked amazing, her hair had been brushed out and tidied, she'd applied make-up, not something I'd seen on her over and above some pre-work lipstick, and to cap it all she was wearing my polo shirt of the night before.

"I think it's time I put you to bed Craig as well..." she hissed.

I gulped, my mouth flapping idiotically as I watched.

OK, Anna had done this kind of thing dozens of times and would have been naked, in some sexy corsetry, in skimpy underwear, stockings and heels, and would have looked sexy, rude and with the meanest, hottest 'come and get it' smile I'd ever seen.

But here was curvy, sweet and sexy, single-Mum Callie wearing some make-up and my polo shirt, the collar up and the buttons undone and pulled down a bit, and I was buzzing like an eighteen-year-old virgin looking at the amazingly sexy girlfriend for the first time. An amazing, sexy girlfriend who was just the tiniest bit shy, but fighting it and displaying her amazing body. I switched off the TV and stood, switching off the lights as I walked towards her.

"You going to read me a story Cal?"

"If you're a very good boy Craig," she said, beckoning me to her with a crooked finger, then walking up the stairs in front of my, the flat of her hand keeping my long shirt over her bottom that swung from left to right almost mechanically as she stepped up.

Into my bedroom and I saw both bedside lamps were on and a water glass on 'her' bedside table, she had thought about this! She took my hand and led me to 'my' side of the bed, and unbelted, unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, skinning them down for me to step out of, then put her arms around my waist and pulled me close to kiss me.

It was our first one since the night before and very enjoyable. She pulled back slightly, kissed my cheek and grabbed the bottom of my T-shirt and pulled it over my head, tossing it to the adjacent chair. She pushed me back to sit on the bed and took a pace back,

"I suppose you want your T-Shirt back now," she said gasping the bottom of my shirt she was wearing.

"I absolutely insist," I said.

"Shame," she said, holding it around her small waist, "it smells so nicely of you, and I like that; still, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do..." she pulled the thing over her head, throwing it to the same chair.

She stood straight again, and I saw she was wearing the most amazing royal blue (her favourite colour) lacy body, cut high on her hips, transparent over her tiny tummy and navel, a string bisecting that perfect arse, with small spaghetti straps holding up her amazing cleavage.

"Wow, Callie," I said, "you look amazing!"

"I confess, this is the 'lady thing' I bought while you were drinking coffee and talking to Emmie about which was your favourite Disney song," she put her weight onto one hip, and rested a hand on it. She looked even sexier.

"I'll drink coffee and babysit Emmie any time you like if you're buying more like this."

"We'll talk about that," she stepped forward, put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me back, sliding on top of me.

We started the same kind of kissing we had the night before and it was just as nice, nicer in fact, without the suggestion that this was because of the two bottles of wine we'd shared.

"This is all down to you Craig," she sighed, breaking our kiss, "this is the first month I've had spare money to buy something pretty for me in at least a year, and it's because I'm not paying you rent at the moment."

"Aren't you?" I placed both of my hands on the cheeks of her arse and squeezed, "weeell, that's one good thing at least... and I got to appreciate all this." I kissed her again.

"You have a great body as well Craig," she said, running her hand across my shoulders and chest, I didn't work out but did some heavy lifting as part of my job, I also swam once a fortnight, a hangover from Uni days.

"This body though Cal," I said, "You are fucking gorgeous mate."

"Thank you!" she said and kissed me again, "I have noticed you looking sometimes!"

"Can you blame me?"

I started to play with her as I had the night before, stroking and strumming that amazing arse, cupping her large boobs in their lace cups, and gently squeezing them, pinching her hard nipples (just the same as I had with Anna, and she groaned in the same way!) I pushed her onto her back and lay on my side to enjoy myself more.

"Are you going to enjoy me again Craig?" she whispered.

I kissed her and flipped down the first of the shoulder straps, lowering the whole thing so her right breast was bare, and looking amazing.

"Yeah," I said, "you do need to put that statement into context though, Cal."

"You're going to put this body," she stopped kissing me momentarily, waving her hand down her semi-naked gorgeousness, "into context?"

