All Comments on 'A Short Fall, A Shorter Rope'

by satyrsbard

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timrivtimrivabout 3 years ago

Stupid, sorry but it is. 0 stars

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 3 years ago


It was tough reading at first. I'm glad I stuck with it and everything turned out incredible. Fiction is fantastic.

Five Stars

mordbrandmordbrandabout 3 years ago

Was getting ready to skip ahead after page one and give you a 1, but then you salvaged it. Kudos.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

He talks of thomas and lexie has a son, singular. But she got pregnant again, right?

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 3 years ago

I am not reading this ridiculous nonsense. Cleans up his wife. For fucks sake that is so absolutely disgusting and twisted, not to mention dangerous. You need your head examined.

Tiger27Tiger27about 3 years ago

Great story!

Loved the cement overshoes. 😁

RePhilRePhilabout 3 years ago

He gave her money. What. Total Wimp ass castrated Cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You know that intro bit you wrote at the start, a warning about suicide would have prevented me going further, don't know if they succeeded, quit reading with the stool being pushed out from under them, 1* would give minus score if I could.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 3 years ago

He goes from having no self respect to having 2 women fall in love with him? Sorry, I don't think so.

swedishreader1swedishreader1about 3 years ago

To make a long story short.

Page 1....the guy sucks cock

Page 2 and 3 he has long bouts of adulterous sex.

Page 4 a bit of murder porn and revenge that excites the closet cucks.

1* for the first page.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Utterly ridiculous! Wimp turned stud fucking 2 women? Ridiculous mob bullshit too 1*

francemanfrancemanabout 3 years ago

too much too much. in the bad as in the good.

Often too much imagination or exaggeration detracts from the narrative.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 3 years ago

Story started out OK, particularly with the attempted suicide. But then the story was just another by-the-numbers BTB, and then the stupidity of a man living with two wives. So, would have been a 1*, but the beginning results in 2*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Dr beulahthebrit; Total BTB crap as usual. 0 stars

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 3 years ago

Decent. The first part was very difficult to read through. How did Lexie get him to change colleges? That is quite a process, and unless a) he applied there, and b) there was room he wouldn't be able to switch unless a LOT OF MONEY was involved. Also, you completely left out their families. What about the parents and siblings? Unless her family was seriously mentally deranged, her actions would have elicited a huge apology from the parents and she would be in deep sh-t. As to giving her money, I wouldn't have. She deserved to go back to her parents as a cheating slut with her lover's child. She really should have a miserable life full of regret.

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 3 years ago

You did well. Gave you 4 stars for the quick having kids and getting too much revenge. The guy in the river was a little overdone as well but it worked.

Looking forward to more from you.

ribnitinribnitinabout 3 years ago

The story would have been more credible with either Cindy or Stella. Having both made it into too much of a fantasy.

The writing is crisp and clear, and it held my attention.

Realdeal123Realdeal123about 3 years ago

Nice story but I wish MC was more ruthless on his ex.

SkubabillSkubabillabout 3 years ago

I would enjoy a sequel

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Story went from awful to good, then to really good. But the polygamous ending dropped it back to *3 for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

"This is a one or two-parter...your choice. "


No, it's the writer's choice. If you have so little faith in your own story you'll only continue it if people kiss your ass, don't bother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Underdog wins finally! We’ll written story that ended as it should.

Kudos to you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Oh and 5 Stars from TK

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Page one was so bad right out of the gate that I just had to give up.

If it got better, good on ya.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

There's NO way he should have given Lexie anything. Let alone be friends with her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Terrible, disgusting female. Why bother?


IndyOnIndyOnabout 3 years ago

Looks like a future series??

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyabout 3 years ago

I just read the first paragraph. Personally, I believe that anyone who wishes to take their own life should succeed. Back to the story.

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyabout 3 years ago

Still page 1. "I was helpless to stop her." No one likable here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is just idiotic: "I gave her twenty grand to get her started and let her keep the Camaro."... Yet more misplaced "chivalry" in an LW story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Disgusting, he should have went through with killing himself after swallowing another dudes cuma nd letting him fuck him in the ass

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Would have been more interesting if the suicide was successful and the story became the fallout of Lexie’s life as a result of his death.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What was the point of teasing us with jujitsu if it was never used?

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 3 years ago
Good thing that after page 1 I continued reading

It was touch and go though.

The rest of the story was enjoyable and I will likely give that part another read.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Started as an awful story and then morphed into an excellent story. I normall give Cuck stories 1/5, but this one earned its 5/5, that is why l read all stories that interest me. Because every now and then what appears to be a cuck tale turns out to be something better


danbo56danbo56about 3 years ago

enjoyed the read waiting on your next story 3.5 stars for me

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Lexi deserves to be on a street corner somewhere, earning money for childcare and her drug habit.

management91399management91399about 3 years ago

Seemed like he went from hanging himself to a threesome in 24 hours. No one noticed the rope burns on his neck or dropped him off at the psych ward because he tried to off himself but two women in a programming class have BOTH been holding out for him waiting for this moment to share him? I'm thinking had this been paced out better throughout all these notes you hit throughout could have been played in a multipart series. It was more like watching a lifetime movie in fast forward. Now that you've seen the comments maybe give it a polish and pad it out a little bit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Depressing as hell. The poly stuff ruined it completely.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 3 years ago

so does he still suck on cocks? sorry but any guy that does that is either gay or bi or to stupid to live. skimming this thing made me feel like i was watch some sick cartoon wasnt a real person in it

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

If 'Loverboy' showed "no visible means of support", wasn't the same true of Mark? Was he a trust-fund baby? Or was he mobbed-up, too? Otherwise, an interesting and creative story. That Mark chose to fight back is a breath of fresh air in the cuck-infested pond of LW. Thanks!!!! 4/5!!!

BaggyUKBaggyUKabout 3 years ago

We all like a happy ending fairy story and this is one. Quite well written too, thank you.

trandall9991trandall9991about 3 years ago

Now thats a story. Well written, thought out. and even a death btb. Not bad. Excellent. Seems not everybody is into cuck stories

DazzyDDazzyDabout 3 years ago

I skipped the middle cuck, cuck, and more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Thank goodness that 2 of the hottest bisexual women had just been waiting for a chance at a long term 3some with a guy they didnt even know! Wow talk about luck!!!

It was decently written, just the story was so out there that I thought it was stupid and skimmed alot towards the end. Also am I missing something, the ex had 2 bull trophies correct? Maybe I missed the part where the mob took one to raise as their own as payment for letting her live.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 3 years ago

Actually the last three pages were his hypoxia induced fantasy as the rope cut off oxygen to his brain, because no male — he clearly wasn’t a man — would have put up with the shit he did on page one.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 3 years ago

So, a guy who was too blah to ever have a girlfriend throughout high school was just so hot, hot, hot that he had two gorgeous girls checking him out in college, to the extent that his wife noticed them, and warned them away? A guy that couldn't get his wife off with his cock was a super stud with two bi babes? A guy who was able to swallow his pride enough to suck his wife's bull's dick and get fucked up his candy ass was a manly man when it came to Cindy and Stella, studly enough to keep them both so satisfied that they were willing to share him?

In the original comic books, weak and lame physician Donald Blake, hopelessly in love with his nurse, Jane Foster, but too meek and scared to tell her, finds an old wooden staff in a cave in Norway, strikes a rock with it, and becomes the mighty Thor, God of Thunder. That's more believable than this one!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

51 comments on a cuckold garbage story? Unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ah-SO, OOPS, sorry, I meant Ass-Ho Reed Richards denigrating this author for what-ever reason. I've had the opportunity to read some Reed Richards handiwork... and Eh. LP

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

"Actually the last three pages were his hypoxia induced fantasy as the rope cut off oxygen to his brain..." Nailed it.

nixroxnixroxabout 3 years ago

1 star - no comment

usaretusaretabout 3 years ago

Good story, well written in my mind. Not just that, I just enjoyed it.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 3 years ago

Cuckold nonsense. No man would willingly suck off another guy unless he was gay... and letting himself be fucked In the ass too? He was quite clearly gay as a maypole!

After everything Lexie did to him, I wouldn't have blamed him for beating her to death. Instead, he gives her a car and $20k?!

Reed was right, the plot for this was ludicrous.

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 3 years ago

You never know,

what a story will offer if you don't read it all. Turned out to be an enjoyable story.

Thank you satyrsbard keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

@angelrider, are you saying that you NEVER had a mouth full of cum....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Leave out the MM sexual contacts! If you're going to do that, put it in a different section or declare it ahead of time. Ruins otherwise decent tales. One star.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Sad pathetic gay writer trying to deal with his denial issues by writing them out and posting them in public.

You sir need help but by now you've accepted who and what you are and most likely happily married to 26thGayCuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Story is not too bad. Some comments suck! LP

BigfundrewBigfundrewover 2 years ago

Decent story but a section on lexie being confronted would have been enjoyable

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 2 years ago

Clever scenario and fun read. It was missing the direct confrontation with the ex , needed to jave that

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. it started bad but got worse and worse as it went on.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You checked all the boxes except for MC being a "part-time Navy SEAL" and "inventing this computer thingy worth millions." Other than that, the writer hit every single trope.

RustyFishRustyFish6 months ago

Promising at first, but after page 2, well, ruined story...

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Rather surprised that there was no comment on the rope burns/scars on his neck from the aborted hanging.

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