"No," I said, "I'm going to put this body into orgasm... many, MANY orgasms in fact."

"Ooooooh Craig!" she wriggled under me again, "The thing is..." she mashed her lips against mine, our tongues swirling, "I actually believe you..."

After more breast manipulation and nipple-play she was panting again, so I kissed my way from her still-wet and hard nipples down her chest, stomach until I reached the crotch of her bodysuit, and undid the three poppers that had held it closed, then lifted the top flap up and off her groin, raising it to expose more sensitive flesh to kiss and caress.

"You'll see my stretch marks!" she giggled, as I kissed those very things, tiny lines just above the crowns of both hip bones. She was soon gasping and writhing again, as my lip reach the thin strip of hair that crowned her mons.

Having done this many times, I started as I meant to go on, and kissed down her labia, stopping at the exact moment she screeched and giggled, moving my head away. I moved it back, she pushed me away again.

I laughed and rested up on my elbows.

"So Callie," I narrowed my eyes, "do I take it you haven't really... ever had... that kind of thing done to you?" Not wanting to spook her the term 'oral'.

"A few times!?" she squeaked, but not with real conviction, so I climbed up to rest at her waist.

"Would you like me to show you?"

"I'll need to go to the bathroom... first, like," she said with a soft smile.


She smirked,

"Woman things," she bit her bottom lip, and put a hand across her eyes.

"Trust me Callie, no you don't."

"But..." she looked just a little unsure.

"I've been told by an expert I'm bloody good at it."


I pushed her scrunched up bodysuit further up and kissed her navel. Kissing my way down again.

"So... how... do you want me?" she looked down at me between her breasts.

"Your head on your pillow, totally relaxed and ready for me."

"That complicated then," she said and lay back down again, as I lowered my tongue to her already wet puss, I felt her initial trembles.

Fifteen minutes, and three orgasms (at least) she was laying back on my bed, the amazing, blue, lacy, bodysuit, a scrunched-up ring around her waist.

She slowed her breathing and released her hands from my head and the side of my face.

"Ooooooohkay," she hissed, "that was definitely a first for me..."

"Really?" I said, adding some disappointed surprise, "none of your previous lover's ever brought you off with their mouths?"

"Nope!" she giggled, still that shy but very sexy single Mum I'd been with, "My first boyfriend had a go, but said he couldn't do the taste of pussy."

I raised up on my elbows again,


"Yeah, then my last long-term partner, Ralph..." she paused, "Emma..." she started again, "My Emmie's Dad, just said he didn't like doing it. He would normally add that blowjobs for men were much easier and a virtual must-have for any relationship."

"What a pair of twats," I said, "honey, I swear to God, you taste divine, and those bastards, however innocently, have convinced you that your delectable puss somehow tasted funny."


"Not twenty minutes ago you were totally against me going down on you and needed to go to the bathroom," she made to cut in, "EVEN THOUGH I know you had a shower at the same time as Emmie was having her bath. Right?"

She pushed herself further up on her elbows to look at me,

"Yep, they absolutely did." She looked at me, "And it doesn't smell down there or taste... odd?"

I crawled up beside her, and pushed my just damp face near to hers,

"Smell," I said.

"I can do better than that," she pushed her mouth to mine, then I felt her tongue between my lips and against mine.


"I don't taste that bad at all do I!" she grinned between our kisses.

"No," I said, "BUT Callie, promise me you won't get a taste for women's pussies," I paused, "not unless you let me watch of course."

She laughed, and slipped her arms around my neck,

"Especially if it was me and Nicki?" she said with raised eyebrows. I made my mouth drop open in some affected shock, and tried to protest, but she cut in, "I saw you checking out her arse in my PJ shorts AND my tight scrubs the next morning!" She giggled rudely as I pulled her tighter to me, desperate to get my innocence across. "Oh, come on Craig," she said, "I bet it at least crossed your mind when I told you she was staying the night in my room," she wriggled a bit more and gave it 101% sexy siren, "when we both appeared in my tightest shorts!"